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Passion Page 13

by Silver, Jordan

  I know now that if I fall, he’ll catch me even though right now he’s working my nerves with this nasty ass steak and potatoes, what teenage girl eats this shit?

  Those doctors don’t know what the hell they did letting him get his hands on my nutrition sheet, now he’s trying to rebuild my immune system in one day.

  Mr. Know it all watches everything I put in my mouth, I wanted another burger but he won’t let me have one, and he’d threatened Matthew apparently, because although I was still pissed at him he would so sneak me another one, but no, Joshua decided steak was better and everyone else agreed.

  Even Michael had stopped giving him kill rays and was now more often than not, whispering and conspiring with him when they thought I was asleep.

  I hadn’t seen Patti thank God, I don’t think I could stomach looking at her hateful face right now, and if she was a part of ‘the family’ as Joshua claimed I was, I wasn’t too sure I wanted any part of it, hopefully I wouldn’t have to keep her in order to keep him, we’ll see.

  Chapter 31


  It’s her first day back to school and I’m like a father taking his toddler to day care for the first time, fucking gutted.

  She looked unhappy as fuck and I hated doing this to her, but she had to get back into life.

  She’d been home for a week and she’d gained back a little of the weight she’d lost, her doctors thought it was okay for her to go back and I agreed.

  This morning the Captain and I had had a hell of a time getting her out the door.

  I’d dressed her myself since she became stubborn and refused to do anything more than brush her teeth.

  The Captain had called it quits after she’d thrown one of her fits; I wasn’t fazed so he left me to it.

  One smack on her ass and she’d calmed the hell down, now I’m feeling guilty for making her do this shit.

  “I’ll see you for lunch; just wait for me outside your English lit class okay?”


  Fuck, did she have to look at me like I was abandoning her?

  I spent more time worrying about her than studying all morning, there was a knot in my stomach, and since our classes were now on opposite sides of the building I wouldn’t even get a glimpse of her until lunch period.

  Matt had a few classes near her and was supposed to keep an eye out, lunch was going to be a trial because Patti was going to be there, although I wanted to be done with that bitch already, it didn’t fit in to my plans, I had to bide my time, besides Matt had the worst deal there.

  Patti had fucked up, see she doesn’t quite get how our family works either, her little behind the scenes actions hadn’t gone unnoticed, partly because she thought it was okay to have some of her conversations in front of Matt, they’d been together for so long I guess she thought she was in for life, she really doesn’t know my brother if she thought that shit.

  I think that glow had pretty much burned out; whatever hold she had on him was gone, not only because I’m his brother and it was my woman she was scheming against, but because of her callousness, her disregard for Carrie’s life.

  While my girl was fighting for her life, Patti was setting up ways to get Josie back in my bed, cold fuck.

  I’d spent a lot of time laying it out for Matt, he’s my brother, the love we share can never be broken, Carrie is the woman I will spend the rest of my life with, and Patti can never be a part of that.

  Thankfully he had already seen it himself; he was the one who told me what she’d been up to after all.

  Lunchtime took forever to come around and I was running to get to her even before the bell had finished its first peal.

  No one was bothering her when I got there but there were some kids off to the side watching and waiting I guess.

  I gave them my get the fuck gone look and they scampered away, that fucker Dyson didn’t even look in our direction, Matt had told me what had been going on in the diner that night before he got there, I had some asses to kick, but they could wait.

  Patti was sitting at our table when we got there so I kept going to the table lamb had been sitting at while we were on the outs.

  She looked a little skeptical when first Vanessa and then Matt came to join us.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing for you to worry about babe, what did you tell her?” I turned to Matt.

  “Just that I had something to talk to you about so she should sit with her friends for today, she wasn’t too happy I can tell you that.”

  I give a fuck, today was the first day in her humiliation, I’d had enough of her shit, she was never going to accept Carissa for some reason and I wasn’t about to have any more stress in her fucking life, the girl needed a fucking break.

  “Here, eat your veggies.”

  “Joshua that’s disgusting, who eats broccoli for lunch?”

  “It’s full of iron, it’s either this, or liver, you said no to the liver....”

  “I want to go back to the hospital, at least there I got some peace and quiet, and I didn’t eat if I didn’t like it.”

  “Too damn bad, now eat unless you want me to spoon feed you in front of the whole school.”

  If looks could kill I’d be a goner, whatever.


  “Oh alright I’ll eat the nasty shit...shut the hell up Matt.....”

  “I didn’t say anything lil sis.”

  He held his hands up even as he fought his laughter, Vanessa was still a little tentative since Carissa hadn’t said two words to her but she too was smiling.

  It didn’t escape my notice that everyone was focused on our table or that Patti and her posse were shooting daggers at us with their eyes.

  I wondered about those girls, I mean she treated them like shit and yet they clamored to her every wish, I guess that might be one of her grievances against Carrie, this one wasn’t a follower.

