Abandoned Darkness

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Abandoned Darkness Page 14

by Kate Wendley

  He somewhat shakily said, “Sure, sure. Whatever you need.”


  It was eleven thirty and Kaia looked droopy eyed. Sebastian shooed her downstairs after telling her Anthony needed some time alone to work on something but would see her soon. He talked to her about spending the night with her, too, and she seemed ok with it.

  But he was nervous. He’d never spent the night with anyone besides Gina, years ago, and now that he had the option, he wished it was Jade. But Kaia was nice, too, because she felt like pack to him. She got ready for bed and he decided to stay up until Anthony came home.

  It was hours later before he felt Anthony and Zach getting close. He put his magazine down as they walked in the door. “She’s sleeping.”

  They both looked worn out as they plopped down in the living room with him.

  “Thank you. Zach’s been helping me practice the use of my new power. I think I have control over it now.”

  Sebastian was happy for him, but also a little jealous that he could control his new ability so quickly. It’d taken him years to finally master his touching power.

  He felt like everyone’s eyes were on him and he tersely snapped, “Are you reading my mind right now?”

  Anthony carefully said, “No. I believe you can feel it when I open a link from my mind to yours. Can I demonstrate it to you?”

  He reluctantly nodded.

  “If it bothers you I won’t.”

  He sighed. “It doesn’t bother me.”

  Anthony inclined his head and something definitely snapped open in his mind. It felt like static electricity for a moment, and then it was like an open tunnel. He heard Anthony in his head say, ‘Can you hear me?’

  He said out loud, “Yes.”

  In his mind Anthony said, ‘Speak to me in your mind.’

  ‘What do you want me to say?’

  ‘That’s sufficient. It helps me practice control over this power.’

  He couldn’t help his next thought and felt bad once it came out. ‘Thank God you got control so quickly. I’d hate for you to struggle with it for more than a few hours of your life.’ His eyes went wide as Anthony’s did too. He said out loud, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”

  Anthony was stock still as he blinked, then said out loud, “It’s all right. I understand, and I regret that it upsets you. I tried my best back then.”

  Sebastian looked away in shame. Anthony had tried his best, and he’d been the only one to try to help him, which he was beyond grateful for. It wasn’t his fault no one knew what to do with him and his freakish new power.

  He grumbled, “I know you did. Thank you.”

  But it still felt like shit that it’d taken him so long to gain control, yet Anthony so quickly got a handle on his own power.

  He felt Anthony’s mind link snap closed then. He looked at him again, wondering if he’d heard all those thoughts.

  Anthony looked torn as he broke eye contact with him. “It may be because of the way the power came to me, and that I was not a growing, changing youth when I acquired it.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. I’m being an asshole. You didn’t do anything wrong, I mean it.”

  Anthony looked uncertainly at him, then leaned over and put his hand out to shake. Sebastian wearily smirked and accepted the peace offering.

  Zach sat slouched in his chair watching them. “I have no idea what you guys are talking about, and for once I’m too tired to ask.”

  They all chuckled at that because Zach’s endless curiosity was sometimes a sore spot between them. Mostly they just accepted it as part of who he was.

  Sebastian looked pointedly at Anthony. “So, uh, that was some scary shit. Was that when you got your ‘gift’?”

  Zach had gone crazy one morning after Anthony went to sleep, speculating on what Anthony could have been talking about when he told them someone had been here, someone Anthony was too nervous to even talk about, and they’d left him with some kind of ‘gift’. Anthony hadn’t seemed too thrilled with the gift, or even knew what it was. After seeing the images Anthony accidentally shared with him tonight, Sebastian could understand his trepidation, though it didn’t settle his nerves to know there was actually a creature in this world that Anthony was no match for.

  Zach was so tired he just looked back and forth between them while Anthony solemnly nodded. He didn’t seem inclined to talk about it any more tonight than he had been back then.

  “I’m going to get ready for bed. Sebastian, are you still all right spending the night with us?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Anthony stood. “Good night then Zach, and thank you for letting me test this out on you.”

