Rock Bottom

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Rock Bottom Page 39

by Manda Mellett

  Beef chuckles. “Or Satan’s lookin’ out for his own.”

  “Well I’m hard put to find a medical way to explain it.” The doctor smiles. “Though I’d like to put it down to our expertise in our treatment. But if I were you, I’d be inclined to send up a prayer of thanks tonight.”

  Oh, I’m certainly going to do that.

  Though all three of us are reluctant to leave, the doctor shoos us out with his assurance they’ll be watching Beef carefully, and will let Drummer, as his listed next of kin, know if there’s any change. We leave with much lighter hearts than when we had entered, confident that the medical staff won’t want to lose their miracle patient.

  Outside in the corridor, Drummer walks off as Rock stops and brings me into his chest. “I wouldn’t have said I was a believer, Becca. But one things for certain, if there is a God, it wasn’t one they were worshipping in that fuckin’ church. My God would be the one who’s with me when I’m riding, when I’m appreciating nature with the wind in my hair and the warmth of the sun on my back. My God wouldn’t want women to be subservient, to be robbed of their choices and subjugated by a man. My God would be the one who brought us together.”

  Just like that, the shadows that had hung over me since hearing the sermon emphasising my screwed-up lessons of my past flee from me. Rock’s right. And I prefer his God to mine, suspecting if anyone did, it was Him who answered my prayers and brought Beef back to us.

  The waiting room is buzzing, everyone delighted with the prospect that their brother will be coming home. No one can quite believe it. I feel almost faint with all the emotional upheaval I’ve been through today. I know Rock wants to stay, but when Hyde offers to keep Beef company I’m glad, after a look at me, that he thanks Hyde and accepts. I’ve a strange confidence inside me that the man who’s made such a miraculous recovery will continue to improve. While nothing will stop me coming back tomorrow, tonight I’ll be able to rest knowing all will be well.

  I’m a free woman. I’m Rock’s woman. And Rock’s complete knowing his friend will hopefully soon be back riding at his side.

  “Only one problem,” Rock says conspiratorially into my ear as we walk outside. “Bet the fucker could hear us when I promised to clean and service his fuckin’ bike.”

  It’s not that funny, but I laugh. And laugh. As Rock chuckles with me I realise for the first time today, my tears are not as a result of sadness.



  Two months later

  “That was a good fuckin’ ride, Brother.” Beef rubs his hands. “Might look into getting those heated grips, though. Getting a bit nippy out there.”

  “Heated fuckin’ grips? You some kind of pansy now, Brother? Your compromised immune system making you fuckin’ frail?”

  Beef’s retort with his fist to Blade’s stomach shows there’s nothing particularly weak about him. Blade staggers, recovers, and wheezes a laugh.

  I flex my own cold hands. It’s true, the early December day had turned chilly, but I’ll leave the wraparound handwarmers to Beef. My eyes turn away from the brother I’d given up all hope of ever riding with again, and instead find Becca. We’ve got visiting members from San Diego up here today, so she’s wearing her property patch. I watch as she confidently pushes past them, making her way over to me.

  I hold out my arms, and she steps straight into them, raising her head for a kiss. She’s become a rich woman, my old lady, or will be soon, when the lawyers sort out what Hawk had left. He’d died intestate, and with no other living relatives, everything he had will come to her. Becca’s still adamant she doesn’t want it. We don’t need it, I make enough for us both, but I’ll encourage her to do what she wants with her new-found wealth. Personally, I think she should keep it, she earned it for the time she was abused by her ex-husband. But if she wants to give it away, I’ll be alright with that too. As far as I’m concerned, everything and anything she wants, she can have. She deserves it.

  Her hands are still touching my cheeks as she pulls her lips away. I notice her face is glowing as she starts curling her hand around my neck and I allow her to pull my head down so she can speak into my ear. “Rock, er…” she starts quietly.

  “What is it, Becca?”

  “I did a pregnancy test.”

  My breathing stops as I look down at her. “Well?” I prompt, anxious to know the answer.

  “It looks like we’ve made a baby.”

