Dawn of Chrysalis (The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. Book 2)

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Dawn of Chrysalis (The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. Book 2) Page 7

by Sam B Miller II


  "I've decided to view the transition myself from the control room. Wait for my arrival before you initiate the drive. Ernest is fully capable of manning the equipment here in Engineering without my constant supervision," Heinbaum observed in a condescending tone.


  A few minutes later, Heinbaum strolled into the master control room and took a position standing behind Alex’s flight couch. With his hands clasped behind his back like a middle school teacher supervising a physics experiment, Heinbaum asked Alex to explain his flight path sensor readings again since he had only heard the conversation between Alex and McPherson over the open mic without the benefit of seeing the charts and calculations.

  Alex rehashed his readings and graphics with particular emphasis on the inability of the saucer's sensors to discern a flight path.

  Satisfied with the answers, Heinbaum said, "Very well Colonel, you may proceed with activation."

  Then pausing as he turned his head toward the microphone embedded in the control console, Heinbaum asked, "Ernest? Is your equipment ready for the next leg of the test?"

  "Yes Doctor, all systems ready," Longarrow replied.

  Receiving a nod from Heinbaum, Alex glanced at McPherson and noticed one thing was different about the big Scotsman. He appeared to be more relaxed and didn't have a death grip on his flight couch armrests. Even so, the locked jaw and deeply creased forehead on the man were ample evidence he was still not joyful about space flight.

  Confirming the GPC destination coordinates were set for Venus, Alex hovered his index finger over the green square labeled 'GO' and said, "Activation in 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1. GO."

  Instantly, the view on the main screen shifted from Pluto's dark gray plain with high mountain ranges and deeply shadowed valleys to a screen filled with swirling brownish white clouds. Alex and McPherson were prepared for the rapid eye twisting shift in aspect as the spacecraft transitioned from Pluto to Venus. They'd both looked away from the view screen the moment the drive was activated. Heinbaum hadn't witnessed the visual phenomena before. Standing behind Alex, he was focused on the view screen waiting to observe the transition. When his eyes went in and out of focus several times before they settled back to normal, he lost his balance and fell into an ignominious heap on the deck.

  McPherson jumped up from his flight couch, helped Heinbaum stand and ushered the dizzy scientist to a seat where he could reclaim his balance and dignity.

  Peering over at Alex, McPherson said, "Let me guess. The computers say we are now in orbit around the planet Venus."

  As Alex nodded his head, Ernest exclaimed over the open mic, "It appears we siphoned 1,050 megavolts of power from the black hole to effectuate the flight. Unbelievable! That's the amount of power in ten average lightning bolts."

  Rising from the flight couch and clutching the backrest to steady himself because he was still lightheaded, Heinbaum ordered, "Set course for Earth. I have a lot of work to do analyzing the data from our recordings."

  "Longarrow!" he bellowed as he walked unsteadily toward the doorway leading from the control room. "Reset the monitors and recorders for our final test leg return to Earth."

  As an afterthought, the still dizzy scientist demanded, "And get me something to eat. I think I'm having a sugar crash!"

  Chapter 6 - Meeting

  Two days later, McPherson walked into Heinbaum's laboratory and slammed the door, "Heiny, guess what?"

  Heinbaum was standing next to Longarrow observing his Navajo assistant place a miniaturized Buckminsterfullerene into a small bowl of the silvery porcelain. He was so startled by the unexpected shout he almost jumped out of his lab coat.

  Grabbing his lapels and jerking them downward to straighten out any wrinkles, Heinbaum glared at the red-haired hellion and replied, "How dare you disturb the peace and tranquility of my laboratory! Get out at once! I'll let you know if your presence is ever required."

  Strolling up to the indignant scientist, McPherson wrapped his arms around him and said breathlessly, "You big hunk of manhood. I just can't stay away from you."

  Struggling from the big man's grasp, Heinbaum demanded, "Stop with your ridiculous comments."