  Zach tiredly slurred his words. “Yeah, yeah. No problem big guy.”


  Sebastian changed into some light shorts and a thin t-shirt, then went back to Anthony’s room. He didn’t normally like to sleep with clothes on because he got too warm during the night, or day usually, but he wasn’t about to sleep naked with Kaia.

  She faced Anthony’s side in her sleep, who always slept closest to the far wall. All the lights were out except for a lamp next to the side Sebastian would be laying on. He pulled the covers back to get in bed, then jerked away. “Shit! She’s practically naked!”

  Anthony pulled the blankets back to see her in just her bra and panties. He quietly chuckled. “She doesn’t like to sleep in clothes. I’m surprised she has this much on.”


  Anthony stilled and stared at Sebastian with pleading eyes. In his head he heard, ‘Please. I need this from you.’

  Sebastian frowned deeply as he stared at Kaia’s bare arm on top of the covers Anthony had replaced, then realized what he was staring at and looked away.

  Anthony spoke in his mind again. ‘I trust you with her.’

  Sebastian grumbled in his head as he stubbornly got in bed. ‘I’m dating Jade, you know. She’s the one I want.’

  ‘Then you won’t be squeamish about spending the night with my practically naked girlfriend.’

  Sebastian gave him a look and scoffed at him in his head. ‘Always the logical one, aren’t you?’

  Anthony chuckled as he slid under the covers on the other side of Kaia. He leaned closer and kissed her cheek before whispering good night. She stirred, mumbled incoherently, then settled back down.

  Sebastian tried to position himself facing away from her, but she turned and spooned into him. He froze, still not sure this was a good idea. Even though he didn’t exactly think of her in a sexual way, she was soft and warm and her breasts against his back made him think about things he shouldn’t be thinking about. She wrapped her arm around his waist and it felt way too nice.

  Anthony spoke out loud this time, sounding tired and like he would fall asleep any second now. “Relax. I can feel your tension. Don’t worry about me, just please be there for her. That’s all I ask.”

  Kaia mumbled in her sleep, then rolled over and opened her eyes. Sebastian could literally taste Anthony’s sudden fear.

  “Anthony! I didn’t hear you come in.” Kaia gave him a kiss and he nervously hugged her.

  Sebastian felt blindsided by Anthony’s whirlwind of emotions blasting through their blood connection. He felt his fear, heartache, and over it all, helplessness.

  Sounding heartsick, Anthony quietly said, “My sweet, I’m sorry I can’t stay up longer and talk to you. Sebastian will be here if you need anything. Anything at all.” More quietly, he desperately said, “Please remember my love… I’m only a man. Just a man.”

  Kaia was more alert as she pet his cheek and lovingly said, “Shhh baby, shhh. Don’t worry. You’re my man. It’s ok.”

  Anthony blinked heavy eyelids and Sebastian could see he’d be asleep soon. He harshly snapped, “Anthony! Move your hands off her. We can’t move you once you’re asleep.”

  Anthony quickly put his hands on the bed between them, then fell asleep to Kaia petting his arm and kissing his f
orehead. Sebastian watched her kiss Anthony’s cheek one more time, then snuggle into him and lay down. After a long moment, he quietly said, “Kaia? Are you ok?”

  She mumbled incoherently and he relaxed. She wasn’t freaked out by Anthony sleeping, at least not yet. That was a good start. When she woke for the day would be the real test, he supposed. Right now Anthony still had his warmth, and the lights were dim enough that she maybe couldn’t tell he wasn’t breathing.

  When she woke in a few hours, that would all be different. Anthony would be cold, his color would be even paler than normal, he wouldn’t be breathing, and his heart would be silent. Worst of all, he’d be stiff and unmovable. Sebastian wondered if she’d get hysterical. He hadn’t thought of that when Anthony asked for the favor. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to all that drama.

  He turned his head and shrugged at Zach, who’d of course come running after feeling Anthony’s tornado of emotions. They gave each other a nod and Zach silently left the room.

