Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2)

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Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2) Page 11

by Siera London

  Gideon’s familiar scent surrounded her before she felt a steely, arm close around her, waist, “Hey, what is going on with Ava?” Gideon said close to her ear. The warmth of his breath heated more than her cheek.

  “Look to your right, the black guy in the navy suit near the rear exit is the guy that hurt Ava in college. His name is Marcus Grant.”

  “I thought you and Ava attended different colleges?”

  “We did. She’s a FAMU graduate, but I saw pictures.”

  “You never met him, but you recognize him based on a photo from six years ago?”

  “I rarely forget a face. It’s one of my many talents.”

  “Who the heck invited him?”

  “My first guess, Ava’s future mother-in-law,” Lina offered a saccharine smile.

  “Oh damnation.”

  “Yep, that about sums it up.”

  Lina observed as Robert Lee Masters, sliced through the crowd like the neurosurgeon he was, eyes searching frantically through the crowd.

  “When Lina heard a roar from the direction of the stage, she turned in time to see Logan leap from the stage, barreling his way through the crowd.” From there, mass scale chaos ruptured.

  Masters men were on a rampage throughout the ball room. Of course most of the guests had no idea why Logan’s fiancée was mute all of a sudden, or why Logan swept guests out of his path like bowling pins to reach the back of the ballroom. God, this had to be miserable for Ava. She and Logan deserved happiness, but it was proving to be elusive.

  If she met Mr. Right and he stayed around long enough, Lina would forego all this hoopla. Get that man to the altar, and straight to a coat closet to consummate that sucker before something went wrong.

  Gideon could see Ava’s lips quiver as the room erupted in full on chaos. Looking at any woman on the verge of tears churned his gut. He needed to help the guys with keeping Logan calm. So, he left Lina with the icy, pint-sized Navy nurse corps officer. Janna Williamson’s five foot frame draped in a robin’s egg blue pant suit with springy curls flowing down her back was a stark contrast to her brusque personality. With her squared shoulders and parade rest stance, she reminded him of a female Marine. Taking in the melee, Gideon was pissed at the damage done to Ava and Logan’s special day. Of course, having the groom-to-be attack one of the guests changed the tone of the party. Guests were exiting the ballroom with the efficiency of a fire Marshall Directive. Gideon breathed a sigh of relief when Lina, Janna, Rebecca Lynn and all the women of the Walter’s family rallied around Ava. The mild mannered, always poised pediatric nurse was escorted off the stage before more chaos ensued.

  Marcus Grant looked stunned when Logan tore through the crowd en route to him, but the man was ready when Logan aimed a fist at his face. Marcus was skilled and ready for the punch, but he’d underestimated Logan’s intensity. Logan pushed every ounce of his weight into his punches. Marcus should count his blessings if all his teeth remained in his mouth. Seriously, if Logan’s mom had orchestrated that cluster fubar she was one vicious socialite.

  “Where’s Ava?” Logan’s wild gaze searched the shattering crowd. Gideon took in the blood spatters on Logan’s white dress shirt, the skin covering his knuckles was crimson red and bruised.

  “Logan,” Gideon started cautiously. Logan didn’t look at him.

  “Not now Gideon, I need to be with Ava, now that the asshole is out of here. And my mother is on her way home.”

  “It’s a bad idea to approach Ava spattered with blood.” Ava looked ready to crack when her friends ushered her to the ladies’ lounge. Menace rolled off Logan with the intensity of a magnetic pulse. His strength seemed unnatural as he drove through the crowd toward Ava’s abuser. Darwin had pulled Logan off the bleeding man with the help of Graham.

  “Not to get into your family business, but does your mother have any underlying mental health concerns?” Gideon knew he was in uncharted waters. He and Logan limited their conversations to work and golf.

  “She starts her day with a drink.” Ah. An alcoholic. That answered one of his questions, but not the most important.

  “Why is Ava a target for her anger?” Gideon knew Maribelle’s threats contributed to Ava running away from Logan at first. She’d joined the Navy Nurse corps to protect Logan and escape Shell Cove. Gideon watched as the other man ran tracks through his hair with his fingers. By his tight expression, Gideon knew whatever Logan was about to say would be a doozy.

  “This is all new information to me, but, my grandfather had a mistress.” Gideon shrugged his shoulders. Unclear how this information related to what happened.

  “His mistress resembled Ava.” Oh, damnation. Gideon raked his fingers through his hair.

  “Wow. I don’t how to respond,” Gideon said.

