Odyssey (The Stork Tower Book 2)

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Odyssey (The Stork Tower Book 2) Page 23

by Tony Corden

“Between who?”

  “The Gods!”

  Wisp said, “That was you! You are the Counsellor to the Gods. You visited the Pantheon of Heaven? We can’t leave you alone for one minute. What level are you now?”


  “And what do you have planned for today in Dunyanin?”

  “I hope to make it to Göksel-Orman by tonight.”

  The discussions continued for another half hour, and then the friends said goodbye and left. Leah had time to finish her three College classes and did them before taking a short break in her new apartment and then she logged into Dunyanin to travel the Road of Kings.

  Diary - 28 November 2073

  Bullies can’t be allowed to get away with stuff. If Meredith left me alone, I would leave her alone. What drives someone to need to control others? How can someone think they are somehow better if they make someone else suffer? Surely what I do to someone only defines me, not them. If I have power over someone, then that says something about me, not our relative value in life. Yet, I feel better having got one over on Meredith. I feel better having picked the Gorgian’s pockets. I don’t think I’m better than him do I? I suppose I do. I think he’s an idiot. I treated him as something to brush aside. Am I no better than she? What a scary thought.

  Money, how quickly it changes perspective. Two weeks ago I would have sold the Annoyance in an instant to get the money. But now, I’m prepared to risk it to stop the Gorgian plans. 50,000,000 Virtual Credits. 150,000,000 Australian Dollars. Maybe I will sell it. That really is too much to risk. What could I do with that? I could educate the whole Switch, provide Pods for the poor, give mum and dad whatever they like. I couldn’t just hand the money out, there would need to be conditions. How can I help people without removing their own self-determination? When does assistance become just another form of control? And what would happen when it all disappeared?

  Gods. I suppose that’s what comes from gods like us. They have our frailties, our limitations. But how can someone know everything? How can someone take everything into consideration? What does that do with personal freedom? I guess it's like Wisp’s spell of knowing the future. She doesn’t change what her adversary does, she just knows what it is and is ready for it. But mum would say that God can also bring about the changes he wants in the world, he’s all-powerful. What if Wisp could put herself in a position where she knew her adversary would respond how she wanted him to? Is that what I did when I brought the basilisk to the building? Its programming brought it, its code. But because I understood that, my use of echolocation placed it where I wanted it to be. I need to understand Meredith better, her motivations, her desires, her needs. Then I can prepare for what’s coming.


  November 29, 2073 A

  As Leah walked down the slope of the hill the four stone warriors once again came to life. One said, “Are you ready for your trial?”

  “I am.”

  “Then heed the instructions. On the road are seven tests to determine your right to rule. The tests vary depending on the decisions you make. Beware the fourth test, it is cursed. You have one hour for each stage. To agree to these conditions, take one step out the road. Your second step starts the test.”

  The four warriors took a step back and gave Leah access to the Road. She equipped Merdiven and stepped onto the road.

  Level 5 Dungeon (Trial) Achievement: First 1 (3, Painite)

  Atherleah (Level 187), you have entered a Trial:

  The Road of Kings

  You are the first player to access this Trial. This is your third, 'First 1 (Painite)’ achievement.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 187 = 1879350 (+101%) Experience Points (585000/585000) … (75025/605000)

  Reward 2: + 4% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 3 x 1 Diamond = 3 Diamond

  Reward 4: There is no increase in Luck, you may only attempt the Trial once.

  Fame: 5000 Fame Points (85300)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. Do you wish to retain your privacy?

  [Y] [N]


  The Road of Kings

  You will be placed in seven scenarios. Your actions in one may influence subsequent scenarios. Your performance will be judged by the Seven Great Kings of Göksel-Orman, home of the High Elves. They will cast judgement of your ability to rule. Failure in one scenario does not mean failure overall. After the final scenario, they will give a final judgement. At the beginning of each Scenario, you will be given a précis of the situation. When you have read the précis, the scenario will begin. The Trial begins with your next step.

