Fearing Regret

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Fearing Regret Page 13

by Barbara Speak

  "Sounds good."

  I walked two feet away when Kara was grabbing me and screaming, while jumping up and down, "Oh my God!"

  "Stop it, people are looking at us."

  "I don't give a shit, Kate. You and Tony! This is amazing! Please tell me you are not going to be stupid enough to walk away from this one."

  "Why would I be stupid? He's not mine. This is one night. One night, I promised him he could put on his charm. I refuse to fall for one liners or whatever he plans to throw at me. I told you already, I'm not jumping into anything with anyone. This is us just having fun for the night."

  "Oh, shit."

  "What do you mean ‘oh, shit’?"

  A cold feeling washed over me. I knew he was behind me before I even turned around. Kara wouldn't have been looking over my shoulder when she said it, unless I was right. I hesitated a second too long because as I turned around, he was walking out the door. I looked back to Kara as she said, "What the hell are you waiting for? Go catch him."

  I didn't take any time to respond to her, I was running after him like my life depended on it.

  "Tony, wait!"

  My heels weren't the problem, it was the damn dress. Being that it was fitted to my body like a glove, it made for a very awkward run, but I did my best. I continued to scream his name until I reached him finally, standing next to a black porsche 911. He had turned to watch me finish my ridiculous run, but his face showed no sign of humor.

  Panting like crazy, in short breaths I said, "Nice car.”

  "You ran all the way out here to tell me you like my car?"

  I looked at him all puffed up with anger and I don't have a clue what came over me. I didn't have words to fix what I had apparently done so I walked slowly toward him, closing the gap between us. His expression changed to uncertainty but I didn't let that stop me either. My hands found his cheeks and my lips suddenly found his. I wanted to come crashing down on them but instead, I took my time seducing him with each tug, pull and swipe of my tongue. He stayed firm for the most part but I wasn't giving up. Eventually he gave in to me. When his hands gripped the back of my head and pulled me to him even closer, I knew I wanted this man like I have never wanted another. I dropped the grip I held on his face and allowed my hands to fall onto his extremely hard chest. The kiss became almost feverish between us. Nothing short of a bomb going off was going to get me to stop. The way he molded to my body as he devoured my mouth made me soaking wet and ready to have sex with him right there in the parking lot.

  "Woohoo!" was heard in the background but I couldn't let him go. I feared that when the kiss stopped, I would wake up from the best dream, hating that it was nothing more than a dream. Eventually, he slowed his pace against all my efforts and pulled back from me. Still, our hands rested where they landed. Mine were still on his chest where his were around the small of my back.

  "Damn, I never had any idea that a car could do that to a woman."

  We both laughed but didn't let go of each other.

  "Tony, I'm sorry for what I said. I don't want you to get the impression that I was manipulating you, that's not who I am. I've just had so many bad experiences and..."

  "Shhh," his finger rested over my mouth lightly. "I don't need details now. What I need is for you to let me show you I'm not like any of those idiots. Let’s make a deal, we will end tonight now, but you will let me take you out on a real date."

  I had to think about that one. I wasn't ready for tonight to end. I needed to know it wasn't going to be the last chance I got with him, but how could I come out and say that without sounding pathetic?

  "Are you sure you want tonight to end like this? It's your one chance, remember?"

  "Don't say that again. This is the beginning, not the end of anything and I am ready to prove it."

  "Listen to me, please. I'm not saying something can't happen between us, but now that I know who you are, it complicates things."

  "How is who I am complicating anything?"

  "What if things go bad? What if we hate each other? I don't want things to get uncomfortable because of Sadie and Ash. What if..."

  "Please stop. You're so worried about all the bad that might come, instead of looking forward to all that could be good, and believe me it will be. We don't even know each other yet. Let things progress on their own without dooming it from the start."

  "You act like you already know that you're ready to pursue something with me."

  "Because I am."

  "That's crazy, Tony. You just said it; we don't even know each other. How can you be so sure?"

  I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This is the same man I hid from in the bathroom. The same one I refused to dance with. Now the very man I have been fantasizing about was throwing me into another crazy direction. He couldn't be serious.

  "I have avoided feeling anything toward women for a lot of years now. Only one has given me reason to stray from that idea and she became my very best friend and just got married to your brother. I know what I want and I always get what I want. Kate, you don't have to worry or even think about what is coming next. I am going to make you never want to experience another man again and believe me when I tell you, I know what I can do."

  "I don't know what to say."

  "Then don't. Do you have your phone with you?"

  "No, I ran out here like a crazy person and left all my things inside."

  "Well in that case," he reached in his pocket and pulled his out, "what is your number?"

  I gave it to him, but couldn't wrap the idea around my head that the hottest guy on the planet was pursuing me. When did I get so insecure you ask? When you go through all the douchebags I have been with, it’s hard to see yourself coming out any other way. Something about him was so different, so real, like it could work and I wanted to believe him that it would.


