The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles

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The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles Page 10

by Andrew Wood

  Despite his obvious disappointment, that he had not defeated his enemy, Shonna had reminded him that the battle may have been lost, but the war was still very much going his way. "We will need to find a way to defeat the magicians," she had told him, before retiring back to her room. Gorius had already known that, but saying something and actually finding ways to achieve it, were quite different. Shonna however had taken it upon herself to find a way to make it happen, telling him that she would see Kothia defeated in her lifetime. With those words still echoing in his ears, she had left her king to start her search for what Gorius thought the impossible.

  With the enemy still hiding away far to the south, he could at least keep the attacks to the north moving forward. With the capital Berxsley within his sights, and ready to be taken any day now, he knew he could deal the Kothians a mighty blow. He was about to dismiss the man with him, thinking that the Eken had given him all the information it could, when his subject said something. "Strange that the Kothian flags at Pitford are flying half-mast," the man said unknowingly telling Gorius something quite important.

  Gorius' face looked up, his mind suddenly awoken from its sombre mood. He placed the glass in hand slowly down on the desk before him, "Say that again," he said. The man looked nervously at his king, thinking that he had said the wrong thing; he nervously backtracked over the last few sentences. "I told you the funeral pyres had all but died out Sire..."

  "Yes yes, not that bit...What did you say about the flags?" Gorius interrupted him.

  "I said they were only flying halfway up the flag poles...I have seen several of them all over the town...all the same...strange do you not think?"

  Gorius laughed out loudly. The man before him may not have known the significance, but he most certainly did. "Could it be true?" he uttered to himself..."It must be...Why else would they do it?" he said to himself again. The man before him looked confused, "Do what Sire?" he asked timidly, not sure if he should have spoken at all.

  There was a few seconds of silence as Gorius glared at the man, before he laughed aloud once more, "The king...he must be dead...I am certain of it...I need to check with Shonna," he babbled quickly getting to his feet and heading for the door. He passed by the young girl sat in the corner, the young magician he had taken control of and was currently using for his sexual pleasure. "Go to my room, undress and wait for me atop my bed," he ordered her before darting out into the corridor. The woman did not argue, nor say any anything, but merely stood and did as she had been asked.

  Gorius eventually found Shonna sitting alone in one of the lower rooms. It was the area he had stored all his old magical books, scrolls and objects, most of which had been unearthed by Davan, being, as the man seemed drawn to them. Many of the objects were left unused, as they had, as yet, discovered what they were, or what type of magic was needed to power them. Davan had told Gorius that many of the things in their possession might never find a use again, as the magicians around were not powerful enough to utilise them. Aside from the ring, which he had used to great effect, Gorius and his friend had managed to find little use for anything else.

  "I think you are wasting your time," he said from the doorway making Shonna look up from the book she held in her palm. "Many of them are written in a language neither I nor Davan can understand," he added stepping into the room. Shonna smiled nonetheless "You forget old things are a speciality of mine...Forgotten languages are something I have a little knowledge of," she added. Gorius shrugged, if Shonna wanted to waste her time looking through pointless books and scrolls then she was free to do so; and of course there was also the slim chance she might indeed come across something useful.

  "You did not come down here to check on my progress," she said changing the subject.

  Gorius grinned, he had almost run down here with his news, and left it until now to tell, "I need to verify something," he said. Shonna waved a hand as if to ask what, as Gorius explained what the Eken had spotted whilst flying over Pitford. "All the flags at half their normal height, can indeed mean one thing Gorius," Shonna stood smiling.

  "The king is dead?" Gorius replied clenching his fists, but awaiting her reply just to confirm he was correct.

  Shonna nodded, "It is an old Kothian tradition. The flags will fly at half-mast until a new king is crowned," she told him. Gorius punched the air, perhaps the battle at Pitford had not been a total loss after all. He turned about and left Shonna to her reading, before heading back to his own room. He felt a spring in his step as he walked, and felt he had energy to burn; something his young woman could help him expend.

