Her Lover's Touch

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Her Lover's Touch Page 2

by Dusk, Allen

  The grand crystal chandelier whipped past her vision as she was hauled through the main foyer. Lightning flashed through the windows, filling the room with yellow light and blue shadows. She swore there were entrails hanging from the lamps. Another flash of lightning revealed only the finest sparkling crystal money could buy.

  The misty fingers released their grip and bowled her through the kitchen doors. Her bare body crashed against stainless steel. Dazed, bleeding, and havocked by pain, Katelyn stared up at the refrigerator towering over her.

  Her long hair whipped around her face while she scampered backward. Her dazed eyes searched the kitchen for any sign of life. Lightning flashed and shadows from dusty appliances were all to be found. Roaring thunder rumbled the tiles beneath her toes. When the sensation faded, a faint sound filled her remaining perfect ear. A sense of foreboding trembled her limbs and erected her nipples.

  Sounds like a rat scratching at something. Her good eardrum traced the sound around the kitchen, before slowly tracing its origin back to the freezer door.

  Frigid sleet rushed through Katelyn's veins, propelled at light speed by her galloping heart. The scratching grew louder. She struggled to get to her feet and turned to run. She whimpered when something shoved her back towards the noise. Currents of rage flowed from the unseen barrier.

  Words howled in the wind. "Open it." The storm started building up again for its loathsome encore.

  Fright shuddered through her. She glared back at the empty kitchen. Fear kept any words from forming across her bleeding tongue. Slowly, she turned toward the refrigerator, knowing exactly what she needed to do. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and found her balance. Her thoughts focused on the sound of her breathing; not the relentless scratching coming from the freezer or the deafening lightning strikes outside. One by one, she tuned out every sound until calm silence caressed her wounded flesh.

  Katelyn stepped forward and opened the freezer. Amidst the barren shelves, exactly where she had left it, the plastic-wrapped package rested. She grabbed it and quickly tore away the crisp folds, throwing them to the side.

  She gazed at the mottled, white flesh and questioned her own sanity. The hand was frozen solid. Tears welled in her eyes at the sight of icy flakes formed over the wedding band.

  "Katelyn." William's voice was directly behind her.

  Startled, she jumped. The gaunt hand escaped her grip, crashed against the tile and shattered into countless shards of frozen gore. The ring rolled in a circle then changed trajectory and traveled between her legs. She quickly spun around to watch the ring roll across the tile before falling over on its side. The frosty gold gleamed beneath a white aura. Katelyn looked up and staggered back against the freezer door. A cascade of hot piss washed drying blood from her thighs.

  William's severed head floated before her. Luminous orbs of white-hot light filled the sockets where she had carved away his eyelids. Blood and sand formed twisted tentacles amongst his thin, matted hair. A tiny crab scurried down his silver beard and disappeared inside the ragged rings of trachea dangling from his neck.

  "Katelyn." Another orb of light appeared inside his mouth as it formed the words.

  Katelyn trembled. Words escaped her.

  "Katelyn." The crab emerged through his lips and blocked the light as it scampered inside an eye socket. The scratching sound returned, louder this time.

  "Shut up!" She screamed.

  The head bobbed in space. Bright beams of light projecting from the ears bounced off fine crystal goblets. It opened its mouth and the scratching noise grew louder.

  Katelyn threw her hands over her ears. Every sound wave drilled into her brain and threatened to shake the flesh from her bones. She pictured herself standing naked on a stage at a rock concert with hundreds of speakers stacked around her. Each woofer and tweeter quaked with hellish decibels, saturating every molecule of her body with abhorrent noise.

  Suddenly she knew how to stop it. It was perfectly clear. Once again, her knack had helped her. She staggered across the kitchen. The floating head followed her, illuminating abrasions across her nude back with blazing white beams.

  Her vision distorted with every piercing, drawn out scratch. Even though she hardly used the kitchen, she still knew it well enough to find exactly what she needed.

  That's right Kate…there it is. Her hands found the wooden block on the counter. Her fingers curled around a well-balanced handle as she applauded herself. You know what you need to do to those speakers?

  "Cut the power," Katelyn muttered. She raised the carving knife and held the razor-sharp point just inside her good ear.

  William's head floated closer. Cabinet doors rattled wildly from the scratching cacophony.

  "I loved you, you bastard!" Her bruised ribs throbbed with every shouted word. "Till death do us part!"

  Katelyn slammed herself against the counter, driving the knife through her beautiful eardrum. The blade sank deep into delicate grey-matter bundled tightly inside her skull, cutting her power instantly. Her nude body left a bloody smear across the counter before it collapsed against marble tiles. Slow agonal breaths creaked through her unhinged jaw. Her pupils stretched wide beneath a blinding white aura.

  William's head drifted down and floated over her body for the final show. He watched until every last death tremor subsided in her limbs and her spilt bowels grew cold. Finally, his lips hovered over hers for one final kiss.

  The crab hopped from William's beard. Lightning flashed, revealing translucent swirls through its teal shell. Its claws clicked between Katelyn's shiny, white teeth before it descended inside her throat.

  "We're both so happy you could join us," it transmitted through her ether. "We have so much to show you."


  About the Author

  Allen Dusk is an award-winning author and poet from San Diego. His debut horror novel Shady Palms has been earning great reviews from fans and critics alike.

  His next horror novel Old Mill Road will be released in late 2013 and fans can also look forward to his Proteus Bell steampunk anthology. For those of you who keep a few naughty books on your list, Allen churns out short bits of erotica every now and then. His erotic The Girl Alone series will be headed to eBook in 2013 as well.

  Other than writing, Allen's favorite pastimes include photography, geocaching, lusting over old horror movies, and researching supernatural folklore.

  Connect with Allen online:

  Website: http://allendusk.com

  Twitter: http://twitter.com/allen_dusk

  Facebook: http://facebook.com/allendusk

  Amazon: http://amazon.com/author/allendusk




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