  “That makes two of us.” Logan’s face went blank. Gideon could feel Logan’s sorrow. “My grandfather was involved with her for decades, until she died. Their relationship was public knowledge and a source of ridicule for my mother throughout her childhood.”

  Interesting. An experience from childhood had driven the woman to attack her son’s fiancée. As a friend, he accepted the information as presented to him, but as a seasoned psychiatrist he knew there had to be something more recent to trigger her behavior.

  “The man has been dead for over ten years. Any advice, counselor?” Logan looked at him expectantly.

  Logan’s mother hadn’t forgiven her father.

  “None that would help you today. I’d be happy to arrange an initial consultation for your mother with one of my colleagues,” he offered. Logan snorted in response.

  “You’ve met my mother. I would like a team of wild horses to drag her into a psych clinic.” Or maybe one determined Marine.

  “Before this question and answer session evolves into a one hour visit, I need to see Ava.”

  “I agree, but look at yourself.” Gideon pointed at the blood spatters marring Logan’s sand colored suit jacket. Logan quickly glanced down.

  “I need a change of clothes.”

  Clamping a hand of support on the distressed male’s shoulder, Gideon said, “Come on, I have an extra shirt in my car. I’ll go grab it while you clean up.”

  Logan didn’t move. Gideon met the other man’s gaze, silently questioning his delay.

  “I’m pissed, but I know you’re using your de-escalation techniques on me.”

  “You’ll thank me and my de-escalation methodology when you see yourself in the mirror.”

  “Since you’re offering advice, here’s some for you. I saw you with Lina tonight and I’ve forgotten that kissing stunt you pulled at the country club.” Gideon didn’t like Logan’s tone. Like he was warning him away from Lina.

  “Tonight isn’t about me and Lina.” Gideon knew his voice was stern, too directive for the moment, but he wouldn’t discuss what was happening between him and Lina with anyone.

  “I know it’s my and Ava’s night, but keep walking if your plan is to toy with Lina.”

  “You ready to get your ass kicked? That’s about to happen if you’re thinking you can warn me away from Lina.” They were at a standoff, both of them staring each other down.

  Logan laughed then.

  “Glad we understand one another.”

  “Yeah, we do.”

  “You know that country accent of yours shows itself when your pissed.”

  “Get out of here. I’ll bring the shirt.” Before Gideon could turn away, Logan extended his hand.

  “Thanks, Gideon.”

  “No problem. That’s what friends do.”

  “You’re serious about Lina.” It was an observation more than anything. Gideon nodded his head in agreement.

  “Protect her better than I’ve done with Ava.” Lina needed protection, but not from clawed and winged socialites. The tightening in his gut when he replayed the scene in her bedroom said danger was close. He would keep her safe at any cost.

  The ladies’ dressing room resembled a scene from the Rocky Ho
rror Picture show. Ava’s grandmother, affectionately called Granny Lou by grand and non-grand children alike, had a vise-like grip on Mrs. Walters shoulder, while Lina’s mom, Bernadean had a similar grip on both the woman’s hands. Nostrils flaring and lips thinned, Ariss Walters, Ava’s mother, looked ready to rock’em and sock’em like a vintage Batman television episode. For Maribelle’s sake, Lina hoped the woman had pulled an Elvis and left the building.

  Meanwhile Ava sobbed in Lina’s arms. Lina took in the smudged eyes, the waterproof mascara that hadn’t lived up to its namesake, the puffy red eyes. It broke Lina’s heart to see Ava hurting. Maribelle had wrecked her son’s engagement celebration, with God and The Reserves country club members as her witness. How could one woman justify being so horrible? Lina couldn’t imagine being that deliberately cruel to another human being. What pleasure was there in Ava’s tear stained face and Logan’s bloody knuckles?

  “Marcus is gone. Don’t cry anymore,” Lina cooed as she hugged her friend.

  “I’m not crying over seeing Marcus. He doesn’t scare me anymore.” Ava’s statement brought a smile to Lina’s face. Before Logan came into Ava’s life she was terrified to question or confront a man. Sharing the same space with the male species made her uncomfortable. Lina on the other hand adored male companionship. Too much for her own well-being. If she was remotely attracted to a man, her body suited up like Ironman with a target in sight. She didn’t want Gideon to get away. But get away from her, all men had.

  “Then why are you still crying?”

  “Because engagements and love shouldn’t be this hostile. Logan’s mother hates me. I’m marrying into a family where I’ll never be accepted.”