  My head snapped back over my shoulder when I heard my mother scream my name.

  "Shit, I'm sorry. I have to go."

  "Don't be sorry, you’ll be hearing from me, I promise you that."

  I didn't want to leave him but I had no choice. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him one more time before I walked away from the one man I knew was going to change my life forever, I just didn’t have a clue how much.


  The next morning I woke and went straight for my phone. When I expected that he would call or at least text and was disappointed, I told myself it was something I wouldn't continue to do. I didn't want to get my hopes up. The last thing I needed was to believe he was the white knight, prevailing in a sea of dragons ready to burn whoever is in their path. I had a great time with him last night and that was all I needed to focus on. If nothing came from that, it was still one great night.

  What I did find was an apology text from Ryan which changed my mood completely.


  I didn't know what to say. Of course I forgive him, he may have been crabby but he was hurt. Something I knew I couldn't take back because I felt it was what was best for us. As much as I was attracted to him, I wouldn't risk our friendship, there was too much to lose.

  I opened up the area where I type in and sat, thinking about what to say. Eventually, I came up with this.


  I put the phone down and went to jump in the shower. Nothing feels better to me than standing under hot water as it rains down over your body. After the water was no longer even warm, I forced myself to get out. I eventually went for my phone to see if Ryan had responded, but what I found made my cheeks hurt from smiling so big. On the screen was a number I didn't recognize. One missed call and one new text. I opened the text first, more excited than I had been in a very long time.


  "Holy shit it's him!" I jumped up and down like a little kid getting their first bike. How he can say those things still makes me question so much, but I was ready to take a leap if he was. The only thing that held me back was calling him. What do I say? It’s always easier to let them take the lead in the beginning, for me at least that's the truth. I have never pursued a man in my life, so the answer to my own question was to text.


  Not a second went by before my phone dinged.


  I was about to respond, when it started to ring in my hand. I have no idea why it scared me, but I jumped, throwing it across the room in the same motion. I leapt across my bed and got tangled in the sheets in the process, scrambling to get to it before it went to voicemail. "Shit!"

  When I finally had it in hand, I hit answer in the biggest hurry and screamed "Hello" completely out of breath.

  "Did I interrupt something?"

  "You have no idea."

  "Really? Do I need to come over there and show you how it can really be done?"

  Oh my God!

  "I think I have it under control."

  "Oh, now you're really asking for it."

  "I didn't think I asked for anything."

  I was laughing when I said it so please don't think I'm that big of a bitch.

  "You've got some sass to that ass but I'm prepared to slap it out of you."

  "Are you telling me you slap women?"

  Now he was laughing.

  "I don't abuse them if that is what you're referring too."

  "But you just said you slap…"

  "Spank! I will spank it out of you. Thanks a lot. You took the entire kink I threw onto that and killed it."

  "So, now you're telling me you're into kink?"

  "I think I'm just going to shut up while I'm ahead this time."

  "Oh, don't get shy on me now."

  "Let me try this: what are you doing today?"

  I really needed to go into the office but I didn't want to lose out on the opportunity to see him either. Apparently I took longer than I thought because he said, "Are you stalling on an answer for a reason?"

  "Not stalling per se, I need to go into the office for a couple of hours."

  "Glad to hear it isn't because you already have company. Why is that a problem?"

  "It’s not and I don't."

  "Snappy now, aren't we? All I was saying is I want to see you. If it means for five minutes today, I want to see you."

  A blush filled my cheeks.

  "Really? I thought maybe you just wanted to check up on who I was doing? I mean what I was doing!"

  Shit, how could I let that come out of my mouth even if it was what I was thinking.

  "There better not be a who. I'm going to be all the ‘who’ you are going to need."

  "Is that right? You're awful sure of yourself now aren't you? Who says I want you to be my who?"

  "I'm not giving you much choice in the matter at this point. Anything you had been doing with whomever, is done if this is going to go anywhere."

  "And again, who says I want this to go somewhere? I don't know you enough for anything to be exclusive yet."

  I was doing my best to play the strong confident girl card when all I really wanted to do was agree to whatever terms he set.

  "Woman, I'm not sure if I want you to continue with that attitude because I find it so unbelievably sexy, or hang up on you just so I can drive over there and show you what you're not sure about. You confuse me in all the right ways."

  "Good to hear. I'm not the easiest person to understand, but I am so worth the time it takes to figure me out."

  "I haven't doubted that yet. So, what time can I pick you up?"

  Wow! He really was persistent, and the idea it was me that he wanted, was just plain crazy.

  "Around five?"

  "I will be there at five."

  "Wait! Do you know where I live?"

  "Sure do, goodbye Kate. See you soon."

  I barely got my goodbye out before we were disconnected.

  "Holy shit, shit, shit, shitery, shit!"

  I had been sitting on bed throughout the conversation, but now was jumping up and down around my room, freaking out and then found myself diving backward, only to land on my bed again, kicking my legs back and forth and screaming at the top of my lungs, "Oh my God!!!!"

