The Billionaire From Miami_A BWWM Billionaire Suspense Romance

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The Billionaire From Miami_A BWWM Billionaire Suspense Romance Page 4

by Simply BWWM

  “It’s fine; I get it. I’ll take a walk and come back in a little bit.”

  “Thank you, Jazzy.”

  “I’m a text away if you need me.”

  “I know.”

  Jasmine hugged her, then left quickly. Nina waited for the door to close, then dialed the number and held her breath while she waited for him to answer.

  “This is Alex,” he said, his voice all business.

  Nina cleared her throat, reaching for what she wanted to say, but she was struggling.

  “Hello?” Alex said, as if the connection was bad.

  He was about to hang up when she finally found her voice.

  “Alex? It’s Nina.”

  “Nina?” he said. “From spring break?”

  She was shocked he remembered her, but also a little flattered.

  “Are you coming back to Florida?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Oh. Then, why are you calling? I haven’t heard from you since you left, so I figured that you weren’t interested. Is something wrong?”

  “I’m sorry about that. I got wrapped up in my senior year and I just lost track of time.”

  “Did you graduate?”

  “Summa cum laude.”

  “Congratulations. That’s something to be proud of. What did you major in, again?”


  “I guess I’m confused. If you’re not calling because you’re coming for a visit, then why are you calling?”

  She took a deep breath, but after a long moment of silence while she came up with a better way to say what she needed to say, she decided to just spit it out.

  “I’m pregnant.”


  “Alex, you’re the father.”

  There was silence on the other end. Nina was panicking. Would he demand that she end her pregnancy, or would he insist that it wasn’t his? Would he be angry with her for forgetting her birth control? Or would he think she did it on purpose to trap him? When he finally spoke, his calm voice was shocking.

  “Do you have a plan, yet? I’m assuming you just discovered this yourself.”

  “I found out today. And no. I don’t have a plan. I was planning on going to interviews all week and getting a job. I just got out of college, and this was not in my plans.”

  “Understandable. A driven woman like you usually doesn’t plan on a baby like this. I’m sure you’re freaked out. Who wouldn’t be?”

  She didn’t know what to make of what he was saying, but she was so relieved that he wasn’t angry, or denying that he was the father that she was beyond words. She’d been ready to defend her own honor, but he took her word on it and seemed comfortable doing so. He was wildly different than any man she’d ever known.

  “Can I offer a suggestion?” he asked, voice still eerily calm.

  “Of course. This is as much your baby as mine.”

  “I’m glad to hear you say that. Look, I’m in need of an accountant on my payroll I can trust, and there’s plenty of room in my home if you want your own space. I can pay you whatever the market is for your profession, plus free rent, food and your own car.”

  “Alex, I couldn’t—”

  “The car would be in your name and one hundred percent yours. The way my house is laid out, you can live in your suite and never see me if that’s what you want. And I can give you the suite with an in-suite office, and your own patio access to the yard. The only thing you wouldn’t have is your own kitchen. If not, I have room for a guest house.”

  “That’s really generous, but I can’t.”

  “Why not? You said this baby is just as much mine. Doesn’t the child deserve a father? I’m not saying we have to get married or that we even have to sleep together. That’s just not how I work. You can stay here until you get on your feet and move out and get another job if you want. I’m offering you a solution; how permanent it is depends on you.”

  “I don’t want to be in a position where I’m dependent on you.”

  “And you won’t be. Look, Nina. You’re a sweet woman, and truth be told, I was hoping you’d call. Not for this reason, but just because. I haven’t ever been with a woman like you, and I think we can make this work. Maybe this baby is a sign.”

  “A sign? Don’t you think that’s a little over romanticized?”

  Alex laughed.

  “I don’t think anyone’s ever accused me of being overly romantic before.”

  “I wouldn’t say overly romantic,” she said, thinking about the first-class tickets and the box of fancy chocolates.

  “I seem to remember you enjoyed my type of romance.”

  She could feel the heat rising as he spoke. How did he get to her so easily? His voice was like silk, and he drove her wild with just a few words. Could she live in the same house as him without jumping in bed with him every chance she got?

  She laughed. It didn’t matter. She was already pregnant. Sleeping with him now wouldn’t be an issue. It was getting her heart broken that was the danger.

  “Laughter is good, right? What do you say, Nina? Work for me, help me keep my finances straight and move in with me?”

  “And what will I do after the baby is born?”

  “You’ll work when you want to, just like now. I’m offering you a salaried position.”

  “But if I move on and find more work, I don’t think ‘managing my baby daddy’s finances’ is a valid reference.”

  “Conrad Companies International is an excellent job refence, and with over ten billion in assets, I would think that being on my staff would give you a leg up should you seek employment elsewhere.”

  “If I didn’t want to live with you, would I still be able to take the job?”

  “Of course, but why would you want to work in an office when you could work from home, take a boat out on Biscayne Bay whenever you want, and swim to your heart’s content on your breaks? I love spoiling you.”

  “I remember.”

  “Give it a month. If you hate it here, I’ll pay to fly you back. How much do you want salary-wise?”

