Runes #03 - Grimnirs

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Runes #03 - Grimnirs Page 22

by Ednah Walters

  His smile disappeared. “So you think he’s hot?”

  I used to think Blaine was perfect. Not anymore. I shrugged.

  “Do you like him?”

  I sighed. Echo was acting like I had to want only him and no one else. “I’m not doing this with you, Echo. I’m dealing with enough crap without you giving me grief over a friend who just wants to talk. Do you know that it’s my fault Coach Higgins contacted Blaine’s family? Torin missed practice today because he went to search for Maliina. And he left in the middle of one yesterday when Raine contacted him after the soul possessed me.”

  “Torin’s problems are his business. Yours are mine. Blaine is not right for you.”

  I shook my head, getting impatient again. “Why not? After all, he’s not a Valkyrie or a Grimnir. And he dated a Mortal before. Casey. Your lofty laws don’t apply to him.”

  “Oh, but they do. He just chose to ignore them, and look at what happened. The Norns took Casey from him. Idiot. The only ones above the law are the gods, and even their destinies are controlled by the Norns. Don’t waste your time with a shithead like Blaine. In fact, none of the dimwits at your school are good enough for you.”

  He spoke with such glee I wanted to smack him. How could he be so possessive of me yet refuse to give us a chance?

  “Eirik is a god,” I said before I could stop myself.

  Echo scowled. “So?”

  “So he promised to come back.”

  “He can’t come back here.”

  I frowned. “Why not?”

  “Remember the unfinished discussion you didn’t want to hear yesterday?”

  “You mean the one you wanted to discuss after you told me you don’t date puny Mortals? Which, by the way, I’m okay with that now. I’ve moved on. I’ll find someone who thinks I’m worth breaking a few stupid rules.”

  Silence filled the car, the kind that came before an explosion.

  I stole a glance at Echo and wished I hadn’t. His eyes flashed with fury. I must have hit a nerve. Instead of feeling triumphant, I wanted to take my words back. He’d broken enough rules and paid the ultimate price—eternal servitude to Hel. He couldn’t afford to break rules anymore.

  Echo pushed open the door, marched to the garbage by the entrance of Kip’s, and dumped his leftover yogurt. He had barely touched it. Hand fisted, he aimed for the can as though to flatten it. I braced myself, sure he’d destroy the entire sidewalk with a punch. He caught himself and froze.

  I sighed with relief when he stepped back, turned, and walked back to the car. He buckled up and snarled, “Let’s go.”

  I felt worse. Not sure which part of the crap I’d spewed had ticked him off, I said, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have mocked your position. I know what would happen to you if you broke any more rules.”

  He whipped around. “You think I care about Hel’s wrath if I turned you? I would accept a century on Corpse Strand if it meant coming back to you.” He shook his head. “But I refuse to put you through what I’ve seen Mortals endure when they choose one of us. I won’t let it happen. So, yes, I may hate hearing that you’ve moved on and will find someone else, but it is for the best. You can never be mine. You can never love me.”

  Too late. “Don’t worry, Echo. That’s never going to happen.” I put my leftover yogurt in the cup holder and started the car.

  The drive to Raine’s was uncomfortable, the silence oppressive. I hated fighting with Echo but, but I wished he’d stop treating me like a child. I wasn’t asking for forever with him, just a chance to be with him for as long as I could. I brought the car to a stop and switched it off.


  “Don’t. I have one question. Why can’t Eirik come back here?”

  “Because I will capture him and personally escort him to Hel.”

  My stomach dropped. Sometimes I wasn’t sure whether he said things to get a rise out of me or because he let his reckless side take over. I studied his face. “Why would you do that?”

  “The conversation we never finished yesterday involves Eirik. Luring him back to Earth is the reason I came to your house after we met at the store.”

  Now I was confused. “I thought you came because you and Maliina were lovers.”

  Echo rubbed his nape. “No, I was on a mission, Cora. The plan was to use the girl Hel’s son loved as bait and lure him back to Earth. That girl was Maliina the last time I checked. Or should I say, Maliina impersonating you. The fact that Maliina and I had sex a few times just made things easier for me than the other Grimnirs.”