  Leah took the second step and arrived sitting on a horse. Nothing was moving, the world was still. She looked ahead and could see two Elves riding fifty paces in front of her, as she looked behind she saw more elves to her rear, all close behind. They were all riding in single file. Suddenly, text began to scroll before her eyes.

  Sef Atherleah, you are a Leader of Ten, known as an On’dan. Sef is your rank. Your On’dan is currently on border patrol in the west of Göksel-Orman on the edge of the Çorak Desert. The border region is in a state of unrest as bands of Desert Elves have been making raids into Göksel-Orman in search of slaves. Your responsibility is to protect your people and ensure that the unrest does not escalate into war. Your second in command is named U’sak.

  Everything began moving, the sudden inrush of noise startling Leah. She was just getting her breathing under control when one of the riders in front of her gave a low whistle that sounded like a bird, Leah had no idea what bird or what it meant but the two riders had stopped. She saw a faint light shimmer in the air in front of her, it read ‘The signal to stop and wait’. She slowed and looked back to see the other riders had all stopped, so she stopped and waited. One of the scouts dismounted and ran back to Leah’s position.

  “Sef, just ahead we can make out a slight smell of smoke. It is probably less than 500 paces to that peasant community near Whitespring Creek.”

  Leah realised that if she watched carefully, she could glean information from the scout, Things she would know if she was his superior. She looked ahead at the other scout and could also make out some details.

  “Thank you I’zci. You and Korucu move ahead and check it out. We will continue at this pace until you return.”

  As I’zci ran back to his horse, Leah was wondering what a real On’dan leader would have done. After several minutes she heard a short blast of a horn and the words shimmered in the air, ‘Signal to come quickly, no danger’. She forced her horse into a canter and could hear the others behind her do the same. As she came around the bend, she could make out the scouts standing near a smouldering hut on the edge of a village. Besides the two scouts, there were ten or so elven villagers throwing dirt on the embers to prevent it flaring up. Some were lying off to the side being tended by an older elf.

  She dismounted and went to meet Korucu who was talking with one of the villagers. As she approached he turned and said, “Sef, this is K’lbasi, he is the elder of this community. Raiders came through less than an hour ago while most of the villagers were in the forest gathering food. They began grabbing villagers, some of whom fought back. When the villagers returned they drove off the attackers, one villager was killed, and two were taken captive, a child and her mother. The husband was the one killed. They captured one of the raiders.”

  “You and I’zci start tracking where they are headed. I want to leave in less than ten minutes.”

  She turned and saw one of her squad whose name she gleaned was U’sak.

  “U’sak, I plan to leave almost immediately. Take possession of the captive and see what you can find out. I will be over soon.”

  She walked over to the wounded and healed them as quickly as she could. Returning, she found U’sak sitting and talking with the captive. The captive was definitely elven but had a slight hook to his nose and
was dressed in tan coloured robes and wore a cloth headpiece. He was flanked by two of her men and still wore his sword and several knives that she could easily see.

  As she walked up, U’sak said, “Sef Atherleah, I would introduce you to Rab Adli, he insists there has been a mistake. He and some friends were riding through the village, and one of the villagers attacked them. In self-defence, they killed the farmer. He decided to take the dead elf’s family to care for as his own. He swears this is true, on his honour. The only reason his friends left is that one of them is the son of a Dune Prince and has been taken to safety. He is certain that his friends will be returning shortly to discuss his release.”

  Leah looked at the captive and then holding her earring said, “Tell me the truth.”

  “Sef Atherleah, I am Rab Adli. I and some friends were out riding and came upon this quaint village. Before we could explain our presence one of the villagers shot his bow and wounded one of my friends. We defended ourselves, and he was killed. Seeing he had a young family I took it upon myself to help them. I will provide for them a home. With us, was an important person, the son of one of the Dune Princes. I told my men to leave and only return when things were quieter. They would not travel far and will return shortly.”

