Rebels (Nomad Devils Motorcycle Club Book 2)

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Rebels (Nomad Devils Motorcycle Club Book 2) Page 4

by Faye, Carmen

  “He knew who to sell to. He knew the effect. He knew the consequences. He kept it minimal. Whoever he is, he’s done this for a while. He has no ties to the streets. He is setting up for an all-out war in town and using common thugs to do it. And most of all, he wants it to fall back on Asher Hudson.”

  “You seem defensive of Hudson,” she commented. “Is there a reason?”

  “To be honest, when he lost his dad he suffered a lot. And he’s gone the wrong way and done the wrong things. I kinda feel bad for him. Wish he’d have let us help him back then instead of breaking into the Nomads so early.”

  “I see,” she replied.

  “I won’t lie. I want to see him in prison for his crimes. I want to see him turn his life around. I want nothing more than that, and all the other biker thugs to be out of my city,” Larsen ranted. “But I don’t want anyone to take the fall for something they didn’t do. I wouldn’t be a cop if I didn’t believe in fair justice.”

  “Agent Fuller!” the voice made her skin crawl even before she saw the face. “Detective Larsen.”

  “Logan,” she acknowledged without a smile or glance in his direction.

  “What brings you two together?” he asked.

  “Working my case,” she answered. “Just needed to get Larsen’s take on things.”

  “Well I hope he told you that Hudson is somehow involved and it jogged your memory of being in his home.” Logan replied.

  “Sorry to disappoint you Logan,” Melissa looked up at her boss. “My memory is still the same. But the detective has been a great help.” She glanced at his companion. “Amanda, nice to see you. I thought you no longer worked for us.”

  “She doesn’t,” Logan answered. “She’s my nanny now.”

  “For you or the kids?” Melissa chuckled as the words came out.

  “Well, we are going to get to our table and get some lunch. Busy day,” Logan smiled and gave a nod to the detective before he walked off.

  “Still a piece of shit,” Larsen stated and Melissa laughed.

  “Detective, thank you so much.” She reached across the table to shake his hand. “You have been extremely helpful.”

  “Get these guns off my streets. That’s all the thanks I need.”

  “That’s my plan,” she stood and said her goodbyes. Before leaving the diner, she made a pitstop at Logan’s table.

  “Why did we blow this off a month or so ago?” she asked honestly.

  “We have our limits, Fuller,” Logan answered. “Everyone has their limits. Cross them and you could be risking lives, including your own.” With that he winked at her and turned back towards his nanny. “Have a great day.”

  Fuller was barely in the car when she pulled out her phone. Her hope was that the number she had was still active and that there would be an answer.

  When she heard the voice on the other of the line, a sigh of relief flooded her.

  “We need to talk,” she went straight to her point. “I need your help. It’s urgent and it’s important.”

  She jotted down the address and time she was given and decided this would be a great minute to stop by the office and pick up a few things.


  Andy Wallaby had been a field agent for the majority of his adult life. He was good at what he did. He was honest, loyal and only wanted to keep the world safe for the children he’d never have.

  Most people thought him odd. He preferred working to most of the social activities that others tended to enjoy. At barely over thirty he could count the times he’d been out to the bars on one hand and still have fingers left. He didn’t really date, but that was more because women tended to pass him by.

  There wasn’t much in his life beyond the office, the cases they were assigned and the results being what he’d hoped for. He put everything he had into his job and usually he gained what he needed from it.

  When he’d come back to the mike that night and realized she was gone, it had nearly killed him. It had been his job to keep tabs on her—keep her alive. Not hearing her voice had made him face the fact that he might have failed.

  He’d screamed at Logan. It was, after all, his boss that had forced him to leave his position for a moment. Wallaby was the technical genius of the crew. He knew his way around alarms, computers and virtually anything that ran through electricity. That’s why he was often the one left behind to tend to that end of the spectrum. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be the one climbing through tunnels, but it just wasn’t what he was made of. He had accepted that.

  He’d never liked guys like Logan. And he’d worked with a fuckload of them. They were pompous. They were arrogant. They were out for the glory. Mostly, they didn’t accept him. But he lived with it so that he could do what he loved to do.

  Still, in any life or death situation he would freely have put his trust into any of his colleagues. He’d have been on the line and trusted them to get him out. That was the kind of bond that existed between agents that worked together. Even Logan.

  Then Fuller went missing, and he watched all of them do nothing. Yes, they discussed it. They tried to come up with a plan. But Logan shot down any potential ideas. Andy realized that he couldn’t trust them like that. They wouldn’t be there. That scared him.

