Love All Out - The Complete Series (A Stepbrother Romance)

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Love All Out - The Complete Series (A Stepbrother Romance) Page 22

by Ward, Alice

  “Let me do that,” James insisted. He grabbed the saddle by its horn and lifted it with one hand. He carried it into Mayhem’s stall, placed it gently on his back, and knelt down to fasten his girth strap.

  “Don’t clench it just yet. He holds his breath,” I warned.

  James looked up at me, his eyes still angry slits. “I know how to saddle a horse, Willow.”

  Mayhem finally exhaled and James tightened the strap. “I saddled Seven this morning, so don’t think you’re getting out of here without me. There’s got to be a way to get out from under Bradley’s thumb. I’ve been thinking about it and the most obvious way is to just tell the truth ourselves.”

  I was horrified by the suggestion. “You know we can’t do that,” I gasped and then took a deep breath. “It could completely ruin my reputation.”

  James led Mayhem out of the stall and handed me his reins. I put my left foot in the stirrup, but James put a hand on my shoulder and anchored me to the ground.

  “Willow, there’s no guarantee Bradley won’t share those pictures, even if we do go along with his little game. The truth won’t be nearly as shocking or scandalous if we tell it ourselves. If we get ahead of the story, we’ll be sympathetic. If we let Bradley tell it, we’ll be sexual deviants.”

  He doesn’t care about getting ahead of the story. Regardless of who tells it, the result will be the same. I’ll be the laughingstock of the racing industry and everything I’ve worked so hard for will be destroyed.

  I was insulted that James thought I wouldn’t see through his plan. “You don’t care about my reputation at all,” I hissed. “You just want to tell everyone and get it over with so we can be together. You don’t care what it costs me.” I pushed his hand off of my shoulder and stood up in the stirrup.

  Before I could swing my right leg over Mayhem, James wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me backward.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked. I tried to wiggle free from his grip, but I quickly discovered that my efforts were futile. I shook my foot loose from the stirrup and fell into his arms. James spun around, set me on my feet, and pinned me against the wall. He held my hands against my sides and covered my mouth with his.

  I tried to fight him and kept my lips sealed tight against his probing tongue. But it felt so good to have his body against mine again, to breathe in the air he exhaled. His intoxicating scent blended with the sweet aroma of the horse’s hay, and I melted. Thoughts of my reputation and Bradley’s threats left my mind and I let my mouth fall open.

  James let go of my hands and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Kissing James felt like coming home and I never wanted the feeling to end. He moved his mouth to my earlobe and whispered, “This is all I’ve been able to think about for days.”

  As James’s lips explored my neck, I grabbed a handful of his hair and wrapped one leg around his waist. He leaned into me, pressing his stiff, denim covered cock against my thigh.

  Mayhem let out a loud whinny, snapping me back to reality. I was suddenly very aware of our surroundings and the probability of a ranch hand or, God forbid, Daddy and Renee walking in on us. I put my foot back on the ground and pushed James away.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I screamed at him. I rushed back to Mayhem and jumped into the saddle before James had a chance to grab me again. “Anyone could have walked in and saw that.” James held Mayhem by the headstall and looked up at me. I was irritated that he wouldn’t let me leave, but relieved that he hadn’t climbed on Seven to join me.

  “Would that really have been so bad?” he asked softly. “You still want me. That kiss proved it. Don’t let Bradley turn this into something shameful. Let’s tell the truth and take the wind out of his sail.”

  I pulled gently on the reins and Mayhem took a few steps back. James let go of him and reluctantly backed up against the wall. “I can’t live like this, Willow. Wanting you and not being able to have you will drive me crazy. I’ll end up doing something stupid… or someone stupid.”

  He knew just what buttons to push to hurt me the most. I looked down at him, willing myself to keep it together until I was out of the barn.

  “Is that some sort of ultimatum?” I asked. “Either I risk everything for you, or you’ll go back to screwing the buckle bunny of the week?”

  He stared back at me, his eyes cold and emotionless. “It’s not an ultimatum… more of a prediction of the future if we do this your way.”

