Familiar Vows

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Familiar Vows Page 14

by Caroline Burnes

  The night was so quiet, Michelle could hear the gentle susurration of the water against the shore.

  “You want some coffee?” someone in the bungalow asked.

  “Sure.” Greg was starting to step inside when Lucas exploded out of the shrubs. He pushed Greg aside, just as they’d planned, and rushed into the room, gun drawn. Familiar was right at his heels.

  Michelle started the car and drove up on the grass to park about two feet from the doorway. She kept the motor going and the windows down, straining to hear everything that went on inside. Her view was limited, but she saw Robert go scuttling across the room, followed by Lucas.

  Two gunshots sounded in the still night, and she felt tears gather in her eyes. She couldn’t see what was happening; neither Lucas nor Greg was visible. She saw a streak of black dart across the doorway. Familiar was on the move. That heartened her. All wasn’t lost as long as Familiar was there.

  She was leaning forward for a better view when the door slammed with great force.

  She was shut out.

  LUCAS HAD EXPECTED THE gunfire. Robert Maxim’s boys didn’t carry weapons for effect. They meant to use them. But thanks to Familiar, he’d been able to raise the gun’s barrel so that the shots went harmlessly into the ceiling.

  The cops would surely be on the way any minute now. Kidnapping, even for the cause of justice, was illegal. So he and Greg had to snatch Robert and make a fast getaway.

  He ducked a swing and did a quick spin, bringing his booted foot up to his attacker’s temple. The man went down like a sack of rocks. Out cold. There was only one man left, plus Robert Maxim, who was frantically searching for a lost weapon on the floor.

  “Yee-ooow!” Familiar leaped from the mantle onto the guard’s head. His sharp claws dug trenches in the man’s forehead, so that a curtain of blood destroyed his vision. Greg followed up with a one-two punch that doubled the guy over and sent him crashing to the floor, unconscious.

  Lucas pulled his gun and walked directly to Robert Maxim, putting the barrel against his forehead. “Get up,” he said. The urge to pull the trigger, to put an end to Robert and his evil, was strong. The desire to avenge Harry’s brutal death was even stronger.

  “Lucas,” Greg said softly. “Don’t do it, man. Killing him is something you’ll never walk away from. Harry would kick your butt.”

  Lucas gathered his reason and tapped Robert lightly on the head with the barrel of the gun. “Get up before I shoot you on the spot.”

  “I have no intention of going anywhere with you. You’re an ex-lawman, and you have no authority to make me do a single thing.” Robert looked at Greg with hatred. “You’ll pay for this, you Judas.”

  “Not nearly as much as you and your brother will pay,” Greg said. “Harry West was my friend. Your brother walked up to him on a sidewalk and put a bullet in his heart and brain. Antonio is going to prison for the rest of his life, and so are you.”

  “Dream on,” Robert said. He was shaken, but he hadn’t lost his bravado entirely. “One snap of my fingers and the hostage dies. And just so you know, Mr. West, we’re on Betty Sewell’s trail.” He made a great show of looking at his expensive watch. “In fact, she might be my guest by now.”

  Lucas felt a rush of blood to his head. He drew back his fist, intending to bash Robert’s smug face to pieces. Before he could strike, he felt the sharp claws of the cat in his shin.

  “Me-o-o-ow.” Familiar shook his head from side to side.

  “Is that cat telling you not to hit him?” Greg was so amazed that he bent down to stroke the cat’s fur.

  “He is,” Lucas said, reluctantly lowering his fist. Nothing would give him more satisfaction than knocking a few of Robert’s pearly whites down his throat. But Familiar was right. Now was not the time.

  “For the last time, get up,” he ordered Robert.

  The mobster only smiled.

  Familiar walked up to him, jumped into his lap and dug his claws into the tender flesh of his lower abdomen.

  “Hey, I’ll wring your neck!” Robert jumped up and lunged at the cat, but not fast enough. Familiar was at the door, and Lucas and Greg each had one of Robert’s arms. Together they propelled him across the room, out the door and directly into the open hatch of the car.

