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9781618853462BlindEcstasyHoltNC Page 3

by Unknown

  “Submissive pose,” he ordered.

  Jo dropped to her knees, head bent, hands clasped behind her back.

  “Excellent. Now open that sweet mouth.”

  She obeyed him and in seconds the head of his cock rested on her lower lip. She remembered how much Sean had always loved this part of play and she closed her mouth over the full, rigid shaft. He tasted of clean male and desire. His thick cock slid onto her tongue and the scent of his musk filled her nostrils. The act gave her so much pleasure she thought she could do this forever.

  “Good,” he praised. “Very good. I’ve been told you’re very talented at this. Let’s see if that’s the truth.”

  His fingers cupped her jaw, firmly holding her in place as his cock inched deeper into her mouth. The swollen thickness of his cock slid over her tongue, the head touching the roof of her mouth. Jo automatically tilted her head back to allow him deeper penetration.

  He very slowly dragged his hips back until only the tip of him was inside her. He pushed forward with the same slow movement. She twisted her tongue to feel the pulsing vein wrapped around the shaft. As he pulled back again, she licked the velvety head, touching the tip of her tongue to the slit. She tried to anticipate each thrust, clamping her lips around him, and using her tongue to taste as much of him as she could. Soon her entire focus was on bringing him pleasure and satisfaction.

  The harder he pushed into her mouth the deeper he went. Until she had to tip her head all the way back to accommodate the length and girth of him. He moved one of his hands from her jaw to cup her head, fingers threaded through her hair, tightly gripping her skull. The heated length of him nearly warmed her mouth.

  Suddenly his cock was gone, her mouth empty. She moaned a protest.

  “I’d love to come in that sweet mouth of yours, girl, but then I wouldn’t be able to come in your pussy. And that’s what I really want. That’s what you want, too, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She wet her lips. “It would greatly please me.”

  “Hands and knees,” he ordered and she instantly complied.

  The carpet was as she remembered it, soft beneath her hands and knees. She knew the club had it woven specially to prevent carpet burn on the subs. Tonight she was especially grateful for it.

  She sensed the Dom kneel behind her, his legs pressing hers farther apart. Warm hands skimmed over her, his touch both arousing and possessive. He leaned over her, his cock brushing the inside of one of her thighs, the soft hair on his chest brushing the sensitive skin of her back.

  “Tonight,” he breathed in her ear. “Tonight you are mine. Every inch of you, inside and out.”

  He moved one hand to caress her still stinging ass and thighs.

  “I branded you, your punishment turning your skin a delicious red. You’re such a delectable morsel. I wish the brand could be permanent.”

  Fingertips rimmed her anus, rubbing the puckered flesh, and pushing the tip of a digit inside. Jo tensed. No one had ever taken her there except Sean. Yet this Dom’s touch set a dark thrill racing through her until she couldn’t think straight. Maybe this was what she needed to finally put the past aside.

  “I want to fuck you,” he told her. “To spank that ass with every instrument in that cupboard until your flesh is so red hot you’d think of me every time you sat down for a week. To cuff your wrists and ankles, your body spread wide for me, so I could tease that gorgeous cunt until you screamed for me to let you come.”

  Jo couldn’t control the soft moan that escaped her mouth. Sean used to feel that way, so possessive, wanting to mark her so everyone would know she was his. So if an interested man approached her the burning sensation on her flesh would remind her she belonged only to him.

  Even with her desire ratcheted up to an incendiary level, thoughts of Sean crept into her mind. With more willpower than she thought she had, she shut down the thought process, and let the darkness and the velvet cloud of eroticism envelop her from within.

  “Your nipples look so exquisite with those clamps on them. Have you ever thought of having them pierced?”

  And there it was, thoughts of Sean intruding again. He’d wanted her to have the piercing done to celebrate their engagement. He’d even bought thin, gold rings tipped in emeralds, her birthstone. She couldn’t seem to get away from him. Tonight was supposed to be about starting a new journey in her life but she couldn’t seem to find the end of the old one.

  “Answer me, girl.”

  He lightly slapped one flank.

  “Y-Yes. I’ve thought about it.”

  He moved his hand to slip it between her thighs and stroke her soaked labia. The immediate throbbing deep inside her cunt accelerated, the walls hungry to close down on his cock. To tighten around him like a fist.

  “You should do it,” he told her. “Your nipples deserve it.”

  All night she’d had a sense of déjà vu and this wasn’t helping. Oh, god. The pain lancing through her almost destroyed the mood she’d come here to recapture, the feeling of being swept up in an erotic fog where pain and pleasure mingled and nothing else mattered. Memories of Sean surged to the forefront of her mind. She forced the memories away. His fingers, busy at her clit, brought her back. She blanked her mind and gave her body over to the sensations.