  I can’t help it. I pick her up in my arms, swing her around me and shout out my pleasure at the same time. “We’re gonna have a kid!” I yell to the packed room.

  While others are congratulating me, Beef sounds grumpy. “Fallin’ like fuckin’ flies.”

  Swinging around sharply I stare at him, seeing his face soften as his eyes fall on Becca. Then he pushes me away and takes my pregnant woman in his arms, cradling her head in his big paws. “Couldn’t be more fuckin’ pleased for you,” he tells her gently. Then turns to me and slaps me on the back. “Hey, Rock’s gonna be a daddy,” he tells everyone, as if they hadn’t already heard.

  It’s Slick who comes over next. He’s beaming. “Won’t be more than a couple of months between our rug rats.”

  “Becca! Congratulations!” Ella’s already by her side, and fuck me, the other women are coming over, and I’ve now lost my woman. But I’m not worried. She’ll be back. She and I, well, we belong together.

  “Church! Now!”

  At Drum’s roar we start making our way into the meeting room. My back is sore by the time I arrive from the number of times it’s been slapped. Thankfully the skin’s healed over completely now.

  Inside, we jostle for places around the table. Dart, who used to be one of us, and who’s now the VP for the San Diego chapter, takes a spot next to Peg, so we all have to move down one. Extra chairs have been brought in, and Niran, also from San D, squeezes in beside Joker, and his brothers, Pennywise and Salem find spaces for themselves too. I flex my elbows, trying to give myself more room.

  “Mouse not comin’?” Wraith asks.

  As Prez gives a brief shake of his head, I realise Mouse has been missing more times than he’s been present lately. When he is around he keeps to himself even more than usual. There’s something going on with the man, but as far as I know, none of us have got to the bottom of it. Drummer seems easy about it. As long as he’s available on the end of a phone and can work remotely, he’s giving him a pass. I frown, my good mood slipping as I wonder what the computer guru has got going on in his life. I seem to have reached that disgusting point in my life when I want everyone to be as happy as I am.

  Prez bangs the gavel. “Okay, assholes. Let’s kick this off. Fuckin’ good to see Dart here. As you know, his ol’ lady’s helping Rock’s woman get her inheritance sorted.”

  There’s banging of the table. Dart looks around. “Fuckin’ good to be back sitting around this table, Prez. Good run, eh, brothers?” Niran, Pennywise, and Salem all nod.

  “Yeah, thought we’d come see how the mother chapter rolls,” Pennywise answers for them all.

  “Right, back to business. Dollar?”

  “Shop’s up and working again now. Better than ever. But we had to use Ma’s legacy, and that means the tattoo shop’s on hold for now. Sorry, Rock.”

  I shrug. It will still be some months before I can get the scars on my back tatted over. While I’d have preferred to go to someone who works for us and whose livelihood depends on doing a good job, instead I’ll just have to find someone the brothers recommend.

  Having run through the normal business, Drummer takes the floor. “Beef and I met with Doc. Seems we’ll have to find ourselves a new medic.”

  “What the fuck? He’s been patching us up for years,” Blade observes.

  “Yeah, like when you cut yourself with one of your knives,” quips Viper.

  Blade spins his knife until it points at the man who’s spoken. “One time. That was one fuckin’ time. It slipped…”

  “Yeah, yeah,
” a few people call out.

  “Lucky you didn’t lose your dick!” Joker puts in.

  “Shut up!” Drummer glares around the table.

  “Missed this,” Dart murmurs, earning him a death stare of his own.

  “If you’ll fuckin’ listen.” Prez resorts to banging the gavel, and gradually we quiet down. “Doc blames himself for Beef’s wound getting infected.”

  “Man couldn’t have done more.” Beef is shaking his head. “Gave me antibiotics after he removed the bullet. The hospital wouldn’t have done anything different. And he got me taken in at the first sign there was something wrong.”

  “Doc’s a good guy,” Peg puts in. “He knows his stuff. And Beef’s right. He made the calls as he saw them and called them right.”

  Drum sits back, smiling with satisfaction. “That’s what Beef and I told him. But he thinks he’s lost our confidence, so I said we’d put it to a vote.”

  We vote. It’s all ayes to keep Doc on retainer. Heart records the decision in his book.