  Andy was happy when Logan sent him on an investigation. He’d never really worked outside the office. But gathering information was something he could tackle. It made him feel like someone was fighting for her, helping her. Doing what they could.

  But the more he talked to people, the more he realized that nothing was the way it seemed. He was learning about the people he worked with, and learning about the people they were trying to take down.

  In the end, though, it would have been a wild goose chase. He wouldn’t have learned a damn thing that could help them. Of course Logan had ended his assignment when she’d come back, but Wallaby wasn’t going to stop.

  It had been a fluke that Detective Larsen had told him things he was pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to know. That stirred something inside of him. Instinct was necessary on the job and he’d fine tuned his years ago. Now he knew when to follow a lead even if it was unrelated in some way. So he did.

  The more he learned, the more terrified he became. The world wasn’t what he’d thought it was. There were things going on behind the scenes that Andy wouldn’t have imagined. And any trust that he’d held for anyone on the team was gone. He was riding solo and he knew it.

  He also knew it was possible that his life was in danger. He needed to talk to someone, but part of trust issues was knowing that you couldn’t just pick someone and tell them this kind of thing. He wondered if Melissa Fuller would like to know. Maybe she even had some insight for him.

  He sat in his apartment and scanned the file he was building. Each document told its own story. Each piece he read led him to more of the same conclusions. Justice was a lie. The system was corrupt. And the people he’d counted on most to have his back were the same damn ones that would just as easily stab him in it.

  He had to think about what he was going to do next. He wanted to talk to Fuller. He thought she’d believe him. She seemed to have the same trust issues. But he was afraid. What if she told someone? What if she turned her back?

  What if he put her in danger? That was the big one. He couldn’t live with himself if that happened.

  Closing the folder, he let out a sigh. He looked in the mirror and realized that from the outside he was the same. But inside was a different man. He no longer held the same beliefs and ideals that he had only days before.

  Mostly, he knew that he had to handle this right before multiple people ended up dead. Including himself.


  “I don’t give a fuck about that,” the man loomed above Agent Logan as he sat in the chair. “This is a problem that needs to be solved. And it damn well needs to be solved now.”

  “Look,” Logan tried to interject his own thoughts.

  “Don’t start with me. You
told me you could keep up your end of the bargain. You gave me your word. If you can’t do that then I will.”

  “I understand,” Logan agreed.

  “Then you also understand that if I have to take care of this problem, you will become my next.”

  Logan nodded.

  “Then tell me what you plan to do about this.” The voice grew calmer.

  “All I’m asking for is some time,” Logan admitted. “I’m not trying to go against you. I’m trying to help you.”

  “How is that?” the man questioned. “Give me a reason,” he finished.

  “Look, she’s hiding something. I’m just not sure what,” Logan offered. “But whatever it is, she doesn’t want it out.”

  “God dammit, Logan.” The man leaned down, face to face with the agent. “She could be hiding a weight gain or an illicit affair,” he continued. “She’s a fucking woman. They hide everything.”

  “Right. But I want to find out. That way I know if it’s something that can hurt us or help us.”

  “How in God’s name can anything she’s hiding help us?”

  “Think about it,” he replied. “She knows that house. She knows the man. Something took place. We could use that information,” he suggested.

  “I don’t want to get in his fucking house, Logan,” the man raised his voice. “I want him out of my way before he fucks me up.”

  “Well,” Logan started, “he’s been laying low since she came back.”

  “And your point?” the man was getting more annoyed by the second. “How does this affect me or you in any way?”

  “What if you are right?” Logan started explaining. “What if she’s hiding an affair? Like maybe one with the guy she’s trying to get?”

  “She fucked a bad boy,” the voice dripped with sarcasm. “That should really help my business move right along.”

  “What if he’s laying low because he’s hiding it too?”

  “So what? Wouldn’t you hide fucking an agent who’s been sent to take you to prison?”

  “Yes,” Logan agreed. “But what if it’s more? What if she is his weakness?”

  “You think Asher Hudson has found a woman that makes him weak?”

  “I don’t know,” he was honest. “But I’d like to know. Before I tend to the problem.”

  “She’s getting too nosey,” the voice answered.

  “I know,” Logan conceded.

  “She’s working with that lump of lard detective,” he spoke softly.

  “I know, I saw them together,” Logan nodded. “But what’s he going to help her with?”

  “He’s smarter than you give him credit for,” the voice stated.

  “So what do you want me to do?”

  “Get her out of my fucking business. And yours. Find out what you want to know and then take care of her,” the voice ordered.

  “I have every intention of getting rid of Agent Fuller,” Logan admitted. “I’ll show her that Vegas just isn’t the place for her.”

