Plague of Memory

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Plague of Memory Page 17

by S. L. Viehl

  The viddisplay coalesced into the fury-filled visage of a female Hsktskt. “You dare use this … CaurVar. Where are you? What has happened? Why did you not return with your father and the others? Are you being imprisoned?”

  This was the female of whom Cherijo had delivered five Hsktskt infants. Faced with the same choice, I suspected that I would not have done the same. I would have treated her like any other threat. My gaze moved from her ferocious countenance to that of her son. As much as I liked children, I probably would have done the same to her offspring. Which once again makes my former self better than me.

  “I am well, Mother. I am on the warm-blood’s ship with my new friend, Marel. She is Terran. No one has imprisoned me. I had Tingalean food for my evening meal.” He turned and beckoned to my daughter, who joined him at the console. “I do not want to come home and get sick like fourth cousin GurunVa and have to go to hospital. May I stay with the warm-bloods?”

  “My mama says CaurVar cannot stay in my chamber,” my daughter chimed in, “but we have many other places on the ship. The captain is my ClanUncle. I will ask him to give CaurVar a nice room like mine.”

  UgessVa stared at both children before making a visible effort to compose herself. “Is your mother there, child?”

  “I am.” I stepped in front of the vid lens so she could see me. “Forgive the abruptness of this relay. Your mate is blocking all signals from our ship, and I knew you would be worried about your son.”

  “I have been … anxious … that my son not become caught in the middle of something unpleasant.” She turned her head to speak quickly to someone out of visual range before she added, “Tension is escalating, Healer. We must repair the damage that has been done before more occurs.”

  The Hsktskt, it seemed, were as proud as the Jorenians—and equally protective of their kin. “In this, I must rely on your advice, Khedera.”

  She nodded and thought for a moment. “In addition to the present difficulties, my mate’s superior has just died of plague. If you were to agree to provide a small group as ceremonial escort for CaurVar to his sire’s rite of elevation, I believe I could arrange safe passage.”

  “Who would need to be included in this group?”

  “You, your mate, and your offspring. The commander of your vessel.” Her inner eyelids drooped. “If you could bring the one who made the unpleasant remarks about CaurVar as well, and have him make formal apology for them, it would alleviate much of my mate’s ire, and put an end to this situation. I will give you my promise that no one will try to kill him.”

  “Reever and I will attend the boy. I may be able to convince the captain and the Senior Healer to accompany us as well. Marel … “I had been doing everything I could to keep her away from the Hsktskt and the planet, and I certainly didn’t want her near this powerful-looking female while she still might be feeling vengeful. It was not safe, and Reever would never agree to such a thing.

  “You now know how I felt when TssVar told me he was taking our youngest to your ship,” UgessVa said, reading my silence with lethal accuracy.

  That decided me. “I can do no less, then.” I gave her a hard look. “Perhaps, next time, you will keep your son home.”

  UgessVa inclined her head, and then her voice went low and soft. “I am grateful you found this way to contact me. CaurVar is the last of my brood, and very special to me. Whatever happens, I was right to choose you to be my daughter’s Designate.”

  I did not tell her that if she had chosen me, her daughter and the rest of her offspring might never have drawn their first breaths.

  A formal escort flew to the ship and took position, waiting for the launch that would carry us to Vtaga to attend TssVar’s elevation rite, and permit us to formally return his son and apologize for the offense caused to his bloodline. The presence of the waiting scout ships eliminated much of the usual objections and debate over the situation, and the captain reluctantly agreed to fulfill UgessVa’s terms.

  Squilyp might not have done the same, if his mate had not overheard me requesting he make the jaunt to the planet and offer an apology for his insensitive words. Garphawayn was already up and hopping around the Medical Bay, however, and she insisted he accompany us to, in her words, “prove to the Hsktskt that Omorr are honorable and ethical, and only behave as utter barbarians under extreme duress.”

  Marel was excited about making the journey, and infected CaurVar with her enthusiasm. The two never stopped chattering away about CaurVar’s home and Vtaga and the many wonders he could show her.