  Sebastian tried to get comfortable and go to sleep. Anthony’s emotional turmoil had wound him up, but now that everyone seemed to be drifting off, things were calm and so was he. He supposed it said a lot about Anthony’s feelings for Kaia that he’d gotten as upset as he had.

  She eventually shifted and rolled over so her back was to Anthony, and even though the bed was a king, the three of them were still pretty cozy. Sebastian didn’t mind. He drifted to sleep with the thought that this was what his pack should feel like. Family.

  Chapter 16

  A warm body slept soundly beside him, nestled up and cozy beneath his arm. The smells around him were familiar, though he knew he wasn’t in his own bed. That was ok. He dreamed of times slowly waking in the forest after running all night as his wolf, the cool morning air smelling of earth, trees and sleeping bodies. He was never alone, his pack, his family, slept all around him keeping him warm, safe and secure.

  He’d only been able to shift for a few months now, and it was better than he’d ever imagined it would be. He loved running as his wolf at full moon, his parents always nearby to watch over him. He and his friends ran themselves ragged, crazily excited that they’d finally grown powerful enough to shift. They ran as fast and hard as they could, chased prey, chased each other, and playfully nipped at anyone and everyone as they excitedly got used to their animal bodies… so foreign, yet each month becoming more and more familiar.

  When they’d worn themselves out, they circled around until they found a place to sleep for the night. Eventually many, many wolves joined, laying down next to, around, or on top of each other just to be close. They were family. They were pack.

  He sighed in contentment, his body warm though his nose was cold. He breathed in the scent of the wolf he was spooning, her sweet smell familiar and comforting. A friend.

  He smiled in his sleep, his life happy and chaotic. He couldn’t wait to turn wolf again at the next full moon, and he couldn’t wait to wake up the next day in a new place, always surrounded by family. He took a deep breath and gave his friend a rowdy good morning nip.

  He’d barely bitten down when the taste of blood and a woman’s surprised whimper startled him awake. He bolted upright in bed, his heart pounding in shock.

  He He “Shit. I’m sorry Kaia. God, I was half dreaming and… fuck. I didn’t mean to bite you so hard. I thought you were pack and I just… agh… dammit.”

  She looked startled and confused, and he instinctively reached for her as if to comfort her. He took his hand back at the last second, remembering that people didn’t like him touching them anymore.

  She grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. “It’s ok. Relax. I’ll be fine, right?”

  He worriedly nodded, “Yeah. God yeah. I’m sorry. You must have more delicate skin than shifters do.” He sucked in a breath as he ran his hand through his hair. “Let me clean the bite for you.”

  She nodded, her eyes sleep swollen as she watched him. “I put a first aid kit under Anthony’s bathroom sink.”

  He anxiously jumped off the bed and found the kit where she said it’d be. He stepped back in the bedroom as she yawned and slowly sat up, tugging blankets up around her nearly nude body. When she finally seemed awake enough to realize Anthony was beside her, she went still, then cautiously touched his bare chest. She immediately jerked her hand back and held it as a fist to her heart.

  Sebastian waited to see what she’d do next, but all she did was silently watch Anthony. When she started trembling, he quietly said, “Kaia? Are you ok?”

  She breathed out, “He’s too cold.” She turned to look at him finally, worry and heartache all over her face. He dropped the first aid kit on the night stand and sat down with her.

  He said as carefully as he could, “He’s vampire, Kaia. That’s how they are during the day.”

  She visibly swallowed, then turned back to look at Anthony. “He’s always like this when he… sleeps?”


  She slowly tugged at the blankets, then covered Anthony up to his neck. She tucked the edges in, cocooning him in the bed. It was hard not to chuckle at the uselessness of what she was doing since nothing besides Anthony waking and drinking blood would warm him up at this point. When she started to get frantic with the covers, he grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her back.

  “Kaia, stop. It’s ok. He’s ok. He’ll wake tonight when the sun goes down and everything will be fine.”

  Tears filled her eyes and she nearly choked on her words. “But what if he doesn’t wake up? What if−”

  “Stop. You guys talked about this. Right? Anthony told you what would happen to him, right?”

  She guiltily nodded.

