Hearts Afire

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Hearts Afire Page 7

by Deborah Fletcher Mello

  Panting heavily, Maitlyn slid lower into the water, her chest heaving up and down as she fought to catch her breath. It felt good to have those hot embers that had consumed her cooling to nothing but smoke, the flames finally extinguished. Grateful for the relief, she reached for the bar of soap and a washcloth. With the tension released, she thought, dinner with Zak would be far easier to handle.

  * * *

  Dinner with the cruise ship’s captain, Simon de Beers, was quite the event. Captain de Beers was charming and attentive, and it was obvious that he held Zak in very high regard. Their friendship was easy and comfortable, and Maitlyn was surprised to learn that the two had only met the previous year but had gone on to become great friends.

  The trio enjoyed a meal of filet mignon and steamed lobster partnered with an arugula salad topped with pears, walnuts and Gorgonzola cheese. The chocolate mousse dessert with its fresh raspberry glaze was more than Maitlyn had imagined, but despite the dessert soothing her sweet tooth, she found herself barely satiated, still yearning for Zak. She let out a heavy sigh, and both men turned to stare at her.

  “Was everything to your satisfaction, Maitlyn?” the captain asked.

  She smiled brightly and nodded. “Everything was wonderful. I’ve been having an incredible time. You must be very proud of your ship and the crew.”

  Captain de Beers nodded. “I am. It has been an honor to serve on this vessel, and I look forward to many more years.”

  “Of course he is,” Zak teased. “Simon is living the life. A different woman in every port, lavish meals three times a day and a boatload of employees at his beck and call. What more could a man ask for?”

  Simon laughed. “You talk like you’re breaking mortar and stone for a living, my friend. Weren’t you vacationing in the Philippines last month and Punta Cana the month before? And what about this exquisite woman here with you now? Your life doesn’t look so hard to me.”

  Zak laughed with his friend.

  Maitlyn smiled as her gaze moved from one to the other. “It sounds to me like you both are a bit spoiled,” she said.

  “Maybe just a little,” the captain admitted. “So what do you two have planned for this evening?”

  Zak answered. “The second round of the tournament, of course. After that we might catch a late-night show.”

  “Make sure you do. There’s a Cirque du Soleil performance in the main theater that you shouldn’t miss, as well as a performance of the Broadway production Chicago in the lower theater. We have first-class entertainment on board.”

  “Maitlyn and I will be sure to catch both shows before the trip is over,” Zak said as he stole a quick look at his wristwatch. “I hate to eat and run, my friend, but they’ll be dealing the first hand in a few minutes and I’ll need to be there.”

  Both men rose to their feet, shaking hands. “It was good to catch up with you, my friend,” the captain chimed. “Perhaps we can do dinner again soon.”

  “As long as you’re buying,” Zak said, and both men chuckled.

  Maitlyn had stood, as well, and moved to Zak’s side. “Thank you, Simon. Dinner was wonderful,” she said, extending her hand.

  “It was a delight to meet you, Maitlyn. And take care with this one. I’ve heard he has a questionable reputation.”

  Maitlyn laughed. “I’ll keep my eye on him,” she countered, tossing a quick glance toward Zak.

  Returning her smile with his own wide grin, Zak reached for her hand, entwining her fingers between his. He lifted the back of her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. The gesture took Maitlyn’s breath away and reignited her flame all over again.

  * * *

  The second round of the poker tournament found Zak and Alexander Lloyd seated at the same table. Zak eyed the man coolly. Alexander appeared nervous, and for a quick minute Maitlyn felt sorry for him. It was a very quick moment. She was slightly taken aback when Izabella bounced into the room and right into Alexander’s lap. She kissed him hard, a deep tongue connection that had everyone staring. When she finally released the grip she had on the back of his head, the man’s chest pushed forward and his mood shifted from nervous to cocky. It was not a good look for any man.

  Rising from his lap, she waved an eager hand at Zak. His expression remained stoic, not moved one way or the other by the girl’s behavior. After he barely lifted an eyebrow to acknowledge her, she made her way to Maitlyn’s side and dropped down onto the cushioned seat.

