Fearing Regret

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Fearing Regret Page 8

by Barbara Speak

  We pulled into the emergency room parking lot and Chad drove us up to the doors. I was not dying by any means but I did feel like shit. The back seat people got out and the front rode to park the car. Ryan and Kara walked on either side of me making sure I was all right. I laughed at how ridiculous the whole thing was which made both of them turn to me in unison.

  "What? It's funny. I mean come on, if you can't laugh about this than something is wrong with you. I am about to explain to a nurse that I need stitches in my head because I got too drunk, apparently let someone drug me and then split my head open on the toilet in a bar bathroom, covered in pee. That's funny. Oh, and don't let me forget the fucking hot ass guy that I never got the name of because I was falling all over the place."

  "Nothing about this is funny. You are for sure drugged if you find any humor at all out of this. I'm so fucking pissed off and you're still laughing."

  "Ryan, lighten up. She's going to be okay. We are going to get her stitched up and home where she will go to bed and all will be right in the morning. If she can find humor in all of this, let her. It is fucked up how many bad things can happen to one person in this short of a period of time though."

  As they went back and forth I just sat there in the chair they put me in thinking, “who could have slipped something in my drink”.

  "Kate, come on they called your name. Can you stand by yourself or do you need help?"

  I must have been out of it. I didn't hear anyone call me. I stood all right, but then lost my balance.

  "Whoa there pretty girl, I got you."

  Chad and Chris walked up just as they were taking me back into the medical treatment area. All of them came with me. We were like a herd walking through. The nurse asked if only one of them could stay with me, while the others wait in the lobby, but every one of them refused to leave.

  Four hours, an IV of fluids to flush my system out and six stitches in the back of my head later, we were finally getting released. Apparently I drank Rufinol, the date rape drug. The doctor explained that getting sick from the alcohol helped, because I was able to get rid of the bulk of it before it got in my system. He also said that it’s a common occurrence lately. I didn't want to know anymore. I wanted my bed like nothing I had ever wanted before.

  "Please can we just go home? Chad, will you take me home?"

  "Absolutely not! You are coming back to our house. I want to make sure you're okay and…"

  "Kara, thank you for caring about me but I want my own bed, please."

  "No, I'm not leaving you alone so get over ..."

  "I will stay with her. Don't worry Kara, just take us to her house. She will be fine."

  Everyone looked at me to decide. It wasn't a hard decision to make at all. My bed or Chad and Kara's spare bedroom.

  "See, Ryan will stay with me. Now let’s go. I'm so tired and want this day over with."

  "We still have to stop and wait for your prescription to be filled. Don't forget the nasty gash on the back of your head. Once those pain meds wear off, you won’t be able to sleep without them."

  "Chad’s right, so let’s do this. Chad can drive us back to the bar. Let me grab my car and Kara can follow you guys back to Kate's with her car. Ryan can stay with her while I go get her script filled, and then Chad can bring Kara back to get her car."

  "Dude, that was a LOT of thinking but it sounds like a plan. She's about to pass out, so let’s get out of here."

  Ryan was right, I was about to fall asleep standing up. We walked back out to the car and all climbed in. I don't think we got out of the parking lot before I was out.

  The next thing I knew, Ryan was waking me up and I was already in my bed.

  "I'm sorry hun, but you need to take this or you will be in a lot of pain shortly. Here." He helped me sit up, then handed me a couple of pills and was holding out a glass of water for me to drink. “Take these and then you can fall back to sleep. I got you, so don't you worry. You’re safe and loved."

  I took the pills but I was so tired, that was all I remember before falling back asleep in his arms.

  The next morning wasn't morning after all. I glanced over to the clock and it read 12:40. Ryan was no longer in bed with me, so I went to go look for him when I realized I had nothing on me. Nothing! Not even panties. I was standing next to the bed letting all of those thoughts sink in when he came through the door.