  What she heard in the echo was different. “You peasant, I am Rab Adli, I came here looking for entertainment and to make some money. That stupid villager attacked me when we grabbed his wife and child. I cut him down for daring to touch me. The idiot Korkak ordered my soldiers to retreat, the coward. As soon as they reach the main camp, they will return and kill the lot of you if you don’t let me go.”

  She turned to U’sak and said, “Relieve him of his weapons and secure him hand and foot. Get everyone ready to repel an attack. His soldiers will return shortly.”

  “Sef, such treatment will shame the Rab. We do not wish to inflame the situation on the border. Even if he is misleading us, isn’t peace worth three peasants?”

  “U’sak, what is the penalty for killing a peasant during an act of banditry?”

  “Death! But you cannot kill a Rab, for a peasant.”

  “U’sak, you have your orders.”

  Leah turned and headed for the elder. When she reached him, she said, “Pardon K’lbasi, the raiders will return shortly, you should get everyone to safety.”

  Just then Korucu and I’zci returned riding hard. They rode right up to Leah and Korucu said, “Pardon Sef, twenty raiders are returning this way, they are heavily armed.”

  “I’zci, tell the others. Korucu, please ask U’sak to bring the captive forward.”

  When U’sac arrived, she said, “Deploy in defensive positions.”

  Rab Adli smiled at her and said, “My friends return.”

  She turned to his two guards and said. “Put him in the kneeling position.”

  She then stood behind him, she told the guards to find defensive positions and stood in the village square, alone, standing behind the kneeling Rab. She could hear the raiders’ horses as they approached, but she didn’t move. As they appeared, she drew Adalet and lay it against his neck. The horses slowed, and the raiders all stared at Leah.

  She called out, “Return our people.”

  One of the raiders walked forward and said, “Those two are already on their way to the slave pens of Kasirga. Release the Rab, and we will let you live.”

  “Go and get our people and he will live to face justice in Göksel-Orman. If not, I will carry out justice now for the murder of our people.”

  “You kill him, and the Dunes will rise in war. Release him, and you can maintain this peace. Are two peasants really worth a nation going to war? I cannot return the slaves, A Son of the Dunes has claimed them, he has already gone. Be warned Sef, Rab Adli is a grand nephew of the Dunes. Release him.”

  She thought for a moment, then said, “One peasant mistreated or killed, stolen or enslaved is worth going to war for. All our people are precious.”

  Her voice changed, and she brought Adalet into a high position and said, “Rab Adli, I Atherleah find you guilty of murder, banditry and slave trading. According to the law, I pronounce that you are deserving of death.” As she finished speaking, she brought the sword down and then curved it horizontal to take off his head. She then cast Rain of Fire and Chain Lightning at the raiders and began walking toward them. Her soldiers released arrows, and within moments fifteen of the raiders were dead, and the rest were fleeing. She turned to U’sak. “Prepare the squad, we ride after the captives.”

  She stepped toward her horse, and everything went still. She was standing before a noble High Elf who was wearing a golden crown. He said, “Atherleah, I judge you unworthy. You failed to consider the wider picture. History will record the War of the Peasant. You have plunged our nation into a war of attrition that takes thirty years to end. Twenty-thousand High Elves die for two peasants. In your time the High Elves and Desert Elves are at peace, but they still remember the war. The name Atherleah is a curse among the Dunes, and the sword of Rab Adli is worn by the leader of the Dune Princes, Rab Adli is revered as a martyr and saint. You were foolish. Prepare yourself for the second trial, kir.”

  He disappeared, and Leah was suddenly back on her horse, but it was dark, and she was riding in a valley between two dunes. Once again everything was still.

  Sef Atherleah, you and your On’dan have followed the raiders deep into the Çorak Desert. Each day you get closer, but you are short of water. The raiders are still unaware of your squad as you have been travelling mostly at night.

