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Frank-SPrinces Page 9

by The Shadowed Princes [lit]

  Faerwald hit her twice and then shoved his cock inside.

  The thane leaned forward in his chair, watching avidly and stroking his member.

  * * * *

  Ossian gave Georgie Rogan a curt nod as the stablemon took his horse, and those of his two brothers. Ultan, the youngest, was an eager puppy at barely sixteen, with a spiky crop of sandy hair close cut. Waid, the middle brother, was quiet and intense, sharply focused and ready for trouble. They dismounted and stood prepared to back any move that Ossian made. The brothers were well aware that the two previous lawgivers, who had each worked alone, were dead; and determined that it would not happen this time.

  "Business, Lawgiver?"

  "You'll know it soon enough."

  Ossian strode to the door and entered without knocking. He spotted two Creeyan guardsmyn and gestured for them to follow him.

  "Do either of you know which rooms were Willy Galloway's?"

  One of them thumbed at Kissie for her to join them. She does."

  Kissie showed them to the suite that Willy had shared with Vayle Stewart. Cold air leaked into the bedroom between the wooden slats nailed over the window, which Willy had broken in his escape from the manor. Equally divided between the two myn who had shared it; each side had a single bed, a nightstand, a chest of drawers, and a weapons rack. A chair, that matched those in the antechamber, had been overturned beside the left-hand bed. Dried bloodstains marred the quilt covering that bed, and the weapons were still in the rack. That led Ossian to suspect it was Willy's. So he climbed onto it, feeling around behind it. His fingers closed upon a bottle and he brought it out. Kissie, bring me six or seven burlap sacks."

  Ossian stroked the memory stone in the ring he wore, activating it. I wish you to note for the record that this bottle was found behind the headboard of William Galloway's bed, where I was informed it would be found by Galloway himself, who allegedly found it in the kitchen pantry."

  He opened the bottle and sniffed it carefully, then extended it to the rest in the room. Just sniff. This is what we are looking for. He located a pen, ink, and paper; scratched Willy's name onto it and shoved it along with the bottle into a burlap sack.

  "Waid. Ossian glanced at his brother. Have Stone assign you a couple of deputies and escort one Luciano Albertus to the Lawgiver House. I have some questions to ask him before anyone else tells him what we are about."

  Ossian's middle brother departed with a nod.

  "Ultan, search Belgair's quarters. Ossian handed his youngest brother a sack. I'll take Malthus rooms."

  "His study or his suite? asked Kissie.

  "Study first; show me where it is, Kissie."

  Ossian went through Malthus study. As he finished with the contents of a desk drawer, he hurled it across the room to lie beneath the window seat. A messy pile formed swiftly. When he finished with that he checked the chest of drawers, the cabinets, and the chests. Finally, he cleared the fireplace out and climbed inside it. Ossian found nothing on the ledge inside, and emerged from it coated in soot.

  He removed paintings from the walls and jerked down the tapestries.


  "What's going on in here? Malthus stepped into the room and stared at the mess.

  "An investigation. I informed you two days ago that I intended to carry one out."

  "I have nothing to hide."

  "Finn MacIver says different. He told me that you were with Belgair the night he was tortured."

  "I have never denied that."

  "He also says that you and Belgair admitted to him that you poisoned the prince."

  "He's mistaken. Belgair admitted it. But that night was the first I knew of it."

  "I see. Did Belgair tell you where he had gotten it from?"

  "Baroucha Seaver."

  "The murdered healer?"

  "Yes. Luciano Albertus bought her shop after the crown seized it on her death. He acquired her entire stock as well as the property. I suggest that you ask him what he found there."

  "I intend to."

  Ultan came in with a burlap sack over his shoulder and a bottle in his hand. Found this in Belgair's desk."

  Ossian sniffed the contents. It matches."

  "I found a lot of letters from various thanes in Belgair's drawers. Ultan took the vial from his brother and added it to the contents of the sack.

  "Check Sheradyn Kelly's suite while I check Malthus Estrobian's."

  "I must object, said Malthus. My wife is fragile. Disturbing her could be dangerous for the cubs she carries."