  His tongue traced the length of her spine, sending shivers skating over her skin.

  He moved his hand from between her thighs and in the next moment she sensed him stand up, heard the crinkle of foil, the slap of latex. The head of his shaft was probing, pushing, opening her wider for him.

  “Do not come, girl. Not until we can come together.” His raspy voice held a firm tone of command.

  She nodded her head, afraid if she spoke her thin control would snap.

  His hands gripped her hips and pulled her back toward his body where he stood behind her. Inch by teasingly slow inch he invaded her with his cock and filled her completely. She clamped down around him like a vise, shuddering at the waves of pleasure washing through her body.

  Strong fingers gripped her hips, holding her steady, as he drove into her again and again. She rocked with him, every sense acute in the darkness that surrounded them. She smelled his incredible male musk, heard his labored breathing, while his skin brushed against her tingling inner thighs and ass. Everything she felt and heard fed the lust boiling through her.

  He mercilessly drove into her, pulling almost all the way out when the tremors in her pussy grew more powerful. Jo wasn’t sure how much more teasing pleasure she could stand.

  “Please, Sir,” she sobbed. “Please let me come now.”

  She needed the release so badly but knowing he had control over that enhanced it even more. The longer she was forced to hold off, the stronger her orgasm would be when he finally gave permission for the grand finale.

  He drove harder into her, increasing the pace with his hips. She was hanging onto her control by a very thin thread.

  “Now,” he growled. “Come now for me, girl.”

  They exploded together, an eruption of such cataclysmic proportions that she knew nothing but the intense spasms shaking her. Shudders gripped her body. She had the sensation of flying through space in a shower of fireworks. She lost all sense of self, completely immersing herself in her powerful orgasm.

  At last she felt only aftershocks, little tremors that danced on her nerve endings. Her Dom showered her back with kisses, lightly nipped at the nape of her neck before slowly withdrawing from the clasp of her body. He moved away from her for a moment, undoubtedly to dispose of the condom.

  She heard him moving around off to her right with sounds she couldn’t identify. When he returned, he eased her onto her back, gently massaging her arms and legs, easing the strained muscles. He removed the nipple clamps, soothing her nipples with his tongue as her tormented buds reacted to the sudden return of sensation.

  Finally he rubbed a soothing lotion over every inch of her body, taking extra care with the places his hand and the flogger
had spanked her. His touch was not sexual but caring, a Dom giving his sub appropriate aftercare. By tomorrow most of the discomfort would be gone, the herbs in the balm swiftly healing her strained muscles.

  “I’ve set some tea to brew,” he told her. “It will be ready in a moment. It should soothe you and relax you so you can rest tonight.”

  “Thank you.”

  Tea? He knew she enjoyed tea after a session? Oh, yeah, Kira no doubt told him. Or Jason, who had all these notations in her club folder.

  “You can’t imagine all the things I wanted to do to you, tonight.”

  His lips brushed her cheek.

  “But you haven’t played for so long I promised I’d take it one step at a time. Did you enjoy your birthday present?”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “Yes, I did.”

  “Could I persuade you to do this again on another night? You have to know how much I enjoyed this.”

  Jo swallowed. Hard. She’d enjoyed it, too. And she thought maybe the experience had broken through the wall she’d built around herself. But to do this again with a strange Dom? Someone who wasn’t Sean? Tonight was great, but she didn’t think she was ready to go beyond this session.

  “Permission to answer honestly?” she asked.

  “Of course. You don’t have to hide anything. You’ve been a perfect sub tonight and I’d like to take it further.”

  “I—Thank you. It’s very flattering to be asked. But I—There’s someone…”

  “Someone special?” he asked.


  She pushed back the sadness.

  “I enjoyed tonight very much, but I don’t think I’m ready to step into this again with a stranger.”

  “How about with me?”

  The blindfold was whipped off, a slide of silk against her skin. She blinked against the sudden, dim light. And she found herself staring into Sean Murphy’s eyes. Shock speared through her, paralyzing her at first. For a moment she was so stunned she could do nothing but look at him. All the feelings of anger and betrayal swept through her again with such force she could barely breathe.

  Once she caught her breath she intently studied him. This wasn’t the Sean Murphy she’d last seen. His eyes were older, as if they’d seen things in the pit of Hell. A thin scar ran from his right eyebrow to his cheekbone and a light beard covered his jawline. She glanced down his body and saw scars everywhere, some thin, others thicker. She couldn’t imagine what terrible things had happened to him to cause them.

  He brought one hand up to caress her cheek.

  “You have every right to hate me, Jo. I can imagine what you thought when I left. What you still think.”

  Something snapped inside her. She wanted to scream, to rage, to pour out all the pain she’d stored up for four years. She beat at him with her fists.