  “Just one more thing before we go. Chaz has been dealing with the Herreras on our behalf. Heard something which is worrying. It might come as no surprise that we’re not their favourite people.”

  “Leonardo Herrera sanctioned those killin’s,” Peg reminds him.

  “But Leonardo’s dead. Javier’s at the head now, and it was his cousins we took out.”

  “Fuckin’ ace,” Peg snarls. “We take out their dirty laundry, and now get the fuckin’ blame for it?”

  “Seems like,” Drum replies. He doesn’t seem happy. “You’re all aware Butcher’s on Chaz’s payroll now.” Yes we are, and that was one more mystery solved. Butcher turned out to be a dirty cop. He was the one who’d got into the police records and read a female’s body had been found in the Chaos Riders’ clubhouse. Using his police credentials, he was also able to get messages to Hawk. In addition he was being paid by the Herreras, and when they’d pointed their finger at us for taking the Riders out, he passed that info onto Hawk. We needn’t worry about him. Wretched Soulz have got him sewn up tight. White? Well, White had met with an unfortunate accident.

  The prez’s eyes fall on Paladin at the end of the table. “There’s one way they can hurt us. Butcher’s heard Herreras’ whisper of retaliation. Cartel’s hit them hard, they’ve lost the gun and the skin trade. They’re looking at the girl who got away and inadvertently brought them down.”

  Paladin stills. “Jayden,” he breathes out.

  “How old is she now, Brother?” Drum’s question surprises me.

  “Sixteen and a half.”

  “You still gonna want her as your old lady?”

  Paladin’s yes is so firm and committed no one mocks him. Even Slick stays quiet. “I’ve done what you said, Prez. Stayed clear.”

  Drummer nods. “Age of consent is seventeen in Colorado. I’ve had a word with Hellfire. If we think there’s a risk to Jayden, he’s offered to let you transfer there. Temporarily or permanently.”

  Now Slick sits up. “Not sure I’m happy with that, Prez. As for my ol’ lady…”

  “You want her alive and well, don’t you, Slick? Paladin’s done as instructed. He’s watched over her but not stepped over that fuckin’ line. They’ve both waited. It would have happened in eighteen months anyway, I’m just suggestin’ we pull the timetable forward. You really gonna object to keeping her out of harm’s way, Slick?”

  Slick’s brow furrows, then he glances at Paladin. “Can I speak to Ella before you make a decision?”

  Paladin raises his chin. “Got a lot of time for you both, Slick. And anyways, I need Jayden’s view on it. Yeah, this should be a family decision.”

  Slick nods back. “Appreciate that.”

  “It’s on the table,” Drummer sums up. “Let me know what you decide. And right now, it’s time to party and show these San D fuckers exactly how the mother chapter rocks.” He bangs the gavel, which is the signal for talking, stamping, and table thumping before a mass exodus to the clubroom.

  The sweet butts are ready and waiting. Cars pulling up outside with the hopeful hangarounds from Tucson. Showing things are very much back to usual, Beef catches my eye, grins, gives a shake of his head, then walks off smartly to get first choice.

  Becca’s deep in conversation with Ella, probably discussing early pregnancy or some such shit. Fuck me, she’s pregnant! I grin, then go over. As soon as she sees me, she stands.

  “You want to stay here, or go up to the suite?” I try to give her choices as often as I can.

  “Nah, we’ve just finished, haven’t we, Ella? And thanks, I’ll give that a try if I start feeling nauseous in the mornings.”

  Slick chooses that moment to approach. He’s certainly not giving Ella much choice as he takes her hand, pulls her up, then carries her out bridal style with just giving me a wink in passing.

  Which gives me an idea. Within seconds Becca’s in my arms, her hands shooting around my neck for balance, and I’m making my way through the room. Becca’s laughing, releasing one hand to wave at Alex, who’s been giving her legal advice, and Alex and Dart’s young son, Tyler, who’s looking the picture of health. I see Dart coming over to quickly usher the pair out, presumably having seen Beef getting settled on the couch with a hangaround beside him.