  He didn’t even get a chance to protest before Lucas slammed the hatch, struck a match and tossed it into the gas-soaked grass and jumped into the passenger seat. Greg and Familiar tumbled into the backseat as Michelle spun out on the lawn. The tires finally grabbed, and the vehicle shot forward.

  She took the winding driveway at high speed. When they passed the main lobby, Lucas could see that the gunshots and fire had created quite a stir. Hotel security, in force, was headed toward the bungalow, and in the distance, he could hear sirens. They were going to make a getaway, but just barely.

  No telling what Robert Maxim’s men would say to the police. If they were smart, they’d keep their mouths shut. They had Kevin as a hostage, but now Lucas held the trump card.

  MICHELLE DROVE LIKE SHE’D never driven before. When the guard post came into view, she saw the security guy step out in front of the car. She hit the horn and never slowed. He leaped to safety only a second before she would have struck him.

  “You guys are quite the team,” Greg said from the backseat. “But as good as you are, I gotta say, the cat has more style.”

  “No kidding,” Lucas agreed. “I told you Familiar was special.”

  “So special, I’m going to enjoy skinning him alive and then killing him.” Robert Maxim had pulled himself into a sitting position in the cramped back quarters of the car.

  “Ease up, Robert. You aren’t in a place where your threats carry very much weight.” Lucas didn’t hide the displeasure in his voice.

  “Where is my friend Kevin?” Michelle asked.

  “I’m not such a fool that I’ll tell you that.” Robert lifted his chin, his arrogance returning even though his life was in danger.

  “Oh, you’ll tell us,” Lucas said. “Familiar will see to that. And you’ll tell us who’s tailing Betty and where they are.”

  Robert gave the cat a hesitant glance. “You want me to believe the cat takes orders from you?” he asked.

  “No one orders Familiar to do anything,” Lucas said.

  “Amen to that,” Michelle agreed. “He does whatever he likes, and right now, I think he’d like to inflict pain. A lot of pain that can in no way be traced back to us.”

  Familiar didn’t need another cue. He hopped onto the back of the seat and gazed into Robert’s eyes. He lifted one black paw and placed it just beneath the mobster’s right eye.

  “That’s some really tender skin,” Lucas said. “Lots of nerves there. Also, the muscles of that skin play a role in vision.”

  “What’s he going to do?” Robert asked. He was stock-still, as if he was afraid to move in either direction.

  “Heck if I know,” Lucas said. “He’s his own boss.”

  “Get away from me,” Robert said to the cat. He tried to dodge out from under Familiar’s paw. The cat’s response was to extend his claws and dig into the tender skin.

  Robert yowled and froze. “Get him away from me.”

  “He’ll leave you alone when he’s ready,” Lucas said. “Just keep in mind that he doesn’t like people to be negative about his abilities.”

  “I don’t know where you got this genetically deranged creature, but you won’t—”

  Michelle deliberately swerved the car so that Robert’s head struck the window. “So sorry,” she said. “You were just saying what about Familiar?”

  To her total satisfaction, Robert chose to keep quiet. He turned away from all of them and looked out the back window, as if he hoped for rescue.

  Michelle, too, kept a close watch in the rearview mirror. So far, there was no pursuit.

  “You think they’re looking for us?” Greg asked.

  Lucas shook his head. “Robert’s guys won’t give up a thing. They won�
�t tell the cops they were tricked by one of their own security men, not to mention a black cat and a woman.” He grinned, and Michelle felt her hopes rise.

  “How can you be sure they won’t give us up as kidnappers?” Greg asked.

  “Because they’ll check on us. That’s one thing we can count on. And when they do, they’re going to discover that we aren’t law enforcement any longer. We’re rogues. And the most dangerous of any animals are rogues. We’re capable of anything. They know we want to kill Robert, so to give us a good reason to do so would be totally foolish.”

  Robert snorted. “My men aren’t fools. They’ll be on your trail, and when they find you, you’re going to suffer.”

  “Did you hear something?” Greg asked.

  “Not a thing,” Lucas answered.

  “Me, either,” Michelle said as she sped through the night toward the jewel of a town called Fairhope.

