Atlantean's Quest Volume 1

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Atlantean's Quest Volume 1 Page 9

by Jordan Summers

  He seemed genuinely pleased.

  Rachel took a couple more drinks, soothing her dryness, then stopped. She’d drink more water in a few minutes, once she was sure the liquid would stay down. It was time to find out who these people were and explain to them why she needed to get out of here.

  “My name is Dr. Rachel Evans,” she said in the most common local dialect. Her voice rasped, but was clear enough to be understood.

  The man stared at her as if she hadn’t spoken. Rachel tried eleven more regional languages before giving up. If he didn’t speak any of the area dialects, then what language did he speak? She wouldn’t know until he said something.

  She walked the short distance to the hides and plopped down upon them. They were soft, welcoming, and surprisingly comfortable against her aching limbs. Exhausted from the long trek, she longed to stretch out and fall asleep, but she didn’t dare. Not until she’d communicated with her captor.

  Closing her eyes, she grabbed fistfuls of the fur, luxuriating in the velvet-like texture. Absently, Rachel wondered what they’d feel like against her bare skin.

  Her breathing deepened, as her fingers kneaded the furs. Her mind turned to the dreams she’d been having in New York. They’d been so erotic, illicit—tantalizing like the man who’d brought her here.

  How could someone she made up be real?

  The answer was he couldn’t be. There was no way her wild man was her dream man. No matter how familiar he seemed. It was impossible. Somehow her brain had combined the two men.

  Rachel thought about his long tanned limbs. She swallowed as she pictured his naked body against the furs. Was it wrong to hope that before she left she’d get the chance to see the real thing?

  * * * * *

  Eros watched Rachel examine his hut. He wanted her to like it, for it was her home now. Under veiled lashes he followed her movements as she drank from the water bucket, her pink tongue darting out to capture every last drop. He almost groaned aloud as he thought of all the ways he could put that tongue to use.

  Guilt slashed at him. He should have stopped earlier and tended to her needs. His only thoughts had been to get her as far away from the group as possible.

  And now she was here. The relief Eros felt was palpable. For a moment he had thought she would refuse to enter.

  That she would refuse him.

  His heart had quaked. The tension coiled tight, waiting to spring from his chest. He didn’t think he could bear a moment more of the pressure. Then she’d stepped forward, over the threshold, and their destinies became intertwined.

  Eros had blown out a shuddering breath. The first step completed. He could now go to the Seer to find out who would be put in charge of readying his woman.

  His jaw clenched at the thought. He did not like the new sensations that came from being around Rachel. Jealousy, the strongest and most violent emotion, was one he could have done without.

  Eros watched her walk to his bed and sit on the furs. She drooped with exhaustion, yet fought the need to sleep. She stretched out as if she’d been there a thousand times before. Her delicate fingers grasped the furs. She closed her eyes and threw her head back. Eros imagined she looked much like she would in the throes of passion.

  The expression on her face turned from one of exhaustion to desire within seconds. She continued to rub the furs against her hands, her restless body shifting slightly. Every part of Eros’s body stood erect.

  In his mind he saw his woman bare against the hides. Her rose colored nipples extended, the dewy thatch of curls in full view, as she spread her creamy thighs wide awaiting his shaft. Just like she’d been the night he’d visited her in her tent.

  He grunted as his cock strained under his loincloth, searching for release. Eros called on all of his control as he fought against power urges. He labored to breathe and sweat broke out across his brow. Soon…

  * * * * *

  The giant’s grunt sounded strangled. It instantly brought Rachel out of her musings. For a moment, she had forgotten that she wasn’t alone. Her face felt warm, almost feverish, as her eyes sought his. She glanced down at the furs, then back up into his face. The look he shot her was telling. He didn’t need to say a word for her to know exactly what he was thinking. Not a surprise, since she’d all but issued him an invitation.

  Rachel flushed, her body tingling with awareness. She sprang off the bed as if it were on fire. Her tired muscles protested, but she ignored them. Her traitorous mind tormented her with images of their writhing bodies and she couldn’t seem to stop them.