  Then with a sly look, Heinbaum said, "You know, Captain, jealousy of my glorious manhood doesn't become you."

  Rolling his eyes at the Doctor's attempt at humor, McPherson said, "You still haven't asked me about my news."

  Realizing the big goon wasn't going away, Heinbaum asked, "Very well. What?"

  "Just got word Colonel Jenson is headed back with a payload of Chrysallaman scientists. Should arrive sometime after lunch. Appears one of the Chriks is interested in meeting the Human who invented the kinetic generator."

  "Nonsense," Heinbaum blustered as he nervously ran his hand over his head to smooth down any oily hairs he imagined to be out of place. "General Blunt would never subject me to the indignity and danger of such a blatant disregard for my personal safety."

  "Oh don't you worry, Doc. The General made sure I'd be here to protect you from the dastardly old aliens. 'Sides, I knew you'd be anxious to meet a Chrysallaman who's smarter than you. You're always up to learning new things, aren't you little buddy?"

  The slack jawed look of disbelief on Heinbaum's face was comical. Stomping his foot in anger and frustration and crossing his arms, the bony scientist declared, "We'll just see about that!"

  Marching over to his desk, Heinbaum stabbed at the dial pad and said, "Yes Amsley, this is Dr. John Heinbaum. I must urgently speak with General Blunt."

  Less than a minute later, Heinbaum said, "Hello General Blunt. Yes, I'm making excellent progress on the gravity drive. Well, I'm calling about what Captain McPherson just told me."

  There was a pause of perhaps 30 seconds as the weasily scientist listened.

  "General Blunt, I must protest the danger of such a meeting to my personal safety and well-being. I'm much too valuable to the future of mankind to be . . ."

  This time, Heinbaum was silent for a good 2 minutes, but the way the color drained from his face and his beady eyes darted back and forth indicated the tone and tenor of the General's response. Slowly and softly replacing the phone in its cradle, Heinbaum walked back to where McPherson and Longarrow were leaning against a workbench.

  Acting like everything was business as usual, his shaking hands and the drops of sweat beading on his forehead the only outward indications of his telephone conversation with Blunt, Heinbaum mumbled, "It appears Captain you're information about the visit of the Chrysallaman scientist is correct. We'll offer as much cooperation as possible to our guest."

  "That's the spirit Heiny," McPherson grinned as he patted the man on his thin shoulders. "Don't worry your pretty little head about anything 'cause I'm here to protect you from the big, evil aliens."

  Gazing at the Scotsman with a round eyed look of sheer terror, Heinbaum said nothing.


  The laboratory was as spotless as Miguel had ever seen. Heinbaum had just dismissed a crew of maintenance personnel who'd spent over three hours scrubbing every inch of the pristine lab. Every piece of glass and every item of equipment glistened. The frantic scientist had even donned white gloves and was walking about the lab wiping his fingers across workbenches and any other flat surface he could find looking for remnants of dust. He was acting like a newlywed expecting a visit from his mother-in-law. Miguel had to struggle to keep from laughing out loud at the antics.

  Appearing to be satisfied with the cleanliness of his lab, Heinbaum turned to inspecting his associates.

  "Longarrow," he said. "Comb that pony-tail or cut it off! You look like an unkempt hippy high on peyote."

  "And you, McPherson. Stand at attention and make sure your shirt tails are tucked in. You look like a bear fresh out of the forest."

  "Roemer! What are you gawking at? I see a smear of oil on your right cuff. Change into a clean lab coat. Must I babysit all of you?"

  When no one made any move to acquiesce to hi
s demands, Heinbaum threw his hands up in disgust and stomped to his desk in silent rage. Without a knock, the laboratory door swung open and Doug Jenson walked in followed by a 6 foot 3 inch Chrysallaman wearing the Chrysallaman equivalent of a white lab coat. Miguel noted the lizard had a plastic pocket protector stuck in his chest pocket with the tops of 2 pens of different colors sticking from the protective sheath.

