Rebels (Nomad Devils Motorcycle Club Book 2)

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Rebels (Nomad Devils Motorcycle Club Book 2) Page 8

by Faye, Carmen

  “I’m going to rub something on you,” he told her softly. “It may tingle a little bit, but I promise it will be worth it.”

  She felt his fingers slide between her legs, the tips covered in a cold cream. Her body arched again and she cried out as he took his time spreading the cream around her clit. Surely he could see and feel the throb she was experiencing.

  “Mm,” he moaned slightly. “You like that do you?”

  She moaned an agreement as he lowered his head to her thighs. The cream began to tingle against her most sensitive spots as his tongues ran along her inner thighs. She gasped and he began to place light kisses along her thighs the outer edges of her sex.

  “No need to squirm It’ll only slow me down.”

  Melissa tried hard to keep her body still but it was near impossible with him teasing her the way he was. Slowly his lips pressed against her, working their way to where she wanted them to be. She was surprised he was being as gentle as he was.

  That surprise faded when she felt his hands press her legs against the bed.

  “I said quit moving.” he ordered and held her firmly against the mattress. “I want to enjoy this moment.”

  Melissa moaned and executed muffled pleas as Asher dipped his tongue around her clit. The cream tingled more and enhanced the ache she already felt. Pushing harder against her legs, he took her clit into his mouth and began to suck, alternating with running his tongue along the edges.

  “Delicious,” he spoke while teasing her further. “I have a surprise for you,” he smiled and she felt one hand release her leg. He was reaching for something.

  Melissa heard a tiny noise and wondered what it was. She wouldn’t be waiting long for an answer.

  “Be good and you can continue to have both,” he instructed and took her clit back between his lips. She felt something hard and vibrating rub along her vagina and her legs spread a bit wider. “You want this inside you?” he asked as the vibrator danced along the edges.

  “Yes.” she moaned.

  Asher took her clit into his mouth, sucking a little harder than usual and at the same time thrust the vibrator deep inside her. With his mouth he toyed with the bulb of flesh and his hand fucked her with a toy she didn’t even know he had. His other hand reached up and twisted on her nipples before tightening the clamps.

  Releasing her clit just before she reached orgasm, he continued to fuck her with the toy in his hand. “I’m going to taste it when you come for me,” he growled as his mouth returned between her thighs.

  Asher played with the settings on the toy, creating a build-up of desire that she’d never experienced even with him. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t bring herself pleasure. She couldn’t see or speak. All she could do was lie there and let him torment her until he decided to relieve her. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  He stopped seven times just before she climaxed. Each time building up the need even further. Finally, on the eighth try he twisted her clit a little inside his mouth and waited as her body convulsed beneath him.

  He then repeated the same. Over the course of another couple of hours, she lie bound and gagged as he brought her to orgasm over and over. When he finally stopped and stood up, her body collapsed as best as it could in restraints. He chose to walk away and have a drink of water.

  Melissa wanted to ask him to release her. From the restraints. From the problems. But she couldn’t talk. She just lied there and thought about it all, realizing that every bit of pleasure for her was a risk to her job. She was impeding her own investigations. Both the one that she had been working on and the one into Wallaby’s death. As long as she remained in this bed with Asher, she couldn’t possibly do her job properly. It had come time to choose and she wasn’t positive which choice she was going to make.


  Nelson sat back and listened. It was what he did best. No one really wanted his opinion anyway. They all looked at him like he was the idiot of the bunch, which in some ways he guessed he was. But this time he was on a mission. He’d been given orders and he had no choice but to follow them. Sometimes he wondered how he got himself into messes like that. It went back to the idiot part he supposed.

  The club was imploding. Their leader doing God knows what with that agent. None of the other brothers could agree just what that was. And he was just watching. Finding it entertaining that all it took was a broad to make a tight knit group of guys turn on each other.

  He had to stop them. Most of them wanted Hudson out. Completely. The rest just wanted him to step down. But Nelson knew his place. He had his orders. Stop them. Keep Hudson where he is.

  The problem was that nobody valued what he had to say. He had told them all several times that he thought they should leave Hudson be for the time being. Nobody listened. He was just the goofy stupid guy. He did the grunt work. Nobody cared about the opinion of grunts.

  That’s why he’d spent most of his day going over how to handle it. He knew it’d come up again. He just didn’t expect it to be that soon. They were all at the clubhouse. The goal for him that night had been a cute blonde by the bar. But the guys had started their discussions again. Get rid of Asher Hudson. He was putting them all at risk. He was a danger to their mission.

  Some mission. Why on earth would they want to take on something as big as the ATF? Sure, Hudson and Logan had their issues. But come on. Did he really think he’d win against a federal agency? Even with one of their own in his bed?