  "I have been so informed. Move her to another suite. But not until we get there."

  Ossian strode through the hallway with Malthus trailing after him. Merissa was moved to the Rose Room with Regina and Emma accompanying her. Ossian started turning their chambers inside out.

  * * * *

  Ossian encountered Toniqua as he emerged from Malthus chambers. The small dark mon puzzled Ossian. When he had arrived days ago to become Lawgiver to Wolffgard, he had been surprised to find that while the capital had had no lawgivers since the murder of Padruig Caimbeul, they had an experienced Creeyan-trained coroner. It troubled him not a whit that she was human. So long as she did good work, Ossian would be satisfied with her.

  "You have the coroner reports ready for me?"

  "They're on your desk. Luciano is talking everyone's ears off at the Lawgiver House. How long are you going to make him wait?"

  "Ultan should be nearly finished with Sheradyn Kelly's suite. Once that is finished, I'll be heading home. I will talk to him then."

  Ossian currently lived in one wing of the Lawgiver House while Pandeena and her curious companions had another. Rivaling the manor for size, it had taken ten years to complete. The spaciousness of the building, an eccentric pastiche of various styles of human architecture designed by Maldwyn Softpaws, kept them out of each other's way; therefore Ossian had no objection to their presence.

  It stood four stories high with a basement equally divided into storerooms and dungeons. The building had balconies, parapets, gargoyles, towers and dormer windows, as well as other architectural nightmares that made Ossian wince to look at it from the outside. He had been told that the oddities of the place resulted from too much interference on the part of Claw Redhand. The chieftain had built the Lawgiver House as a way of relieving the sense of emptiness that had plagued him after the deaths of his sons, turning it into an obsessive hobby and Maldwyn's artistic bane.

  Nonetheless, Ossian was getting a feel for the place; becoming comfortable with its peculiarities. Do you ever wish that Claw had built something more sensible than the current Lawgiver House?"

  Toniqua shook her head, trailing after him. Actually, I find it charming."

  They found Sheradyn Kelly and Gillivray Ashby standing in the chaos that their suite had been reduced to by Ultan's search. The older mon was livid, his lips trembling. When he saw Ossian, Sheradyn turned his outraged attention upon the lawgiver.

  "What is the meaning of this?"

  "It's on my orders. I intend to have either your license or your life. Depending on what we find. Ossian glanced about for his brother. Ultan? Where are you?"

  "In the closet."

  Ossian walked to the deep closet and found his brother stretched over a chest digging behind it.

  "For an impeccable nancidawg, this closet is a rat's nest. Ultan tossed several stockings over his shoulder. A collection of empty bottles and vials followed. I noticed the chest was not sitting right. So I.... Ultan stopped in mid-sentence and his tone turned suddenly serious. Ossian. Ossian, I found it. Arrest them."

  Ultan emerged victorious from the closet clutching a small vial that matched both what Willy had discovered and what he had found in Belgair's desk.

  "Poison? Toniqua stared at it.

  Ossian sniffed the contents and nodded.

  Gillivray stood trembling beside his lover, glancing at Sheradyn uneasily.

  Sheradyn blinked. It's not mine, I tell you. I've n
ever seen it before in my life."

  "It makes sense now, Toniqua said. Sheradyn has repeatedly blocked my investigations. He knew about Fianait. He mishandled Claw's illness."

  Ossian put his thumbs through his belt. Sheradyn Kelly. Gillivray Ashby. I am arresting you on a charge of murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to murder, and as possible accessories to the deaths of Fianait Redhand and Claw Redhand."

  He gestured at Ultan and the guardsmyn. They seized the two healers, spellcorded them, and bound their wrists behind their backs.

  Sheradyn shrieked in terror.

  "Lock him up in the lawgiver cells. Toniqua said. We've had one suspect die in the dungeons here already."

  * * * *

  Darmyk lay moaning, clutching his side, tears running down his face. Merissa had tears of her own, sitting on the bed beside him and rubbing his back.

  Regina sat in a chair nearby. She had sensed from the first that Merissa needed a friend. Emma joined them. They had formed their own little clique and no longer went to Sorcha's Solar.