  “Yes. Except I found you, not Maliina. And I put you in harm’s way.” He went silent and then glanced at me. “Torin and Andris were right. I always have an agenda and I’m good at what I do. I lie, bend the laws, and play dirty to win. That’s who I am, and I’ve never had a reason to change.”

  “I don’t believe you. You’re not that manipulative.”

  “Oh, but I am. I was planning to sleep with you, or the person I thought was Maliina pretending to be you, and make sure the Valkyries knew about it so they could contact Eirik to come to your rescue. He’s in love with you. Everyone knows it, including Goddess Hel. She knows that anyone who has you can lure Eirik out of hiding.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Could Echo really be that cold-hearted? “So when you said that the goddess wanted me dead because Maliina had failed to lure Eirik to her, you lied?”


  He didn’t even flinch. “But that was before you knew that I wasn’t Maliina.”

  “Does it matter? I was going to do it up to the point when I learned the truth from Torin that you were not Maliina. That I was dealing with two different women. The truth changed everything, except the objective. I will never use you as bait. You’re the innocent person in all this, and because of that, I’ll protect you from my brothers and sisters eager to please the goddess. But if Eirik comes here, I’ll take him to his mother. Why? Because it is a job. It is my objective. My mission. And I never fail to deliver.” He paused, but his eyes didn’t leave mine. “Like I told you before, I’m not good for you, Cora. I will not lose sleep over handing Eirik to his mother or lying to the Valkyries, but when it comes to you, I can’t—”

  I pressed a finger to his lips. “Shh. I know.”

  Silence filled the car.

  “So you are saying that you’re mean, ruthless, a liar, a manipulator, and basically a badass guy I shouldn’t associate with?”

  He grinned, but his eyes were sad. “That about covers it.”

  Yet he was being honest with me. Just like when he’d opened up and told me about his Druid background and why he’d ended up on Hel duty. He was a good guy. He just didn’t see it.

  “Were you really searching for Maliina last week?”

  “Oh yeah. I want to know what runes she etched on you so we can fix you, but I also have other plans for her. She’s not getting away with what she did to you.”

  If he couldn’t see what an amazing guy he was, I would find a way to show him. I didn’t believe he’d hand over Eirik to his mother, either.

  “I think Raine is trying to get your attention,” Echo said, his gaze on the second floor of the Cooper’s house. I followed his eyes and saw Raine on her window seat. She waved.

  “Just one more question, then I’ll leave. Why are you telling me the truth about your mission?”

  “I hate lying to you. I told you yesterday that I’d always tell you the truth.”

  “What if I told you that taking Eirik to Hel would hurt me?”

  Echo gave me a sad, resigned look. “I’d ask for your forgiveness and then take him anyway. Remember, both his parents are there. And being alive, he cannot be trapped behind the halls of Hel like his father.”

  Funny, I hadn’t looked at it that way. Still, I didn’t believe he’d do it, knowing it would hurt me.

  He scowled. “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “Like what?”

/>   “Like you think I wouldn’t do it. I would. I mean, I will.”

  He sounded like he was trying to convince himself. I wanted to wrap myself around him, kiss him, and love him, and never let go. He might have done terrible things in the past, or what others perceived as terrible, but I was behind him one hundred percent. If I were in his shoes, I would have rescued my Druid sisters and brothers.

  “I believe you’d do the right thing,” I said.

  “Damn straight. Right by me because if I get a chance to take him and let him go, his mother would lock me up with the souls of the worst criminals until Ragnarok. I’m not willing to go through that for him.” He twirled a lock of my hair around his finger. “Go. If you have any more questions, ask me later. I’ll see you tonight.”

  When he let go of my hair, I did something so bold I shocked myself. I leaned forward, gently cupped his cheek, and pressed my lips to his in a whisper of a kiss.

  He froze.