  The longer he stood there, the more his body shook. Need oozed from his every pore. Part of her wanted him to come to her, the other half was terrified that he would. Instead, the man turned and walked out the door, leaving her alone in the hut.

  Rachel followed his retreating back until he’d disappeared. She had to get out of here. It was too dangerous for her to remain in his presence. The man confused her. He had her thinking insane thoughts, when what she really needed to do was go back to civilization so she could press charges against the Professor and report her career-changing find. She looked around the hut once more, not knowing how long it would be until he returned. Her body screamed for rest, but her mind wouldn’t allow it.

  The phone!

  She reached into her pants pocket and pulled out her cell phone. She had to reach Jac. It was her only chance. Rachel punched in the numbers, determined to make this a quick call. She raised the receiver to her ear, getting an earful of static instead of a dial tone.

  Shit. No, this couldn’t be happening. Nobody has this bad of luck. Not even her.

  Jac would be worried sick once she got Rachel’s earlier message. She had to reach her friend, but how?

  Rachel pushed the off button on the cell phone. Maybe the trees were interfering with the signal. Was that possible with a satellite phone? She was so scared the big man would come back and catch her that she decided to try again tomorrow. In the meantime, she had to find a safe place to stash the phone. She couldn’t afford for him to find it. Her eyes fell on the thick pad of hides.

  Rachel smiled. Perfect. She shoved the cellphone underneath the second to the last hide. She made sure it was on the far side of the bed. Now all she had to hope for was that the giant didn’t sleep like the princess and the pea. She prayed that in this respect he was like most men--not much of a cleaner. If he were, it would take weeks, if not months for him to find her phone. Not that she had to worry. She’d be out of here long before then. Even if she didn’t manage to escape within the next few days, with satellite tracking Jac would be able to locate her general area and send in the Marines. Knowing Jac, that would mean she would come herself with a handful of armed men. Rachel bit her lip.

  Heaven help the tribe if Jac has to come down to this jungle.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Eight

  Eros swung from the edge of his hut to a few feet before the Seer’s home, using one of the many vines lying snake-like amongst the branches. He dropped to the ground, tension thrumming through him. His cock ached and his palms itched to touch his woman.

  Rachel knew not the temptation she presented him. The mating ceremony must be performed before he could join with her, binding her to him completely. Two moons to go and the stars would be in alignment. He wasn’t sure he’d survive ’til then, but the thought of touching another made his skin crawl. He paced outside the hut in an attempt to calm the fire raging inside of him. Ares stepped from the jungle, blocking his path.

  “What ails you, my King?” Ares fought to hide a smile.

  Eros groaned. “You know what ails me.” His eyes narrowed and he shifted, unable to find comfort in the loincloth. “Wait until you encounter your mate, then we’ll see who is laughing.”

  Ares snorted. “My mate will surrender to the claiming and that will be the end of it.” He nodded, certainty gleaming in his jade eyes.

  Eros shook his head and smiled. “I look forward to seeing the mighty
Ares, dark hunter, most feared Atlantean, fall. It will be quite the treat.”

  “Don’t hold your breath, my King,” Ares said.

  The men shared a moment of amusement, then got down to business. “Have you found any trace of the red-devil?”

  “No.” Ares’s jaw clenched. “But I’m not finished searching yet. It’s difficult when it’s a moving target. He will be found. I swear on my honor. Be well, my King.” Ares clapped his hand on Eros’s shoulder, then departed.

  Eros reached the Seer’s door and psychically requested to enter, by raising his palm to the fur until it began to glow.

  Ariel raised the hide blocking her entrance and welcomed him inside. She smiled as she glanced at his loincloth. I see your woman already affects you. Ariel’s blonde curls hung past her waist, outlining her broad hips. She wore a traditional Atlantean outfit. Phosphorescent blue fabric draped low across her abdomen, highlighting her aqua eyes and displaying the top of her fleshy, hairless mound. Her breasts were full, plump and ripe as the richest melons.

