Rebels (Nomad Devils Motorcycle Club Book 2)

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Rebels (Nomad Devils Motorcycle Club Book 2) Page 6

by Faye, Carmen

She shuddered.

  “So tell me, Miss Fuller.” He pushed his cock against her ass as his hand slipped around and tightened the clamps on her nipples. His lips pressed lightly against her ear lobe and his teeth tugged at the flesh. “Do you belong to me?”

  The ache in her body increased and she whimpered and nodded.

  “Say it.”

  “I belong to you. I am yours.”


  “And I will never leave you again.” She breathed the words more than she spoke them. But she meant them. Every word of them.

  “Let’s make sure of that,” he spoke a little more sternly and she felt him back away.

  Even prepared for it, the sting of the belt shocked Melissa as it hit the flesh of her buttocks. She cried out, partly in pain and partly in longing. Hudson repeated the swing four more times, giving her a total of five lashes.

  Her clit throbbed underneath the panties. Hudson’s hand dropped the belt and both began to massage her buttocks.

  “Good girl,” he whispered as he squeezed and kneaded the flesh.

  “Please fuck me,” Melissa whimpered. “Please?”

  Hudson walked around to face her. He studied her expression and leaned over to give her a gentle kiss. “Misbehaviors don’t deserve rewards.”

  She whimpered as he backed up and took his place on the sofa. For what seemed like hours she stood before him, arms in the air, clamps on, mostly naked and trembling from desire. He just looked at her.

  “I do love to look at your body,” he commented and she whimpered again. Part of her wanted to move and get dressed. The other part was so into this man watching her that she stood perfectly still and allowed it. “I might be willing to compromise,” he spoke again and her eyes met his with hope. “I won’t please you today,” he continued. “I can’t reward you. But if you are willing,” his smirk returned as his eyes danced, “I will allow you to please yourself in front of me.”

  She debated the idea. Her body was craving his touch. But more than that, it was craving release. He had turned her desire on full force and she wasn’t going to be able to let go of it easily.

  Her arm lowered and she felt her own hand slid into the waistband of her panties.

  “Pull them down and let me see.” He instructed and she followed.

  Over the course of the next twenty minutes, Asher instructed her on how to touch herself and she obliged while he watched. He would comment regularly on how sexy she was or how much she was turning him on. He would tell her things about what he’d like to do to her.

  Following his instruction, Melissa brought herself to the most erotic and powerful orgasm she’d ever had. Once her body was done with the convulsions she’d created, he instructed her to come to him, where he took her naked body into his arms and held her while they talked.

  “So what did you need from me, darling?” he asked and that brought her back to reality.

  “Besides that?” She laughed.

  “Yes.” He laughed with her. “besides that.”

  “I’m going to ask you some questions to help my case.” She looked up at him. “But I have to word them carefully. Asher, I need you to be careful in how you answer them please.” She begged, fear flashing in her eyes.

  Hudson knew what she was saying. If the wrong words came out, she’d have to report him. She didn’t fully trust him and wasn’t aware of what he had or hadn’t done professionally. She was trying to protect him.

  “Of course, Agent Fuller,” he reassured her. “Ask away.”


  Dakota wasn’t happy. Mostly because none of the club was happy. In fact, they were getting a little worried. Out of nowhere, the ATF agent was at their house regularly. She didn’t just drive up. At least the two of them were smarter than that. Asher would bring her. Almost every day. And she’d stay until late that night.

  Whenever anyone questioned him, Asher would say they were working. He was helping her on a case that would go along with their goals. Something that would make them all happy. But he’d never quite tell any of them what that was.

  The guys complained a lot. They didn’t like her being there. Everyone felt like they were in danger. More days than not, they’d leave and hang at the clubhouse. No one wanted to risk what could come if their leader was being set up. And given their knowledge of and history with ATF, that’s exactly what they all believed to be the case.

  It was an odd day. Asher wasn’t home. He hadn’t brought her over in a couple of days and he’d been gone for a good seven or eight hours. Each passing minute worried Dakota a little more.

  The guys were all there and sharing their own opinions. Everyone had a theory. Dakota had tried to contact his friend and never received an answer. It scared him a little. He wanted to believe that Hudson was smart enough to not be fooled, but love could do strange things to people. And the longer that passed, the more worried he became.

  “I’m tellin ya,” Nelson commented. “She’s tryin’ to trap the boss.”

  “I don’t know,” Knowles commented. “Maybe they really are happy. Maybe they are working together like he says.”

  “They do a hell of a lot of working in the bedroom,” Nelson chuckled. “And she screams a lot from this case they are working on.”

  Dakota just sat back and listened. He knew that they were right. Hudson wasn’t thinking straight. He was giving away too much to someone he wasn’t totally sure of. And her being at the house put every single person in danger. Even if she was on the up and up, they knew damn well her colleagues were not.