  “How are you, Izabella?”

  Izabella fanned her hand for the waitress’s attention. “I’m positively giddy! How are you?”

  Maitlyn smiled. “I’m good. What has you so happy?”

  “Not what. Who! Isn’t he gorgeous,” she gushed, gesturing in Alexander’s direction. She leaned closer to Maitlyn conspiratorially as she whispered, “And he’s filthy rich. He owns banks!”

  Maitlyn nodded. “He’s a very attractive man. But he’s a little old for you—don’t you think?”

  Izabella waved a hand. “He’s forty-something. He could be ninety with all those banks he owns and I’d be fine with it!”

  Maitlyn forced a slight laugh. She then greeted Lourdes, who had arrived with Izabella’s requisite champagne in hand.

  “Put this on Mr. Lloyd’s account,” Izabella said.

  “No problem, ma’am,” Lourdes responded. “I’ll just need to confirm that with Mr. Lloyd.”

  Izabella rolled her eyes and waved a dismissive hand. “Whatever. Just do your job.”

  Maitlyn raised an eyebrow; the young woman’s tone struck a nerve. She took a deep breath, her gaze connecting with Lourdes’s. She mouthed an apology. Lourdes smiled and shrugged as she moved quickly to the gaming table before the first card was dealt. Both Maitlyn and Izabella watched as Lourdes leaned in to whisper in Alexander’s ear, gesturing in their direction. Izabella got to her feet and waved excitedly. Alexander strained to smile, then dropped his gaze down to the table. He mumbled something, and Lourdes’s own smile dimmed dramatically. She nodded her head, acknowledging her orders. As Lourdes backed away from the table, Zak gestured for the woman’s attention. There was no missing his comment, and Maitlyn smiled after reading his lips. Also, there was no missing the cold look Alexander Lloyd shot him. From Izabella’s expression, it was clear that she had understood the exchange, as well.

  Minutes later Lourdes returned with a refill on Maitlyn’s coffee and another glass of champagne for Izabella.

  “What did he say?” Izabella suddenly demanded.

  “Excuse me, ma’am?” Lourdes’s expression was blank.

  “You heard me. Mr. Lloyd. What did he say about my charges going on his account?”

  Lourdes hesitated, shooting a quick look in Maitlyn’s direction. She smiled brightly. “Everything is taken care of, ma’am. Your charges are all covered.”

  “That’s not what I asked you,” Izabella persisted.

  Zak’s voice chimed in from behind the woman. “He said that he wasn’t going to sign for anything for you. That’s what he said. And instead of him being a man and telling you himself, he expected that Lourdes would deliver the bad news so that you could continue to talk to her badly.”

  “She said everything is taken care of. Isn’t that what you said?” Izabella questioned, her head snapping in Lourdes’s direction.

  “And everything is. I told her that as long as you were here with Maitlyn that she could put your charges on my account.” Zak pulled a hundred-dollar bill from his wallet and passed it to Lourdes.

  The woman’s eyes widened and her head waved vehemently. “I can’t take that, Mr. Sayed.”

  Zak smiled widely. “You better or I’ll have to report you,” he said. He gave her a wink of his eye. “You’ve earned it,” he said, his tone soft. “The fact that you were able to hold your temper with this one,” he sa
id, gesturing toward Izabella, “speaks volumes about just how good you are.” Zak pressed the money into her hand.

  “Thank you, sir! Thank you so much!” Lourdes retrieved the empty glasses from the table and headed back to the bar.

  Zak turned his attention toward Izabella. The look he gave her was scolding, and she threw her torso back against the cushioned chair, her arms crossed over her chest, a full pout pulling at her thin lips. His name being called from the gaming area below stalled the reprimand on his lips. He drew a quick finger across Maitlyn’s profile, smiled and then turned his attention back to the game, the dealer giving the final call for all players to take their seats.

  When Lourdes returned with a refill of Izabella’s champagne, she waved it away. Rage painted her expression as she grabbed her purse and moved back onto her feet. “Boyfriend won’t be getting any of this tonight!” she spat.