  "They arrested Sheradyn. I don't know what I'm going to do. Not wanting to frighten her sick child, Merissa struggled not to weep aloudher silent tears were bad enough.

  "I would send you one of my healers, said Jenny leaning against the door facing. But they know nothing of either sa'necari nor treating children. They're all battlefield medics and surgeons."

  "What about Pandeena or Toniqua? Regina suggested.

  "They frighten me. Merissa rubbed at her eyes.

  "Mary Sinclair is a midwife and works with children. And she's close. We could send for her."

  The waiting for Mary to arrive grew tense. They could all see how terribly the child hurt. Emma edged her chair closer to the bed and stroked Merissa's hair comfortingly. Is she a good midwife? I'm due soon."

  Mary Sinclair arrived with a satchel hanging from her shoulder and a case in her hand. Standing five ten, Mary was tall for a bitch. Her auburn hair was pinned into an upswept style that lent an uncompromising turn to her face. She dragged a small table close to the bed and chased the others into another corner of the room. Then she settled into a chair, grasped Darmyk's wrist and Read him. Married to Trevor Sinclair, Todd's eldest son, Mary had never expected to be sent for by the manor; yet she kept her surprise schooled from her features. There's damage to his kidneys. I don't understand it at all. Have you tried giving him blood?"

  Mary prescribed limited doses of poppy milk, a gentle diuretic, and glasses of fresh blood with every meal.

  Malthus came in as Mary was sending the bitches from the room so the boy could rest. She ignored him long enough to close the bedroom door, and faced him in the antechamber with her hands on her hips.

  His eyes glittered with rage. There's nothing wrong with Darmyk. He's faking it."

  Mary Sinclair stared unflinching at Malthus, her hackles up and hair beginning to sprout along her arms. I assure you, the cub is not faking it. I Read him. Darmyk is dying."

  Malthus glared and swallowed back an imprecation. If you go to Merissa with this, I'll have you thrown out."

  "Malthus, I'm not afraid of you. There's nothing you can do to me. Todd and StealsThunder will be all over you if you so much as grunt in my direction."

  Malthus stiffened and said nothing. Instead, he consoled himself by imagining Mary on his altar dying beneath him. With Kynyr crippled, that family would be nothing without Todd. Once Clennan's myn had removed Todd from the equation, Malthus would take Mary and rite her. The thanes would take care of the problem of Stoneriver. Malthus would be back in power and he intended to see that everyone in Red Wolf knew it.

  "The only reason I'm not telling the rest of the household is because of Merissa's fragile condition."

  "Then what's wrong with him?"

  "I have very little knowledge of the sa'necari. Darmyk is the first one I have ever treated. However, I will make an educated guess. I think it is a congenital deformity. His liver and kidneys are failing."

  Malthus sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. It will break Merissa's heart when he dies."

  "She loves him. Merissa is extremely sensitive and fragile. Losing her parents has been very hard on her. That bloody purge you and Belgair committed has gone hard on her also. To be honest, the odds of her carrying your twins to term are not good."

  Malthus dropped into a chair. I had nothing to do with that."

  "So you say. You're extremely strict with young Darmyk and very possessive and controlling of his mother."

  "I've made a mess of things. I'm too set in my ways, but I'll try to change. I've never been married before, nor had so much as a long-term relationship. I spent my entire life with the kandoyarin. A mercenary's life is hard and disciplined. There was no room for me to learn the gentler arts. Perhaps I'm too old for the role of husband and father."

  Mary eyed him suspiciously, refusing to take his explanation at face value. I think you're a despicable arse. However, I'm too professional to let that get in my way while treating Merissa and Darmyk."

  "Thank you, Mary. I know you have every reason to distrust me. But I want to assure you that I love my wife and I'm fond of my stepson."

  "I will try to keep Darmyk as comfortable and out of pain as I possibly can."

  "And Merissa?"

  "If her condition gets any worse, I'll simply order complete bed rest. That's the best I can do at this point."

  Malthus nodded wearily. Thank you, Mary. I know you have all their best interests at heart. I apologize for becoming upset with you. Is it all right if I go and check on the boy?"

  "Of course."