  “Good,” the voice replied. “And I can expect this when?”

  “As soon as I crack her wall,” Logan offered. “Which this case is doing for me. Great idea by the way.”

  “I don’t need thanks,” the man replied. “This is just as much for me as it is for you.”

  “Give me the time to find out what I need to know,” Logan requested. “Please?”

  “Agent Logan, you have a week. In that time you will either have the information I need, she will be gone or I will take you both down.” The man turned and walked away.

  Logan sat in the chair and took several deep breaths. He wasn’t sure at all what was going on, but he knew that he had to do what he was told. His ass was on the line.

  Suddenly his text went off. He opened the message to see several pictures. Him and Amanda. In a hotel room. In his office. In his bed. The bed he shared with his wife.

  I’m assuming Mrs. Logan would be as displeased with this as I am with your results. One week. No more. No less. Finish the job or I’ll finish you.

  Logan stood up and walked out of the room. He no longer had time to pussyfoot around Fuller and her soft spot for criminals. He no longer had time to worry about how far she was digging into the things that were going on. He needed to take care of things.

  As he drove towards the office, Logan couldn’t help but remember a time when things were easier. Before he’d gotten involved in all of this. A time when he only wanted to do the same things other agents did. Help people. Fight crime. Support justice.

  Now he just wanted to survive. It was hard to imagine he’d changed so drastically over the years. His wife probably wouldn’t fuck him because she’d hated who he had become. And that was the worst part of it.

  Logan didn’t care much about himself. But he’d hate to see his family hurt because he’d made a decision years ago that altered the course of his life. This wasn’t the place he’d intended to be in. This wasn’t the life he’d imagined.

  The fear was getting to him and he knew he had to blow off steam. Without even thinking, Logan found himself headed in the direction of his house. His wife was gone and the kids were there with Amanda. It was just what he needed.

  “Hey baby,” she answered on the first ring and her response let him know that he was right. His wife was gone.

  “I’m on my way home,” he spoke quickly.

  “For what?”

  “I’ve had a shitty day and I’ve got some built up frustration. I was hoping to bend your ass over and take it out on you,” Logan stated.

  “I’ll put the kids down for a nap and meet you upstairs,” she was smiling and he could hear it from the other end.

  As he set the phone down he had a small flash of guilt for what he did. Then he remembered that she didn’t matter. Some people deserved the shit he did.


  She smelled him. That was all it took. One whiff of that musky cologne and her insides began to ravel. Instantly, she regretted the decision to come to him. He didn’t care about her. He didn’t care if she was alive. She could potentially be making a huge mistake and even putting herself in danger.

  What Fuller was banking on was his one true desire. He wanted to take down Logan. She wanted some information. Perhaps if they worked together, both could achieve their goals. She only hoped that her willingness to help would buy her some time on the death threat.

  Even as she felt Asher move closer behind her, she knew that she would have to play this the right way. Her job would require action if he told her too much. At the same time, she couldn’t tend to business if he told her too little. If she was going to keep him out of this and still solve the case, she’d have to walk around the lines of normal to her. And he’d have to be attuned to her enough to do the same.

  It was a game and she only hoped it was one she could win. She knew it was her only option and that is why she spun to face the man she wasn’t sure she could bare to look at.

  “Nice place, I’ve never been here.”

  “Not many have,” he answered. “How are you, Agent Fuller?”

  “I’ve been okay. Working a lot.”

  “So I hear. What exactly brings you to me?”

  Her body wanted to scream the answer. She wanted to scream the answer. But she refused to show vulnerability in that moment.

  “I need help,” she confessed. “And I’m pretty sure you are the only one I can trust right now.”


  “You wanted to see me?” Andy appeared in the doorway to his boss’ office with very little noise to alert Logan he was there.

  “Wallaby,” Logan smiled and motioned his hand, “Sit down.”

  Andy was a little bit nervous about the sudden request for him to come into the office. He had spent much of his weekend checking into things that he knew damned well Logan would disapprove of. Having learned the kind of man that he was working for, Andy wasn’t sure any private meetings would be a good idea.

  Different thoughts swirled t
hrough his brain. What if Logan knew he knew? What if it was all real? Would his life be in danger?

  He wanted to avoid the entire conversation, but he wasn’t able to. He had no choice but to be right where he was and thinking just what he was thinking.

  “Wallaby, we have a problem,” Logan’s face turned serious and Andy froze. His stomach was in knots and he was terrified to speak. “Relax, you look like you are heading for the gas chamber,” Logan teased and began to laugh. A loud and hearty laugh that didn’t come around very often.


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