  Zack stopped as they appeared atop of a small rise that overlooked a familiar sight. His home town of Dewston was now just half a mile or so below him, as he felt the emotion of meeting his family again take a hold. Maxim turned to look his way, "Are you okay Zack?" he asked. Zack nodded, "I feel almost nervous...Come on we can go as far as the gates and then we can walk the last few yards."

  "I think we can manage that," Maxim replied with a smile.

  The three youngsters made the final leap forward, reappearing just a hundred paces or so from the main gates to the town. The first thing Zack noticed that was different was the gates. In all the years of his young life, he had never known them closed, and the excitement he had felt suddenly cooled just a little, as a touch of trepidation crept in. The couple of guards usually positioned at the gates had been replaced with a dozen or more lined across the top of them, looking down at the sealed entranceway. At least that gave Zack some comfort; if his father's guards were still atop the walls, it at least meant the town had not been overcome by any marauding Bosarian hordes.

  As the trio, still with their hoods up over their heads, walked slowly towards the main entrance, a voice called down to challenge them. "Show yourselves, or be on your way," someone shouted. Zack signalled for his two colleagues to stop, before slowly moving his hands up and pulling his hood back. "I am here to see my father," the young royal shouted back. There was a slight pause, as Zack looked along the line of men looking down at him; some with bows aimed his direction. Fortunately at least one man among them recognised his face, "Prince Zack...It's the young prince," the man declared, gesturing to those atop the wall to lower their weapons.

  As the gates were being unbarred from within, Zack turned to Maxim, "I was beginning to think they had forgotten me already." Maxim chuckled a little but did not reply. There was a loud clunking sound and a creak as one of the large gates opened just enough for a person to get through. Zack stepped forward, with Maxim and Samuel following behind, each entering one after the other. Once they had passed inside, the gate was immediately slammed shut, causing Zack to turn as the thunder like sound reverberated in his ears.

  "Someone has gone to tell your father your here your Highness," one man said stepping forward from the line of guards in front of him. Zack noticed the men were clearly nervous, unsure, even of him, and that they kept their bows trained on his two friends behind him. "Lower your weapons," he snapped, "These two are with me...Has our hospitality been lost in my absence?" Zack hissed, angry at their treatment. The men before him looked apprehensively at each other, before the one apparently in charge waved a hand for them to do so. "Begging your pardon Highness, things around here are not what they used to be. Only a few days back your father had to ride out and deal with a large band of raiders," the man explained.

  Zack could feel his heart pumping, scared that even his home and family had felt the horror of the war this far west. "Are my family all well?" he asked a little anxiously, not really certain he wanted to hear the answer. The man grinned, "They are all well...Your father led us to a great victory, although we did lose a few, it was still much better than we had anticipated," the man replied.

  Zack felt a nudge from Maxim aside of him, "Look over there," his friend whispered from the cover of his hood. Zack could not contain his excitement, as he darted forward towards the three people making their way down the main street before them. His yo
unger sister Deana was first to greet him, her arms wide open for him to embrace her. " are home," she said, her voice muffled by his cloak. After a few seconds clinging tightly to his sister, Zack looked up to his mother and father both stood smiling at him. He may have been a young man, but he was not embarrassed to openly hug his parents.

  Whilst the family reunion went on, Maxim and Samuel had little option other than to stand and watch, all the time being glared at by the guards, clearly still unsure of their presence. After what seemed probably much longer than it actually was, Zack turned and gestured his family towards the two youngsters stood waiting by the gate. "I would like you to meet Maxim and Samuel," Zack said as each in turn pulled back their hoods. It was Zack's sister Deana who stepped nearer first, seemingly intrigued by Maxim. "You have such a lovely colour of hair," she said looking at him a little more closely. "And your eyes, such a beautiful colour," she added, making Maxim blush just a little. Zack rolled his eyes back, feeling almost embarrassed for his friend, "Come on Deana, leave him be."