  Walking over to Heinbaum, Doug shook the scientist's hand and mentally projected, "Dr. John Heinbaum, I would like to introduce you to Dr. Jamins GooYee, the leading Chrysallaman scientist in high energy physics."

  Turning his head towards the lizard, Doug nodded his head and continued, "Dr. GooYee, please allow me to introduce you to Dr. John Heinbaum, the Human scientist who conceived and built the Kinetic Generator."

  GooYee gazed at Heinbaum and then looked around the laboratory with complete disinterest. After a moment he said, "Based upon what I see, I'm astounded anyone using this equipment could invent fire much less the powerful energy source I witnessed. So Colonel, would you please stop playing games and conduct me to the real laboratory. I tire of your jokes."

  Heinbaum lost his composure. Stepping up to confront the big lizard, he stabbed his bony finger at the physicist's chest and sputtered, "Why you no good, supercilious, pompous jerk! How dare you insult the superior intellect who devastated your puny . . "

  McPherson stepped between Heinbaum and GooYee, grabbed his friend's hand and pushed him gently away. Heinbaum knew he couldn't withstand the strength of the big Scotsman so he let himself be nudged back; however, the look of indignation didn't subside.

  Unperturbed by the actions of the little scientist, GooYee said, "Thank you for intervening. I was afraid I might have to harm the little queller."

  The rather sizeable red-haired human turned toward GooYee so fast the startled physicist took a step backward in fear. Moving faster than any living thing the Chrysallaman had ever encountered, the human grabbed fistfuls of GooYee's lab coat and lifted the huge alien so high his clawed feet dangled in the air a good 4 inches off the floor.

  Like a hot breeze blowing off the burning sands of a desert, McPherson's thoughts blasted into GooYee's brain, "If you even so much as touch that man in a threatening manner, I will personally rip off your swelled head and spit down your open throat! Do I make myself clear?"

  GooYee had no idea his head was somehow enlarged and the threatening Human had not turned transparent, but he knew he was overpowered by a gigantically strong creature. The menacing tone and power in the Human's thoughts couldn't be ignored. Hoping he wouldn't be thrown across the room, GooYee nodded his head and felt the giant lower him to the floor."

  Eyes wide with apprehension, GooYee watched as the Human named McPherson smiled at him and smoothed down the fist-sized wrinkles in his formerly perfectly pressed lab coat with the rough palms of his hands.

  "Nice to make your acquaintance, Gooey. Glad we have an understanding," McPherson said as he patted the Chrysallaman's chest.

  Thinking to himself, "Why do these Humans keep calling me Gooey?" The Chrysallaman scientist responded, "Yes of course."

  Taking a deep breath and another few moments to gather his thoughts, GooYee looked at Heinbaum and asked, "Are you, sir, really the renowned Human scientist I've heard so much about who conceived the principles of the Kinetic Generator?"

  When the narrow faced Human with very slick hair and sharply pointed nose nodded in answer, GooYee continued, "Then I wish to apologize for my former remarks. For a lifeform such as yourself to create such brilliance from the meager tools in this room and the limited educational opportunities available to you on this planet, I must say I am astounded."

  GooYee was shocked when the little Human leaped at him with a snarl and began beating on his chest with his fists. Again the large Human intervened, only this time he pulled Heinbaum away from GooYee and put his own body between them like a shield.

  "My goodness!" GooYee thought with alarm as he watched Heinbaum struggle to reach past McPherson and grab him. "What kind of nest from Hell have I landed in? There's something very wrong about these Humans!"

  Jenson, who'd been standing by watching the whole scene unfold, decided it was time he intervened. The pride and arrogance of these two geniuses had to be corralled, or there'd be no mutual cooperation in scientific advancement.

  Knowing there was one sure way to calm Heinbaum down and at the same time knock GooYee off his high horse, Doug asked, "Dr. GooYee, I believe your training and knowledge of the theories of light speed travel indicate it's currently not possible for your spacecraft to exceed the speed of light. Isn't that correct?"

