The Billionaire From Miami_A BWWM Billionaire Suspense Romance

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  “A Story of sex, money and..... mojitos.”

  Young student Nina Wilson just wanted to have a bit of fun in Miami. But she ended up getting much more than she bargained for.

  When she met local billionaire Alex Conrad she immediately fell head over heels for a man who wasn't just wealthy. He was kind, charming and extremely driven too.

  He was perfect.

  And when Nina discovered she was pregnant with his child it felt like a dream come true.

  However, there were a lot of things about Alex that Nina had no idea about.

  And very soon the truth about how Alex made his first billion would be a truth that would come back to haunt both of them....

  This is a steamy billionaire romance with elements of mystery and suspense. Only read this if you want an addictive page turner that will have you absorbed till the very end!

  Copyright Notice

  The Billionaire From Miami © 2018, Lena Skye


  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.









  chapter 8

  chapter 9

  chapter 10

  chapter 11

  chapter 12

  chapter 13

  chapter 14


  Spring Break

  “Come on, Nina. I know you didn’t just come here to hang out at the beach. Let’s live a little. It’s our last night in Miami. Let’s party it up.”

  Nina sighed, pulling her sunglasses down and looking her best friend in the eye.

  “Jasmine, I thought we agreed we would stick with the beach, hang out at some college parties, and stay away from downtown clubs. I don’t want to end up hungover and lost in the city. What if I miss my plane? I have midterms next week.”

  “That’s crap,” Jasmine said, rolling her eyes. “I don’t know why they’re doing that to us.”

  Nina shrugged.

  “Studies showed that people tested better after a break, not before. It’s science, deal with it.”

  Nina laughed and leaned back in her beach chair, staring at the waves and inhaling the smell of the salty air.

  “You’re so uptight. You were never like this in high school.”

  “Yeah, but I want to get a job and have a future. We’re about to graduate in May. We can’t afford to screw this up now. We’re almost done.”

  “So, that’s it? You’re just going to spend the rest of your life being a boring, uptight accountant?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Nina, come on. We’re in Miami. The clubs stay open twenty-four seven. The weekend starts on Monday here, damnit. If we’ve ever been in a better place to party and let loose for just one night, please, tell me now.”

  “When have you ever needed the perfect location to party?”

  “You know what I mean. And frat parties are different. This is you and me. My ride or die. Our last hurrah before we graduate and have to adult it for the rest of our lives. I’ll fly the straight and narrow tomorrow. I’m asking for one night.”

  “And you asked me for one vacation. Here we are. Jasmine, you promised me that you wouldn’t push it. I didn’t want to come on spring break in the first place. I have so much to do, and I can’t afford to get less than an A on my—”

  “Just stop it, Nina. You could skip your midterms and still graduate in the top ten percent. You have perfect grades. It’s not going to hurt you to get tuned up. Just this once. Please? For me? When we graduate, you know we’re not going to see each other much.”

  “That’s not true, Jazzy. We’ll see each other as much as we can.”

  “Of course, we will. At first. And then, our monthly, meet-in-the-middle get togethers will turn into once every few months, and pretty soon, I’ll forget when the last time I saw you was.”

  “Can you cut the theatrics?”

  “Can you live a little?”

  Jasmine stood there, hands on her hips, face set. Nina knew that expression, and she knew that Jasmine wasn’t going to let it go. They’d been friends for a decade now, and Nina knew she wasn’t going to win this fight. Jasmine would wear her down until she finally gave in. She sighed again, wishing that her friend was a little more cautious. They weren’t teenagers anymore.

  “Fine,” Nina said.

  Jasmine squealed in delight.

  “You won’t regret it, Nina.”

  “I’m already regretting it. We need to set some ground rules, ‘cause I don’t want to end up stranded again.”

  “That happened one time.”

  “One time is too many. What’s the plan if we get separated?”

  “Meet back at the hotel?”

  “I don’t like it.”

  “Worst-case scenario. It’s not going to happen.”

  “I’m already wishing I’d said no.”

  “You’re going to have fun, Nina. I promise.”

  “Where have I heard that before?” She started gathering her things, packing them into her beach bag and taking one last look at the pristine shoreline. “The sun is setting soon, so we might as well go back to the hotel and get ready.”

  “You’re right, just one more thing.”


  “Promise me that you’re not going to half-ass it tonight. Have fun and live a little. You have the rest of your life to lead a boring, careful existence.”

  “Some of us like predictability.”

  “I’m not saying that your life can’t be predictable. But this is spring break. It’s practically like Vegas.”