  Nelson couldn’t help but smile. These fucks thought he was dumb. Thought he wasn’t worth much. They barely even let him participate on the jobs. But he was doing his own job. And he was doing a damned better one than any of them. They couldn’t even regain control of their own club.

  He prepared himself for what he was about to do. It was risky. He had to be careful.

  “Guys,” he stepped into the conversation. “Maybe we’re looking at this all wrong,” he concluded and waited on them to pay attention.

  “I doubt it,” he heard from the back of the group.

  “Not likely,” another voice piped up.

  “Let’s hear him out,” Dakota offered. “What are you thinking, Nelson?”

  “Well,” he drawled. “Look what this is doing to us. Everyone is arguing. No one trusts anyone. We used to be brothers. Now we are more like estranged third cousins.”

  He heard a few chuckles. Probably as much because he used a big word as because of the joke.

  “Maybe this is the goal,” he said quietly. “Maybe the ATF did this to watch us all fall apart. Hell, if we don’t stick together and Hudson is pre-occupied and none of us trust him…then what?”

  He had their attention. They waited on him to continue.

  “How easy would it be to take us down if we’re at each other’s throats?” he continued.

  “So you think she’s here to do just this?”

  “I dunno,” Nelson answered. “Maybe she’s sincere and not involved. I don’t give a fuck. I’m just wondering if maybe we are being set up to collapse. And we are giving them exactly what they want.”

  “They are going to pin that agent’s death on him,” Knowles said. He wasn’t usually one to stand with the crowd, so everyone was a bit surprised.

  “Maybe,” Nelson said. “Maybe not. They’d need evidence. But that don’t matter. We’ve survived as long as we have because we’ve been united. If they see us at odds with each other and with no leading force, they will step in and make sure that we lose.”

  “So what are you saying?” Dakota seemed interested. “What’s your solution?”

  “For now,” Nelson began, “We stay united. We back Hudson like we always have. Even if it’s fake. When all this is over, we can discuss the future. But for now, we need to keep up that front if we want to survive this. Hell, the basement alone could land us life without parole.”

  The guys were quiet. They contemplated the story he’d told and Nelson mentally patted himself on the back. He’d done pretty well. None o
f it was true, but he’ll be damned if he didn’t sound convincing.

  Suddenly he started seeing nods of approval. They agreed with him. They thought his idea made sense. One of them even included the phrase “didn’t think you had it in ya, Nelson, good job.”

  Nelson just smiled and nodded. They had no idea. That ATF agent sure as hell did. He had looked him eye to eye and known what was about to happen. Funny, the last thing he said when he fell to the ground was that broad’s name. Fuller. Nelson passed the word on to Logan. He wasn’t sure why the man was after Hudson or one of his own, but he certainly wasn’t going to withhold any information.

  The quicker Logan finished this shit, the quicker he was out. Then he could take off and do what he wanted to do without always watching his back. The man may be working with him for now, but Brent Logan scared him. And he’d prefer to stay as far away from that man as he can.


  The uneasy feeling inside his stomach just wouldn’t go away. Larsen didn’t like the man and was never going to. But Logan had requested a visit and he couldn’t very well say no.

  “Detective,” Logan smiled and sat down without even a handshake, “I’m glad you could come by.”

  “Not like I have a choice, now do I?” Larsen let out a belly laugh. “Feds always trump locals.”

  “Very true. I have a few questions for you.”

  “Sure thing,” Larsen nodded. “Ask away.”

  “Obviously, we take the murder of one of our own very seriously,” He looked at Larsen and waited on him to nod his agreement. “I’m trying to piece some things together. Like who would have had a reason to target an ATF agent that wasn’t even on duty.”

  Larsen didn’t mention that he was aware that Wallaby had been fired weeks ago. But for whatever reason, Logan wanted to pretend, Larsen went with it.

  “Easy target would be my guess. You lot ain’t very popular around these parts.” Larsen shrugged. “Truth be told, even I’m not really sure what you guys do, other than overstep boundaries on my cases.”

  “Well I’m aware that Wallaby had met with you on at least two occasions,” Logan continued. “I was curious if he was discussing anything with you.”

  Larsen thought it over for a minute before he responded. It was a little unsettling that his meetings were public knowledge to a dick like Logan. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to be honest or not. He decided he’d be best to do just that.

  “Well, the first time he had questions about Asher Hudson. Seems one of yours was kidnapped or something…” Larsen paused for a moment to gather his own thoughts. “Anyway, he came to me to ask about anything I might know.”

  “And what did you tell him?”

  “That she was probably dead,” Larsen looked down. “I feel real bad about that now. It upset him.”

  “What about Hudson? Anything?” Logan pushed.

  “I can’t remember everything I’ve said, Agent Logan. I’m sure you understand. It wasn’t a very important meeting in my mind at the time.” He shrugged. “I told him what I knew about Hudson. That the girl was probably dead. And that was that.”