  My hands went straight over my privates to cover myself the best that I could, when he started laughing at me. There I was standing with one hand over my girly while the other attempted to cover not one but two size DD boobs, not so funny.

  "Kate, you kicked off the covers every time I attempted to put them over you, so believe me, if I didn't already have burned in my brain every detail of your body prior to last night, I do now. There is absolutely no need to feel uncomfortable."

  So I did what any of you would do, right? I dropped both of my hands to my hips and stood as seductively as possible saying, "Okay, have it your way."

  Ryan's mouth fell open, as I stood there every second he needed to check it all out. The bulge in his pants was more than obvious which made me laugh.

  "You find this funny?"

  "You bet I do. You told me not to feel uncomfortable so I'm just following directions."

  He walked over to me slowly, making me only laugh harder. By the time he came to stand in front of me, my need to laugh had vanished. My nipples were a dead giveaway that I was completely turned on.

  "What's the matter Kate, are you cold?"

  "Cold? No, I'm not cold at all. I'm about to knock you down on this bed and fuck the shit out of you” screamed in my head to use as a response.

  "No, I'm not cold." Was all that came out and it didn't sound solid in its execution one bit.

  "Really?" He began to run the back of his hands up my arms, only increasing the size of the goose bumps I produced. I refused to back down. I was determined to stand strong.

  "Yes, really. So if you don't mind, I need a shower and you need to take care of that."

  I pointed down to the business he had in his pants, which only caused him to move to the side and allow me to pass. I felt so stupid, but I held my head high and tried to be as seductive as I could.

  "Oh, Kate," he practically sang, "you forgot one thing, you can't wash your hair yet."

  I stopped walking and stood in place.

  Without turning around I said, "I will just soak in the tub until I can." Then I walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

  Once inside, my panic set in. "What am I doing?" crossed my mind a million times. If I didn’t want to move forward with Ryan, why was I teasing him so much? It's like I get off on screwing my life up. Pretty soon I realized that if I didn't start running the water he would get suspicious. When Ryan starts to worry, he hovers, but I'm sure you have figured that out already.

  I climbed in the bath tub after putting my hair up. The warm water felt so good on my sore and aching muscles. As I slid further down into the abyss, the door opened. I didn't look over or say a word. Ryan didn’t say anything as he walked to the linen closet and grabbed a wash cloth. I closed my eyes, fantasizing about what he was going to do with it. Without warning, he was behind me on his knees, I would guess from the angle of his arm, as it dunked into the water. When I purchased the claw foot tub for my master bath, it never occurred to me what could be done because it is freestanding. When his hand came back up out of the water, Ryan instantly placed the wash cloth on my stomach and started to bathe me. No one other than my parents as a child has done this; my God, I was missing out. The wash cloth traveled up and over my perked breasts and then plunged back into the water. Everything about what he was doing was so erotic. He repeated the action, never coming into contact with my nipples and with every move he made, I found myself praying that he would. The cloth started to drop again and I arched my back hoping for what came next. When the washcloth hit my pubic bone I almost jumped for joy. No sooner had it gone down, it was on it
s way back up again. Ryan stood and held the washcloth out for me to take. I didn't know what to say, so I just held my hand out to take it. He placed it in my hand and then turned and walked out the door.

  "Oh Kate, two can play at that game. Let me go ahead and shut the door so you can take care of that." And then the door was closed.

  Now all I wanted to truly do was plunge my head under the water and drown. I don't know that I've ever been this sexually frustrated in my life, but I did bring all of this upon myself. I sucked it up to my own doing, finished washing my body, got out, wrapped a towel around myself and walked out of the bathroom only to find I was alone. I went ahead and got dressed in pajamas with no intention of going anywhere today. My head was starting to pound so I knew it was time for more medicine. When I walked out of my bedroom and over to the kitchen, I realized that I was alone completely. Ryan must've left without saying goodbye which in this case was God sent.