  With the confident look of a tenured college professor answering the childish question of a freshman in Physics 101, GooYee intoned, "You understand correctly. Chrysallaman scientists have spent the last 250 years perfecting our light speed drive. Our development of the black hole anti-mass containment system and continued improvements in fusion reactor energy output have enabled us to achieve 99.99% of the speed of light and sustain that speed as long as necessary to reach our far-flung planetary systems."

  Putting his arms behind his back and pacing toward the white board on a nearby wall, GooYee picked up a black marker and began writing a complex mathematical formula. As he completed the myriad of symbols, letters and numbers, he stepped back and said, "As any first year Chrysallaman student is taught, this formula is complete and undeniable. There is one atomic particle identified as a Davission which is theoretically capable of moving faster than light. To date, no Chrysallaman scientist has been able to conceive of a way to imbue our spacecraft with qualities mimicking the Davission faster than light properties."

  Heinbaum had been eyeing GooYee's formula and walked up remarking, "Your formula appears to be complete but would you mind if I made a couple of minor suggestions?"

  GooYee smiled at the skinny Human and said in a condescending tone, "Well of course. I'm always anxious to train new students about established scientific principles. When you have completed your suggestions, I will point out the inherent errors in your thesis."

  Staring at the big lizard with a look like he had just eaten some bitter tasting cabbage, Heinbaum picked up another black marker. The first thing he did was add a division sign at the end of GooYee's formula. He then wrote a long and intricate series of symbols, letters and numbers. After completing his new part of the formula, Heinbaum began simplifying the complex algorithm by marking out portions of the original formula as he marked out portions of his supplementary formula. When he was done with the mutual cancellations, he put an equal sign at the end of everything and wrote out the final, simplified version of the integrated equation.

  Stepping away from the white board, Heinbaum crossed his arms, nodded his head at the results and glanced sideways at the Chrysallaman physicist for his reaction. As GooYee absorbed the meaning of the mathematics, his face and eyes displayed a series of emotions ranging from disbelief to shock to amazement. He made no move to alter a single part of the Heinbaum equation.

  "What do you call this theoretical process your formula describes?" he asked in a hushed tone.

  Heinbaum stepped back to the white board and drew an equal sign at the end of the new formula and then wrote the letters FLIT.

  Taking a step backwards he said, "My team came up with the name, and I like it. FLIT stands for Folded Link Instantaneous Travel."

  Scrutinizing the narrow faced Human with new found respect, GooYee asked in a hushed tone, "When will you begin construction of the mechanism capable of producing the results indicated by your formula?"

  Replacing his black marker in the white board tray, Heinbaum ran his eyes up and down the entire frame of the lizard and smiled before he responded, "Oh, we've already built and tested it. All the saucers and the mother ship are being retrofitted right now with the new FLIT drives."

  Without realizing in his excitement that a little drool dripped from the corner of his mouth onto the collar of his l
ab coat, GooYee bowed his head and asked in an awestruck voice, "Doctor, would it be possible for me to experience this new FLIT drive in operation?"

  Without hesitation, Heinbaum replied with a mischievous smile, "But of course my dear fellow."


  A short time later, Dr. GooYee strode into the Engineering Bay of the scout saucer Salteer with the Human scientist named Dr. Miguel Roemer.

  What he didn't see made him ask in wide-eyed astonishment, "What have you done with the fusion reactor?"

  As part of the refit of the saucer with the new FLIT drive, the fusion reactor had been removed from the bay. The large size of the reactor and its attendant parts made its absence quite obvious. The circular Engineering bay was 30 feet in diameter. The 10 foot wide by 7 foot high containment vessel normally squatted in the center of the bay with several steel pipes for cooling and massive power cables snaking away from several couplings on the structure. The containment vessel and cooling pipes were gone. Steel mesh now covered the hole in the deck formerly occupied by the structure.


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