  “What about his second visit?” Logan pressed on. “Was it also about Hudson?”

  “No,” Larsen shook his head.

  “Then what was it about?”

  Larsen watched him begin to fidget. He wondered what secret Logan was trying to keep hidden. “He wanted to talk to me about a job,” Larsen finally confessed.

  “A job?” Logan asked.

  “Yep,” Larsen looked Logan eye to eye. “Said he was unemployed and was interested in working with us. Wanted to know what he had to do.”

  The detective watched the agents face go pale. Logan not only gained none of the information that he was hoping for, he had also been busted in a stupid lie.

  “Well…we had parted ways just before his death,” Logan confessed his own truth. “But that’s all the visit was about?”

  Larsen toyed with what to say. Finally he just nodded. “That’s it,” he lied. No way was he sharing that information. The last guy that knew it is now in the morgue with more holes than a wheel of Swiss cheese.

  “And Agent Fuller? Has she been meeting with you?” Logan continued.

  “Only twice.” The detective answered. “Before you ask, she’s working the gang case. Wanted to know if I knew anything about who might be selling these weapons. Seemed to think it might be her captor.”

  “And you said what?” Logan was curious.

  “Told her I didn’t doubt he was involved, but was sure someone else was as well. Maybe even Guiterro.”

  “I see,” Logan finished. “I may need to ask more questions later, detective. You should probably let me handle the investigation into Agent Wallaby’s death. Wouldn’t want the person that got him to target you now.”

  “Certainly don’t want that. But that’s fine. We have nothing anyway. Just gut hunches that it’s gang-related and somehow tied to Hudson.”

  “Maybe that’s enough. Maybe it will get him off the streets for good.”

  “Doubt that,” Larsen responded. “Won’t be the first time y’all dragged him into something like this.”

  Logan nodded and stood up. “Thank you, detective, and stay safe. It’s a dangerous world we work in.”

  “That it is,” Larsen said, standing as well. “That it is.”

  With that he turned and walked out of the office, all the while trying to make sense of what had just happened. Larsen was pretty confident he’d been threatened, but he didn’t have proof. All he could do, was take it seriously and protect himself.

  He grabbed his phone and made a call as he walked towards the diner. He had someone he needed to meet with and it was important.


  “Why did you call me?” Melissa asked across the diner table from Detective Larsen.

  The diner had been a long way out of the way. Somewhere she wasn’t even sure she knew existed. Not that it was odd. After all, she hadn’t been here that long.

  “We need to talk about your boss.” he said and his face remained serious and contemplative.

  Fuller sat back in the chair and flagged down a server for some coffee. There was no doubt in her mind that this conversation was going to test the limits of her nerves.

  The waitress left and Fuller turned back to the detective. “The last guy that told me about my boss is being buried Saturday. I happen to think I’m in danger. And now you want to bring more to me? I hope like hell it’s good.”

  The conversation wasn’t much of a surprise. Other than Larsen told her about his meetings with Wallaby. There had been several of them. Larsen had apparently been helping Andy in his research.

  The detective told her that Wallaby had felt horribly guilty for his choices the night she was kidnapped, but he’d learned she was okay and it helped him to feel better. She shared what she suspected on both Wallaby’s murder and the gang gun cases. Larsen just nodded.

  As she talked, she felt guilty. She was telling this random detective more than she’d shared with her colleague or the man she was in bed with the night before. But something told her that she could trust him. Something told her that he was on her side.

  “I don’t have all of the paperwork on me. Andy kept it. But he had some things I think you need to see. Things that none of us were aware of.” Larsen leaned forward. “It may make some things more sensible once you read it.”

  Melissa wasn’t sure how or why she’d read it, but she nodded and agreed to do so as soon as she could. The two of them talked for about an hour and a half before they parted ways, separately, to go in opposite directions. It wasn’t until she arrived home that she realized she would, indeed, be reading the information.

  A package was at her doorstep. It was from Wallaby. Dated the day she’d met with him. He had sent her what he had so that it was protected. And that someone knew it.

  Melissa wasn’t sure she was ready for what it entailed to read it. Part of her wanted to call
Hudson and have him with her. The other part of her feared for what she would find out about him. No doubt that Andy had taken on that research as well. His guilt would make him do so. He would need to know that she was safe from any future problems after she’d been kidnapped.

  Grabbing a strong drink, Melissa took the folder and went to her bedroom. She wanted comfort and quiet as she pored over what Andy had sent her. She even grabbed her notebook to jot down whatever could help with her investigation.

  She scanned each page, finding herself even more amazed with the things she was learning. Nobody that she knew was what she had thought they were. Nobody. And she had the proof in front of her. All of it.


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