  When she was finished eating I pulled her onto my lap so I could whisper reassurances in her ear, I knew she felt self conscious and her weakened state kept her from being her usual bad ass self so I was going to have to keep her spirits up.

  None of the fuckers had the balls to say anything out loud so there were just a lot of whispers and hand gestures, I didn’t give a fuck about them either, but if they made her uncomfortable I’d knock some heads together.

  “You feeling okay lambkin, think you can make it the rest of the day?”

  “I’m a little tired but I’ll be okay, I miss you though.”

  Damn, a couple weeks ago she would never have admitted that shit, “I miss you too baby but it’s only for a little while, I told you I already fixed it for next term.”

  “Those kids bothering you?”

  “Nope they’ve pretty much just been staring and whispering which is beginning to get on my nerves but I guess they’ll get over that soon.”

  “Want me to fuck anybody up?”

  “No crazy boy, if I have to behave then so do you.”

  “Uh huh, I promise to behave with you; the rest of them could go fuck themselves.”

  She laid her head on my shoulder, she was tired, maybe a full day was too much, I’ll see how she was at the end of the day.

  There was a spate of laughter from the table where Patti was holding court, the evil witch was sneering in our general direction, her days were numbered, that’s the only thought that kept me from going over there and slapping her across her fucking face.

  Chapter 32


  If this little bitch thought she was going to come here and horn in on my shit she was sadly mistaken I’m the only Steele daughter in law.

  Joshua is a man whore, that’s the way it’s always been, I mean the guy fucked every pampered princess from here to Seattle, excluding yours truly of course, and none of those bitches could get their hooks into him, so why he should fall for this little nobody was a mystery.

  I mean who is she anyway, her father’s a lieutenant on the police for
ce in Sea Crest for goodness sake, what does he make fifty thousand a year maybe, whatever.

  I’m not sure where she gets all her designer shit from, obviously she’d been whoring herself out in whatever hell hole she’d come from, but none of that mattered now.

  The bitch had to go and I knew just how to do it, she’d got the Steeles to sit with her today but we’ll just see about that shit.

  I’m not sure what was going on with Matt, I’ll just have to let him know that I wasn’t pleased with his behavior today, maybe I’ll withhold sex for a while, though it seems like forever since we fucked, hmm, I’ll have to deal with this shit and soon.

  She’d taken way too much attention away from me already, even doctor Steele was over at her house every evening checking on her skuzzy ass and Margaret, who I sometimes felt wasn’t showing me the right amount of respect as her future daughter in law, was always going on about her lately, we’ll see how she felt about the little bitch when I was through.

  At least Josie’s family had money, they were somewhat acceptable and Josie could be easily led, she was no trouble, Vanessa would be Andrew’s family’s headache, as soon as they were married and she was out of the house I’d be the only pampered princess since I’d be the wife of the eldest son.

  Joshua could go back to being his old self and all will be right in my world. I hope that bitch enjoyed her time as the center of attention because it was about to come to an end.

  Chapter 33


  Something’s not right, I don’t know what it is, but I feel....unsettled.

  I leave the house at midnight again and head to lamb’s house. The Captain had yet to give me his okay to spend the night and I respected that but there’s no way I can go to sleep with this worry on my mind.

  Instead of parking down the street and walking the rest of the way, I drove all the way and knocked on the door.

  “Joshua, what are you doing here so late son?”

  “I’m here to check on Carrie.”

  “Boy you do realize I’m a cop, with a gun, I can take care of my daughter you know.”

  I didn’t bother to answer him, just looked at him until he sighed and moved out of the way.

  “You might as well since she already threatened to move in with you if I didn’t let you stay over some times. What the hell is wrong with kids these days anyway?”

  I guess he was talking to himself because he went back to the TV.

  I jogged up the stairs and to her room with a smile on my face, good she’d told him we wanted to be together. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for him to hear that from his seventeen year old daughter but he had to know we were serious about each other.

  She was fast asleep, no danger here, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.

  I took my shirt off and left my sweats on as I climbed in beside her.

  Moving as quietly as possible, I drew her into my arms.

  Taking the bracelet out of my pocket I locked it onto her wrist, I’d meant to give this to her over thanksgiving but then everything went to shit and I’d forgotten, now it felt like it was imperative to give it to her now.

  It was my family crest made out of diamonds on a platinum band, the beauty would keep her from suspecting its other real purpose, but for my peace of mind it was good to have it finally where it belonged.

  She murmured in her sleep and I kissed her softly until she settled again.

  Why the fuck was my mind in such turmoil? There was nothing going on here, I hadn’t seen anyone outside lurking, but still I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was very off.

  I’ll have to get my guy on her again, the sooner the better.


  “So you’re ready right, tomorrow night at the designated place, we’ll show that bitch. Don’t forget, don’t be late, we have to synchronize everything perfectly.

