Billionaire's Black Runaway Love (BWWM Romance)

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Billionaire's Black Runaway Love (BWWM Romance) Page 6

by Ciara Cole

  Her hands still imprisoned by Chace’s made Emily feel even more deliciously helpless. The strength of his will, the power in his rugged, demanding strokes, brought a delicate shiver to the base of her spine which slowly, insistently began to submerge her, washing over her in buckets.

  Sobs of overload spilled from Emily’s lips while her body went nuts beneath his. Tormentor, master, lover – Chace was all that and more, drawing back from her twitching walls to sink back in with surging purpose. She caught his dark grin as she struggled and screamed before he swallowed her sounds with his kiss, his hips never breaking that relentless pace.

  Emily readied to burst the surface of another orgasm, but Chace seemed to anticipate that eventually. The next moment, he released her wrists to tug her up with him, seating himself on the edge of the bed and positioning her to straddle his hips.

  Emily gasped at this fuller, even more demanding accessibility now that she was on top. Now she had her hands free to run through his hair and grip his shoulders as she undulated her hips, her folds rocking against Chace’s length as she bobbed on her knees. Her clit rubbed on him as she rolled back and forth, dictating the speed and angle, loving it all the while. Chace sucked on her neck and groaned, his fingers digging into her waist.

  They moved together, flesh slick and muscles straining. Each time he bottomed inside her as she impaled herself on him, the walls seemed to shake along with the bed. Emily couldn’t stop from bouncing on him faster and faster. Their lips merged, Emily’s nails raking Chace’s back. She became this fierce, untamed being seeking only that ultimate peak. Her lover swelled within her, stretching her even more.

  “Oh, Chace! I’m…I…” Emily couldn’t seem to make sense of what she wanted to say. This spine-curling pleasure only he could give was beginning to blind her, making her lightheaded to boot. Clinging to his rippling shoulders, Emily finally succumbed to her most vivid orgasm yet, her whole frame jolting and fighting as her rear slapped up and down on Chace’s thighs. With a deep groan, his grip on her thighs kept her pinned down. But when Emily chose to bury her lips in his throat and bite him hard, Chace shed his last thread of discipline and speared in several thrusts as he spilled his come deep into the neck of her womb.

  Moments passed with them fused tightly, Emily panting into his neck. His arms wrapped around her and Chace straightened up on his feet. Emily legs linked around Chace’s waist as he headed through a door...the shower. Emily soon heard falling water and Chace stood them beneath its warm drops.

  Even though her every muscle felt numb from the innumerable orgasms and stretched muscles both within and without, she complied when Chace set her on her feet and proceeded to wash them both. He turned her gently round and soaped her back. Emily could have been adrift in space for all the presence of mind she had left, content to simply let Chace do his wish. He ensured they were both fully rinsed off, and then he wrapped Emily in a towel before lifting her easily into his arms again for bed.

  Emily was a big girl and she knew it. So Chace lifting her round like a feather was certainly an admirable feat. Also, there was the way he made her feel: fragile and feminine, soothing her with that warm wash and now spreading her on cool, fresh sheets. Emily would wake up the next morning to realize she was in a different bedroom. She felt half-buried in luscious luxury from the huge pillows and lightweight, finely-threaded sheets and comforter.

  The room itself was beautifully designed, with unmistakably feminine lines. Emily sat up on the pillows and wondered if Chace had really let her go to sleep alone in a strange, albeit gorgeous room. A frown darkened her brow as she wondered which of his ex-lovers had decorated this room or had it kept prepared for her whenever she visited.

  Shoving aside that thought, she climbed out of the huge bed and felt grateful there was a bathroom en suite. She freshened up without glancing too much at her reflection. The tangled curls, the still flushed skin, and breasts heavy with satisfaction. Parts of her ached dully, but in a good way, reminding her of how pleasure had driven her to the edge of reason over and over again.