  “One hundred thousand a year,” she said without hesitation, even though her current prospects were closer to the sixty thousand range.

  “I can pay that,” he said. “That’s roughly eight thousand a month. That’s more than enough to get you started if it doesn’t work out and you want to move back to Kentucky. Plus, if you leave, I’ll be paying support for the child. That’s another ten thousand a month I’m sure.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I do. I’m going to take care of you and our child whether you’re here or in Kentucky.”

  She took a deep breath, not sure what she should do. It was a huge leap of faith moving in with him. But like he said, she could leave any time. And, living with him came with a job. So, it wouldn’t be like she was dependent on him. Because she could walk away whenever she wanted to. Or she could get her own apartment. It was all up to her.

  “Okay,” she said, almost in a whisper.

  “Okay you’ll come here or okay I can pay you child support to live in Kentucky?”

  “I’ll move to Florida. But only for a month to start. If it doesn’t work out, I’m on the first plane out of there.”

  “Deal. How soon can you have your things packed?”

  “They’re already packed. I only had a few days left on campus anyway, so everything is packed.”

  “Is tomorrow morning soon enough to fly out?”

  “I have a little more than two suitcases worth of stuff.”

  “That’s fine.”

  “I have like ten boxes.”

  “No problem. I’ll send a car for you in the morning.”

  “I can drive to the airport myself.”

  “I know you can, but I don’t want you carrying boxes around when you don’t have to.”

  She started to argue, then changed her mind. She was exhausted and struggling with nausea in the mornings. There was no reason to push hersel
f to the breaking point again.

  “You know what, you’re right. Thank you, Alex. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I look forward to it,” he said, then the line went silent in her ear.

  Jasmine must have been right outside the door. As soon as she hung up the phone, her friend was there, waiting for the details.

  “I’m moving to Florida,” she said.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I can come back if I don’t like it. He has a house there, and he needs an accountant anyway. I think it will be the best thing for both of us.”

  “And what about me?”

  “You can visit anytime you want, Jazzy. You know that.”

  “Don’t you think this is a little soon?”

  “I do, but I’m pregnant. Better now than waiting until I give birth. He deserves to be there for that, and I’ll make sure that you’re there, too. Jazzy, I know this is hard, but please, just be happy for me.”

  Jasmine blew out a long sigh.

  “Alright,” she said, nodding. “I’m happy for you. He just better not break your heart or I’ll have to kick his ass.”

  “I’ll make sure he knows.”

  “And I want to see you often.”

  “I’ll make sure that happens.”

  “Oh Nina. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “I don’t, but this feels right. As scared as I am, it just feels like the right choice.”

  “Please be careful.”

  Nina hugged her friend, squeezing her tight and kissing her cheek.

  “I will,” she promised. “I will.”


  It was early the next morning when there was a knock at her door. She looked through the peephole, not at all surprised to see a man in a smart uniform smiling on the other side.

  “I’m here for Miss Nina Wilson,” he said, then stepped back so she could open the door.

  She did, already dressed in her powder blue suit that Alex had bought her, a bright yellow shirt giving it just the right pop of color for a more casual look. She finished the cracker she’d been nibbling on to curb her nausea, then grabbed a can of ginger ale and dropped it in her purse.

  The man wasn’t alone. Another man in a similar uniform was pulling a dolly, obviously there to pick up her things. She motioned them into the room, pointing out the boxes that were hers and then hugged Jasmine one more time before hurrying out of the room. They’d spent most of the night dealing with their emotions, and this morning, Nina had woken up ready to face the day. Jasmine, not so much.

  She followed the men downstairs, surprised to see a small moving truck and a limo. When the driver held the door for her, she got in and sat in the comfortable back seat. Watching the university buildings fade away, then seeing the airport loom, she wondered if she would find herself back in Lexington again anytime soon. Part of her hoped so, but that would mean that their relationship had failed. Nina was willing to give their love a solid chance at blossoming from its humble beginnings, if only for the sake of her unborn child.

  The airport was busy, so it was no surprise to Nina that the limo driver skirted the heavily traveled lanes and made his way down a more private road. Nina had made peace with the privilege that the rich enjoyed, and she fully expected getting to the airport and through security would be easy. Carrying the lovechild of a wealthy man had its perks. What she wasn’t prepared for was the limo driving right onto the tarmac and pulling up right beside a private jet with the moving van right behind them.

  The limo driver opened the door and offered his hand. She took it, holding only her purse and staring at the Bombardier Global 6000 welcoming them, staircase already lowered.

  “What’s this?” she asked, though she already suspected.

  “Your chariot,” the man said, smiling.

  “Wow. I thought I’d be flying first class, but this is off the chain. I wish Jasmine could see this.”

  “Would you like to see the inside?”

  “I would.”

  The man smiled then walked behind her up the stairs, his hand on her back in a kind gesture meant to steady her. She took the stairs slowly, but the vertigo she’d felt before was gone thanks to the medication she’d been given. Still tired, she felt so much better than she had before.

  She stepped onto the plane and gasped, taking the lush seating in the first section, then the dining room and sitting room in the next two sections.