  Once in our suite I put Becca down, then go to the drawer of my bedside table. I stand, my back toward her as I start to speak. “Becca, you comin’ into my life. You’ve given me something I didn’t even know that I needed.” I turn around. “I was restless, bored. Didn’t even know what I was lookin’ for until I found it. Thought my restlessness was down to missin’ excitement. Couldn’t have been more fuckin’ wrong.”

  “I think we’ve had enough excitement to keep us going for a while,” she offers, giving me one of her glorious smiles.

  Not answering, I approach her. She’s standing, head tilted to one side as if wondering where I’m going with this. “I love you, Becca. You’ve given me so much already, and soon we’ll have a family of our own.” I drop to one knee and hold out the ring I’d kept hidden. “Will you marry me, Becca?”

  Her eyes widen, and I swear I can see moisture glisten there. Then she looks down with an impish grin. “Is this one of the choices you always give me?”

  I chuckle. “I’ll always give you a choice, Becca. Every fuckin’ time. If you turn me down now, I’ll just keep asking until I wear you down.”

  She makes me wait for it. Then, “Yes. Yes. Yesyesyesyesyes! I’ll marry you, Rock!”

  I jump up, slide the ring on her finger. “Marry me soon,” I implore. I want to tie her to me in every way that I can. This brave, special woman of mine. I know with her upbringing she’ll feel more comfortable having our union made legal. “Soon?” I repeat.


  “Works for me, sweetheart. Fuckin’ works for me.” Placing my hands under her sweet ass, I lift her up, knowing she can feel my hardness. My cock’s as stiff as iron whenever she’s around. Our mouths meet, move together in that now familiar dance.

  “Fuck me, Rock,” she pleads as she pulls away breathless.

  “My fuckin’ pleasure,” I respond, placing her gently down on the bed.

  The door of the suite opposite slams shut, but not before we can hear loud giggling. Beef’s brought a woman up to his suite. Becca catches my eye, and soon we’re both chuckling without voicing a reason.

  But I understand. Beef, my best friend and who’s become hers, is here, very much alive. He’s beaten the fuckin’ odds, septic shock is fatal in six out of ten cases. I’m not going to complain at any noise he’s making. He deserves all the pleasure he can get.

  Now I’m going to have my own family, and his or her Uncle Beef will be right there beside me. Brothers for life.

  I feel the luckiest motherfucker on top of the fuckin’ world. No longer at rock bottom, a place I never want to visit again.

  Becca giggles once more, my eyes snapping back to her. Thoughts of Beef disappea
r right out of my head as I stalk toward her with just one idea in my mind. I’m going to fuck my soon-to-be wife.


  A gay man in a straight MC needs to stay under the radar. I hate who I am, and whatever is said, it isn’t a choice. I can’t help my nature, but I can suppress it. If I could change, I would in an instant.

  I hate Lady’s Man from the first moment I see him. He’s obviously straight, even his handle shows how the women all flock to him. I detest him for arousing impulses in me that I should be better able to keep hidden.

  He’s upsetting my well-ordered life. I thought I had everything under control, but no, not when I’m around him.

  I jump at the opportunity to transfer from Vegas to the Tucson club. I wouldn’t have been so quick to switch clubs had I known Lady was going to come with me. There’s no escape, and no running away however hard I try.

  Vegas was a relatively quiet club. In Tucson we’re thrust in the middle of slave trafficking rings, even coming up against the cartel. In the midst of the fighting Lady forces me to face up to those yearnings I’ve always tried to keep buried. But admitting who, and what, I am could have dire ramifications.

  Satan’s Devils #7.5: Joker’s Fool

  Other Works by Manda Mellett

  All books can be read as a standalone.

  A series about sexy dominant sheikhs and their bodyguards

  Stolen Lives (#1 – Nijad & Cara)

  Close Protection (#2 – Jon & Mia)

  Second Chances (#3 – Kadar & Zoe)

  Identity Crisis (#4 – Sean & Vanessa)

  Dark Horses (#5 – Jasim & Janna)

  Hard Choices (#6 – Aiza)

  Turning Wheels (Blood Brothers #3.5, Satan’s Devils #1 – Wraith & Sophie)


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