Hard & Fast_A Hard Thrusting Racing Heart Billionaire Romance

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Hard & Fast_A Hard Thrusting Racing Heart Billionaire Romance Page 59

by Vivien Vale

  "Hello, everyone," I say. "Today was a really nice shoot. Thank you, all of you, for your cooperation and for your patience."

  She's looking at me with big eyes and I know I have her right where I want her. The cast and crew scatter when I show up. I have that effect on people. My authority radiates from me, and I don't mind that people feel nervous around me. It gives me an air of power, something I plan on using against Allie right now.

  She introduces herself confidently, and again I wonder where she gets that kind of natural charisma that I’ve worked so hard to develop.

  "Hello, sir, I'm Allie Baldwin. I don't think we've met yet."

  I can't even believe my ears. I mean, I suspected she didn’t recognize me earlier, but now, up close, she really doesn't remember me? I guess I shouldn't blame her. I look completely different from my younger version. I've grown up now. I'm much taller and pure muscle. Nothing like the geeky kid she used to know.

  I shouldn't expect her to remember me, but it still pisses me off that she doesn't.

  She's gazing at me with intense, hungry eyes and I can tell I have the same effect on her that I do on everyone else. She wants it bad. At least one thing's for sure—she'll never forget me again by the time I’m done with her.

  I will not, however, give her the benefit of knowing who I truly am. This isn’t the right time to reveal the fact that I'm geeky Stanley Armstrong from her past, now only known as Xavier.

  I smile charmingly and say, "Hi, Allie, I’m your new boss. One of the higher-ups."

  I purposely don’t give her my official title. I can't have her knowing that not only am I a higher-up, but I'm the CEO of the whole fucking company. My identity can't be revealed to Allie just yet.

  It gives me such pleasure to say I’m her boss. Pretty soon I'm going to be her boss in more ways than one. In all the ways that count.

  Even though she jilted me in the past, I’m so attracted to her right now that it's the only I can think about. The sexual tension is practically sizzling between us. She wants me...bad, just like all the other women.

  It's not surprising, and I even though I plan to let her in between my sheets, that's as far as it will ever go.

  What Allie doesn't know is if she had stayed true to me, I would've given her the whole goddamn world. I've become a booming success and the fact that she left me in high school, well, that's her problem now. She's obviously struggling for modeling jobs, while I'm at the pinnacle of my career. The knowledge is satisfying.

  "I'm overseeing this shoot," I say, not wanting to reveal too much truth.

  "Oh," she says, her eyes lighting up. "I just want you to know that I had a lovely time working for your crew today and I think it would be so great to work with you in the future. If you ever have any other jobs come up where you need to have a blonde model step in, I'd love to be your go-to girl."

  "My go-to girl?" I say as my eyes feast upon her body, and I give her a smirk. "You can be my go-to girl anytime you want."

  My words are laced with heavy undertones, and I know she gets the innuendo. She wants me just as badly as I want her.

  I can't help it. She's fucking stunning, even more beautiful than when we were in high school. I have to get a piece of her, and then I'll leave her just like she left me.

  "Well, I'd love to get to know you a little bit better," she says. "Maybe you can tell me more about Hard Pressed ?"

  Yeah, she wishes. I'm sure she would love to get to know me better, as all women do. She lost her chance. But I'm still willing to claim her and to show her what she's been missing, and only when the moment's right will I reveal who I truly am.

  I can't wait to see her face when she discovers that I've turned into a billionaire bad boy.

  It’s the perfect opening, and I decide it's time to put my deceitful plan into action. Allie hurt me in the past, and I intend to hurt her in the future.

  "Sure, I'd love to get to know you better too. Will you have lunch with me tomorrow? Say around noon?"

  She looks excited, and something about that makes me fucking angry. She really doesn't know who I am, and I'm gonna have to make her pay for that.

  "Yes, I'd love to!" she says.

  She's like all the other women, pining for my attention. It's just too damn easy sometimes.

  "Okay, meet me at the restaurant Blackwell's. You know it?"

  She nods. "Yeah, the fine dining restaurant downtown. Right?"


  I smile and turn away, chuckling to myself. Little does she know what I have in store for her. This is all part of my warped plan. If she wants to get to know me, she's about to get to know the dark side.


  The scent of my signature perfume surrounds me as I walk naked from my bathroom to my bedroom. I want to take more care than usual with my body, my hair and makeup in preparation for my lunch with that mysterious man, the higher up in Hard Pressed .

  In my anxiousness to get to know him, I'm not even sure I got his name. How embarrassing. I'm going to have to find it out somehow without appearing too obvious.

  As it is I've ripped through my entire closet trying to find the perfect outfit. Not only is this guy in a position of power where he might be able to help my career, but he's fucking hot.

  He's like six foot five of pure male muscle. I long to have his strong arms and his hard body wrapped around me. He's all I’ve thought about since I met him yesterday.

  There's something brooding about him that I find completely irresistible. He stares at me with a level of intensity that nobody ever has.

  It’s part of why I'm determined to make a really good impression at lunch and prove myself worthy of his attention. I'd give anything for this date to turn into something more. So I’m dressing the part.

