Odyssey (The Stork Tower Book 2)

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Odyssey (The Stork Tower Book 2) Page 30

by Tony Corden

  He swallowed a few times and then said, “Hello Atherleah, how can I help you?”

  “Did you try and log out Brett?”

  He nodded.

  “So that means the game understands we are in the middle of a conflict. This school is not a public area, and you have no employees which means I can take my time with you, Brett. How many people are currently using a simulator?”


  “So, maybe five people can help you. I wonder how many will help after I explain that you are willing to sell your students safety. How much did she pay you, Brett?”

  “One hundred platinum!”

  “Now, I can’t torture you, the game won’t allow it. I can’t hack your account, the game won’t allow it. But what I can do, is kill you, again and again, every time I find you. I can also ruin your business by showing the visuals and audio of your betrayal. I can destroy your simulators and steal your training fighters. I also don’t think you understand Thad very well because I imagine he is going to come and take away whatever I don’t. So Brett, what can you possibly offer me to limit my response to your betrayal? This is a one time deal, so make your first offer amazing.”

  “It’s a game Atherleah, only a game. You can have the money, and the rest of your training is on the house, free of charge. You can’t damage my property or steal my fighters as they are a part of the station and I have paid for their immunity to theft and am insured. You can kill me, and that is it. So one hundred platinum is my offer, and we are square.”

  Gèng had been reviewing the handbooks and shared the information with Leah who said, “I Atherleah, request adjudication by Cosmos Online. My game play is restricted.”

  Brett just stared at her as an official appeared and said, “I represent Cosmos Online, if your request is judged trivial or unwarranted you will be banned from Cosmos Online for one week in-game and will billed half of your current worth in Cosmos Online. Do you agree to these terms?”

  “I do.”

  “What is your complaint?”

  “The proprietor of this school has been granted a licence to train players in competition with the standard schools. He has been granted immunity from theft and destruction as if he were a part of Cosmos Online. I became a student in good faith that he would protect me from harm and train me in accord with his agreement with Cosmos Online. You may review my data feed, and you will see that he betrayed me to my enemies and helped to facilitate my abduction. I escaped and seek redress as is my right according to the handbook but the game mechanics prevent this. I request adjudication.”

  The official paused for a moment and then turning to Brett said, “Player Brett_Hotdog, your agreement with Berne station is declared void. You have not fulfilled your contract to train players safely in accord with the regulations. You are banned from Cosmos Online for one week in-game and will billed half of your current worth in Cosmos Online to compensate Berne Station and Cosmos Online for breach of contract. The remainder of your wealth will be transferred to Player Atherleah for defeating you in conquest. A copy of this decision will be published on the official site.”

  Brett looked stunned and Leah said, “It’s just a game, Brett. One day we’ll have a drink and laugh about this.”

  Brett disappeared, and the official said, “We have finalised the accounting and apologise for the interruption due to a restriction on your gaming. Your account has been credited with three rhodium, 157 radium and 412 gold. Is there any other way that I might help you?”

  “No, thank you, I appreciate the quick response.”

  Leah made her way back to the concourse and asked Gèng, “So, where is the best place to get flight training?”

  “There is the station school. They are more expensive than Brett, but you have the finances. Wisp is getting her trying here.”

  “Okay. I should also arrange training there for the mechanised armour. Before I go there, I need to talk with an outfitter to fix the Betrayal. No, that can wait, I’ll ask the team if they know the best place to do that. Please send the following ‘Hey guys. I have a new ship. It is a little banged up internally and was wanting to know the best and safest way to get it fixed. I’ll be in the Tower from 2 am Bris time for forty-five real minutes if anyone wants to drop in and chat.’ Affix a copy of the abduction, don’t include the escape or battles, include the registration and the conversation with Brett and the Advocate.”

  Gèng overlaid the path to the station school and Leah enrolled for fighter training and training in mechanised armour. Her time at Brett’s was credited to her. She entered her assigned berth and logged out.