  Rylan stepped forward, similarly as curious as his daughter was with the young man before him, "I am pleased to meet you," he said offering a hand of friendship forward. Maxim shook the man's hand, and remembering his decorum bowed his head just a little. Samuel, not of Kothian birth, followed suit although not quite sure behind the reasoning. Noticing the confusion, Maxim whispered over, "The king's brother...Zack's father." Samuel thought for a moment before whispering back, "That means Zack is a prince?" Maxim nodded and then grinned; even more so by look of surprise on Samuel's face.

  With all the introductions over, Zack's mother suggested that they all head inside out of the cold. It was soon clear his father had so many questions that needed answering, but Zack knew there was one piece of news that needed to be given first. He grabbed his father by the arm, pulling him slightly to one side, as the others continued onwards. Rylan looked down at his son, and could tell there was something wrong, "I have bad news father...Oran was killed in a battle at Pitford yesterday."

  Zack looked at his father, watching the pain and sorrow take a hold as a tear rolled freely down his cheek. Zack felt his own emotions getting the better of him, and flung his arms around his father. Deana looked back and pulled on her mother's arm, "What is the matter with them?" she said confused as to why they were upset. It was Maxim who gave her and her mother the answer, "The purpose of our journey was not a pleasant one."

  "Has something happened to Oran?" Zack's mother asked.

  Maxim tried his best to look solemn as he gave her the grave news, "The king was killed in battle," he said feeling nothing but sadness for them.

  Inside the main house, Maxim sat beside Samuel in a rather spacious looking lounge area. A large fire burned in the rustic stone hearth, giving off ample heat to warm the place up. Having removed their cloaks and left them on hooks beside the main door, they were left alone as Zack updated his family on all the latest news. Both Maxim and Samuel gazed around the room, both clearly impressed by what they saw.

  Along one of the wood panelled walls hung portraits of Prince Rylan and his wife Lana, as well as smaller pictures of Zack and Deana, obviously painted a few years ago when they were younger. There were several plush cushioned chairs arced around a low dark wooden table, but all facing towards the fire. The floor was wooden although had a large rug upon it, which almost went from wall to wall. "How the other half live," Samuel eventually said breaking the silence. Maxim nodded, "Certainly makes our room look a little plain in comparison," he replied.

  The two were talking quietly when their attention was drawn to one of the two doors opening across the room. An elderly woman entered carrying a silver tray, "His Highness asked that I bring you some refreshments," she said placing the tray down on the table before them. Both lads watched on as she poured two cups of tea, before removing a cover to reveal a plate of biscuits. "Thank you," Samuel said politely leaning forward to take one, before Maxim had even had chance to move.

  Rylan sat in the dining room of the house, listening to his son explain everything in detail. Zack left no detail out as he explained his chance meet with Maxim, en-route to Pitford, and how he and the elementalist had become close friends. He did not leave out Mikel and Melia either, and even told them about Shadow as well, before starting on the events of late. He took them through the story of Maxim's abduction, his trip to rescue his friend, the fight at Denley and finally the battle at Pitford.

  Zack could tell his father was upset, although he was doing his very best to keep his emotions in check. "How did you travel here so fast?" his mother asked. Zack gave a wry smile, "Magic... although we could not do it without Max," he added giving the young elementalist the credit he deserved. "He is by far the most powerful of all of us, I do not know why," he added sensing his father was about to ask about him. "I think he is Icenian," his mother said adding to the conversation. Zack did not know what that was, and judging by the look on his father's face neither did he.

