Rip Current

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Rip Current Page 9

by Jill Sanders

  “What thing and where?” She glanced down at their hands and smiled.

  “It’s the Ku Ikaika Challenge in Hawaii.”

  He watched her chin drop a little. “Hawaii?” She blinked a few times.

  “Yeah, why not?” He ran his thumb over the inside of her wrist and felt her heart skip a beat.

  “I… I’ve never been anywhere.”

  He chuckled. “Honey, you are somewhere. We all are.”

  She shook her head. “I’ve never really been outside of… well, here.” She glanced around.

  “Isn’t it about time then?” He tugged on her hand until her eyes focused on him. “I’ll talk to my sister and see if she can clear your schedule.” He started to get up, only to have her tug him back.

  “Hold on.” She frowned at him. “I can deal with my own schedule and I haven’t said yes yet.”

  He chuckled and nodded. “Okay, fine. Say yes.”

  He watched her bite her bottom lip and glance around the almost empty bar. “Okay,” she smiled and he could see the excitement rush into her eyes.

  He nodded. “Great, we leave on Tuesday.”

  She frowned. “But that’s the day after the Fourth.”

  He nodded. “Yeah?”

  She sighed and closed her eyes. “I’m pulling a double the day before.”

  “You work on the Fourth?” He frowned and sat back down as she nodded.

  “But I thought you were going to go hang with my family. Julie invited you.”

  She nodded. “I forgot that I’d requested it earlier. Besides, I could use the money to pay off the shopping spree I went on last weekend.”

  He sighed. “Is it too late to change it?”

  She nodded.

  “Okay.” He glanced around. “But get the following four days off. We’re hitting the islands.”

  She nodded and smiled.

  Chapter Eleven

  Fourth of July came and Wendy was pumped. She had her bags packed already as she headed out for the early shift. When she arrived, she was shocked to see Cole leaning against the railing of the boardwalk. He had a bag and a holder with three coffee cups in his hands.

  “Morning.” He smiled.

  She glanced down at her watch and smiled. “Yes, it is.”

  “Here, this one is for you.” He handed her the cup of coffee. “Caramel Macchiato.”

  She smiled and took a sip. The richness sank into her. “Who’s that for?”

  Cole looked down at the remaining cup. “Double-chocolate-chip Frappuccino for Cass. And these”—he wiggled the bag he held—“are donuts. I didn’t know what kind you like, so I grabbed a few different kinds.”

  She smiled. “Anything with chocolate on it.”

  He nodded and then started walking towards the main doors as she followed. “What are you doing here? Besides being a delivery boy?” She held open the door for him.

  “Helping out.”

  “What?” She jogged to catch up to him as she took another sip of the rich drink.

  “When Cassey told me that she was short staffed, I figured I’d help out.” He smiled. “Meet your new busboy for the day.”

  She laughed. “The last time you bused, you ended up breaking half the dishes.”

  He frowned and nodded. “That’s because Marcus was working alongside me that day. He kept tripping me.”

  She chuckled and shook her head. “I just bet.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Do you?” He set the coffee and donuts down and pulled her closer to him. “What will you give me if I don’t break a dish all day?” He leaned down and kissed her once.

  She smiled, liking the game. “How about, if you don’t break a dish, any dish, all day long, I’ll let you see what I bought last weekend at Victoria’s Secret.”

  She felt him stiffen a little and couldn’t stop her smile from growing.

  “And if I lose?”

  She thought about it. “You have to model for me in those new ‘shorts’ you have.”

  He smiled and nodded. “Deal.”

  When she heard the first glass drop, she smiled. By the third, she was laughing so hard, she almost dropped a glass herself. With each new shattered piece of dishware, she could just imagine his silent curses.

  Around four o’clock that afternoon, Cole’s whole family, minus Roman, walked in the door. Cassey had reserved the back booth a few minutes earlier, so the family walked over and sat down in their usual spot. Cole walked over to them and then came to her.