  She wasn’t in the right frame of mind to visit Master Ning, so she logged out and had a snack. She enjoyed just sitting and resting. After the food, she logged in and went for a swim in the garden pool.

  Diary - 29 November 2073

  Another roadblock to study today. Meredith. I’m surprised she has the reach to influence the school. She is big in Australia but that shows a global reach. What if she is part of something bigger? What have I taken on? Still, when I think of it I can’t think of anything else I could have done. This truly is a war. I hope it remains bloodless. I can’t imagine the fight overflowing into reality but then why would Akia want me to have Charlie Brown here. Also, how could a parent do that to a child? Call her Charlotte Brown. I must remember not to tease her about it.

  Mum and dad continue to be supportive. I wonder how I can repay them. I know they don’t expect anything but still I should show my appreciation. I think they would be insulted if I just bought something. What do they want or need? It would be great to have them visit the Tower but I can’t see them going virtual. I need to find a way to ask them. Mum will be happy if I spend some time at church. I wonder if there really is life after death. Surely if humans have devised a way to reuse what they make, God also has something more in store. How can death end all the potential still in someone? It seems a waste.

  What can cause a betrayal and when is betrayal ever all right? I must be careful not to trust too quickly. I hope Eli, Eva and Matt can be trusted. Unfortunately its getting harder to trust. Am I becoming wise or merely cynical? I hope its wise because I’m too young to be cynical. Brett betrayed for money. I imagine that the MIT Chancellor betrayed for power and influence. Judas betrayed for ideology and money. What is my price? Would I betray someone for someone more important? What if they threatened my family? I need to think through these issues because I must not react to things thoughtlessly. What was it Umut said? ‘Clarity of thought is a foundation of hope.’ I think clarity of thought is the foundation of many things. I must be prepared.


  November 30,2073

  Leah was on her sofa reading through the suggested contract from Jimmy and preparing it to send to Susan when Gèng interrupted, “Leah, Amy will be arriving momentarily at the podium, where do you want to meet her?”

  “Show her in here please Gèng. I’ve pretty much finished this.”

  She now had enough in her Cosmos Online bank to fund several more Pods, but she wanted to see the scheme in action before adding any more money, so she finished making the few changes and sent it Susan. She had just put everything away when Amy walked in, and after hugging Leah, she sat on the other end of the sofa.

  “Leah, life around you is exciting. Look, I came a little early to warn you that Thad is mad as hell and really upset. He’s mad at Brett but upset at himself. He feels he’s let you down. I’m not sure what needs to be done, but I wanted to warn you. You know he likes you, right.”

  “And I like him. It’s just that everything so is busy and I haven’t ever really had friends before and on top of that is Thad who is a friend but something more as well. I don’t know what to do.”

  “The word for Thad you’re looking for is ‘boyfriend’. He isn’t really that, I know, but you two are headed in that direction. He’s afraid he is going to lose you?”

  “Why would that happen? I mean, it isn’t
his fault.”

  “I know that, you know that, Wisp knows that, maybe even the boys know it at some level, but they, as a gender, can be stupid. They all think they have failed you, Zack and James are coping with it, but Thad is really obsessing. Don’t worry too much. You just need to be aware of it. Naming the ship Betrayal was cool, but the males think it also refers to them.”

  “Are they really that stupid?”

  “Generally yes, but don’t knock it. Their attitudes allow us women to keep them guessing and on their toes. Right now, in this situation, it sucks. At other times their inability to be rational works in our favour.”

  Gèng appeared and said, “Hello Amy, I’m sorry to interrupt, but the others are arriving. Mĕi knows there are people here and wants to get in. Shall I let her?”

  Leah said, “Yes. Wait, let her outside. Amy and I will meet the rest near the podium. It's beautiful out. Can we have some lanterns set up and some chairs? No, can we have the lanterns and a bonfire? Some logs to sit on? I know we will need to purchase it but can you also get some of the boys favourite beers. Anything you want Amy?”