  Reever said little beyond his terse agreement to bring our daughter along, and his inquiry as to which weapons I would be carrying. He armed himself as though preparing to enter a battle zone.

  When I reported to the launch with Reever and the children, I wanted nothing more than to slip away as CaurVar had when no one was watching, and hide until they were gone. So much rested on what happened over the next few hours; perhaps even a renewal of war. I was a healer and a mother; I had already fought one war. When would come my time of peace?

  The Adan sent every warrior they could fit on the launch with us, and no one protested their presence. If I could have squeezed every warrior on the crew into the passenger compartment, I would have. Like Xonea, they wore the Jorenian silver-blue formal uniforms that were reserved for important ceremonies, although the dignified garb only partially concealed the number of powerful weapons they carried.

  The children seemed oblivious to the tension, or so I thought until we had left the ship and were en route to Vtaga. My daughter released her harness and unexpectedly climbed onto my lap.

  “Mama,” she whispered, “why is everyone upset? Is CaurVar in trouble?”

  I glanced over at TssVar’s son, who had been seated across from us and appeared to be engrossed in a discussion with Xonea. “No, Marel. It is just that tempers are strained, and everyone wishes to ensure that nothing bad happens to us while we are visiting the surface.”

  “Nothing bad will happen if we do nothing bad,” my daughter said with the absolute assurance of a child. “Only sickness does bad things.”


  Marel wrinkled her nose. “The one on the planet. CaurVar told me about it. He said it scares him to see grown-ups hurting themselves. He hid on our ship because he doesn’t want to catch it.” She rested her head against my heart. “You should mix up a medicine to make the sickness go away, Mama. I don’t want CaurVar to get sick.”

  “None of us do, daughter.” I held her against me, and the precious weight of her made me feel exhilarated and exhausted. How much I wanted to protect her, and how inadequate I felt to the task. “I will find a medicine that will help them if I can.”

  She gave me one of her brilliant smiles. “I know you will, Mama. ClanUncle Squilyp said that you are the best healer in the universe, even if you can’t remember that you are.”

  I turned to look at Squilyp, who had been sitting in a frosty silence ever since we left the ship, and was now staring at it through the back view panel. “Did he.”

  Reever was watching us, and some of the coldness left his eyes as Marel climbed down and wandered over to talk to one of the tall, fierce Adan guards. “How simple things would be if we were to put the children in charge of these matters,” he murmured, bemused.

  “I will suggest it to the council when next I contact them.” I sighed and rested my head against the hull wall. “It is good that Marel has this friendship with CaurVar.” Something occurred to me. “Can Terrans and Hsktskt become mates?”

  “It has never been attempted,” my husband said. “Nor will it, if you are thinking of someday pairing our daughter with TssVar’s son.”

  “If Terran females can mate with Hsktskt males, it would be a good match.” I studied the young male. “His sire has great status on this world. She might never find another male with as much promise.”


  I glanced at him. “Yes?”

  “You will arrange
an Iisleg-style marriage for Marel only over my dead body,” he said flatly.

  I shrugged. “It was only a thought.”

  The elevation rite was to be held on TssVar’s family estate, which was located on the outskirts of the city. Reever had told me that the Hsktskt lord’s estate was one of the largest in the vicinity, but what came into view as we flew through the lower atmosphere appeared to be more like a small city, with an enormous cluster of towering structures in the very center. The heart of the estate was surrounded by all manner of walls and heat-collection domes and watchtowers, as well as long tracts of cultivated land. So many satellite dwellings lay beyond these that I wondered just how large a family TssVar had.

  Compared to the Hanar’s Palace, the design of TssVar’s main compound dwelling was more formal and stark, all smooth brown and white stone following simple, rounded lines. It seemed much older than the Hanar’s Palace as well, but its simplicity made it all the more impressive. Perhaps his many kin had occupied this estate for generations, as the Kangal had in the skim-cities of my home-world, with each new generation building outward to accommodate their growing numbers.