  I knew I had no claim on James. I’d ended things between us, leaving him free to do whatever and whoever he wanted. But it killed me to think about him in anyone else’s arms. He knew that, and the fact that he’d used it against me hurt more than anything.

  I cleared my throat after a few moments of silence. “This is what we’re going to do. We’ll meet with Bradley tomorrow, see what he wants, and play along. The first opportunity I have, I’ll delete the pictures. He won’t have anything to hold over our heads, and this will all be over. I can get on with my life, and you can screw whoever you like.”

  James clenched his jaw, his eyes smoldering. “Fine, if that’s what you really want.”

  “What I want is to go for a ride by myself,” I spat.

  I gave Mayhem a swift nudge to the flank and let him gallop out of the barn.


  The next morning, I woke up early and made my way down to the thoroughbred barn before anyone else arrived. I craved the peaceful quiet I’d taken for granted before we’d hired the new employees. I brewed a pot of coffee and walked around the stalls, greeting each horse with a smile and a bucket of sweet feed. The solitude didn’t last long. Matt arrived fifteen minutes after me, followed closely by Mason, Harrison, and John. Beau and Cody, the local men we’d hired, weren’t set to start their training until after we returned from Maryland.

  The new workers were more than capable of handling the day to day chores on their own, but I was determined to have them trained to my way of doing things before I left for the race. The day flew by. I worked through lunch and was surprised when I looked up and saw Bradley’s truck at the main house. I panicked, pulled my phone from the bib pocket of my overalls, and checked the time.

  Shit, it’s already a quarter to four. I should have been at James’s cabin five minutes ago. Please, please God, don’t let Daddy or Renee see him. I don’t want to have to explain why he’s here.

  I wiped my hands on a rag and set off for the main house, dialing James’s number on the way. He answered on the first ring.

  “I’m at the cabin.”

  “He’s here,” I said, half whispering. “Shit! Daddy just stepped out on the porch. This may take awhile.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  I ended the call without saying goodbye and stuck my phone back in my pocket. Bradley climbed out of his truck just as I reached the top of the driveway.

  “Hi, Willow. Are you ready for our little meeting?” he asked under his breath, somehow keeping the broad smile on his face. I didn’t have a chance to reply.

  “Bradley,” Daddy bellowed cheerfully from the porch. “It’s good to see you. What brings you out today?”

  Bradley smiled back at him as we walked up the steps. “Good to see you too, Cole. I came to hang out with James and Willow for a little while. I feel so awful about what happened in Kentucky, I thought it would be nice if we could have a fresh start.”

  “That’s awfully mature of you, son,” Daddy told him. “But I’m afraid your timing could be better. We’re all meeting with the Reverend and Mrs. Hawthorne at five-thirty.”

  “Oh really? Are you going over the wedding plans? Dad said you’ve set a date,” Bradley replied. The fake charm in his voice was almost more than I could bear.

  “Actually, we’re having a little premarital family counseling session,” Daddy answered. “Nothing serious, just making sure we’re all on the same page before the big day.”

  The corner of Bradley’s mouth curled up in a smug, amused grin. “That sounds
like a great idea, really smart. You wouldn’t want a nasty secret to sneak up on you after the wedding.”

  “Daddy’s right, we can’t really hang out today,” I interrupted. “But I think James is at his cabin. Why don’t we walk over and you can say hello real quick?” I had to get him away from Daddy before he destroyed everything.

  “Sounds great, Willow,” Bradley agreed. “Cole, I’ll see you soon.”

  “Tell your dad I said hello,” Daddy said before disappearing back into the house.

  I turned and walked back down the steps. Bradley followed, positively bouncing with excitement.

  “I have to tell you, Willow, there are no words for how much fun this is. You’re going to a family counseling session? That has to be the most hilarious thing I’ve heard in months. Are you going to confess your sins to the good Reverend and his wife?” he taunted me.

  I can’t react. I can’t give him the satisfaction. And no matter how badly I want to, I can’t punch him in the face.