  “Do you have a break?” He leaned over and touched her hand.

  “Sure.” She smiled. After making sure Alan and Steven had the bar area covered, she walked over to the table and sat with his family.

  “It’s a shame Roman had to work.” Julie frowned a little and looked towards Cole.

  “He should be home soon enough,” Marcus put in, then quickly changed the subject to how his and Shelly’s house was almost done, and how their wedding plans were moving along as well. That kept everyone busy talking for the next forty minutes until their dinner arrived.

  After the food arrived, the conversation moved on to their trip to Hawaii the next day. Then it was time for her to get back to work. As she stood up, Cole stood up to.

  “Well, back to work.” He tugged on her arm, just as his dad started asking about Roman again. “Whew, that was close,” he whispered to her as he walked towards the bar.

  She chuckled, then glanced over her shoulder and saw Marcus glaring at the back of Cole’s head. “Your brother is shooting daggers at your back.”

  He chuckled. “He’ll get over it. Besides, he owes me after all the hard work I did on his place.”

  She smiled when he pulled her into his arms. “Only a few more hours to go until we are free for five days.”

  “Five?” She frowned. “I thought you said four?”

  “Uh, yeah, about that.”

  “I only took four days off.”

  He chuckled. “Why do you think I’m working today? I had to promise Cassey I’d help out so you could have an extra day off, with pay.”

  “With pay?” She glanced over at the booth and was shocked to see the entire table watching them, smiling. Cassey winked at her and then turned back to her husband.

  “I have the best boss in the world.” She sighed.

  After that, the music turned loud and the crowd flowed in until just before closing time. There was a slight lull when the fireworks were being set off, but shortly after, everyone flocked back in.

  When Cassie finally locked the front doors, Wendy sat down in a chair with a cold beer and propped her feet up.

  “You made it through the day.” She smiled over at Cole, who was doing the same thing, except he had a Bushwhacker instead of a beer.

  “Was there every any doubt?” Then he frowned. “I can explain the dishes.”

  She chuckled and shook her head. “Don’t be a sore loser.”

  He smiled. “Who says I am? Just—” Her laughing interrupted him. “Fine.” He crossed his arms over his chest, but he was smiling.

  “Cole never could stand to lose.” Cassey joined them at the table. “Remember the time I bet you at basketball?”

  A burst of laughter escaped from Wendy. She looked over at Cole and smiled. “Sorry.”

  He frowned at her. “It wasn’t like that. I had a broken arm.”

  Cassey laughed. “The summer before. He kept complaining that it was still hurting him, but before I showed up, he’d whooped both Roman’s and Marcus’s butts.”

  Wendy couldn’t help it, she smiled. “Sore loser.”

  He frowned and set his empty glass down. “Come on, we’d better get some sleep if we expect to catch our plane tomorrow morning.” He tugged on her hands, pulling her up as she smiled over at Cassey.

  “Have a great trip.”

  She nodded and then tugged on his arm until he stopped. “Thanks for the extra day.”

  Cassey stood and hugged her. “Don’t worry about it. I’m glad you
’re finally taking a real vacation.” Wendy smiled as Cole continued to tug on her arm until they were outside.

  “What’s the big hurry?” she asked as he walked quickly towards her place.

  He glanced over at her and smiled. “I’m tired.”

  “Right.” She chuckled. “You don’t look tired. Are you eager to do a little modeling for me?”

  He smiled again. “No, maybe I just want to get horizontal.” He pulled her close as they walked.

  “Oh?” She felt her knees almost give out.

  Before she knew it, they were at her front door and he was taking the keys from her to open the locks. Then he pulled her through her door and pushed her up against the other side. Cole’s mouth covered hers as she sighed and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

  “I couldn’t keep my eyes off you all night,” he moaned against her skin. “I kept thinking about getting my hands on you.” He ran his hands up and down her sides and then started tugging her shirt over her head. “Oh, god,” he said when her bright pink bra was exposed.