  “This is nothing,” a female voice said suddenly. “You should see what’s buried out in the desert.”

  I tensed as I looked around. Aside from Marel, I was the only woman on the launch.

  I had heard that voice before, and it only took a moment to remember when. The same voice had called to me just before the Sunlace transitioned.

  Just before I had fallen into a coma.

  Was this the Maggie Reever had spoken of when I regained consciousness? Why was she speaking to me now? Would this have the same effect as the last time? If I told the others, they might turn the launch around and return to the ship. Such a thing might make the Hsktskt believe we had decided against bringing the SubAkade’s son back to the planet. Given the tension on both sides, this dangerous situation then might very well turn lethal.

  I did not know what to do, so I sat quietly, listening for the voice, but it did not speak again.

  Once we landed, we were thoroughly scanned and submitted to another extended biodecon before we were permitted to disembark. I made a point to keep both Marel and CaurVar close to me and Reever. If there were to be any violence, I intended to pick them up and carry them back onto the launch. Whatever the tensions were between our peoples, the children did not deserve to be caught in the middle of them.

  A large and nervous-looking female stood waiting with SubAkade TssVar at the base of the docking ramp, and relaxed only when she saw CaurVar.

  “That is my mother,” the young Hsktskt male said, sounding more subdued now. “She does not seem pleased to see me.”

  “Make no mistake, child,” I said, holding Marel’s hand a little tighter. “She is.”

  I walked up to UgessVa and made a cautious gesture of greeting. What would a mother say to another mother? “Your son’s behavior while he was with us on our ship does you credit,” I said. “I regret the mistake that kept him parted from you.”

  “You cared for him as I would, which is all I could ask,” she replied, turning her head to glare briefly at her mate. “You have our gratitude, Healer.”

  I did not see ChoVa present, but thought perhaps she might have been summoned back to attend the Hanar. I rested my hand on Marel’s curly blond head. “This is Marel, the daughter of my body. She played a small part in concealing CaurVar until your men had left the ship. Marel wishes to express her regret for that.”

  “We didn’t want to make you sad, Lady TssVar,” my daughter said, her big eyes wide as she looked up at the relieved mother. “Please don’t be angry at CaurVar. I helped him hide from the crew until we got hungry.” Her bottom lip wobbled. “It’s my fault he’s in trouble.”

  CaurVar shuffled and looked slightly embarrassed. “No, the fault was mine. I did not wish to come home. I am afraid of the plague, Mother. I thought I would not become infected if I stayed with the warm-blooded—with Marel and her people.”

  “Is there to be no blame assigned to me?” TssVar asked quietly. “I did not attend to CaurVar when we departed the ship. He should not have been able to escape my notice to remain behind.” He seemed almost proud that the young male had.

  “My careless remarks drove you and your people from the Sunlace,” Squilyp put in. His face turned dark pink as everyone looked at him. “The blame lies with me. I should have given my gratitude to your daughter for providing assistance to my mate while she was in labor. What I said instead was selfish and ungracious. I beg your pardon, SubAkade TssVar.”

  Marel smiled up at the huge Hsktskt. “Can we all say we’re sorry and no one will be upset anymore?”

  “Sometimes it is not so simple, child,” he said, squatting down so that they were almost on eye level. “Words and actions can be used to make peace, but they can also be wielded as weapons to start a war.”

  “Do we have to have war again?” my daughter complained. “It hurts people and makes my mama go away for a long time. She doesn’t remember who she was before the last war yet.”

  “I will work on that with your people.” TssVar stood. “My superior, Akade OtokVar, died while in cryopreservation at his family’s private medical facility. My daughter has returned to the palace to ensure that our ruler has not yet contracted the pathogen.” He looked across the compound at a large group of guards and other Hsktskt. “After the rite of elevation, I will be relocating to the palace to assume the Akade’s offices. It will likely be some time before I am able to become personally involved in your efforts to cure this plague.”