  “I’d love a red wine and some chocolate.”

  Gèng said, “All that will be outside. Mĕi is there already, and the rest will be there before you are.”

  Leah and Amy started for the door, but Amy linked her arm through Leah’s and said as they walked, “Your hints were useful. We found an abandoned castle and defeated the occupants. It was a level three dungeon challenge. Today we will head for the trail you mentioned and find that mine you say might be there. What happened with you?”

  “I best wait for the others, but the short version is I’ve been given a large piece of land which has opened for exploration. It has wildlife, dungeons and mines to find. I’m entering it with some people I met. I wish you guys were there, but these guys seem competent.”

  “Who are they?”

  “A husband and wife team, Eli and Elsa and a ranger called Matt. Eli is level 273, Elsa and Matt are near my level.”

  They finished talking as they approached the podium. They found the others standing around Mĕi and giving her a good scratch. Wisp said, “She has really grown, what have you been feeding her?”

  “I gave her some of they Amazonian Growth hormone. I can use the doubler to make more so I’m wondering if a second batch will cause her harm or not. Nothing Gèng or I have read makes us think that anyone has ever tried it.”

  Thad stepped forward hesitantly and said, “Leah I am sorry. I … umph.”

  His sentence had been cut short as Leah punched him hard in the gut. As he bent over trying to breathe, she said, “That is for thinking you had something to be sorry for. Brett’s mistake was his not yours. You trusted a friend. That is good. Now that you know, if you trust him again, then you can apologise. Otherwise, you have nothing to apologise for. Now stand up and come tell me what has been happening.”

  Amy looked at her and winked then linked arms with James and said, “Come along, Leah has beer.”

  Zack and Wisp moved off with Amy and leaving Thad behind with Leah. He stood straight and said, “Amy told on me.”


  “I’m still going to find him and kill him a few times.”

  “I expect nothing less Thad, nothing less. Now if that is all dealt with would you escort me to the bonfire.”

  Thad extended his elbow, and Leah threaded hers through his, and together they went to join the others.

  After each group had shared their respective days, Zack said, “Leah, you’re going to need some help crewing the frigate. I know some people who might be interested. These are friends who I believe to be trustworthy. I know them in real life, not just in the virtual. They’ve taken damage from Mahigan before and will be pleased to thumb their noses at her. What do you think?”

  “That sounds good Zack. I should be finished the training in another week. If they can make it to Berne and want a berth, then I’ll take them aboard. What should I do about fixing the frigate?”

  Together they came up with a plan and generally enjoyed each other’s company for an hour or so. Finally, Leah said, “Sorry guys but I need to have some real food and get to Dunyanin. I hope you have a great day. Everyone except Thad logged out, and Leah was left standing with him. He stepped closer and leaned down to give her cheek a small kiss.

  He said, “That is for setting me straight. Look, if you are free Friday sometime can I take you out. I don’t think you’ve been to Carnival World. It is a heap of fun and a great place for a date. What do you think?”

  Leah stared up at him for a minute and then said, “I would like that. I’ll let you know when I’m free but I will certainly plan some time.”

  He smiled and disappeared. Gèng appeared next to Leah and said with a small smile, “Your heart rate is elevated, and those Adrenaline, Dopamine and Serotonin levels are all high.”

  Leah turned and said, “Gèng, are you teasing me?”

  She stopped and after a moment said, “I think I was Leah, I really think I was.”

  Leah laughed and headed for the real world for a break before heading to Dunyanin.

  Leah appeared behind the tree where she had last exited Dunyanin. She stood quietly for a few moments listening to the sounds. She could hear voices and soon recognised Eli and Elsa talking.

  “I’m just concerned Eli. You know how vindictive she can be. If she finds out we are helping Atherleah she’ll destroy us. She already ruined the Ringworld experience for us. We can leave now with no one the wiser. Atherleah won’t tell, and Matt is your cousin. No one else knows.”