  “You like?” she whispered, her eyes on his. She smiled when he just nodded, his eyes glued to her chest.

  “Is this what you bought?” He ran a finger down the strap.

  She nodded. “Not the one I was going to show you… had you not broken almost a dozen dishes tonight.”

  She smiled as he groaned. “Damn.” He leaned close and placed his lips on the curve of her shoulder.

  She leaned her head back against the door and enjoyed his mouth traveling over her skin, heating it up. He hiked her skirt up until he could grip her naked hips and he leaned closer. She could feel how hard and excited he was. When she quickly pulled his shorts off his hips, he chuckled and then sighed as she gripped him firmly.

  He pushed her farther against the door, spreading her legs as he moved between them. His fingers went between them, gliding below her matching pink panties. He pulled them aside quickly.

  When he dipped a finger into her, she cried out and dug her nails into his shoulders.

  “Yes, that’s it.” He breathed next to her ear. “Enjoy.”

  She nodded, not able to do anything but enjoy the feeling of him next to her, holding her up as he pleasured her.

  Finally, when she didn’t think she could stand it any longer, she felt him slide into her quickly. She wrapped her leg around his hip and pulled him closer. He pounded into her as his mouth took hers. When she cried out, he was right there with her and groaned her name into her hair.

  Then he shocked her by carrying her into the bedroom and slowly removing the rest of her clothes. He threw the covers over them and pulled her closer to his side with his arms wrapped around her.

  “Night,” he said, kissing her forehead.

  She lay there awake for almost an hour. Her mind refused to shut down. She was excited about the trip they were taking in just a few short hours and had so many emotions welling up inside her from hearing Cole lightly snore next to her and feeling his arms wrapped around her tightly.

  She’d never experienced such want before. Such need. The few boyfriends she’d had in the past had never treated her like this. Like she was fragile or something to be treasured.


  Cole laughed when Wendy’s chin dropped as she sat down next to him on the plane.

  “First class?” She frowned a little and looked around the cabin.

  “Yeah, why not? After all, you did say this was your first flight.” He smiled and moved as close to her as the big chairs would allow.

  “Yes, but…” She shook her head in disbelief.

  “Sit back, relax.” He took her hand and she leaned back, her eyes traveling everywhere. “We’ll have some wine after we take off.”

  She shook her head and smiled. “Still can’t believe it. I’m going to Hawaii.”

  He smiled and pulled her hand up to his lips. “We’re going.”

  “Who is this friend we’re staying with again?”

  “Maka. I stay with him, he stays with me.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve known him since before…” He shrugged his shoulders again.

  “Maka? Maka?” She gaped at him.

  He nodded and smiled. “Yeah, he’s going to love that I brought you along.”

  “Oh?” She started to tug her hand free. “You did tell him?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, he knows I’m bringing someone.”

  “Someone?” She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. “Really, Cole. How many—?”

  Just then the flight attendants started their spiel on safety, and Wendy silently listened. She even pulled out the little pamphlet and followed along. When they were done, she double checked her seat belt and glanced over to make sure his was on. He laughed at her and took her hand again as the plane started to move.

  At six o’clock that evening, Hawaiian time, they finally landed on Oahu. After picking up their luggage, they walked out to find Maka standing next to his old Jeep, four surfboards strapped to the roof.

  “Aloha, Kaikua`ana.” The short, dark-skinned man walked over and hugged Cole. Then his dark eyes zeroed in on Wendy and his white teeth flashed in one of his signature smiles. “So, this is your wahine.”

  Cole chuckled. “Yes, Wendy is my woman.” He pulled her close to his side. “Don’t get any ideas,” he warned his friend, who just smiled and took Wendy’s hand up to his lips.

  “Aloha, Ka makani `olu`.” He smiled as he placed a kiss on her hand.

  “Did you just call her perfect wind?” Cole frowned over at his friend.