  Whatever was happening between us, it seemed our friendship was still intact and that is all I care about.

  I took the meds and turned on the T.V. in the family room, resting back on the couch. It really didn't matter what was on, because my mind was swirling with all that had been happening to me lately. With one leg propped up so that I could support my head in my hand, I went over the night before again. I believe in Karma but holy hell, what did I do to deserve all of this? I decided I needed to know a little more about Scott before I could truly peg him for drugging me, so I called my dad.

  "Hey there Katie Cat, what do I owe for this pleasure?"

  "Hi Dad. I just wanted to talk to you and ask a couple of questions, if that's okay?"

  "Of course it's okay, what's up?"

  "Well, you know I landed the account. We all went out to celebrate last night and something happened."

  "What do you mean something happened? Was Jarrett there?"

  "No, I mean, I don't think so but dad listen, Scott from your work was there. I met him at your anniversary party and then ran in to him last night again."

  "He's a good guy. Wouldn't hurt you to give him a shot, honey."

  "Well the thing is, um, I'm not sure how to tell you this..."

  "Kate please, you are worrying me. You never call me like this, what happened?"

  "He um, well he was nice and all, but I got a little too drunk and he brought me a water."

  "Yes, that sounds like you and good for him. Now, what happened?"

  "I had been drinking shots, not anything I would set down or leave unattended. Then I started to feel sick so I went to the bathroom to throw up when I passed out and hit my head..."

  "What! Are you okay? Honey, why didn't you call us last night."

  "Because Dad, Kara was with me when it happened, then I came back out to everyone and after they found the cut on my head, they said my pupils were dilated. They took me to the hospital where they found a drug in my system. The rape drug."

  "Oh my God! I'm going to kill the son of a bitch."

  "Dad listen, I'm not sure it was him. I mean, I don't even know what I mean anymore. This is all so messed up. Do you think he could do something like this?"

  He didn't answer right away. I could hear him breathing so I knew he was still there. My guess was he was trying to calm himself down.

  "Dad, please. I need to know. Do you?"

  "Honey, I don't know anything anymore. I thought boys were raised to grow up as men and their parents would teach them the proper way to treat a woman. I never liked the idea of you growing up at all, let alone dating. Then add what you have had to deal with. It’s just not right."

  "I know what you are saying Dad, but there are good ones out there too. I just need to find one."

  "Let me make a few phone calls and I will call you right back, okay?"

  "Okay, but Dad?"

  "Yes Katie Cat?"

  "Please don't do anything until we really understand what happened."

  "I won't, honey. Do you want me to send your mother over to take care of you?"

  "No, I'm fine, I promise. I'm sure once these meds kick in I will be asleep in no time. Thanks for the offer though. I love you."

  "I love you too, so much."

  We hung up and just as I had said, I started to fall back asleep. It was a while later when I woke up to see the little light on my phone blinking. I activated the screen to find a ton of missed call and texts. Each and every one of my friends had tried in one way or another to check up on me. The one that seemed more important than the rest left a voice message and text.


  I couldn't wait one second longer. My phone was connected instantly and the ringing on his end seemed to drag on forever. Finally, he answered.

  "Were you asleep?"

  "Yes Dad, I'm sorry, what happened?"

  "Don't be sorry honey you need to take care of yourself. How are you feeling? After I told your mother, I practically had to tie her down to a chair to keep her from driving right over there. She worries about you as much as I do, sweetheart."

  "Dad please, I need to know."

  "It was the bartender. Jeff told me they have been cracking down on Rophenol in the area and have been watching that bar closely. You weren't the only victim last night. All of his targets were men, not women. He also said Jarrett has officially moved from the area. His house has sold and he took a job in Chicago, so goodbye asshole."

  It took a minute to process what he had said. It really had felt like I was the target for all this and to hear that it was a random act made it so much better somehow. Knowing Jarrett was now gone lifted a weight I hadn't even known was there from my conscience also.

