Tales From Christmas Town

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Tales From Christmas Town Page 20

by Betty Hanawa, Roni Adams, Allie Standifer

  She screamed again, as pleasure washed through her, the pain a barely noticeable blip in her body. The feel of Jack's body so deep inside her caused her inner muscles to contract and Jack groaned.

  "So tight,” he whispered. “So hot ... perfect ... so perfect."

  Krista could do nothing more than hold on to Jack's body as his rhythm picked up and his strokes became harder and faster.

  There was a building inside her, a wave growing with each pleasurable thrust of his cock inside her. Krista wanted to run from it and to it all at the same time.

  "Let go, my Krista. Come with me.” His masculine voice took on an urgent tone and his breathing grew harsher. He trembled just as she did, resting his brow on hers as Krista took him deep, held him fast.

  His hands sought hers, fingers tangling. She felt him rock inside her, his struggle to keep the pace even. She could feel his heart thudding in his chest, watched as the blood pounded in his veins.

  She dug her nails into his shoulders as the wave crashed down upon their bodies, drowning Krista in perfect pleasure. She felt Jack shudder above her, cry out her name one last time and then the hotness of his release inside her body.

  She came back to herself to find Jack's body blanketing hers, his shaft still deep within her but not as hard, breath heavy in her ear and his heart pounding against her own.

  Krista tried to catch her breath. “That was...” Words wouldn't come to mind. That was so much more than she had expected of her first time.

  A soft nuzzle of lips against her breast, and then he raised his head. “Everything.” He leaned down to brush a kiss as soft as a snowflake against her swollen lips.

  Yes, she agreed silently, it had been everything from her fantasies come true, just like Jack was.

  It was going to break her heart to let him go.

  How could she trap him into staying with her? Right now he was enamored with her body because hers was the first he'd touched. But someday he might come to resent her for keeping him by her side.

  Before today he'd never shown the slightest interest in her. This had to be a passing fancy for him. And if it wasn't...

  There was a reason for the old saying, ‘If you love something set it free, if it comes back to you it will always be yours. If it doesn't, it was never truly yours to begin with.'

  Krista would set Jack free. She'd allow him time and freedom to roam the world and seek his pleasure.

  But first she'd have this weekend and all the lovemaking she could cram into it.

  * * * *

  Jack never felt such contentment as he did now with Krista's generous breast acting as his pillow. He'd known sex between them would be good, but never in all his imaginings had he dreamt of something this incredible.

  For the first time in his memory, his mind and body were at peace. No nagging questions pestered his mind, asking what was wrong with him, or what he had done to deserve a loveless fate.

  Now he knew the fault wasn't in him but that each woman he tried to become intimate with wasn't Krista. She made all the difference.

  He should move off Krista. With his body on top of her delicate one, she probably couldn't breathe. Quickly, he slid both arms around her and flipped them so she rested on top. Her head burrowed on his chest.

  Her hair was soft and thick in his fingers. He marveled at the freedom he felt to touch her anywhere. The thought itself was a turn on, but add to that the fact he was still snuggled inside her welcoming warmth, and he was hard again.

  Krista must have felt the stiffening of his body. She raised her slumberous eyes and smiled. “You can't be ready so soon."

  With one hand Jack pulled her down for a steamy kiss and with the other he stroked and tweaked her hardening nipple.

  When breathing became an issue, they raised their heads as one. “I look at you and want. There doesn't seem to be a time when my body doesn't respond to even the thought of you."

  He nipped her lips, then moved on to the salty satin of her neck until he reached her plump breasts. Taking her berry crest into the warm heat of his mouth, he started a slow gentle rhythm inside her.

  Their earlier release eased his way and the movements were smooth and fluid. Jack groaned at the feel of her wetness enclosing him like a tight fist.

  Sex was better than he thought it would be. Sex with Krista was becoming addictive.

  "This is more than I ever dreamed it could be,” he told her as his thrust gained strength.

  Her body stiffened on top of his, losing the easy pattern they had fallen into.

  "Wait, Jack.” Krista sat straight; the movement pushed him all the way inside her, deeper than he'd been able to go before. “We forgot protection."

  For a second, Jack was too caught up in lust to understand. When comprehension dawned, he smiled and lightly bit her nipple. “We can carry no diseases. Ill health is not an issue for us."

  With the issue resolved in his mind, Jack clamped both hands on her hips, trying to guide her down into his upward thrust.

  "No, Jack.” She cried, her voice husky with need and pleasure. “I could get pregnant."

  The idea should have wilted his cock. His heart stopped and his movement ceased. Jack stared up at Krista's beautiful face. The face he'd loved and longed for all her life. The picture of her rounded stomach filled with his child sent burst of heat and happiness through his body.

  He remembered the scene at Nick's house. The vision in the Christmas ball. He'd been standing with his arms around Krista and children had come running in. There was nothing more he'd like to see than that vision come to life. And he could make it happen.

  His seed might be forming a child even as they spoke of it.

  The thought, the idea was enough to push him over the edge.

  Jack pulled Krista tightly to his chest as his hips pounded a savage rhythm in her. His balls tightened and knew he was close to coming.