  "How long do you think the boy has?"

  "A month. Six weeks at the most. I'm sorry."

  "My poor wife. She's already been through so much. And now to lose her child too. Malthus rose to his feet. I'm going to look in on the boy now. Perhaps I can comfort him."

  "You do that."

  Malthus walked out of the room and as soon as he was out of Mary's sight, he began to seethe again. He strode to Darmyk's door and slipped inside. The boy was sleeping.

  "Wake up, you stupid little bastard. He shook Darmyk.

  Darmyk woke and stared at his stepfather with frightened eyes. Have you come to hurt me again?"

  "Of course I have. I'm going to teach you to keep your mouth shut. You are not to discuss your illness with anyone."

  Malthus shoved his hand up Darmyk's shirt and threw a hard strike of death magics through Darmyk's organs. The boy shuddered with a loud groan and began whimpering.

  "Look forward to your death, child. Because then I won't be hurting you any longer."

  Tears ran down Darmyk's face. I won't tell anyone."

  "I know you won't. Malthus pushed Darmyk's head to the side and sank his fangs into the boy's neck.

  * * * *

  Luciano Albertus, owner of the Scarlet Angel Mage Shop, was generally regarded as a funny little human and harmless by the lycan population of Wolffgard. They had accorded him a measure of respect after he battered a local ruffian to rescue the one-armed odd jobber, Iollen Newel, who worked for Kady Maguire. He was a small mon in a knee-length brown tunic, split to his hips for riding, over a pair of loose-legged trousers stuffed into short boots. His beardless bronze-skinned face had an effeminate sensuality, full pouting lips in a narrow face, and a long, straight nose. Large, long-lashed eyes the color of glistening black pearls dominated his features.

  He had been chattering nervously to Lawgiver Waid O'Reilly for two hours, flitting from subject to subject.

  Waid eyed him closely as he tried to get Luciano back onto the topics that concerned the lawgivers. Tell me again why you left Skullbones?"

  "Sa'necari. I'm a spiritworker. They eat us when they catch us. Well, they don't eat us, exactly. Just roast us or rite us. We taste bad."

  Waid shook his head. Yes, you've already said that. It doesn't answer the question."

  "Well, what was the question? I am always helpful."

uciano sucked in a deep breath and held it for a count of six to calm himself. He hated to admit just how nervous the lawgivers were making him. General Mardreth Dovane's forces were routed at Wolfsbane Field. She retreated to Skeleton Creek to regroup. Skullbones is just a two or three day ride from Skeleton Creek."

  "I see. That store of yours is extremely well-stocked for a refugee..."

  "I borrowed a carrying globe, put my shop in my pocket, and ran."

  "You still have the globe?"

  Luciano shook his head. He had not expected that question. No, I returned it to her."

  Waid quirked an eyebrow at that. What's her name?"


  "The peddler living at the Sanctuary Refugee Camp?"


  "Mighty convenient, her having one of those globes and just happening to arrive here a couple of months after you did."

  Luciano squirmed. He did not dare tell the lawgiver who Dyna really was, but feared he was sounding more and more like a suspicious character to the lawgiver. She advised me to come here. Said she was too. Lycan lands are safer right now."

  "That's open to debate. I'm thinking of having her brought in for questioning also."

  "You do that. She'll be very cooperative. I hope.

  "I've been told that she put up that big house in minutes. Care to explain that?"

  "Her stock and trade is secondhand magic items."

  "She's a mage?"

  Luciano pressed his hands tightly together to stop his shaking. It would never do to inform the law that their town currently had the Trickster herself in residence. Sort of."

  Ossian arrived and reclaimed his desk from his brother. I understand that you purchased your shop from the crown as is. Baroucha Seaver's entire inventory was still there."


  "Did you find any poisons in her inventory? Especially unusual poisons?"

  "Yes, I did."

  "Do you still have them?"

  "I put them all in a box and locked them up."

  "Waid, escort Luciano to his shop and retrieve the box."

  Having something to do besides ask questions came as relief to Waid. His older brother had always been better at that. He headed for the door with Luciano in tow and squeezed past his younger brother as Ultan strode in.


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