  Noticing all eyes were on her, Lana explained what little she knew about the far off land. "It is said to be half a world away. I myself have only read about them, and if he is indeed one, he would be the first I have seen," she told them. Zack was still a little confused, and enquired how she had come up with the assumption Maxim was an Icenian. "It is written that they all have red hair and bright blue eyes...A trait that is not seen in Kothia or its neighbours," she replied, though she did say she was only guessing, although if Maxim was, she was intrigued as to how he had gotten here. Zack told them that before Danton had discovered Maxim, he had spent a lifetime in an orphanage, before being forced onto the streets, scavenging for food. "Poor child, nobody should have to live like that...I am surprised such a thing even exists," she said clearly sympathetic. In Dewston and the lands around them, Rylan would never have allowed any person, young or old, to live hungry on the streets.

  Deana had listened all the while to her brother explaining the entire story, and very unlike her kept quiet throughout. At least that was until she started giving her opinions on Maxim, "Well I think his hair and eyes are very pretty," she said as if trying to make it a point. "I'm not saying they are not sweetheart," her mother replied with a smile, "He is just different that is all I was saying," she added. "Well you shouldn't pick faults with people who a different," Deana added. Lana shrugged and looked to her husband and son for help, as if to say she had not said anything of the kind, but decided to leave the matter at that.

  Only after Rylan had stood did the thought strike him, "How am I going to get to Pitford?" he asked. "Last I checked I was not magical as you lads are." Zack cast him a big grin, "That is why we have bought Samuel along. I'll be leading the way; you just need to hang on." His father did not appear overly keen on the idea, the look on his face was evident of that, but he said nothing. "I best go pack a few things then," he said gesturing for his wife to go with him, "You best see to your friends."

  "Yes Zack, you have been a terrible host," Deana added.

  "I have been updating father..." he stopped mid-sentence realising arguing with his sister was a pointless exercise, and one in which he evidently always came out second best.

  By the time Zack had returned to Maxim and Samuel, the pair had finished off the plate of biscuits and the pot of tea. Deana followed her brother, and before he could speak, she decided too, "I apologise for my brother's lack of hospitality," she told them. Zack went to speak but thought better of it, as he noticed Maxim looking his direction grinning. "We understand he had other matters to deal with," Samuel said sounding rather eloquent. "We were brought tea and biscuits, my lady, although it would have been nice to have had our host's company," Maxim added in a similar tone.

  "See I told you Zack," Deana said reprimanding her sibling.

  "Will you pair stop encouraging her," Zack said, before realising both Maxim and Samuel had started laughing. "Oh yes, very funny, Deana is bad enough as it is without you playing along with her," he said.
  "What do you mean by that Zack?" she replied stepping before him, with her hands firmly planted on her hips.

  "Talk your way out of that one Zack," Maxim said still chuckling.

  Chapter 14.

  It was late afternoon before Rylan was ready to leave, and although the reason for him travelling was a truly heartbreaking one, he did feel a touch of excitement. Learning that his son had magical abilities had been a shock, being told he was to be whisked hundreds of miles away by their very use was just as much so. After giving his wife and daughter a farewell kiss, Rylan stood anxiously waiting for his son and friends to prepare themselves to leave. A small crowd had gathered, as rumours of magic being used had quickly spread around the town. There were many gasps; none more so than from Rylan himself, as with a flash of light he found himself standing in a very different place to the one he had been just a second before.

  Without even having chance to get his bearings, Rylan was carried forward, travelling miles in mere seconds. Passing far out and beyond the lands he controlled, past villages and forests unfamiliar to him, heading for a place he had never visited before. Stopping only for Zack to check their location and to make sure all were still okay to proceed, they kept going. The last of the daylight was fading away as the four of them made the final leap up to the gateway of Pitford.

  Ramon was already waiting with a welcoming party for them, as they passed in through the gates, and inside the outer wall. A guard of honour stood to attention as their special guest walked on by, and Ramon stepped alongside to chat. Just as on the previous occasion when they had rescued Oran, Zack and Maxim were almost forgotten now they had finished their part of the task. However, just as they did last time, Melia, Mikel and Shadow were braving the cold to greet them, only this time with Tia and Connor in tow.


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