  I don’t know if I can last until the ceremony, Eros lashed out psychically.

  Stop yelling in my mind. You will wait, as all the males of our people have done before you.

  What about Ares?

  The Seer’s brow furrowed and she sighed. He is a different matter. Ares is one of us, but unusual. The bloodlines of his people have strict rules about taming their mates that he must follow. ’Tis not for us to interfere.

  Eros exhaled loudly in frustration. I have waited so long.

  And you will wait longer. Your woman has not been prepared.

  He fisted his hands. Eros didn’t want any of the males of their tribe near his woman, even if it was just for the simple task of preparation. Goddess forbid, if his friend Ares was chosen. Not that he or Ares had a say in the matter, custom was custom. The Seer’s visions decided who would be picked.

  He looked at her, his heart hammering in his chest. Who has been given the task of final preparation?

  I have seen in my latest vision…Ariel paused as their gazes met.

  Eros held his breath.

  The corner of her mouth twitched at his obvious impatience. It shall be you.

  “What?” he said aloud, startled by the information he’d just received.

  Ariel clasped her hands patiently behind her back and lowered her gaze. “My visions are always clear, my King. ’Tis you who must prepare your woman for the ceremony.”

  Eros struggled to make sense of what the Seer had said. “How can I touch her,” his voice cracked with emotion as the muscles in his massive body flexed and tightened, “without claiming what is rightfully mine?”

  “You will find a way.” She shrugged and dismissed his concern with a slight wave of her hand. “Perhaps you can woo her.” Ariel picked up the loose herbs on her table and dropped them into a cooking pot.

  Eros slashed a hand through the air. “I am King. I’ve never had to woo anyone. This is my kingdom. I take what is mine.” He slammed his palm down on the table, almost toppling the brew.

  Ariel jumped, but said nothing for a few moments. She let out a slow breath and proceeded. “I fear if you try such with this woman, you will lose her, as well as the son I’ve prophesied. Do you wish that?”

  “No!” Eros ran a shaky hand through his sweaty hair, and instantly it was clean.

  “I’ve prepared the claiming rings for your pre-mating time. I must first apply yours, then you may apply your mate’s.” Ariel held up two gold hoops for Eros to view. “Are you ready for me to place them upon you?”

  He nodded and sent a jolt of energy through his body to numb the skin. The seer clamped the first gold hoop onto his right nipple. The second hoop pierced his left nipple a moment later. Eros sent another burst of energy through his body, healing the wounds as if they’d never existed.

  “’Tis done,” he confirmed, glancing down at the proof that showed the tribe he’d been claimed. His chest expanded, swelling with pride. The gold hoops glowed in the dim lighting, rasping his nipples with each exhalation. How long had he waited to adorn his body with these simple hoops? It felt like forever, when in fact it had only been centuries.

  “Very well then.” She clapped her hands together. “Tonight you start.” Ariel hesitated, before handing him another set of gold hoops. “Go slow and be kind, my King.”

  Eros palmed the metal for a few seconds, feeling the cool rings caress his hand. Now all he had to do was convince his intended that piercing was part of the preparation. He didn’t think that was going to go quite as smoothly as his adornments had.

  He rolled the gold between his finger and thumb then placed them in a pouch on the side of his loincloth that contained Rachel’s undergarment. His thoughts were turbulent as he imagined the fight ahead.

  Ariel giggled.

  His eyes narrowed, but he said nothing.

  “To make sure you are in the right mindset, my King, I will relieve your discomfort.”

  Before Eros could respond, Ariel dropped to her knees before him. Her gentle fingers lifted his loincloth and untied the leather strap, freeing his straining cock. She slipped his staff into her mouth, wrapping her full lips around him and began to suck. Her hand closed around the base, gloving him, massaging, pumping.