  Maitlyn shook her head, blowing a deep sigh. “It’ll be okay,” she said. “You deserve much better.”

  Izabella nodded her agreement. “Unfortunately, the good ones all seem to be taken.” She tossed a glance in Zak’s direction and then bid Maitlyn a good-night.

  For Maitlyn, the rest of the evening was uneventful. Any further drama was played out on the gaming tables. Maitlyn loved to watch Zak play. His poker face was pristine, not an ounce of emotion showing. Alexander was not so passive; his frustrations creased his brow and colored his cheeks a vibrant shade of red. At the final bell, Zak rose victorious, moving to the next round. And by the skin of his teeth, Alexander also became one of the twelve remaining players to move on. The two men wouldn’t play again until the weekend.

  Zak moved back to her side. For the first time, Maitlyn sensed that a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. It seemed to relax his stance—his whole body stood less tensely. His entire demeanor felt more buoyant and relaxed. She couldn’t resist asking what had changed.

  Zak laughed warmly. “I’ve already won,” he said, his tone confident. “I can relax now.”

  She smiled. “Sounds good to me,” she said.

  He winked as he gestured for Lourdes to bring him the tab to sign. As he and Maitlyn moved in the direction of the door, the waitress thanked him again for the sizable tip he’d given her. Her smile was a mile wide, and gratitude misted her eyes. Maitlyn gave her a warm hug; Lourdes’s joy fueled her own.

  * * *

  “So, do you want to catch that show?” Zak questioned as they strolled down the passageway.

  Maitlyn shrugged her shoulders. “If you want to, we can,” she answered.

  Zak paused for a moment, pondering what it was he really wanted to do. He suddenly shook his head as he grabbed her hand. “No. Why don’t we just take a walk,” he said.

  Nodding her agreement Maitlyn followed as he pulled her out to the upper deck.

  There was a cool breeze blowing, and a full moon sat high in the dark sky. Hand in hand, the two took a slow stroll from one end of the massive ship to the other, fully engaged in deep conversation.

  “My parents haven’t supported all of my choices or my sister’s. We’ve both defied many of their wishes for us. They’d both be much happier with us if we moved back to Meknes and followed in their very conservative footsteps.”

  “I can just imagine how hard that must be. I know it would break my heart if my mom and dad didn’t like something I’d done. Their approval means everything to me.”

  “It’s not like that with young people today. Like Izabella. She could care less when her father disapproves of the things she does.”

  Maitlyn nodded. “She’ll learn. We all do eventually.”

  A blanket of silence fell between them as they continued their slow stroll. The night air was chilly, and Maitlyn wrapped her arms around her torso to warm herself.

  “Are you cold?” Zak suddenly asked, concern ringing in his tone.

  Maitlyn nodded. “Just a little.”

  He slid his suit jacket off and wrapped it around her shoulders. They now stood so close together that Zak could feel the pounding of Maitlyn’s heart. He grinned as a rising sensation prickled below his pants. His heart began to race, as well, and in that moment he wanted her badly. Maitlyn calling his name pulled him back to the moment.

  “Are you okay?” Maitlyn asked, filled with concern.

  He apologized, taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I just...” His words stalled; he knew there was no way he could explain what he was feeling.

  She smiled.

  “We should go inside anyway, so that I can warm you up.”

  “Oh,” Maitlyn said, her eyes widening.

  Zak laughed. “My attempt at humor failed, I see.”

  She shook her head. “No, not at all, it’s just...” Maitlyn suddenly laughed with him.

  “So now you’re laughing at me!” Zak teased.

  She shook her head. “Never. I am definitely laughing with you, Mr. Sayed.”

  As he stared down at her, Zak wanted nothing more than to kiss her mouth, to feel his lips pressed tightly to hers. It took everything he had not to capture her mouth beneath his own. His comment had been just shy of crude, but he had hoped to alleviate the tension he’d felt rising between them. Standing as close as they’d been standing had hardened his lines; every muscle quivered for attention. It was becoming harder and harder for him to resist her charms. And he could see it in her eyes that Maitlyn was feeling every bit as challenged, as well.