  “Elsa, you’re the one who told me to apologise, and I’m glad I did. This is a chance to enjoy the game again. If Meredith finds out, then we’ll deal with it. I am fed up with letting her ruin our lives. I don’t know what Atherleah did to rile her so much, but she can’t be all that bad if she annoys your aunt.”

  “She didn’t have to do anything except thwart some plan or scheme. Meredith holds grudges forever. She hasn’t talked to my mum in like ten years, ever since mum told her she needed to discipline the kids more. I still remember that fight. It ruined Christmas.”

  Leah felt bad for eavesdropping and stepped out from behind the tree. She said, “Sorry guys, I couldn’t help hearing the last part of that conversation. Actually, that’s not true. I could help it but didn’t. Look, I don’t want to cause problems for you. If you want to leave, then I won’t say anything, and it’ll be cool.”

  Elsa blushed, and Eli shook his head, “No. That’s ok. We were just building up to a confession anyway when you arrived. We both received a message last night commanding anyone in the family who saw or met someone going by the name of Atherleah or Qiáng Tiē Chuí in any game that we needed to let Meredith know. I don’t know how you got in her sights, but I’ve never seen her so calm and deadly before. She was in full assassin mode.”

  “Well I can’t say too much, but I’ve upset a number of her plans here, in real life, and in other games. She isn’t my favourite person and to be fully transparent if I can mess up any other areas of her life, I will. But you aren’t her. If you want to join me or leave me, that’s on you. I won’t hold her against you either way. Just to warn you, if you betray me to her then you should do it soon before we become friends. If you do it after I trust you and become your friend, then I will add you to my personal ‘screw over when you can’ list.”

  Elsa smiled and said, “How many on that list so far?”

  “Meredith and husband, Jackson, Andy, and Ernst, an idiot called Jason and his flunkies, and a player in another game called Brett. Oh, and Meredith’s main bodyguard but I didn’t get his name.”

  Eli grinned and said, “His name is Kevin.”

  Elsa butted in, “Meredith is my aunt, my mother is her sister. She rules the family. She was nicer when I was a kid and didn’t understand what was going on. Now, she terrifies me. I want to go with you but know that if she finds out and we didn’t say something,
then she will make life hell. I don’t think she’d kill us, but she would ruin us.”

  “It’s up to you both, and Matt. I’m entering the Deep Woods when he gets here. I’ll give you a few minutes to decide, and then we’ll go. I will not tell her. I do not usually show my feed in public so she won’t find out from me. My fame points in Dunyanin are such that all NPC’s and players will know of me soon. You’ve been honest. You can tell her where I am and I won’t blame you. If you tell her once you come with me, then I will. If you’ll excuse me, I am going to have my pet join me. She needs some exercise.”

  Leah took out the statue of Mĕi and released her to play. Leah hoped Mĕi would be able to pick up on how to hunt and defend herself otherwise she was going to be pretty useless in Dunyanin. Matt arrived and discussed the issue with Eli and Elsa. After a few minutes, they walked over, and Eli said, “We’re all here and ready to go.”

  Leah smiled and indicated for Matt to take point. They had been travelling through the light forest for just over ten minutes when Matt stopped and waved them forward. He pointed to a river in front of them and said we don’t have a boat and I’m not willing to swim. Leah checked her map and said, “This is my fault. I knew the river was there and simply ignored getting across. I have some rope in my bag. If I shoot an arrow across we can tie it to both sides and then shimmy over.”

  Matt said, “I don’t see how that will work as someone will have to be on the other side to tie the rope.”

  Leah smiled and said, “Trust me.”

  She moved to a tree close to the bank and had Matt tie the rope four metres up the trunk. She tied the other end of the rope to an arrow and equipping her bow she made allowances for drag and fired at a tree on the other side. Before it had travelled half-way, she used Teleport to cross over and grabbed the arrow as it touched the tree. Suddenly a message appeared

  World Achievement: First 1000 (1, Sapphire)

  Unlock a Playing Area


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