  “Have you been on a Global 6000 before?” a voice behind her asked.

  She turned, the pilot standing where the limo driver had been before quietly slipping away.

  “I haven’t,” she said.

  “Let me give you the tour. Here are the chairs for takeoff. This model has four chairs in this section, and two more chairs suitable for takeoff and landing in the dining area. Behind us is the galley. They can whip up just about anything that you can think of, so don’t hesitate to ask for things that aren’t on the menu. The flight is about five hours, so if you get hungry, just let the flight attendant know.”

  “Should I pick my seat now or are they assigned?”

  The pilot chuckled.

  “You’re our only passenger. Well, you and your boxes, which will go in the luggage compartment. You can sit wherever you want. Once we hit cruising altitude, you can take advantage of the sitting area with a large couch that pulls out to make a bed and a flat screen TV. Just beyond that is the bathroom, which features a shower and a makeup vanity with a chair.”




  “It looks like your luggage is loaded. Would you like to take a seat and peruse the menu?”

  “That sounds lovely.”

  “Alright. We’ll be taking off soon. If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to ring the flight attendant. We are here to make your flight comfortable, so no request is too large.”

  “Thank you.”

  He left, leaving her to sit in the soft, leather chair next to the window. She settled in, watching the plane speed down the runway. She was reeling. Alex had chartered an entire plane just for her? It seemed insane. When the moving truck had appeared, she thought that her stuff would be driven down while she flew. It seemed like the logical choice, and since Miami was a fifteen-hour drive from Lexington, it made sense. Now that her things were on the plane and she was the only passenger, she felt like she was dreaming. Was this how the other half lived?

  It’s so quiet, she mused, leaning back and sighing. A girl could get used to this.

  The takeoff was smooth, the plane soaring into the sky and into the clouds with ease, then leveling off. The seatbelt sign turned off and almost immediately, a petite brunette in a flight attendant’s uniform appeared from the galley.

  “My name is Jessica, and I’ll be your attendant for this flight. Can I get you some refreshments?” the woman said, her smile genuinely sweet and not the thin, stressed smile of someone who made their living wrangling two hundred passengers per flight.

  “I would really just like a turkey sandwich and some ginger ale.”

  “There is a selection of breads listed on the back, do you have a preference?”

  Nina flipped the menu over.

  “You have all this on the plane?”

  “Yes ma’am,” the woman said.

  “You know what, surprise me.”

  “Excellent. I’ll be a few minutes. Would you like to take your meal in the dining room or the sitting room?”

  “Sitting room,” she said, just now considering that option.

  She’d intended to eat right at her seat.

  You’re not in coach anymore, she thought, almost laughing out loud as she watched the attendant walk away. You’re not even in first class anymore. This is insane.

  She made her way through the dining room and to the sitting room, turning on the TV and scrolling through Netflix until she found a movie that looked interesting. Before she’d had a chance to get comfortable, Jessica rea
ppeared with her meal, setting it on the coffee table with her drink.

  “Wow, Jessica, that looks divine.”

  “If you don’t like avocado I’ll make you another, but I promise you, this is the best turkey sandwich you’ll ever sink your teeth into.”

  “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

  Jessica smiled and nodded her head slightly, then she disappeared, her heeled shoes silent on the lush carpet. Nina took a bite out of the sandwich and moaned softly. Jessica was right. She took her time, savoring every bite, then finished off the fancy chips that were obviously made from exotic, colorful potatoes. Then she kicked back and put her feet up on the coffee table so she could enjoy the movie.

  She was starting to doze off when she heard Jessica gathering her dishes.

  “It was wonderful,” Nina said.

  “I’m so pleased you enjoyed it. Are you tired? Would you like to lay down?”

  Nina tucked her feet up onto the couch and smiled. Her shoes fell to the floor and just as quickly, Jessica had scooped them up and placed them in a cubby under the TV.

  “This is good enough.”

  “There’s no such thing as good enough.” Jessica laughed. “I’m not here to make your experience passable.”

  “A bed would be nice.”

  “Excellent. You can stay right there.”

  Confused, Nina sat up, feet still tucked beneath her. Jessica pressed a button just above the couch, and the coffee table lowered about a foot before the foot board on the couch rose up and then extended. In under a minute, the sofa had transformed into a queen-sized bed, all without the part she was sitting on moving. The back of the sofa and the arms remained.

  “It’s almost like my grandmother’s pull-out couch,” Nina mused.

  “Except this is more like your favorite spa chair and your grandmother’s couch rolled into one.” She handed Nina a remote. “There’s a button for a light massage while you sleep, heat, and cool. You can also elevate the back of the sofa so you can see the TV better.”

  “This is amazing.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  She opened a cabinet and pulled out a large down comforter and a pillow. Nina moved to help her, but Jessica shook her head.

  “You’re too sweet,” Nina said.

  “There’s no such thing,” Jessica said, tucking the blanket around Nina after placing the pillow behind her head. “I’m going to close the door and leave you to rest. There is a button to turn down the lights and the red button will summon me if you need anything.”


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