  “Damn you, Sean. Where did you go? Why did you disappear? Do you know how hurt I was? How sick with betrayal?”

  Sorrow clouded his eyes.

  “I know. At least, I can imagine.”

  “And your stupid boss wouldn’t tell me anything. He said you’d been transferred to another office and if you wanted to get in touch with me you would.”

  She pounded on his chest again.

  “Damn you to hell.”

  “You got your wish. That’s exactly where I was.” He shifted his gaze away from her.

  Her heartbeat stuttered at the look in his eyes.

  “I don’t understand. What do you mean?”

  “Let me fix that tea for you. Then I’ll tell you my story.”

  He handed her the mug with the hot liquid, wrapped a quilt around her, and sat in a large chair with her on his lap. He kept touching her. Her hair. Her cheek. The line of her neck. And his raspy, gravelly voice told her what he really did for a living and what had happened to him.

  By the time he was finished nausea bubbled in her belly while her throat tightened and her heart ached for what he’d endured. She burrowed against him— chilled despite the hot tea and quilt. The horrors he described, the years of torture, were almost too much for her to hear.

  “But after they found you and rescued you, why didn’t you call me?”

  “Jo, I didn’t want you to see me the way I was. I could barely stand up on two feet. I had wounds that had become infected. I was dehydrated.”

  He closed his eyes.

  “For a while the docs weren’t even sure I’d make it.”

  She leaned against him, her head on his shoulder.

  “You don’t know how glad I am you did.”

  “And you don’t know how scared I was when I contacted Kira. She hung up on me when I called. I went to see her and literally forced her to talk to me. I wanted to do this on your birthday, for obvious reasons.”

  “She must have believed you, if she went to all the trouble of helping you arrange tonight.”

  He grinned at her.

  “So, did I make up for all the lost celebrations? Was this a good birthday present?”

  “The best.”

  She snuggled into him.

  “You know, I kept thinking to myself that Kira and Jason must have really prepped the Dom because he knew all the things I liked.”

  “I might have something else for you if you’re my good girl.”


  She paused.

  “So what happens now? Do you go back to work for the same agency?”

  “Hell, no,” he snorted.

  “I don’t think I’ve got nine lives like a cat. I’m not taking those kind of chances again.”

  “Then what will you do?”

  He slightly shifted.

  “Remember my friend Will Pearson?”

  “The attorney?”

  “Uh huh. He’s convinced me to dust off my law degree and start practicing law for real.”

  “Oh, Sean.”

  She leaned down to set the mug on the floor, leaving her free to tightly hug him against her.

  He brushed his mouth over hers.

  “Does that yes you gave me four years ago still hold? Still want to marry me?”

  “Just try to get away from me,” she teased.

  “In that case, I have another birthday present for you.”

  He stood her on her feet and went to the table against the wall, picking up a flat jeweler’s box. She winced as she saw his back, crisscrossed with scars. God only knew the pain he’d suffered.

  Then she forgot as he carried the box over to her. When he flipped open the cover she gasped at the sight of the necklace lying there. Thin links of gold were connected by tiny emeralds set in gold rings. At the center, where it would lay against her throat, was a larger emerald. A teardrop. A collar. The symbol of ownership.

  Tears filled her eyes. The ring he’d given her the first time he asked her to marry him had been an emerald. But the collar was so much more, an indication to the D/s community that she was permanently his forever.

  Sean lifted the trinket out of the box and motioned for her to turn around. The collar lay smooth and snug against her skin. His fingers trembled as he fastened the clasp. He kissed her neck and shoulders before turning her to face him.

  “Thinking about you was the only thing that kept me sane,” he told her. “The only thing that helped me bear the pain. You lived in all my dreams, Jo.”

  “But now I can live in your days as well as your nights.”

  “Always,” he told her.

  His mouth took hers in a scorching kiss, his tongue a flame heating her mouth. She sank into the kiss, wrapping her arms around him, knowing that she’d hang onto him for dear life.



  About the Author

  Desiree Holt’s writing is flavored with the rich experiences of her life, including a long stretch in the music business representing every kind of artist from country singer to heavy metal rock bands. For several years she also ran her own public relations agency handling any client that interested her, many of whom
might recognize themselves in the pages of her stories. She is twice a finalist for an EPIC E-Book Award, a nominee for a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award, winner of the first 5 Heart Sweetheart of the Year Award at The Romance Studio as well as twice a CAPA Award for best BDSM book of the year, winner of the Holt Medallion, multiple winner of the Whipped Cream Book of the Week Award and is published by five different houses. Romance Junkies said of her work: “Desiree Holt is the most amazing erotica author of our time and each story is more fulfilling then the last.”

  You can find her at



  www.facebook.com/desiree holt

  Twitter @desireeholt.com

  Secret Cravings Publishing





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