  I pull on a tight, red leather skirt and a sleeveless white silk top. I have the body to wear just about anything, one of the perks of being a model, even a struggling one.

  I slip on some designer heels that I purchased on consignment. It's hard to make rent, let alone go shopping.

  I apply fake eyelashes and a swipe of red lipstick before tossing my hair and setting out to meet him at this restaurant called Blackwell's.

  It's not a place I could afford on my own normal budget, but I'm anticipating he'll splurge for the bill. Even if he doesn't, I need this meeting, both for my career and for my underserviced sex drive.

  Just then my best friend Lindsay calls on the phone.

  I tap the phone to answer. "Hey, Lindsay…yeah, I'm just getting ready for my date with that guy. You know what’s crazy? I didn't even catch his name."

  I put her on speaker so that I can finish getting ready.

  "Well, from what you already told me, it sounds like you're more interested in his body than his name," she laughs.

  "Hey,” I say with a laugh of my own. “I mean, you're right. He’s crazy fucking hot. But I’m interested in more than just sex.”

  “Yeah,” Lindsay says, and I can practically hear her smirk. “A job.”

  She’s right. That’s most important. But I can’t help thinking about all the possibilities of what could come from this date. He was so charming, and it seems like he’s into me, but he also seems like the kind of guy who could get any woman anytime he wants, and he probably does. I need to keep my head on straight.

  "Well, first things first, you have to find out the size of his package." she's laughing really hard now.

  "I'll give you that," I laugh. "But judging by the size of his body, his package has gotta be huge."

  For a second my eyes glaze over with the image of how big his cock must be. I hope I get a chance to not just touch it but to taste it too.

  God, this guy has me infatuated. I can't help but think of him like this. I'm almost giddy, and that’s crazy because normally I don't get like this about men.

  "Lindsay, I gotta go. My date's in like fifteen minutes and I still have to make my way downtown."

  "Okay, girl, I want notes on e

  "You got it."

  I find a nearby car on an app on my phone and wait curbside for it to arrive. It's New York City so nothing takes long, but least I have a couple moments to just breathe in the city and to contemplate what's ahead of me. I'm really nervous for this date. That never happens to me. Normally I'm fully confident in everything I do.

  The car arrives and I get in and have him take me to Blackwell's. The driver gives me a strange look, taking in the way I'm dressed, and I wonder if he knows that I can't really afford a place like that?

  It's no matter. I can fit in wherever I go. It's one of my myriad of talents, I just need to draw on that inner confidence.

  The drive downtown does me good. I never tire of seeing what's going on in the city. NYC has such an infectious air of excitement and venture. I love living here.

  Pretty soon the car pulls up to the restaurant. It's on a corner and it's the kind of place that screams you better have a membership or you're not getting in here .

  I pay the driver and he peels out, anxious to get to another client. I prepare myself to see this mystery man once again.

  I walk up to the hostess like I own the place.

  "Hi, I'm Allie Baldwin," I say. "I should have a reservation here with...someone."

  I feel so embarrassed that I don't even know my date's name. I probably can’t even get in here without it. What am I gonna do? Hopefully, he sees me standing here and rescues me. Hopefully, he's arrived first.

  "Oh, I'm sorry," the hostess says insincerely. "Your name's not on the list."

  With that, she turns her back on me and I feel like absolute rubbish. No one likes to get turned away from an upscale restaurant. What was he thinking inviting me here without giving me his name?

  I walk back outside, but it’s freezing standing on the sidewalk in my little skirt. Fuck. What am I gonna do now? Well, I either have to call another car and not have this date that I really need to have or I have to stand out here waiting until he comes to find me. Either way, it's not a good look.

  Just as I'm wondering what to do my phone pings and I notice there's a text...from him.

  Hi, it's Xavier. Where are you? You're not here at the restaurant.

  Xavier? So that's his name. What is he even talking about? Also, how did he get my number? I’m sure it’s available somewhere within the company. I try not to read too much into the fact that he took the time to find it.

  But seriously, this is the restaurant we clearly discussed yesterday. There must be some confusion.

  I tell him as much.

  Hey Xavier. I'm here at the restaurant Blackwell's where we discussed the meeting. Have I somehow gotten the name wrong?

  I wait impatiently. I'm standing on a street corner in front of Blackwell's looking very cold and very out of place. I know I've gotten the place right because he was very specific about it.

  No. You've got the wrong place. I’m at The Amsterdam uptown.

  Oh my God. No way.

  I know he never mentioned that to me. I don't want to insist that I'm right and start an argument before we’ve even had our meeting, though, so I order another car and get in to make my way uptown.

  I only hope this hasn’t ruined my chances with Xavier.


  I can’t keep the smirk off my face as I sit waiting at the uptown restaurant called The Amsterdam. I deliberately told Allie the wrong place, and damn, does it feel so good.

  I saw the opportunity yesterday, and I took it. My plan to make Allie pay for the things she did in high school is practically falling into place all on its own.

  Sending her to the other side of town is a direct throwback to her standing me up in high school on what was supposed to be our first date.

  I still can't believe she did that, but now she's gonna get a taste of her own medicine.