  When I sat up, my hand was immediately reaching for my phone again, only this time it was Kara I needed to talk too.


  "Let me guess, you talked to him? Spill, woman."

  "He's soooo sexy Kara."

  "I already knew that, what else?"

  "He's picking me up tonight."

  "No way! When? What are you guys going to go do? What are you going to wear?"

  "I have no idea! Come over, I need your help, please."

  "I so would, but I promised the asshole that I would be there in a half hour to go over his recent changes. I swear to all that is holy, if that man changes his mind one more time, I will tie him up myself and never let him loose."

  "Would you just tell me who it is? I'm dying to know."

  "Can't, sorry. I could get sued for breach of contract."

  "Like I would say anything."

  "Sorry girl, I can't. He doesn’t live around here anyway. He wants this for a vacation house. Believe me; no local would want a red room filled with all of this stuff. Anyway, what are you going to wear?"

  "I don't know what he has planned to be able to decide. This sucks."

  "Then just go with jeans and a really cute top. The silk blue one we got last week shopping would be adorable."

  "Oh, good idea. I could wear my electric blue spiked heels."

  "You are going to look so hot. I wish I could be there to see."

  "To bad you're wrapped around Mr. No Name's finger."

  "Kiss it. Have too much fun tonight and make sure you call me when you get home. I want every detail, do you hear me?"

  "Yes, I heard you. Have fun hanging chains from the ceiling and tell him I'm ready to try them out for him, if he needs a victim."

  "You are so bad."

  "Always. Good bye girl, I will talk to you later."

  "Bye and you better."

  I hung up, grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I was desperate to finish my work load so I could get home and have time to look my best.

  Driving to my office, I heard nothing but the thoughts running through my own mind. Not the traffic, the radio, nothing. I kept thinking about what he was planning. What he was so adamant about. I have never known any man to come on so strong and certainly not someone so far out of my league. On looks alone, he resembled the men we all know we Google. The ones with the bodies that we never get to see in person. The faces that have to be photo shopped, because no one can be that perfectly sculpted in their features. “Tony is just too good to be true” was on repeat and I didn't want to believe it. I wanted for once to pick the right guy that wasn't going to be a jerk or rip my heart out. “Why am I even thinking about a relationship with him? We haven't even gone out on date.” Probably because that's the way he makes me feel, like this isn't just a one night stand or something that will just be a waste of our time. I was so confused, yet excited to see where this was going to go.

  I got to the office and sure enough, it was a disaster. My new secretary was not working out and nothing was filed the way it needed to be. It took me over two hours to get it organized before I could even start working. Donors were late on their payments and investors were getting aggravated. Payouts hadn't been made, it was awful. A little over half way into what needed to be done, my phone rang. Aggravated to say the least, I grabbed it without looking at the screen and said, "What?"

>   "Wow, not what I was expecting."

  Shit! It was Tony and I just bit his head off.

  "I'm so sorry. I'm knee deep at work, what's up? Are you cancelling on me tonight?"

  "Uh, no, I'm here and you're not answering your door."

  "What?! What time is it?"

  "Five minutes till. Are you still at the office?"

  "Oh, shit! I'm so sorry. I know I already said that and it doesn't make this better, but I am. I never intended to be here this long but my secretary sucks and I...."



  "It’s okay. Calm down, we can just do this another time."

  "But I don't want to..."

  "You don't?"

  "No, I mean, no I want to. I am just trying to say..."

  "Kate, I get it, really. When I have a trial pending I'm MIA also. Don't worry about it."

  "But, you're at my house and I'm not. You planned something, I'm sure that was so romantic and I even had the cutest outfit planned out. This sucks!"

  He was laughing. Laughing! While I freaked out that I blew my chance.

  "I'm glad to hear you picked something to wear but really, it’s okay. Just get your work done and if it's not too late, we can still make something of tonight, how does that sound?"

  "Like it’s the only option we have."

  "Pretty much. Call me when you finish what you're doing. I’ll talk to you soon."

  "Okay, bye."

  I hung up, so disappointed with myself. How could I let the time get away from me like that? And to think he drove all the way to my house and I wasn't there, what a rude thing to do to someone. I needed to focus on getting my work done and getting the hell out of my office, so I dove back in, with truly no end in sight.

  It was dark and late by the time I looked up from the stack of papers in front of me. I still hadn't finished all of the errors. Margie, my soon to be fired secretary, obviously had no idea what she was supposed to be doing, but I was calling it a night. Turning off all of the lights, I exited my floor of the building. I got into the elevator and pressed the ground floor button, wondering if it was too late to call him back. I was just about to when my stomach growled so loud it shocked me into a giggle frenzy. It was almost ten thirty at night and I hadn't eaten a thing since breakfast. I hit call and waited for him to answer, but it went straight to his voicemail box.


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