  Emily looked around when she got back to the bedroom. She managed to have on an oversized shirt, possibly Chace’s, which he had worn for her last night as she slept. Deciding she couldn’t hole up in this bedroom forever, Emily finally walked out gingerly.

  She followed the sound of Chace’s voice coming from what happened to be the kitchen. She padded in and found his profile to her, while he was busy chopping methodically at the vegetables placed on the board in front of him. There was a cellphone on the island close to him connected to some kind of flat-based charger platform.

  Emily paused, watching his hands work methodically at dicing the veggies with a skill to make even a chef jealous. He was talking to someone named Jan about his upcoming trip. Realizing he’d mentioned going on one today, Emily felt her heart plummet, but schooled her thoughts as she advanced into the kitchen.

  Chace sensed her presence just as he pressed the button to end the call. Gorgeous scents reached Emily from the pots simmering on the stove.

  If this was a relationship, or something close to real, perhaps Emily would have circled round to hug Chace’s waist or reached up for his kiss. But what they had couldn’t be defined in either of those terms. They may have shared a night most married couples would only dream of having at least once in their matrimonial lives, but that was no cause to have her feeling all lovesome.

  Chace wiped his hands and turned to her, brow arched. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” Emily echoed. Awkward. She tried a smile while her eyes darted down to the ingredients spread out.

  “You don’t have to cook me breakfast,” she said. “I’ll be fine with just coffee and toast.”

  “I always cook breakfast. It’s nothing at all to make enough for two,” Chace said. His casual clothing, a white open-necked shirt and blue jeans, looked outrageously good on his fit physique. His hair had that sexy finger-mussed look she liked and with his slight stubble – he must have not taken time to shave – made him look even more rakish and sexy.

  Emily sighed and shook her head to herself. Trying to forget that she had no idea where her clothes were and that she was naked underneath this shirt, Emily shifted to the next available topic.

  “You, um, left me in that room,” she said, hands moving expressively in direction of where she’d come from.

  To her surprise, Chace grabbed her wrist. He tugged her hard up against him, their first body contact of the day – and oh, so sizzling with their special chemistry. Emily’s dry throat worked helplessly.

  His eyes traced her newly washed, bare of makeup face. Emily couldn’t read much from his face, but judging by the burgeoning heat of him against her midsection, he seemed more ready to have her for breakfast than anything else.

  “I couldn’t sleep next to you. Because the last thing I’d want to do is sleep. Not with you beside me…naked and warm and inviting,” growled Chace. “The things I want to keep doing to you are driving me insane. You don’t want to have me insatiable for you, Emily. Not unless you can promise me we have more of a chance.”

  Whoa. Chace’s words had Emily’s head spinning even as he pressed a hard kiss on her mouth and stole her breath right along with her senses.

  It ended too soon though, Chace letting her go and then moving round the other side of the island to pour out two fragrant cups of coffee. Emily pressed her fingertips to her slightly bruised lips which still felt warm from Chace’s.

  Not sure what to make of what had just happened, Emily could only follow Chace with her eyes. He reached across from the opposite side, placing her steaming cup in front of her. Then he took a sip from his own brew, saying, “I didn’t use protection. Last night.”

  Emily’s cheeks heated up and she buried her nose in her mug. “I trust you,” she said quickly. “That you’re clean and all that. So am I, by the way.”

  “But there’s the issue that you might also get pregnant.”

p; Emily shifted on her stool and looked everywhere but at Chace. Damn she’d been really careless last night! Never thinking of a condom and simply getting caught up in all that belly-crunching sex. Thank goodness she’d taken precautions.

  She finally made herself look at Chace who stood waiting for her reply. “I haven’t gone off the pill since I broke up with Devan. My ex.”

  “I see. What happens if you’re wrong and you end up pregnant?”

  Emily heard a laugh burst from her lips. “That wouldn’t happen, but if by any slim chance it does, then I’ll handle things my way.”

  Chace didn’t say anything more for the moment and instead turned off the food while Emily wondered where all this was going. Was he worried she might try to tie him down with a pregnancy?