  He was going to have to talk to Hudson. He was going to have to explain the situation that they were all in now. Maybe he’d listen. Dakota could only hope. Because right at that moment the club was discussing how maybe Asher wasn’t fit for the job anymore. Maybe he needed to step down and let someone lead them that wasn’t stuck in the crotch of the law.

  Dakota shook his head. He didn’t know what to say and was glad no one had asked him. In that moment he would be inclined to agree with the masses. Maybe Asher had lost his ability to put their best interest ahead of his own. What made him such a good leader was his ability to shut out any other influence. No old lady. No kids. No family. He was able to put his entire focus into the club and the safety of his brothers. Something about that agent had changed that. Now all he seemed to care about was absorbing her every second he could get.

  Dakota made a mental note to speak to Asher later that evening. It’d be better from him than anyone else.


  Logan leaned his head back and sighed in happiness. How could this get any better? His wife had taken the kids out for the day. He was in the recliner, leaned back and watching the game and Amanda was on her knees with his dick in her mouth. It was the absolute perfect Sunday afternoon.

  “God damn girl,” he moaned. “I swear you get better every day.”

  He heard a giggle and felt her lips form a smile. She was so easy to keep happy. All he had to do was make her feel wanted and she kept him satisfied on demand. As he felt her tongue work magic on him, he recalled a few nights back. His wife again refused sex. She was accusing him of having an affair with the nanny and threatening to leave. He told her to go. But remember his paycheck and all those expenses that came with the kids. She’d told him he was a bastard.

  She was probably right. He was. But he’d learned quickly after Amanda moved in that he held all the cards. She barely tended to the kids at all. They weren’t home enough between school and friends and activities. Her only job was to stay fucking hot and keep him satisfied. And she did damned good at both. His wife called Amanda a glorified whore. He didn’t care. If his wife had been a little more whorish, there’d be no need for Amanda.

  After being called a bastard, he told her he was going to go fuck the nanny since she didn’t want him. She had cried. Begged him to stay in bed. To be happy with her. He told her to suck his dick and he would.

  She refused. Said she felt used and trashy. S
o he left the bed, walked into Amanda’s room, and ordered her to the shower. The same shower that bordered his bedroom. And he climbed in with her and did more things to her than he’d ever done to any woman. Each of them making her moan and pant and yelp with pleasure. He knew his wife could hear. He knew it hurt her. He didn’t care.

  She was right. He was a bastard. But he loved it.

  “Mm,” Amanda moaned with a mouth full of him and it made him harder. She definitely knew how to take care of a man.

  The phone ringing pissed him the fuck off. He wanted to ignore it. To relish in his afternoon of peace. To enjoy the feeling. But he couldn’t. The number was enough to tell him he had to answer.

  “Don’t stop,” he ordered. “I have to answer this.”

  She nodded and he pushed the button.

  “This is very bad timing.” He snapped into the phone.

  “Sorry,” the drawl made his skin crawl. “We have a problem.”

  God he hated when that man talked to him like he was stupid. Clearly they had a problem if he was getting a Sunday afternoon phone call.

  “Go on.”

  “She’s here. Not this second, but almost every other one.”

  “What the hell do you mean she’s there?” Logan sat up, causing Amanda to reposition herself. “Why?”

  “We aren’t sure. Boss man says they are working together. The guys are worried about the danger to us if we get busted. Like maybe she’s working a case against him and setting him up.”

  “There’s no case. Does anyone else know just what the hell they’re doing?”

  “Naw,” he answered. “Just that it’s supposed to benefit us. And that it’s safe. According to Hudson anyways.”

  “Us, or you?”

  “Whichever that takes you down, along with the ATF.”

  “And she’s helping?”

  “I suppose. Most think they’re just fucking. But he swears they are working together on something. A case she has. Or something like that.”

  “How often is she there? And how long? And what do you mean fucking? Are they fucking?” Logan was tired of having to ask for more information. The idiot should know what to tell him.

  “Almost every day. Most of the day. And yes we all think so. She’s attached to him.”

  So our little agent has bedded the enemy huh? Well, now I know why she’s so damned secretive. Not only would it cost her a job, but she must know something. “ If he’s hung on this long, there must be something there. That makes her a very valuable tool.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I didn’t expect you to.”.

  “Most of the guys are ready to vote him out.”

  “No, I need him where he’s at. For a little while longer.”

  “So what do I do?”

  “Convince them to keep him. Make her feel welcome and secure. Let her trust you. And tell me everything.”

  “Consider it done.”

  “And if you fuck this up…”

  The awkward silence was the only response he needed. The message was received loud and clear. Before he could say goodbye he felt his orgasm coming and pushed the button on the phone.