  "Kate, honey, are you okay? We're on our way over, sweetheart."

  I didn’t realize I was crying until I heard the concern in his voice. I wiped away the tears that had already fallen from my eyes, but they kept coming. Relief was the cause this time, not pain.

  "Dad listen to me, I'm okay I promise. Don't worry about me."

  "I will always worry about you. You are our first born. You mean everything to us. Don't cry, honey."

  "I'm okay, really. It’s just been a lot lately. I promise I'm okay. You did not raise a quitter or a baby. I'm just going to take it easy and lie around today, don't worry."

  "If you say so. But remember Katie Cat, we always worry. That's what parents do."

  After hanging up I called Kara.

  "What's up girly, how are you feeling?"

  "Kara, it wasn't meant just for me."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "My dad called the chief of police and found out that the bartender was slipping them into multiple drinks last night. It wasn't Scott."

  "Even if he didn't do it that guy put off a very weird vibe to me. I wouldn't go there if I were you."

  "My dad says he's a good guy but seriously, I'm not jumping in to anything right away."

  "That's good to hear, finally. The one that will give you forever won't be found, he will stumble in unannounced and take over your heart. Trust me."

  "I think that is the best advice you have given me in a long time. Thank you so much for being just who you are to me"

  "Don't go getting all sappy on me now, girl. Let’s change the subject, how are you feeling, did anything happen with Ryan last night, or who was that amazingly hot guy you didn't want to see you? Go ahead and pick your order, but I want to know all of it."

  Nosy Kara at her best. The last things I wanted to think about were two out of the three things she was demanding out of me.

  "I feel okay. My head hurts but the meds are working. It's just when the time to take them comes and the prior ones are wearing off that it sucks."

  "I figured you would go there first. I'm glad to hear you’re not beating yourself up over it either. It was so fucking scary Kate. I never thought I would see something like that, it’s so wrong that they would do that to a defenseless girl. Did they arrest the bartender yet?"

  "I'm not sure but I'm
not going back there again, ever."

  "Me either. Now let’s get to the juicy parts. And don't clean them up either."

  "I don't know what you want to hear. I don't even know the guy’s name. He came up to me on the dance floor and I was so drunk and caught off guard by him that no words would come out. Then, to find out that he is the one that had to pick me up when I fell was mortifying. Ryan stayed with me last night but nothing happened between us, that's it."

  "How boring was that? Really, nothing else? You can tell me, I won't say a word."

  "I'm getting off the phone now..."


  "Goodbye, love you."

  I hung up laughing. She never stops. The next call I wanted to make was to Chris.

  When I dialed it just rang and rang. I was about to hang up when he answered.

  "Kate, is that you?"

  "Yes doll, it's me. I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping me last night and picking up my scripts."

  "I feel so fucking bad! It was my idea to go there in the first place. You have had so much to deal with lately and just deserved to have a fun night not get fucking drugged!"

  "Chris, you had no idea. None of us did. And I was having a great time until I got sick. Don't do this to yourself. It's not your fault."

  "I just feel awful. I'm so glad you're okay. You mean so much to all of us."

  "Hey, I'm fine. Stop it. You guys are my everything too. Anyway, I just called you to say thank you. Tell Reed I said hello."

  "How did you know he was here?"

  "Because, you always have your phone on hand. I was about to hang up it took so long, so I know you have company. It was a stab in the dark that it was Reed."

  "Good guess then."

  "Well get back to it, love you."

  "Love you more. Talk to you later, Kate."

  "Goodbye Chris and Reed, haha."

  The last call I needed to make was making me sick to my stomach. I didn't really have any clue where we were after this morning. Part of it felt great; the teasing, being silly. The other part is that we still are so sexually attracted to each other that I'm not sure where to go with it. My fingers hovered over the keys for what seemed like hours. Eventually I chickened out and went to the text option. Once again, I was stripped from words.


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