  When Chace turned to her again, it was to place their plates of food down. Emily’s mouth began to water. Chace definitely knew how to fill a big woman up after an exciting night of power orgasms and back-bending sex.

  Only for his next words had Emily pausing as she readied for her first morsel.

  “Haven’t you ever wanted a family, you know, settling down?” he asked mildly as he sat to eat. He passed her some dressing to go with the food and chopped vegetables. Emily’s eyes darted in confusion.

  “Well, yeah,” she said. “Everyone does. Especially when I look at Ciara, and Zane; I realize how much happiness lies in store. There’s a time for everything, though, so I’m in no rush.”

  She looked up at Chace. “Why are you asking?”

  He shrugged and forked food in his mouth. “I’m curious about you. What goes on in your head, the things you feel strongly about. Even though we’ve spent the last ten years apart, nothing stops us from moving on to the next step.”

  “And what could that be?” Emily found it hard to swallow her food, heart jumping.

  “Come with me on my trip and find out,” Chace said. “I’ll be making a stop in New York on business. It’ll be a few days at most – and I’ll make it worthwhile. I promise there’ll be no dull moments.”

  He made it sound mouthwatering indeed, thought Emily in amazement while he gave that sexy grin she both hated and loved. Ugh! Why did he have to be this hot, rich, sexy god who gave her the best sex and the worst insecurities?

  “I do have a job, you know,” she said. Well, it was more part-time than anything. And it was not like the whole place would fall apart if she took a few days off. The owner of the restaurant was pretty laid back and cool; he wouldn’t begrudge her a little pleasure trip of sorts. Any sane woman would at least picture spending more time with Chace after last night’s pleasure fest. Even now, Emily couldn’t help her inner shiver.

  “I was thinking you could work something out – as a special favor to me. I don’t relish the thought of not getting to see you,” said Chace. “The trip is important and has been planned months ago. Running into you again at the benefit brought to bear how much I’ve always felt a connection with you. It’s not too farfetched to think you’re as reluctant as I am to part ways.”

  Emily sighed and rubbed at her temples. The oversized shirt slipped off one shoulder, but she was too preoccupied to tug it back up. “Look, Chace…last night…it happened. I’m nursing no regrets nor asking for more than I deserve. We had some history and I wanted us to work things out so we could get back to not being awkward around each other.”

  “That’s what it was all about?” Chace had that dark brow up in a quizzical arch. “A night of hot sex and everything’s ironed out? What am I supposed to do the next time we see each other, smile and act all cavalier?”

  “I didn’t expect you to agree with my methods,” Emily said. It was an effort to stay calm, even while she began to feel his darkened temper. Why was he so mad? She was doing them both a favor. Keeping things simple would make it easier on him to make that needed break they both knew would come.

  Emily watched Chace’s face for a reaction, but beyond that narrowed, speculative gaze, he seemed to be containing himself admirably. Good thing he wasn’t going to make a big deal out of this. She could understand he was keen to explore their implosive passion for each other, but did he really believe it could mean more than that? She wasn’t sitting around waiting for him to figure out he wasn’t the type to want commitment with someone like her.

  Emily had to think of herself since obviously no one else would.

  “I need to hit the road, so to speak,” she said calmly. She finished her coffee and rose, taking up her empty dish, but Chace told her to leave everything, that the cleaner would come in and handle the dishes.

  Emily fidgeted slightly as she shrugged. “Well, okay. I just need my clothes and I’ll change before I leave. Breakfast was nice, so thanks and um…for last night, too.”

  Chace rose fluidly. “Your dress and underwear have been laundered and you’ll find them inside the closet in the room you slept in. Sure you can’t come with me to New York?”

  “Nah…we could always hook up when you get back,” was Emily’s airy reply. “Much as my schedule’s basically carefree, I really can’t just jet out on a whim. It was nice of you to offer, though, it’s been a while since I’d been back home.”

  Considering she grew up in New York and it was where they’d met and fell in love, maybe Emily was wary of going down that memory lane. Still, it was prickling that Chace didn’t bother to try harder at changing her mind.