  What makes this all the sweeter is that I can tell Allie really wants me. Her pussy is probably aching to have me inside of her and that makes this revenge even sweeter.

  I plan to fuck with her as much as possible before revealing my true identity. This misdirection today is just phase one of what's gonna go down.

  I order an expensive scotch on the rocks and just wait. I hope she's scurrying around town, frantic to get me. She's probably so unsure of what happened and thinking that she made a mistake.

  I laugh to myself and think about how enjoyable this is going to be for me. I want to make her squirm and I want to make her feel some of the pain and confusion of being stood up.

  I wait for what seems like a fucking eternity. Doesn't she know I have better things to do with my day than to wait on her? As the clock ticks by and my time is wasted, I become increasingly more and more angry.

  By the time she's ushered into the restaurant and takes a frenzied seat across from me, I'm really pissed.

  "Where have you been?" I say angrily. "My time is money and I don't have time to sit here and wait for someone who can't even get the destination right."

  I hope I make her feel bad. I hope she thinks it's all her fault and is eager to make it up to me.

  "Oh my God, Xavier, I'm so sorry. I really thought it was at Blackwell's. I thought we had discussed—"

  I cut her off before she can make up any more excuses. Deep inside, I know it's not her fault, but I also know it feels so good to take my anger out on her. Suddenly, years’ worth of pain is boiling to the surface and I just want to make her pay for all of it.

  "Well, next time maybe you should double check with me about the location," I say between gritted teeth.

  She gazes down and plays with her fingers, somber as ever. For half a second, it breaks my heart to see her sad, but I quickly regain my composure.

  She doesn't deserve a solitary moment of empathy for me. I remember why I’m doing this. This is all her fault and I'm going to make her pay for how she treated me all those years ago.

  The idea of it makes my cock twitch and harden against my pants. I'm aching to take my torment out on her sexy little body. The question is, when will it happen?

  "Well, at least you're here now," I say, visibly calmer but still the one in charge.

  Then I call the waiter over and order an expensive bottle of wine.

  Allie attempts to lighten the mood by saying, "So I finally found out your name, Xavier. I never actually caught your name yesterday."

  Yeah, and it was fucking intentional. But of course I don't tell her that.

  "So, what got you into modeling?" I ask, completely ignoring her comments about my name.

  "Well," she shifts uncomfortably in her chair, "I used to be a competitive cheerleader and my agent found me that way, while scouting."

  I'm glad to see that she's uncomfortable around me. She should be. I plan on using my dominance over her in a way that she can’t begin to imagine.

  "Something about the way you said that makes me feel like you're not happy being a model," I say, pouring her some wine.

  She looks at me and says, "Can I be honest with you?"

  "Of course."

  "I love modeling. And acting. I feel like it's what I've been called to do. But I have a shoddy agent. She never goes out of her way to do anything to advance my career, and honestly, she's made my career almost intolerable."

  Her admission confirms what I suspected—that she's a struggling model, not successful at all. I can’t make myself give a fuck about that. In fact, I take an almost perverse pleasure in it.

  My, how the tables have turned. Now I'm the one with all the power and she's the one asking me for favors. I'm sure she's dying to get into my company.

  "Oh, you were a cheerleader?" I say as if I don't already know, injecting condescension into my voice. "That's got to be a tough transition from cheerleading to modeling. They're not exactly the same thing."

  My words seem to sting her the wrong way. She looks down again and plays with her napkin.

  "I mean, I know it's a tough industry to crack. I just thought that maybe I coul
d do it. I like to perform and to be on camera."

  I've tortured her enough. I'll give her what she wants. And I'll give her the truth. Some of it anyway.

  "Well, you're certainly gorgeous enough to be a model," I say, knowing my words will soothe her.

  She looks up at me hopefully and the sparks begin to fly. There's definitely sexual tension between us. There always has been. But now that we've each grown up, our chemistry is on fucking fire.

  We finish lunch and I decide it's time to get a taste of Allie once more.

  "This was a nice lunch, Allie, but I'm not done with you yet. Would you like to come up to my apartment for a few drinks?"

  She's not gonna say no. I'm not gonna be disappointed. I'm never disappointed in women. They always want only one thing...my cock.

  And Allie's no different.

  It’s almost too easy.

  "I'd love to," she says, the expression on her face making it clear she knows full well that I intend to fuck her up there.

  Game on.


  I have Allie right where I want her. I confused the fuck out of her by switching restaurants. Now she's experienced what it's like being stood up.

  She stood me up in high school and I've done it to her now. What she doesn't understand is this is just the beginning of my tactics against her. I will be her downfall and she's gonna wish she never met me.

  But for the time being, I might as well suck the marrow out of this moment and take her home with me. I have no intention of letting her go when she looks this good, all dressed up only for me.

  I lead her out of the restaurant and into the waiting limo, where I can't wait to get my hands on her. I have all this built-up aggression and tension that I need to express somehow.

  "Wow, is this your limousine?" she asks as I open the door for her.

  She's probably never seen a man with the kind of money I have. Little does she know that I'm actually the owner of the company that she's vying to work for. And little does she know how much I demand control in every area of my life, including her.


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