  “I have plenty of sins to confess, but not the ones you have in mind,” I said patiently as we walked around the house. I was relieved to see that James was already on his porch. He crossed the yard and met us halfway to the cabin. I appreciated that he didn’t leave me alone with Bradley any longer than absolutely necessary.

  “Are you okay?” James asked me once he’d reached us.

  “I’m fine,” I assured him.

  “You two are so damn cute,” Bradley sneered. “Or at least you would be, if you weren’t so revolting.”

  James put himself between Bradley and me and we silently walked to his cabin.

  “We’re here, just like you demanded,” James said as he pushed open the front door. “So tell us what you want and then leave. We have somewhere else to be.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard all about your group therapy session,” Bradley said as he stepped into the cabin. “This won’t take long.”

  I sat down on the recliner and wrapped my arms around my chest, bracing myself for what was to come. James slammed the door shut and leaned against it while Bradley made himself comfortable on the couch. James and I waited for Bradley to speak first, but he seemed perfectly content to look back and forth at us with a devilish smile plastered across his face. Finally, he cleared his throat.

  “You know, etiquette says you’re supposed to offer me something to drink,” he told James. “I thought your mom was raised in the South. Don’t they have manners there?”

  James’s nostrils flared with anger, but he held his tongue. He walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator, and hurled it in Bradley’s direction. It bounced off the coffee table and landed on the floor next to his feet. Bradley picked it up and took a long drink before explaining the reason behind his visit.

  “Okay, I guess I’ve kept you in suspense long enough. I don’t know if either of you know this. You’ve been too wrapped up in yourselves to notice that other people have lives too. Dad has started teaching me the executive end of the farming business. He’s ready to retire, and it’s time for me to take over.”

  “Congratulations,” James said dryly.

  “Why thank you, James. How kind!” Bradley replied with exaggerated appreciation. “Considering my age, I think it’s quite an accomplishment.”

  Considering the fact that Dale has no one else to give the company to, I think it’s more like nepotism.

  “What does your new job have to do with us?” James asked.

  “That’s an excellent question. Dad’s already introduced me to all of his business contacts. They’re nice enough guys, but they’re too old school to take me seriously. I need to show them that I deserve as much respect as my father.”

  “Oh yeah, how are you going to do that?” I snorted.

  Bradley waved a shaming finger in the air. “Now, now, Willow. I’d watch that attitude if I were you. You’re actually a big part of how I’m going to do that.”

  “I don’t know anything about farming soybeans,” I hesitantly replied. I had no idea what Bradley wanted from me and I was tired of his vague explanations.

  “I don’t need you to know anything.” His voice held such arrogance, I nearly rolled my eyes. “Hell, I don’t even need you to speak. What I need is for you to start going to some business dinners with me. You’re in high demand these days. Everyone wants to meet the woman who produced the precious Derby winner. With you on my arm, Dad’s contacts will have no choice but to take me seriously. That’s only because they don’t know your little secret, of course. If you play along, it will stay that way. We’ll all be happy.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “All I have to do is go to a few dinners? I don’t have to…”

  “Fuck me?” Bradley finished, his eyebrows raised, then his eyes swept down to my feet and back. He shook his head. “Of course not. Now that I know about you and brother dearest here, I wouldn’t screw you with someone else’s dick.”

  I was too relieved to be insulted. I looked over at James and it was clear he didn’t feel the same way.

  “You sorry piece of shit,” he snarled. “One of these days, I’m going to beat your ass for this. And it won’t be like last time. I’ll sneak up on you when you’re least expecting it and you won’t have your daddy or a security guard around to protect you.”

  Bradley was unfazed. “That’s an interesting threat, but I wouldn’t follow through with it if I were you. You’re the one who will come off the worst if your secret gets out. You know that, right?”

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” James growled.

  “Think about it, pretty boy. Willow was an innocent, well-mannered hottie before you came along. Everyone will know that you seduced her, not the other way around. All of the old farmers and ranchers will run you out of town with pitchforks if they learn the truth.”

  James balled his hands into fists and I knew I had to take control of the situation before he lost his temper and made everything worse.