  Eros wanted to stop her, but his need was too great. He sunk his fingers into her thick hair for a few seconds, guiding her rhythmic movements. It felt good, so good. The only way it could feel better was if Rachel was the one doing it. He closed his eyes as he imagined his woman on her knees before him. He saw her tentative smile as she took his length inside her welcoming mouth and sucked his cock, drawing out the seed. Just the thought had him hardening more, then he opened his eyes. Rachel vanished. The Seer was still on her knees before him.

  “No,” he said. Eros pulled Ariel away, taking himself in hand. He needed his mate, not the Seer.

  He closed his eyes once more and groaned as he envisioned Rachel’s sable curls clutched in his hands. He’d gently guide her head up and down on his cock, while she took him deep inside her mouth. His breathing grew ragged and his balls drew up. At this rate he wouldn’t last much longer. Eros squeezed the base of his cock, attempting to prolong the sweet misery. In his mind, he saw Rachel’s pink tongue dart out and lick the length of him. That was all it took to send him over the edge. His eyes flew open as his seed dropped to the dirt floor. His body shook as he released his cock and resettled his leather straps. Forgive my rudeness, Seer. I know not what ails me.

  I believe I do. Ariel laughed, then stood before him, saying no more. Eros kissed her on each nipple, then left her quarters.

  He had only been able to take the edge off his desire for Rachel. He’d hoped release would alleviate his need, but if anything he wanted her more. As of this moment he was claimed in the eyes of the tribe, no longer would he be allowed to join with any female that took his fancy. He waited to feel a moments discomfort at the thought, but none came. Instead, something unfamiliar settled in his chest…relief.

  The time had come to claim his woman.

  * * * * *

  Rachel awoke with a start. She hadn’t even realized she’d fallen asleep. Her giant stood over her holding clothes and a small bowl, his sexy mouth quirked in a lazy smile. His eyes burned like molten lava. Clean blond hair hung to his waist in waves. He’d obviously showered. What she wouldn’t give for a shower right now.

  She sat up, trying to blink the cobwebs from her sleepy head. His face had been painted in a tribal design similar to those found in Polynesian cultures. She looked out the window. The sky was pitch-black. A few stars were visible where the night breeze blew the leaves apart in the dense green canopy. A small fire burned in a large pot, which had been placed in the middle of the room. He must have brought it with him, along with the clothes and the bowl.

  How long had she been asleep?

  “Not long,” he answered aloud.

  Rachel’s jaw dropped. “Y-you speak English.” It
wasn’t a question. He’d shocked her, not only because of the language he used, but because he’d answered her…thoughts. No, that wasn’t possible. No one could read minds.

  “You’re right. It’s impossible.” He raised a teasing brow. Before she could respond he said, “Do you prefer we converse in another dialect? I know many.”

  “No.” She stared at those mesmerizing eyes. “English is fine.”


  “What…why…where am I?” Rachel looked around the small hut, as she tried to get her thoughts in order. Thoughts…he can read my thoughts, all of my thoughts. She grimaced as she recalled exactly where her thoughts had been earlier. Maybe he was like those mesmerists in Vegas. Maybe he wasn’t really reading her mind as much as he was reading her body language. That had to be it. It was the only thing that made sense. “Why didn’t you answer me when I tried to talk to you earlier?”

  His eyes sparkled with amusement.

  “I bet you’re getting a real kick out of all this. Way to fool the anthropologist. Make her think that she’s encountered a mythical lost tribe.” She waited, but he said nothing to refute her claims, so she continued. “I didn’t mean what I was thinking earlier,” she said just to be on the safe side.

  “Which thoughts were those?” He put the bowl down on a little table and crossed his arms over his wide chest, the clothes still tightly in his grasp.

  Rachel flushed as all the carnal thoughts she’d had involving him rushed back into her mind.

  “Oh, those.” He smiled, giving her a knowing look. “I rather liked those in particular, especially coming from you.”

  “I just bet you did, pal. So how do you do it? What’s the trick?” Rachel stood up and put her hands on her hips. Her embarrassment faded into anger.


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