  I rubbed my lips across his, loving the tingling sparks the contact generated and hoping he’d kiss me back. He didn’t pull back, but neither did he kiss me back. In fact, I think he held his breath, his body stiff. I could make him want me. Make him kiss me, but it wouldn’t be the same.

  I sat back and looked into his eyes, hoping he saw that I believed in him. That I wanted him. That I loved him. Nothing he said or did would ever stop me from wanting and loving him.

  If I had taken an artavus and stabbed him in the chest, he wouldn’t have looked more tortured. He lifted his hands as though to grab me, stopped, and balled his hands.

  “Please,” he whispered.

  I wasn’t sure whether the plea was for me to leave or love him. I’d like to think it was the second one. Smiling, I stepped out of the car.

  13. Brokenhearted

  “Someone seems pleased with herself,” Raine said when I entered her room.

  “I am. Sort of. I’m optimistic about… lots of things.” Echo. I plopped on her bed, put my hands behind my head, and grinned at the ceiling. “Thanks for not coming with us. By the way, you are still a sucky liar. I knew your mom didn’t really need you.”

  She made a face. “So you two ‘talked’? I noticed the steaming windows.”

  I grinned. Oh, I wanted to steam windows with that reaper, but it was going to take some maneuvering. “We just talked. Nothing delicious or naughty.”

  “You two going to date?”


  She joined me, lying on her stomach. “Then what’s with the Chesire Cat grin?”

  I propped myself on my elbows, not wanting to jinx things between Echo and me by talking about my hopes. “We are going to be friends.”

  “Friends? With benefits?”

  I laughed. Raine Cooper of six months ago would not have said that. “You have a dirty mind. Are you and Torin reaping the benefits of being perfectly matched?”

  She blushed. “We’re not discussing me.”

  “Then I’m not discussing Echo. I saw Blaine Chapman at Kip’s, and he had the nerve to say he’s come back to lead the Trojans to state.”

  Raine made a face. “He’s kind of right. Torin called his family a few days ago and talked to his dad. Immortals are supposed to be Valkyries’ support team. Remember I told you Andris, Maliina, and Ingrid stayed with his family when they first got here?”

  I nodded.

  “That’s because they are Immortal. Torin knew things were about to get complicated as soon as Echo appeared interested in you. Protecting you became more important than playing ball.”

  Okay. My opinion of Torin just went up several notches. “He’s something else.”

  She grinned. “Dedicated is more like it. Valkyrie business always comes first.”

  “Even ahead of your well-being?” I teased.

  Her cheeks grew red again, but she didn’t need to respond. I’d seen them together. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other. “Blaine seemed angry when we spoke. He said we needed to talk.”

  “He and Andris almost destroyed the viewing when he came to Casey’s funeral. He blamed Andris and Torin for not warning him.” She grimaced. “As if they know for sure who’s going to die before it happens. The lists they are given changes every second, so they’re never sure who is going to die and who isn’t. Anyway, enough talking about Blaine. How did it go with the Burgesses?”

  I scooted to the edge of the bed. “Let’s talk on the way to my place.”

  We stopped by the den and both parents looked up when she opened the door. Her father looked a lot better. His color was back, and he was sitting up, playing a game of chess with Raine’s mother.

  “Hi, Cora,” Mrs. C said when she saw me.

  I waved, but stayed by the door.

  “How are things, Cora?” Mr. C added.

  “Good.” I wasn’t sure whether Raine had told him about my first possession. I’d forgotten to warn her not to. “How are you feeling?”

  “Much better. Are you two going out?”

  Raine kissed his forehead. “To Cora’s. Do you want me to pick up dinner?”

  Her parents exchanged a glance and smiles.

  “No, we are going to cook tonight,” her mother said.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea? Dad just—”

  “I know,” her mother said. “He’ll sit and tell me what to do. Have some fun.” Her mother practically threw us out of the den.

  Raine was still frowning when we drove off. I headed toward town. “You think your dad is not ready to be up and about?”

  “I think Mom is worried. If he’s not back on his feet, he can’t go to Valhalla. The sick go to Hel. There’s no way around it. Worse, Mom might leave at any moment. She’s been summoned to appear before the Council and Forseti.”