  “I’ll be there.”


  I hung up the phone, I really should be doing this shit myself, but it was more fun this way. I can’t wait to see Joshua’s face when he catches his little bitch in a compromising position.

  Let’s see her talk her way out of this one, and knowing his hotheaded ass, she’ll never get the chance, good, maybe this time when he dumped her she’d starve herself to death.

  Chapter 34


  We woke up wrapped around each other, my hand buried in her hair as she slept on my chest.

  The Captain was making enough noise to wake the dead as he moved around out there. “Time to get up babe.”

  “I don’t wanna.”

  “You sick?” I felt her forehead, she felt cool to my touch so no fever.

  “No, I just don’t wanna.”

  She pulled her hand from around me and noticed her new jewelry for the first time.

  “What’s this?”

  “It’s my family crest, it’s as good as an engagement ring, but I figured you’d give me shit if I put one of those on your finger, that doesn’t come off ever, I have the only key.”

  She turned her hand this way and that as she studied the intricate work.

  “You’re lucky I like it.”

  “Yeah okay, I see you’re feeling better since you’re starting shit with me, now let’s move.”

  “Wait a minute, you spent the night, and you’re still here, and Michael’s up?”

  “He let me in last night, I guess since you threatened him to move in with me he decided it was better to relent.”

  She blushed as she climbed from the bed.

  Her shorts were still hanging on her too thin body but she’d lost that sullen look and her face was filling out a little better.

  “Oatmeal for breakfast, I have to get my clothes out of the car, I’ll get it started while you shower, then I’ll take mine.”

  No sense in rubbing shit in the Captain’s face by showering together, I knew everyone wasn’t as understanding about these things as my parents and I’d already pissed off the Captain enough in the past.

  “No oatmeal, that’s where I put my foot down.”

  “Oatmeal for breakfast or liver for dinner, choose your pick.”

  I left the room while she flounced into the bathroom.

  “Morning Captain.”

  “How is she this morning, I didn’t hear any screaming so I gather she’s better than yesterday.”

  “Don’t hold your breath, oatmeal for breakfast.”

  “Shit son you sure do like to stir the pot huh.”

  “It’s good for her.”

  I went out to get my stuff from the car.

  Captain stopped me on the way back up the stairs.

  “I never thought I would be saying this to you after that night in your dad’s study, but you’re good for her, thank you for looking out for her, I’m glad she’s got to you spending the night sometimes, I guess it’s okay, I just don’t want to hear a peep coming out of that room, and please don’t ever go to the bathroom in the middle of the night with nothing on.”

  He actually blushed like his daughter.

  “Captain, I’ll never disrespect you in your home, that’s not what this is about, it’s not all about sex....”

  “Lalalalala, I can’t hear you....Steele, I have a gun, a few in fact, I don’t want to hear that crap.”

  I had to laugh; the Captain seemed out of his element.

  I added bananas and raisins to her oatmeal and she grudgingly swallowed it down. Then it was off to school.

  The day went pretty much as the one before except Patti was missing at lunch and I still hadn’t kicked my feeling of imminent danger.

  Leaving her to go to class was fucking torture but we made it.

  I dropped her off at home, she was tired already, and I hated leaving her since the Captain wasn’t home and wouldn’t be for a few more hours.

  “I’ll be back later baby, just go to bed if you get tired okay?”

  “Okay, I think I’ll take a nap and do my homew
ork later.”

  “Okay lambkin, I should be done helping Matt by about seven so I’ll call you.”


  Why the heck was he texting me instead of calling, and why was he telling me to meet him, geez, I guess he was done sooner than he thought, but why he would think I would want to go to the diner where I’m sure he’ll force me to eat some disgusting thing was beyond me.

  I got dressed anyway and headed out in my old beat up truck.

  Joshua was a pain in the ass, first he made me swear I wouldn’t go anywhere alone after dark and now he was asking me to drive through the dark to meet him.


  This road is shit, there were no lights and no other traffic, only woods on both sides, freaking, Steele what the hell was he thinking?

  I felt the first jolt and the next before I was going off the road.

  “You’ve got to be shitting me.”

  I pulled out my phone.

  “Figures.” No service.

  I got out of the truck and walked around, there was a long strip of something that looked like nails stretched across the road.

  “What the fuck?”

  Someone came at me from the side and covered my nose and mouth with a cloth before I could move.

  “Where’s your protector now little girl?”

  It’s the last thing I heard before everything went dark.


  “Her car’s here but she’s not.”

  “What do you mean; did you get there at the right time?”

  “I was like five minutes late; no one could’ve come and got her that fast.”

  “You’re such a fuck up; she has to be around there somewhere....”

  “I don’t like the looks of this I’m out of here...”

  “Rodney, Rodney you spineless bastard you better not screw this up for me......Rodney, Rodney...., shit, I knew I shoulda done this shit myself.”


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