  “What happens here, stays here?” Nina said wryly.

  “Exactly. Just don’t get on that plane tomorrow and wished you’d danced with a cute guy or shared a kiss with no expectations. Or more.”

  “I’m not gonna—”

  “It’s one night. Nina. It’s not going to be this life-changing mistake you’re afraid it’s going to be. It’s just one night of fun before we head out to the real world.”

  Jasmine was staring at her, waiting for her to agree. When Nina finally shook her head, Jasmine hugged her roughly.

  “You’re right,” Nina finally conceded. “It’s just one night.”


Pulsing music met them on the street as they exited their Uber, stepping onto the sidewalk. They followed the crowd walking through the front doors of the Fontainebleau Hotel.

  “This place is huge,” Nina said. “Maybe we should find someplace a little smaller.”

  “Are you kidding? LIV is the most exclusive nightclub in downtown Miami. What are you worried about?”

  “Nothing,” Nina lied. “You don’t think my skirt is too short, do you?”

  “Stop stalling, you look sexy.”

  Jasmine reached out, undoing another button on the tight blue shirt Nina was wearing, exposing more of her cleavage.

  “That’s a little much, Jasmine.”

  She reached up to rebutton the shirt, but Jasmine slapped her hand out of the way and shook her head.

  “It’s just right. Try not to be so rigid. Let loose for once in your life. Promise me you’ll have fun.”

  Jasmine stuck out her pinkie finger, a silly throwback to their middle school days. Nina rolled her eyes, then laughed, taking Jasmine’s finger with hers and swearing that she would have a good time.

  “Alright, let’s get this party started.”

  The bouncers opened the heavy double doors, and the music overwhelmed them, its rhythmic, thumping beat driving the scores of college kids already on the dance floor. Nina followed Jasmine through the crowd, making their way to the bar. Before Nina could say anything, Jasmine ordered their drinks, and handed her something pink with sprinkles on the rim.

  “I don’t want to be hung over,” Nina shouted, but Jasmine shook her head to indicate that she couldn’t hear, shoving the drink into her hand and taking a sip of her own.

  Jasmine closed her eyes and licked her lips, savoring the first sip, then gulping down the rest and leaving the glass on the bar. Nina sighed, taking a taste, then throwing the rest back and putting the glass down beside Jasmine’s. It was delicious, reminding Nina of the birthday cake ice cream she’d left in her freezer back home.

  Nope, she thought, not going to waste the night.

  She’d made a promise to Jasmine that she would live it up and have a good time, but more importantly, she’d made a promise to herself. This time tomorrow, she would be studying for her first midterm exam, and in just over two months, she would be a college grad. Jasmine was right; life was about to get really boring and really predictable. It was time to live it up and have fun.

  “You’re smiling,” Jasmine said, shouting to be heard.

  Nina nodded, the familiar warmth of a good drink flowing through her. Already feeling lighter, she danced into the crowd, moving her body to the music and laughing with Jasmine. In no time at all, everything faded away except the crush of bodies surrounding her on the dance floor.

  She felt hands on her hips, and a man slide up against her, but she didn’t care. She was having fun, and he was a good dancer. She turned around, smiling into dark green eyes and putting her hands on his shoulders while he moved effortlessly with her.

  He leaned close, and for a second, Nina panicked, thinking that he was going to kiss her neck. But when he spoke into her ear, she relaxed.

  “You’re a good dancer,” he said. “I’ve been watching you.”

  “From where?” she asked, one arm around him as they moved around the floor.

  “From the VIP balcony. You want to join me?”

  “No. I’m here with my friend.”

  “The girl in the yellow dress?”

  “Yeah, how did you—”

  “She ducked out with a guy a few minutes ago.”


  Nina looked around, shocked to see that he was right. Jasmine was nowhere to be seen. She thought back, trying to remember when the last time she’d seen her friend and realized it was a while ago.

  “I have to find her,” Nina said, stopping to pull out her cell phone.

  She scrunched up her face when she saw that she had a missed text from Jasmine.

  Catch you at the hotel, it read, with no other explanation. Nina scowled.

  “Is everything alright?”


  She put her phone back into the small purse she wore across her body, getting back into step with him, even though she was frustrated with Jasmine. Not surprised, but frustrated. They were supposed to be on this trip together, and now she was on the dance floor alone.

  “I can help you look for her, if you want,” the man offered, but Nina shook her head.

  “No. I’ll see her at the hotel.”