  “Me-ow.” Familiar put his paws on the back of the seat and gave Robert Maxim a long stare.

  Silence filled the vehicle, and Michelle made the turn into the town. Spanish Fort and Lorry’s house—which was perfectly empty—were their destination and not too far away. They needed a quiet, secluded place to do the job. With a bit of luck, they’d have Kevin free in no time, and if Robert wasn’t lying about Lorry, then at least they’d have a lead on finding her.

  But would they be fast enough to keep Antonio Maxim from reversing his jail sentence?

  THE SUN CRESTED THE OAK trees, and Lucas ran through the video one last time. They’d been up all night, and Michelle had done a brilliant job of digitally manipulating the images into what appeared to be a sequence of severe torture inflicted on Robert Maxim. They’d used the computer in Larry’s cottage and footage from a video camera they’d found in an all-night pawn shop.

  The most impressive part of the entire video was that it never showed a blow landing or any other physical means of inflicting pain. The video was all clips of Robert screaming and begging for them to stop.

  And it had all been done by Familiar. The cat had merely had to put his paw in a delicate spot and begin the process of extending his claws. Robert had screamed with gusto. Then Michelle had edited the film into what appeared to be a story of confinement and torture.

  “This video is amazing,” Lucas said to Michelle. There were dark circles under her eyes, and she looked exhausted. “You’re a genius.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far.” She blushed and looked away. It was one of the things Lucas found so compelling about her. She was modest, and that was an old-fashioned and far underrated virtue in his book.

  “I would,” Greg said, patting her on the shoulder. “You are a genius. Where’d you learn to do all that with a cheap camera and some software equipment on a computer?”

  She shrugged. “If I’d had my professional equipment, it would take a lab to detect the changes. As it stands, we can make this grainier, and it’ll take them some time to find the ways we manipulated it. Hopefully, it’ll convince them to release Kevin and tell us what they know about Lorry.”

  “The very best part is listening to Robert scream,” Greg said. “Familiar was off camera, and he only had to threaten to claw him, and he squealed like a stuck pig. Very realistic!”

  “Let’s e-mail the clip to Antonio’s lawyer.” Lucas was ready to apply the pressure. Time was running out, and fast. They had little more than twenty-four hours before Antonio was due to appear in court for his appeal, and without Lorry there, he would walk.

  He typed out the note: Postpone the appeal, or Robert will suffer even more. Call us at this number when the appeal is postponed, and we will bargain with Robert’s life. He’d included his cell phone number. Short, sweet, to the point. He loaded the brief video clip onto the computer and sent it off.

  “If that doesn’t stop them, nothing will,” Greg said. “Now all we can do is wait.”

  “We have to find Lorry,” Lucas said. He couldn’t wait. It wasn’t in his nature. If Antonio came up with some way to delay the appeal, it wouldn’t be for long. The wheels had been set in motion, and no judge would postpone for any length of time. They’d bought an extra day, maybe two, at most. At the end of that time, the appeal would be heard, no matter what excuses Antonio could find.

  “We have to find a way to get to Lorry and let her know that Robert has been neutralized.” Lucas tapped his fingers beside the computer keyboard. “She’ll return and testify if we can get word to her.”

  He looked over at the mobster, who was seething. He was tied in a chair. A mixture of red food coloring and corn syrup stained his white shirt. There were dark smudges on his face that looked like bruises; all had been artfully applied by Michelle.

  “Antonio will recognize all of this for a fake,” Robert said. “He won’t fall for this.”

  “The icing on the cake, Robert, is that your own men will report to him that you were abducted at gunpoint by two rogue cops.” Lucas smiled. “I have to say, this wasn’t my original concept of how to fix this situation, but thanks to Michelle, Greg and Familiar, I think we’ve hit upon a pretty good solution.”

  “Antonio won’t sacrifice himself for me.” Robert almost growled the words. “Just as I wouldn’t for him.”

  “He has no idea what you’ve told us, or where we may have deposited you. I’m sure Alabama will have some interesting charges against you. Attempted murder, for one. We could take you to the Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office right now. By the time Texas extradites you, you’ll be an old, old man.”