  He shoved one hand between their bodies and found the center of Krista's desire. With one finger he circled her clit, with another he rubbed in time with his hips.

  She came with a sharp cry, screamed his name and convulsed around him. Jack followed behind, shouting his pleasure as his body spurted forth his seed.

  * * * *

  Krista still couldn't believe it. Jack had come not once but twice in her body. She could feel the wetness of him dripping down her leg. And after she'd told him of the possible results.

  She knew he didn't do it out of love and desire to have a child with her. He did it because this was his first few times with a woman and he couldn't help himself.

  Well, tough cookie cutters. Maybe Jack didn't love her but she would be damned to the South Pole before she let him get away with dumping her and her child.

  The more her anger grew the less she could stay still. Jack snored behind her, one arm tightly around her waist as if clutching her to him. Only in her dreams would Jack want to hold her tight.

  She'd gotten herself in a mess. Krista really wished her sisters were here to talk to. Then again, they'd tell Noel and he'd threaten Jack; there would be a fight and all the details would come spilling out.

  No, her family couldn't be involved. It would only complicate the situation.

  What she needed was a plan to escape both Jack and her family. If she could hide out for a few weeks, until she knew whether or not she was having a baby, she'd go from there.

  If there was a child ... a secret smile formed on her lips. A boy with Jack's black hair and her green eyes. A son with his father's sense of adventure and his mother's gift of peace. Oh what a joy such a child would be, too bad he'd never know his father.

  If she truly were pregnant, she'd explain to her family that she's met a man, thought it was love and found out it wasn't.

  It was as close to the truth as she dared. She had met Jack, did believe herself in love and found out Jack wasn't in love with her.

  He had spoken no words of love or emotions. He'd praised her body, her movements. He'd loved everyt
hing about her or so he said, but he never once said he loved her.

  A small voice inside her head reminded her that she hadn't spoken the words either.

  With a firm hand, she mentally pushed the voice aside. There were plans to be made and things to prepare for. The biggest thing was to avoid the man holding her so tightly in his sleep.

  With as much speed as she dared, Krista lifted Jack's arm from her stomach and scooted across the bed.

  Once free of the mattress she turned to look at her first and only lover.

  With his black hair tousled and face relaxed, he looked carefree.

  Krista took a mental picture to store in her memories for the years to come when she would no longer be here to see him.

  Krista did wish him happiness and love. Something she sensed he'd had too little of. She hoped one day, he'd find a woman worthy of his heart.

  Spears of jealousy stabbed her chest at the thought of Jack with another woman. Krista didn't know who the woman was or even if she existed but she hated her all the same.

  It was the thought of hate that jerked her out of her thoughts. Krista had never hated anyone in her life. She was all that was good, calm and peaceful in the holiday. She was the one who took hate away from others and showed them the true joy of the season.

  But she couldn't deny the kernel of darkness dwelling within her mind and heart. Someday she would be able to exercise it; until then she would ignore it.

  Silently she gathered the sweatpants and shirt from across the room. Walking as quickly as she dared on tiptoes, she opened the door and had one foot outside when a deep voice stopped her.

  "What is so important that you must rush from our bed into to the coldness of the night?"

  She turned back.

  Jack sat leaning against the headboard with the sheet pulled just past his waist. His muscles flexed when he stretched his arms. Krista felt her mouth water.

  Did he ask a question? She couldn't remember with all the warm delicious flesh showing. Her fingers itched to run down the muscles of his stomach and follow the dark trail that led just below the sheet.

  "Krista,” Jack waved a hand. “I asked why you left our bed?"

  Oh darn it, reality was back.

  Since she couldn't face him with a lie in her eyes, Krista turned to fiddle with the doorknob. “I got hungry. I was going to the kitchen to get something to eat."

  She turned back and saw his head tilt to the side. “Why are you lying to me?"

  * * * *

  He'd always had an instinct with Krista. He'd known when she was sad even though she smiled to the world. He could tell when excitement fueled her body. Mostly he knew when she was lying.

  Krista wasn't any good at. She'd never had practice before, Jack knew. It stood to reason she would know what a dead giveaway her guilty expression was.

  He watched part amused and part hurt as she tried to recover herself.

  A small strained laugh forced itself out of her lips. “What gives you the idea I'm lying?” She shuffled her feet, and dug one toe in the thick rug covering the floor.

  All Krista needed was a sign on her head. She couldn't be more obvious, at least to someone who knew her.

  With a sigh of regret, Jack gave up the hope of staying in bed and making love. He understood the determined expression behind the guilt on his lover's face. Whatever was on her mind was more important than finding out their favorite sexual position.

  A quick flick of his hand tossed the sheet away from his waist. Krista's sharp intake of breath eased Jack's shaky ego. She liked the look of him nude, he mused. It was good information to know.

  He ignored his clothing thrown across the room and stalked to Krista's retreating form.

  "Wait a minute, my little blizzard. I want to know why you're making up excuses to leave me."

  Another phony laugh bubbled from her lips and Krista's eyes couldn't stay focused on one thing. She licked her still kiss-swollen lips. “Umm, I told you. I was feeling hungry. Why would I lie about that?"