  “He’ll be fine. You’ll see.”

  She gave him the saddest, most torn up look, and he had a moment of jealousy for how in love Kaia and Anthony were with each other.

  She turned back to look at Anthony and Sebastian moved her long hair so he could see how bad he’d hurt her. The bite was red and swollen, her skin raw from where he’d pierced it. “Let me clean this up for you.”

  She took a deep breath. “Ok.”

  She sat still as he cleaned and bandaged the wound, and even though he didn’t feel like he was doing that great of a job comforting her about Anthony, he kind of liked sitting here with her. She wasn’t mad that he bit her, didn’t cringe at his touch, and she seemed comfortable talking to him, all of which made him feel so completely normal that he almost had to blink back the sting of tears.

  “Thank you, Sebastian.”

  “For biting you?”

  She tiredly chuckled. “For being here with me.” She turned, and her eyes wet with tears, but she was calm. “I didn’t think it would be so hard to see him like this, but he’s not moving, and he’s not breathing, and−”

  He grabbed her and gave her a big hug as he whispered, “Stop. It’s ok. Everything’s ok.”


  Anthony woke for the night with Kaia lying beside him, tears in her red rimmed eyes. “My sweet, what’s wrong?”

  She practically threw herself at him, and he found himself trapped under too many blankets to get his arms around her. He somehow got one arm free and gave her a hug.

  Kaia sobbed against his shoulder, “I was so worried… I didn’t think you’d… you were too…”

  He flicked a tired glance at Sebastian, who shrugged, then got a little smirk on his face. “Kaia was worried about you today. I assured her you were fine.”

  Her heart pounded in his ears, and her warm body sprawled on top of his was almost too much of a temptation since he’d just woken up. He turned into her and told her he loved her, closed his eyes, and inhaled her lovely scent.

  His eyes instantly snapped back open. “Kaia, did you hurt yourself today? I smell blood. What happened?”

  Conflicting emotions raced through him as his fangs sharpened in his mouth. Blood was on his mind and he couldn’t help it.

  She shakily pulled back from him, relief and wonder
all over her face. “What?” She reached for the bandage on her neck. “Oh, it’s nothing. Sebastian was doing a little sleep biting this morning.” She chuckled and he willed himself to stay calm.

  Sebastian somewhat guiltily said, “Sorry, man. I was deep in a dream and didn’t realize what I was doing. I got her cleaned up, though.”

  His focus became transfixed on Sebastian’s neck, and if he concentrated hard enough, he could even see the thumping vein under his skin.

  Sebastian bit Kaia.

  Horror filled him and he flicked a glance into his friend’s eyes as he focused his thoughts as best he could. Sebastian lay down next to him as he always did, and from the way of his mood, he seemed like he had no idea what he might have done. Anthony had to believe Sebastian didn’t know he could turn a human into a shifter by biting them hard enough to draw blood.

  His attention jerked to Kaia climbing off of him, and before he knew it, he was feeding from Sebastian. He drank his fill, Sebastian eventually pushing him away like he always did. He let him go and pulled Kaia into his arms.


  Anthony had to get out of here for the night or he was going to be a mess. He showered while Kaia waited for him, then took her back to her place. He spent the night trying to sense every little thing about her. Her aura, her temperature, her mood… everything.

  “Anthony, are you ok? You seem a little on edge.”

  He shook his head. “Sebastian got too rough with you.”

  She was unfazed by his concern. “I’ll be fine. His bite will heal. Winston’s bite healed.”

  But Winston was a vampire. Vampires didn’t turn people just by biting them, only shifters could do that. He didn’t tell her that, though. He didn’t know how to tell her that she might possibly turn into a werewolf. After all he’d put her through already, he felt like he didn’t want to put that stress on her unless it seemed to really be happening. Besides, if she was going to turn into a supernatural, he wanted her to be vampire, not shifter.

  He couldn’t think straight all night and felt guilty for lying to her every time she asked if something was wrong. When she said her throat was sore, he almost broke down. She couldn’t be turning this fast, could she? He couldn’t lose her, not like this.


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