  Zak finally took a step back from her, taking in deep breaths of ocean air to calm the rising sensations. He pressed a gentle palm to the side of her face and smiled. “Let’s go inside,” he said, his voice dropping to whisper. “Let’s get you warm.”

  * * *

  Hours later they were sitting on the deck of the cabin, Maitlyn bundled in a sweater and blanket. Over brandy and hot chocolate, the two continued to talk, laughter abundant in their conversation. Neither Maitlyn nor Zak could remember the last time either of them had had so much fun. Realizing the time, Zak shifted forward in his seat.

  “I’m keeping you up. You have to be tired.”

  She shook her head. “I’m wide-awake actually. It’s crazy.”

  “I know the feeling, but we’ll be docking in a few hours and I want to show you everything I love about Madeira. You’ll need to be well rested.”

  Maitlyn laughed. “That sounds ominous!”

  He chuckled with her. “It does, doesn’t it?”

  She stood up, moving to the glass doors. “In that case, I guess I’ll head up to bed.”

  Zak nodded. “Sweet dreams, Maitlyn.”

  “Sweet dreams, Zakaria.”

  * * *

  Thirty minutes later Maitlyn was tossing and turning, consumed with thoughts of Zak. The quick shower she’d taken had done nothing to cool the rise of heat she was feeling. For a few minutes she’d blasted herself with a spray of bitterly cold water. It had seemed appropriate to ease the heat coursing through her. The cold needles of water had stung her skin, and she was thankful to have a few minutes of solace to try and sort through the wealth of emotions consuming her.

  Sitting upright in the bed, Maitlyn felt her resolve wavering. She’d pondered every option and she had more reasons why she should make love to Zak than she had reasons not to. This trip had been all about tossing her inhibitions aside and having a good time. She was trying hard to rationalize why she shouldn’t do just that and nothing was working. Was she really looking for a few days of no-strings-attached, rebound sex? With more questions than answers, what kept surfacing to the top of her list was if casual sex was all that she really wanted from Zak Sayed. Or did she suddenly want more?

  For a brief second she thought about calling Kendrick to ask his opinion, but she quickly changed her mind. Kendrick didn’t need to know that she was thinking about sleepin
g with his friend. She knew that once their trip was over and she walked away from Zak, her family didn’t need to ever know she and the man had history.

  After rising from the bed, Maitlyn moved into the bathroom. She turned on the lights and leaned against the counter to stare at her reflection. She didn’t weigh a pound more than she had when she was in her teens, but her body was now rounder, fuller, having matured nicely. Her breasts still sat upright and her stomach was washboard flat, but her legs and buttocks were her best features. Maybe she wasn’t twenty-eight anymore, but at the age of thirty-five, she had far more going for herself, she thought. Donald Parks had been a damn fool to let her go. Maybe Zak Sayed wouldn’t want to. She smiled. Everything seemed to shift into perspective.

  Maitlyn unwrapped the scarf she had tied around her head and pulled a brush through the length of her hair. The thick strands hung past her shoulders. She lightly dusted her face with makeup and lined her eyes with eyeliner. A hint of lip gloss shimmered across her full lips. Thinking it through one last time, Maitlyn spritzed herself with perfume. Satisfied with the woman staring back her, she turned and headed down the stairs.

  Chapter 8

  Zak was still sitting up, wide-awake as he nursed the last of his brandy. He swirled the crystal snifter in the palm of his hand. Sleep was eluding him. His body was unable to rest as he thought about Maitlyn. There was an intense chemistry between him and the beauty in spite of their differences, or perhaps because of them. He liked that they could talk so effortlessly, falling into a gentle, teasing banter with ease. He found it easy to open himself up to her, guarding nothing. Despite his best efforts he’d become an open book, and Maitlyn seemed able to read him easily.

  It was becoming increasingly difficult to temper the physical affection he had for her. It had become second nature to hold her hand and Zak knew it would take nothing at all for him to take that further. He imagined himself being able to snuggle his body against hers, to kiss her lips and caress her skin, and he couldn’t help but wonder if they shared the same thoughts.


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