  “You can pick out your own nickname for her. This one’s taken.” He took Wendy’s arm and walked her towards his Jeep as she chuckled and glanced back at Cole. “Oh, Cole…” Maka glanced back. “Make sure to grab the lady’s luggage.” He smiled and continued walking as Cole laughed.

  “Kakahiaka, my home, is on the other side of O’ahu. Not too far from the North Shore.” Maka smiled over at Wendy, who was sitting in the front seat of the Jeep, as Cole held on to the top rails in the back seat. “You will enjoy your time here.”

  “Thank you for letting us stay.” Wendy smiled and glanced back at him.

  “It’s no problem. Cole and I go way back. Although, I have to say, he’s never brought a woman here before.” Maka glanced at him in the rear-view mirror.

  “Shut up,” Cole warned his friend as he held on when they went flying around a corner. “Haven’t you learned to drive yet?”

  Maka just laughed.

  Maka chatted about the island and the landscape for the entire forty-minute trip. The road split the island in half and went right down the middle of the land. They saw homes, small villages, and field after field of farmland, but when they came to the turn where they would start traveling along the shoreline, he watched closely for Wendy’s reaction.

  She gasped and turned in her seat to face the water. Her blue eyes got bigger as a smile spread on her face.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” He leaned closer so he could tangle his hands in her hair.

  She nodded. “I never imagined.” She glanced back at him and he smiled at her and felt a piece of his heart drift to the front seat.

  Chapter Twelve

  Wendy stood back as Cole and Maka unloaded the luggage from the Jeep. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Maka’s house was gorgeous. It was a three-story wall made of glass. Well, at least that’s what it looked like from where she was standing.

  There were long balconies along the entire front of the house, which faced the beautiful beach and the crystal clear waters. The surf was crashing on the shore, and when she glanced down the beach, she could see a large area of rocks that secluded the beach from any other homes. Not that she could see any at the moment.

  “What do you think?” Maka stopped next to her.

  “It’s so beautiful.” She smiled over at him.

  “I can’t believe we’re staying here.”

  “Well, not here.” He smiled and then nodded. She followed his
eyes and saw the dark roof of a house just up the rocky pathway. “Maka’s guest house. We’ve got that one all to ourselves.”

  She couldn’t have been more shocked and pleased if he’d told her they were moving there.

  “It’s a little hike, but the view…” He whistled.

  “I’ve stocked the kitchen, but you’re welcome to join us tomorrow night for dinner around seven,” Maka said, setting her bags down on the coral driveway. “You can have use of the Jeep while you’re here.” He nodded and tossed the keys to Cole. “Your boards are where they always are.” He nodded to the garage and then turned to her. “If you wish, I can give you lessons.” His smile spread when he heard Cole mutter under his breath, “Or not.”

  She smiled and shook his hand. “Thank you.” Then she bent down and picked up her luggage and followed Cole up the narrow stone path. Halfway up the hill, he stopped and nodded towards the water. “Dolphins.”

  She turned and watched the pod swimming close to the shoreline. From up here, the water looked so clear. There were large dark rocks directly below them, and she watched the waves crash for a minute before jogging to catch up with Cole.

  When they made it to the top of the hill, Cole stopped and gave her a chance to look around. The guesthouse was a soft yellow cottage with a large front porch. Large brown flowerpots sat on every corner of the porch, and there was a dark brown wicker sofa covered with pillows and cushions. There was a small yard that led to the cliff, and she smiled when she saw the large hammock hanging between two palm trees.

  “It’s wonderful.” She set her bag down on the porch and took a deep breath. He was right; the view was spectacular. The house was angled to look down the beach, so the entire North Shore was spread out in front of them. “This is his guesthouse?”

  Cole chuckled. “Maka’s family is pretty big. Hence the larger house down there.” He nodded down the hill. “Besides, he likes to roll out of bed and into the water. Or so he always says.” He chuckled as he picked up her bag and opened the unlocked sliding door.

  “Has he always lived here?” She followed him into the house and stopped dead in her tracks. “Oh my!” She blinked a few times and smiled.


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