  Robert swallowed. “Your friend is going to die.” He spoke to Michelle. “He will die a painful death because of you and these deeds.”

  Lucas saw the effect Robert’s words had, and he went to Michelle and put his arm around her. She was courageous and smart. And so beautiful. “He’s lying. All he’s got left now is bluff. And if he keeps it up, we’ll let Familiar play with him some more.”

  “Why don’t you two grab some shut-eye for an hour or so,” Greg suggested. “I’m going to take a walk around the premises. Get the lay of the land in my mind. And Robert here won’t be going anywhere. Your cat has already found a place to rest.”

  Familiar was, indeed, curled up on a plush sofa cushion in the sun. His work done, he’d already fallen into a deep sleep, his elegant black whiskers moving slightly as he breathed.

  Lucas caught Michelle’s eye. The idea of a couple of hours alone with her was like winning the lottery. They were tired, hungry and worried. Ever since he’d met her, they’d been in constant motion. Now, they could have some time to be still and be together, even if it was only to rest—although that certainly wouldn’t be his first choice.

  He saw that she was reading his thoughts. She blushed slightly, but she was smiling.

  “Good idea,” Lucas said. He stood up. “Call us if you need us.” He made sure his cell phone was in his pocket and turned to loud.

  Greg checked his watch. “I’ll be right here. Robert, enjoy some time to meditate on your future. It looks pretty damn bleak.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Lorry’s guest bedroom was beautifully decorated with the blues and greens that seemed so much a part of the lower Alabama landscape. Michelle turned to Lucas in the doorway. Now was the moment. She could feel her heart thudding. Somehow, in such a short time, their relationship had gone through a half dozen different stages. The problem was that she didn’t know where she was in her own emotions. Things had happened so fast, and she didn’t trust her feelings.

  Dating in New York was so much easier. She’d meet an interesting guy. They’d e-mail and talk on the phone. Then a date would be set at a mutually agreed upon place—a restaurant or bar—where they’d dine or have a drink. Then they’d both take taxis back to their respective apartments.

  Because they parted at the restaurant or bar—unless other arrangements had been made—there wasn’t a real opportunity for spontaneous intimacy.

  Now, Lucas stood not six inches away. Her body and h
eart clearly knew what they wanted, but it was her brain that was sending warning alerts. In the past few days, Lucas had changed his view of her. He believed that the wedding photograph was an accident, and he’d come to respect her grit and courage. And there was a red-hot attraction between them that carried a jolt of pure sensuality. For the first time, though, Michelle realized that wasn’t enough. She didn’t want a few dates and a good time, or a fun and adventurous six months. Lucas was a man worth going the distance with, and she was beginning to realize that she was interested in a life partner. Something she’d never considered before.

  “You did a great job, Michelle. If that video doesn’t halt Antonio, nothing will.” He cupped her cheek with his palm, and she marveled at how soft his touch could be when his skin was so calloused.

  “Thank you.” Her voice was almost a whisper. She cleared her throat. “We make a good team, Lucas. Me, you and Familiar.”

  “Yeah.” His gaze shifted to her lips. She could sense the question he wanted to ask.

  “My answer is yes,” she said, shocked that the words had actually been spoken. She’d never been bold with men before, but she’d become much better, in recent days, at taking a risk.

  “How did you know my question?” he asked, his hand sliding over her skin so that his palm caressed her jaw while his fingers stroked her neck.

  “You wanted to know if you should kiss me.”

  “You must be psychic.” He tilted his head and leaned down to meet her lips. His arms slipped around her waist, and he pulled her to him.

  She moved her arms around his neck, glad to feel his strength and support because her knees had suddenly weakened.

  Still kissing her, he stepped into the room and gently closed the door with his booted foot. “My goodness,” he said, “I can’t say I haven’t thought about this, but I didn’t think it would happen.”

  “Why not?” she asked. She could feel his heart beating against her chest, matching the quick pace of her own.

  “We come from such different places, Michelle. You’ll go back to New York, and I’ll go back to my ranch. These will be stolen moments.”


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