  He was worried that we would not, that much was obvious. I sensed something more to what he was saying, as if he were trying to deliver a warning. Was the Hanar prepared to use our lack of progress as an excuse to attack us, or the League?

  “If I may work with ChoVa,” I said, “I will do whatever I can to find treatment and, if possible, develop a vaccine to protect those who have not been infected.”

  “That is all I can ask of you,” he said, mocking his mate’s earlier words to me. He moved two limbs to indicate those waiting on the steps of the main dwelling. “I consider this matter settled between us. We must begin the rite now, before the sun reaches its zenith.”

  “I will take the children to the recreation area,” UgessVa said, gesturing to a little garden a short distance away. She exchanged a look with me that promised they would be safe there, and I nodded.

  I knew nothing of Hsktskt ceremony, and found the solemnity of TssVar’s rite touching. With his family gathered around him, he and several older males recited the names of all those who had shared their blood back some thirty generations. This was done rapidly and in hissing monotones, but the blending of the differently pitched male voices almost made it sound lyrical.

  One of the older females brought forth a large silver alloy ring set with a strange multicolored stone, and knelt before TssVar with her head angled back in the submissive position. A second female took the ring and, after producing a sharp, thin-bladed dagger, stabbed TssVar in the throat.

  The sight of blood made me tense, but Reever put a hand on my arm.

  “She pierces his hide to accommodate the Akade ring of office,” he murmured to me. “It acts as one of our location and monitoring implants as well as a visible reminder for other citizens of his status.”

  “Why must it be implanted?”

  “As proof of identity and successive right,” my husband said. “Once inserted, the ring cannot be removed until the wearer is dead.”

  I would have questioned why TssVar would need such a thing, but an odd sense of being watched came over me, and I scanned the area. Other than our landing party and the assembled members of TssVar’s line, there was no one else present. Something seemed to brush past me, though, and I heard a series of cracking sounds.

  Reever must have heard it as well, for he turned completely around, looking as I did.

  UgessVa came to join us, holding CaurV
ar and Marel by the hands. “It may be a ground tremor.”

  The wall nearest to us began to shake, the stone creating more of the noises as it cracked. Bits of mortar popped from the closely fitted seams as if the wall were spitting them at us.

  “That,” I said, pointing to it, “is going to collapse.”

  Reever followed my gaze and snatched Marel up, pushing her into my arms. “To the launch. Now. Run.”

  A rumble roared from behind the wall, which did not collapse but instead exploded. Hissed orders and stone falling blended with the whine of weapons being enabled. Oddly shaped shadows chased each other on the ground, and as I ran with Marel for the docking area I tilted my head back to see what was making them.

  The sky above us filled with strange, dusty-colored vehicles with wide half domes on the bottom that absorbed the displacer bursts that TssVar’s guards fired at them. Two more blasts hit the walls on either side of us, destroying them. I held my daughter close and stopped, peering through the dust and falling debris to find the clearest path back to the launch.

  Something swooped down in the madness and, like the claws of a ptar, seized my shoulders. One of the Adan wrapped his arms around us, trying to pull us back, but only managed to pull Marel from my arms. He fell as whatever had me fired at him, rolling over to shield my daughter with his body while I was jerked into the air.

  I fought wildly and screamed for my husband until something struck the back of my head and I fell against my captor. I felt my consciousness slipping away even as powerful hands dragged me to my feet.

  “Etavasss,” a Jorenian voice said.

  “No,” I muttered, and fell into the black.


  I woke to bright light, silence, sand, and chains.

  The landscape around me rolled out, a flat and lifeless ocean of dark sand forming motionless waves that curled and stretched unto the horizon. Four poles had been sunk into the sand and a rough, thick cloth stretched between them to form a canopy over my head. My wrists, knees, and ankles had been bound together with lengths of alloy links. I tested them, and found them to be lightweight but impossible to break. All around the canopy were other temporary shelters and structures, although they appeared much more hastily erected than those the men of the iiskars regularly erected for their tribes.


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