  Knowing she was simply being perverse, Emily hid her inner discomfiture with a smile and left Chace in the kitchen before heading quickly for the room he indicated. Her lingering image was of him standing behind the island, his lithe frame half leaning on his fists propped on the marble countertop. His expression as usual told her nothing, but she imagined he might be frustrated she wasn’t playing along unquestioningly. Chace might be the hottest lover I ever had, but if he really thought he’d gained the right to control my life, he was dead wrong, thought Emily.

  She found her clothes and put them on, grateful to have them clean. Emily hadn’t run into anyone, but there had to obviously be some kind of ever-efficient attendant available, since even her bed had been remade while she’d been at breakfast.

  When she emerged again, it was to find Chace dressed and shaved. He was in one of his dark, fitted suits minus a tie, the collar of the pristine white shirt slightly unbuttoned. Something thrummed in between Emily’s thighs, but she quelled it, hoping Chace couldn’t see how much he turned her on when he looked so effortlessly dashing.

  I wish he was mine, all mine. But it was no use nursing such hopes even for a moment, Emily told herself sternly. No one spelled “inaccessible” more than Chace Hammond, especially to her. She had far too much to lose to a man like him.

  What came as a surprise, though, was that Chace didn’t bother hiding his appreciation as he regarded her now in her dress and heels.

  “I never got to fulfil my promise to peel this off you,” he mused, running a knuckle along the sweetheart neckline. Emily sucked in a breath, butterflies summersaulting in her stomach, thinking how he more than fulfilled many other promises last night.

  Speech was out of the question for Emily, who could only berate herself for getting so tongue-tied each time Chace drew on his silken charm. His head tilted to hers, till their faces were only inches apart. Emily should have backed away, not ready to be drawn into his spell again. Chace, too, seemed reluctant, as just at the last second he pulled back sharply.

  “Shall we?” he asked with far more composure than Emily felt.

  Emily had to fight down her disappointment. They headed for the door, and Emily’s feet felt like lead. This was what she wanted, wasn’t it? Chace had confirmed he was looking for more, and it had been her choice to keep him at bay. She’d held on to her pride and even as much as she longed to stay, she’d overcome her momentary weakness.

  It was better this way.

  Convinced of that one fact, Emily’s shoulders squared as the front door opened and she stepped out without a second tho
ught. Only to have camera lights flashing in her eyes, blinding her for a moment as she reared back.

  Chace’s solid frame was there behind her, keeping her from stumbling. He steadied her with his hands on her shoulders. “What’s wrong?” he asked when more lights flashed. He looked up in anger and in front, just beyond the entrance stairway, was a slight figure in a hooded sweatshirt and jeans. Emily had turned her face into Chace’s shoulder, but it was too late, the photographer had taken another few shots before dashing off to a waiting car.

  Chace swore under his breath, pushing Emily behind him. However, there was no other nosy photographer around while that familiar figure in the hood backed the car up and did a U-turn before disappearing down the drive.

  Chapter 10

  Emily stared down at the platter of cupcakes Ciara had placed in front of her. Red velvet with cream cheese icing. Now here was some curvy girl kryptonite if there ever was one, thought Emily. Especially with the butter cream frosting shaped into pretty little flowers atop each cupcake. Emily’s sweet tooth didn’t stand a chance.

  “Why do you do this to me?” Emily groaned while biting into one with a look of sheer bliss.

  Ciara laughed. “We all need our guilty pleasures.”

  Don’t I know it, thought Emily shifting in her seat while trying not to think about Chace. He was one hell of a guilty pleasure, alright. Had it been just twenty four hours since she’d seen him?

  Emily concealed a shudder, thinking about that last time in the front doorway and getting surprised by that crazy fool of a reporter Amanda Weeks. What the hell was that? Chace had shielded her, but the photographer had definitely managed to get some shots. What did she intend to do with them and why did Emily seem to be getting caught up in all of it?


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