  “Who’s that?”

  “The God of Justice. Sometimes I think prolonging Dad’s life is some sort of punishment for what we did.”

  That sounded too close to what Echo had said. Then, I’d thought he was just making up excuses. “You mean your mother trading her Norn wand for your dad?”

  Raine smiled. “Nah, sparing Dad’s life. It was supposed to be temporary. You know, so we could say our goodbyes, but now…” She sighed. “I feel like the Norns are prolonging his suffering to punish us. When he flat lined, Mom said his soul didn’t leave his body. Usually the soul leaves the body and hangs around, waiting to be reaped, or takes off, like the souls you see. But she didn’t see his. It is trapped. I just know it.” Her hands were clenched, and her voice had risen. “As long as it doesn’t leave his body, he’ll not die. He’ll continue to suffer.”

  I reached for her hand and squeezed. “No, Raine. I did.”

  She looked at me. “You did what?”

  “I saw your father last week at the cafeteria. He tried to talk to me. We hadn’t discussed everything, so I couldn’t tell you. His soul appeared to me, Raine.”

  A frown creased her forehead. “Why you?”

  “I didn’t know, but remember when he wanted to see me? He told me he was in total darkness when he saw me. Or rather, he saw the glowing runes Maliina had etched on me, followed them, and found me. That’s why he wanted to talk to me when he came back from the hospital.”

  “That’s why he asked you to try to show compassion to the souls.”

  I nodded. “He said it was dark and scary until he saw my runes. Maybe you are right to believe he was trapped somewhere. Wherever it was, he saw me.” I pulled up outside a grocery store.

  “We should tell Torin and Lavania. They might have an explanation.” She peered at the store. “What are we doing here?”

  “We need snacks, and you know my mother.” I got out of the car, and Raine followed. My mother hated processed foods.

  “I like her pies,” Raine said.

  “So do I, but I eat them all the time, so if I need foods smothered in sugar and fried in saturated fat, I sneak them into my room.”

  “She always knows,” Raine said.

e. I giggled. Mom’s sighs and head shakes whenever she found soda cans and empty Twizzler or potato chips packets in my room didn’t bother me. Dad had a thing for chocolates too, so I wasn’t the only one who got in trouble.

  I snatched a basket when we entered the store. The cashier who’d served us the last time Mom and I were in the store smiled when our eyes met. He didn’t have the female soul stroking his hair anymore. I wondered what she’d wanted to tell him. Had I let her possess me, I would have known.

  I entered the aisle with snacks, grabbed a couple of bars of chocolate for Dad, and then stopped as an idea popped into my head. Raine bumped into me.

  “What is it?” She peered at my face then along the aisle. “You see some? Souls?” she asked in a whisper. I’d told her about my first meeting with Echo.

  “No.” As though my denial had conjured one, a soul of a buff man in a muscle shirt and cargo pants appeared at the end of the aisle. He stared at me strangely. A female in her mid-twenties walked through the shelf on my left. “Scratch that. Two of them are here.”

  “Do you want to leave?” Raine said, her voice rising.

  “No. I came for Twizzlers and Baked Lays, and I intend to get some.” I started forward, my heart pounding. The souls moved closer. I picked up a large bag of Twizzlers, dropped it in the basket, and kept walking. “Besides, I’ve decided to help them.”


  “I’m going to let souls possess me. I helped the Burgesses, Raine. On Monday, Victoria is going to the bank. So I figure, why not help others?”


  I chuckled at the panicked pitch in her voice.

  “No. But I need to practice so I can learn to deal with the eek factor.”

  “Then we’re going to need Echo or Torin to order them out of you. I’m still working on my incantations and can’t do an exorcism.”

  “I know.” Trying to stay calm, I looked into the eyes of the woman. She was yapping, and I was still soul-deaf. “I will come back and help you,” I said, speaking slowly, looking directly into her eyes.

  She stopped talking and tilted her head.

  “I promise to come back and help you,” I added.


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