  “Its fine, Bradley. I’ll go to the dinners. Just let me know when and where.”

  “That’s a good girl,” he replied, his smile triumphant, showing nearly all his teeth. “The first one is scheduled for tomorrow night. Meet me at the Gas N Sip at seven o’clock and we’ll ride in to Durango together.”

  “Tomorrow night? I can’t do that. Matt and I are leaving for Maryland Thursday afternoon.”

  “Then I guess you need to get packed tonight,” Bradley replied and leaned forward. “Unless you want your incestuous relationship to be the talk of Preakness.”

  “There’s nothing incestuous about it,” James replied through a clenched jaw.

  Bradley shrugged. “Like I said up on the point, it’s close enough. If you don’t want to take my word for it, I could always post the pictures online. Then, you could get everyone else’s opinion. Who knows? Maybe a few would agree with you. Care to find out?”

  “Post them. See if I fucking care,” James spat out the words like they tasted bad.

  “No!” I shouted, my heart hammering in my chest. “No, it’s okay. I can pack tonight. I’ll see you at the Gas N Sip tomorrow at seven.”

  Bradley nodded, looking smug. “I knew you’d make the right decision. You’re a smart girl, Willow. In some aspects, at least.” His eyes flicked to James. “See if you can calm your boyfriend down before he crosses the line. I’d hate to have to ruin your life.”

  Bradley rose from the couch, bounced his empty water bottle off James’s chest, and chuckled all the way out the door.


  James slammed the door shut behind Bradley and turned to me with a glare. “There’s no way in hell you’re going out with him tomorrow night… or ever, for that matter.”

  “You heard him, James. All I have to do is go to dinner and nod along to the conversation. I’ll answer a few questions about the horses, and then act like the perfect supportive, silent girlfriend. Bradley isn’t going to try anything with me, he doesn’t want me anymore.�

  Thank God for small favors.

  “He says he doesn’t want you anymore,” James corrected me. “Are you saying you suddenly trust the scumbag? He forced himself on you in Kentucky, and that was in front of your father. I don’t want to think about what he might try if he gets you alone.”

  “We don’t have a choice at the moment,” I reminded him. “The last thing I need is for this to get out right before the race. Besides, this will give me a chance to delete the pictures.”

  “Willow, you’re naïve if you think that he’s going to leave you alone with his phone. He’ll be expecting you to delete the pictures. Your plan isn’t going to work.”

  “Fine, then we’ll play along until we get something worse on Bradley than he has on us. I know he’s the one who let the fences down, I just have to find a way to prove it. You know it too. That’s why you told Daddy we should keep quiet about installing the security system.”

  “Of course he was behind it,” James agreed, emphasizing each word. “He wanted me to rot away in a Kentucky jail and instead, he was forced to drop the charges. He was pissed at all of us. But there’s no way to prove that. Seriously, Willow. If you want to play along tomorrow night, fine. I’ll do it, for the sake of the race. But when you get back from Maryland…”

  “When I get back?” I interrupted. I felt my forehead wrinkle as I furrowed my brow. “Aren’t you coming to the race?”

  James sighed and shook his head. “No, I’m not. I think it would be best if I stayed home. The PBR is holding a qualifying ride in Boulder this weekend. I’m close to having enough points to join the tour. All I have to do is ride out the eight seconds on Saturday and I’m in.”

  His announcement broke my heart. I knew that James and I could never be together, but that didn’t mean I wanted him to leave. The thought of not seeing him every day brought tears to my eyes.

  “You’re leaving?” I was barely able to get the words out. “But what about your job here? You’d leave Daddy shorthanded?” I bit my lower lip and tried to keep my composure.

  “Until last week, I thought the only way I’d leave this ranch was kicking and screaming,” James admitted before taking in a deep breath and blowing it out long and hard. “Because of you, not the job. But I’ve already told you, Willow, I can’t live like this. And the fact that you can feels like a stab to the heart. I think it will do us both good if I go away for awhile. Maybe once we have some space between us, we’ll both see things more clearly.”


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