  “Oh fuck baby, that is amazing,” Logan moaned and groaned as his body released the stress of the phone call.

  “Brent,” she never called him by his name so it definitely caught his attention. “We need to talk.”

  “We aren’t having the leave your family talk again are we?”

  “No. It’s a little more important than that.”

  “So what is it?” He asked, ready to continue watching the game.

  “I’m pregnant.”


  “Thanks for meeting me,” Andy spoke and stretched out his hand to shake hers.

  Melissa noted immediately that his fingers were trembling. Something was upsetting him and she wasn’t sure what it was or why she was the one he had called.

  The one thing she did know was that he hadn’t been at work in a while. She kept meaning to ask around, but with her case work and the time she was spending with Asher; the thought always slipped her mind. It made her feel like a lousy co-worker, but she reminded herself that they weren’t exactly close friends.

  Andy had apologized to her numerous times for leaving the mike. She knew that he felt guilty about her being kidnapped. Considering the situation, she couldn’t exactly tell him that it was a good experience for her. Instead she had to just accept his apology and constantly tell him that it was okay and she was fine, that she didn’t hold any resentment.

  Something inside her told her that he wasn’t the one responsible anyway. She knew without even giving it a thought that Andy Wallaby hadn’t made the decisions to put her in danger. Her instinct told her it was Logan, but she didn’t have the proof she needed yet.

  She knew ultimately it was Wallaby’s job to ensure her safety. His place on the team that night left him responsible. But she had never and would never blame her.

  Not that she blamed anyone. She kind of wanted to kiss whoever did it. Things were amazing with Hudson and that would have never happened otherwise. She had only hoped that they would have solved her case by now. That there would have been evidence to support their theory. Sometimes she had a nagging doubt in her mind about the man she was aligning herself with. Could he be trusted? Or was he still only out to take down the ATF, which at the moment still included her?

  “Of course,” she smiled at him and shook his hand in return. “When a colleague needs me, I’m there.”

  “I’m not much of a colleague.”

  “Are you still blaming yourself for that night?” she asked, wishing that she could reassure him one last time and he would stop feeling guilty.

  “No,” he answered. “Well, yes a little. But it’s over.”

  “Then I don’t understand what you mean?” Her senses were on high alert. Was he trying to scam her? Hurt her? Had Logan sent him?

  “I can’t be a colleague when I no longer work with you.”


  “I was fired”.

  “For what?” Wallaby had always been a good agent. She was pretty sure he’d been one who’d stay at the ATF forever.

  “On paper? Causing you to get kidnapped. But that’s not the reason and I know it. I know something.”

  Suddenly she was beginning to feel uneasy. Wallaby wasn’t the kind to be paranoid. She’d never seen him act like this. But suddenly it’s like he was afraid of his own shadow.

  “Know something?” Melissa had to play it cool. She had to act confused and unsure of what was going on or it’d give her own cover away. “I don’t understand.”

  “When you were… gone,” he began, “I was sent to see what information I could find. But I was told something that struck my interest. It wasn’t about you really. But I decided to check it out. Gut instinct you know? So I did. And the more I learned, the worse it seemed to get. And I went to work one day and was fired. Basically told to mind my own business.”

  Melissa felt her own heart drop. What had Wallaby stumbled on to? She had no doubt that it had Logan right smack in the middle of it. Enough so that he’d fired him. She wanted to ask. She wanted to know if he knew something that could help her. But she couldn’t ask.

  The one thing she’d learned in all of this was that nobody was what they appeared. So she had to tread carefully with them. Make sure that she could trust them before she did. Never reveal her position. It was like a deadly game of chess.

  “I don’t know why I called you.” He continued. “I thought maybe…I mean no one else even acknowledges me. They are all up…I mean,” his voice trailed off. “I’m still researching. I have a plan. I was hoping that we could work together. Privately of course.”

  “I’d have to know what it is we are working on.”

  “I’m a little leery of trusting anyone at the moment. I hope you can understand.”

  Melissa nodded and wanted to tell him that he had no idea just how mu
ch she understood that statement. But she kept her cool.

  “I need help,” he confessed to her. “I’m in danger. And if I’m right, so are you.”

  Those words caused her ears to perk up. “Danger?”

  “Yes,” he answered. “If I’m right, you were sent into that house that night to die.”

  Melissa felt the breath catch in her throat. She had no clue how much his words would impact her.

  “No one can know we meet. It’d guarantee we don’t make it through this. But trust me, what I have is enough to turn the system and this town upside down. And I’m still learning more. I will be in touch, Agent Fuller. I will give you more information. But for now I just wanted someone to know. I have to go. Like I said, I will be in touch.”


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