  Leah was ready this time for the sudden shift as time started working again. She rode silently for a while, trying to think of a way to find water. She saw Korucu slow ahead and rode silently to join him. He whispered to her, “I’zci heard some noise and is scouting ahead.”

  When I’zci returned, he said, “The camp is several hundred paces ahead. They have joined a larger group of the Desert Elves and are all seated around a small fire. The air smells like water, and there are several desert bushes clumped around a small rocky outcrop.”

  “How many all together?”

  “Maybe forty. There are also a group of humans and several dwarves tied together. I think they are slaves. There are no High Elves in the group, so I don’t think we have caught up with the captives or the Son of the Dunes.”

  “How many dwarves and humans?”

  “Maybe thirty! They are chained neck to neck.”

  “Could you get to the water source unseen?”

  “No Sef, We can get water tomorrow after they leave.”

  “Lead me through to the best oversight you have found. I need to look over the site myself.”

  Ten minutes later Leah on the top of a mid-sized dune overlooking the camp. She found everything as I’zci had described. She was just about to slide back down the dune and wait with her squad when one of the desert Elves stood and wandered over to the line of slaves. He began by kicking some and then unlocked a woman and began to drag her into the dunes beside the campsite. She screamed once, but he hit her several times until she became limp. He lifted her over his shoulder and continued to walk into the dunes.

  Leah said, “Prepare the squad to attack.”

  “Sef, it is one human.”

  “Yes I’zci, it is one person. But if I let him do something to her, who am I. That is not who I want to be, not who I want us to be. Prepare the squad for a mounted attack. Wait for my signal.”

  Leah focussed on the area where the Elf disappeared and cast Teleport. As she arrived, she took two steps and disappeared behind the dunes. She could hear the woman sobbing and soon saw the two figures. He had thrown her to the ground and was removing his robes. Leah waited until he was mostly undressed and then stepped behind him and buried her knife in his ear. She lowered him to the ground and turned to the woman who was staring at Leah in shock.

  Leah said, “Continue to make the sobbing sound and an occasional scream.”

  She then searched the body for the keys
and donned the elf’s robes.

  When she was ready she said, “I am going to return you to the slave line. Here are the keys. When we get there, you should continue to make some noise to cover the sound of the chains being unlocked.”

  The woman stepped forward and said, “What is your name? Why would you help a human?”

  “My name is Atherleah, and I helped you because that is right. Also, a great teacher once said, ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. I would want someone to help me if I was caught in that situation. Now it is time to go, walk ahead of me. Some of my squad will be attacking soon, any of the humans or dwarves who want to be free should join the battle.”

  Ten minutes later Leah was walking away from the prisoners when one of the Desert elves called out, “Hey D’mani, it is my turn with the slave girl, throw me the keys.”

  Leah stepped forward, but instead of the keys she threw her knife underhanded to lodge in the elf’s throat, she then called “Attack”. Throwing off the robes, she equipped her bow and began to fire at the desert elves. She was joined by her squad, the humans and the dwarves. The fight was short but brutal. As it ended she turned and saw that several slaves had been wounded and I’zci was just standing, he had two arrows buried in his chest. She stepped toward him to heal him, and everything went still.

  This time she was standing before a different High Elf who was also wearing a golden crown. He said, “Atherleah, I judge you unworthy. You failed to protect your squad and your mission. For the sake of a human, you brought about the death of I’zci, son of H’mal son of S’glam. Your actions also lost the only lead you had to find the two peasants. You were foolish and sentimental. Your kir nature is your downfall. Prepare yourself for the third trial.”

  He disappeared, and Leah was huddled behind a wall, surrounded by her squad of soldiers, everyone was dressed like the Desert Elves. Everything was still.

  Sef Atherleah, you and your On’dan have finally reached the slave city of Esir Sehri. You have tracked the Son of the Dunes to a Villa in the centre of the city. The villa is guarded by the elite troops of Kum Firtinasi, First Prince of the Dunes.


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