  "Your body tells me you are leaving more than this room.” He flatly told her.

  He watched as her chin lifted and her eyes flashed. “It's really not a concern of yours where I go, Jack."

  That was it. Jack had put up with a lot in his long life, including celibacy until a few short hours ago. He would be damned to a penguin if he let Krista get away with this. She was running from him and what they shared like it didn't matter.

  She had been the one to break the curse over his body and heart. He was not something she would just walk away from. What they shared dealt with more than physical connections. Jack touched Krista's soul and saw all the possibilities in his life he'd been missing.

  He understood Krista wasn't a means of escaping his former way of life but of enhancing it. Everything looked and sounded more interesting if she was part of it.

  Jack Frost was in love. His icy heart had melted with Krista's first gentle touch.

  His grip was gentle but unbreakable when he stopped her from walking out of the bedroom.

  "You are very much mistaken on that part, Christmas. Everything you do, say and feel is very much my business."

  The tone was gruff but Jack knew his eyes held all the emotions pouring out of his soul.

  Krista gave a jerk to her arm. “You don't own me, Jackson Frost.” She sputtered when he pulled her into the circle of his arms.

  "Tell me why you wished to leave me. Did I not please you? I know I lack experience but I felt your pleasure squeezing me tight. So that cannot be the excuse. Given enough time, I will show you all the bedroom tricks I've read or heard about.” He told her in a confident voice.

  Instead of fighting his hold as Jack had expected, Krista gave a deep sigh and rested her head on his naked chest.

  "You know it has nothing to do with your experience. I'd say we're evenly matched in that area.” Her breath ruffled his chest hair. “I don't want to be the one pining for you at home while you go sow your frozen oats. I want a life that I can count on. I want ... no I deserve what my parents have. I won't settle for less."

  "Krista, how could you not know what this meant to me? I've never touched or been touched by anyone. You've released me from the prison within my body."

  To Jack, the truth was obvious. He didn't understand why Krista didn't understand it was love that had set his touch and body free. Without his ability to love her, he would have died a lonely old man with nothing but dreams.

  Krista must return at least some of his feelings. If she didn't, how did she break through the icy barrier that always came between him and other women?

  "That's just it, Jack.” She pushed away from his chest and finished dressing. “I'm the first woman to have sex with you..."

  "We made love,” he interrupted.

  She waved a hand to dismiss the difference. “Fine, but it doesn't change the facts."

  He felt the melting ice around his heart begin to harden once more. She was rejecting him.

  "And what are the facts?” Ice drifted off the vapors of his voice.

  She paced as she talked, agitation in her every step. “I'm the first person you've...” she hesitated over the words. Jack was feeling childish enough to hold his silence.

  "You know...” again her hand waved, this time between their two bodies. “Been with."

  "I am aware of that."

  "So I think maybe you need to explore the world a bit more."

  He arched one black brow and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Explore?” What in the name of Frosty's black hat was the female babbling about? “I agree; exploring could be fun.” He thought of exploring the swells and valleys of her body. He could become addicted to exploring.

  Until she spoke again. “You'll go out into the world and see what it holds for you. I'll do the same."

  "You want me to screw other women?” How dare she suggest he do such a thing? He'd break the bones of any human male that dared touch her.

  The swift intake
of breath caused him a moment of satisfaction but heartache over ruled any pleasure. She didn't share his feelings. That was all Jack needed to know.

  "There's no need to be crude, Jack.” Hurt layered in her voice.

  "I was honest not crude.” Why had he ever let emotions cloud his once perfect judgment? The ice had encased him but left Jack protected at the same time.

  He pulled the coldness around him like an invisible cloak. “As you say, Krista, maybe experience would sort me out."

  He turned with whatever dignity he had left and walked out the bedroom door, back to his lonely and much colder life.

  * * * *

  She would not go to him. He deserved a chance to discover life after celibacy.

  "Set him free,” the words became her mantra as she finished getting dressed.

  Her life and gift were all about letting people be true to themselves and their hearts. Why should Jack be any different? Didn't he deserve the chance to find out if there was more to life than one female elf at the pole?

  Krista was a mature elf. Jack would have his chance to bed other women. Then when they both had more experience, maybe they would meet again and re-evaluate their relationship

  She loved him so she would let him go.

  "Oh crap on a cookie cutter! I'll be a reindeer's aunt if I let that elf run wild with mortal women.” Krista's common sense all but shoved her out the door.

  There was another part to the mortal saying she'd forgotten.

  "If it doesn't come back to you, hunt it down and tie it to your bed."

  For once Krista was incomplete agreement with the mortal women.

  She had an elf to hunt.

  * * * *

  Jack made it all the way to the front door before common sense hit him like an icicle to the heart.

  Ego had prevented logic. He really was an elf in love.

  In all their arguments Krista had never denied having feelings for him. She told him he needed to find out about life outside the pole. But never once did she say anything about her life.

  Okay, there was the one remark about bedding other men, but that could have been sheer bravado.

  If he walked out the door it might be years before he saw Krista again. But then too much time would have passed and she might love another.


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