  He smiled, flashing his perfect teeth and stepping forward to take her in his arms to dance once more.

  What the hell, she thought. Jasmine had left her there to hook up with some guy. She was already here, so she might as well enjoy herself. Besides, the man smelled delicious, and he had a beautiful smile. She decided then and there that she wasn’t going to worry about what Jasmine was doing, or who. She was going to enjoy her night, starting with letting go of her inhibitions and making sure that she didn’t leave Miami regretting being too uptight.

  Nina smiled up at the man, getting in closer so that their bodies slid against each other while they danced. He pulled her in closer, following her cues without question. He was incredibly handsome, with sandy blond hair, and a natural tan that said he spent plenty of time outdoors. His shoulders were broad, and she’d bet anything that the body beneath his clothes was just as strong and chiseled as the rest of him.

  He leaned down again, and this time, she was sure he might kiss her. She tensed, anticipating the moment, then shuddering when his breath tickled her ear as he leaned in to speak to her again.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” Nina said. “It’s just so loud.”

  “Come with me,” he said, taking her hand and leading her off the dance floor.

  She followed, not sure where they were going, then deciding that she didn’t care. The crowd parted in front of them as they went, and she realized that they were following a big, beefy man in a crisp suit with an earpiece in his ear.

  “Who’s that?” she asked, still following her dance partner.

  “That’s Jaime,” he said without elaborating.

  Jaime opened the door for them, holding it as they exited, his head constantly on swivel.

  I wonder why he needs a bodyguard, she thought.

  He led her down a long corridor to an elevator, stopping in front of it and smiling at her.

  “Where are my manners? I’m Alex. Alex Conrad.”

  He waited a beat, reached out and tucked a strand of her straight hair behind her ear. She watched his lips, mesmerized by him. Then she blinked, laughing at herself.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “I asked your name,” he repeated, completely unbothered by her momentary lapse.

  “Nina. Nina Wilson.”

  “You’re not from around here, are you?”

  “How did you know?”

  “The sweet Southern accent was my first clue.”

  “What was your second?”

  “You don’t strike me as the typical party girl.”

  The elevator opened, and Jaime checked it before standing in front of the sensor and waiting patiently. The door tried to close on him, but he ignored it.

  “Would you like to come up to my suite?”

  “I’m not sure,” she said.

  “No pressure. You just seem like the kind of woman who would prefer a private pool and a gorgeous view of the ocean more than a loud, sweaty nightclub.”

  He was right about that.

  “Maybe just for a little while,” she said.

  Alex smiled.


  He held out his hand to her and she took it, letting him lead her into the elevator. Jaime positioned himself in front of the doors, using a key to select their floor.

  “Do you take your pit bull everywhere you go?” Nina asked.

  “Jaime? No. He’ll sweep the room, then he’ll wait outside.”

e was waiting for him to elaborate, but he didn’t. Instead, he rubbed his thumb across her knuckles, his hand still holding hers. He caught her staring at his fingers. Slowly, he brought her hand to his mouth, brushing his lips over her skin so gently that a shudder passed through her.

  She licked her lips, taking in a deep breath as her nipples hardened in response to him. He was oozing sensuality, and she found her thoughts straying to dark places. Alex didn’t move, holding her gaze as she inhaled the scent of him and struggled with her self-control.

  What was it about him that made her want to throw caution to the wind and kiss him right there?

  The bell on the elevator sounded and the door opened, granting her a moment of reprieve.

  Jaime led the way, opening the door and doing a quick walk-through before exiting again just as quickly. As the door clicked shut, she realized that she was completely alone with Alex in a spacious living area.

  The east wall was entirely made up of windows, offering a beautiful view of the ocean in the light of the full moon. There was a huge balcony with a private pool and a jacuzzi. He led her onto the balcony, standing beside her while she took everything in.

  The warm breeze caressed her skin, as soothing as the sound of the ocean below.

  “This is amazing,” she said, shocked by the luxury surrounding her.

  “It has five bedrooms and two levels. Would you like to take a swim with me?”

  “I don’t have a suit.”

  “Neither do I.”

  His intention was clear, his voice pitched low. A chill shot through her body.

  His hands were already on his shirt, pulling it over his head and revealing the smooth, tanned skin beneath. She wondered for an instant if he had tan lines, but he removed all doubt when he removed the rest of his clothes.

  “You must spend a lot of time sunbathing here,” she said, taking in every line of his perfect body.

  “I don’t live here. I live in Coconut Grove.”

  “That’s just across the bay.”


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