  “All these tears and the wedding is still a go?”

  “Lina, what do tears have to do with my marrying Logan?” Janna who had been a silent observer, chimed in.

  “Cover your ears, Monique.” Everyone looked at Monique Faulkner. Monique had been a patient of Ava’s when she was on staff at SCMC.

  “I’m seventeen, you can say bad words in front of me.” Monique pouted reinforcing why it was in everyone’s best interest if she left the room.

  Lina stepped in before any one caved to the saccharine smile plastered on the girl’s heart shaped face “Time for you to wait in the lounge.”

  “No Lina, why?”

  “Because you believe there are bad words. Everyone else in the room knows there are situations where those bad words,” Lina motioned air quotes with two fingers on each hand, “are warranted.” Peeping through lowered lashes, Monique scanned the room searching for an ally. With none forthcoming, she turned in a huff and exited the soft spring loaded door.

  “Ava, the whole engagement and Masters family drama has you stressed out. I say ride that man like Seabiscuit, then cut your losses if this family thing doesn’t work out.”

  “Language, Lieutenant,” Lina chided.

  “No offense Granny Lou, Deanie and Mrs. Walters,” Janna said. Lina’s mom beamed at the use of her nickname. Unphased by the Logan Seabiscuit comment. Lina recalled the first time she heard her father refer to Bernadean James as Deanie.

  Lina had been about eight years old. Her mother had been flipping mouse eared pancakes on the griddle. Her father had walked up behind his wife, encircled her in his arms, planted a loud, smack of a kiss on her right cheek and said, I love you, Deanie James. Lina had looked on from the round oak table grinning as her mother had returned an equally affectionate kiss on her father’s lips. The kids in the neighborhood still called her Mrs. Deanie. All these years later, that memory still brought a smile to Lina’s face. That was the kind of love Lina wanted for herself.

  “None taken, lil Miss Janna, but keep your equine metaphors to yourself. Our Ava is getting married and giving me some great grand babies. Your mother and I are going to have a show down with Maribelle Masters, as soon as I go get my blessing oil,” Ava’s Granny Lou said.

  “She’s not going to let you near her, Granny Lou.” Ava replied, honestly. To Lina’s knowledge, Maribelle had made no effort to get to know the Walters family.

  “Well, I could accidentally drop the bottle on her head. Prayer works, children, even when you’re unconscious.” Granny Lou nodded her head to no one in particular.

  “Okay, before we consider senior-on-senior violence, let’s freshen up and get on with announcing an upcoming wedding.” Lina was the temporary maid of honor in Shaylah’s absence. No way, would she allow Ava’s engagement to go do in flames.

  “But, everyone is gone.” Ava words sounded as sad as she looked.

  “I see enough people, Ava.” Lina stated.

  “Come on Rebecca Lynn and Janna, let’s go tell the guys.”

  “Did Dick leave? I don’t want to go out there, until I’m sure he’s gone.”

  “I haven’t seen your date since the melee started.”

  “Good.” Rebecca released a sigh of relief. “Hopefully, he left with the rest of the guests.”

  “Okay, Ms. Thang, spill the milk. Why are you here with a man named, Dick As-cot, knowing Darwin is crazy about you?” Lina asked the question they all wanted answered. Six pairs of eyes turned in Rebecca Lynn’s direction.

  “My father really likes Dick,” Rebecca said with a sigh. Coughs, giggles, and all out laughter filled the room.

  “You need to rethink ever saying that sentence again and I strongly suggest you call him, Richard.” Lina said.

  “Lina Diane James, enough with the sharp tongue.” Her mother rebuffed.

  “Oh my goodness, I just caught the meaning!” Rebecca’s cheeks flamed red. She covered her mouth with her hand. They all laughed at Dick’s expense.

  “What about Darwin?” Ava’s soft tone blanketed the room.

  “What Darwin and I have is more complicated.”

  “Relationships always are,” Ariss Walters commented.

  “What Darwin and I have is more carnal than your traditional relationship.”

  “My motto, is hit it and quit it,” Janna stated matter of factly.

  “Sugar that’s not a motto, it’s a defense mechanism,” Bernadean offered. “At my age, carnal interest and love are crystal clear. Even my eighteen-year old self recognized her soul mate in Lincoln James.” Lina stilled at her father’s name. It was rare that her mother even mentioned him in conversation. Lina remembered when her father stopped coming home, she remembered hearing her mother’s sobs through closed doors.

  A knock at the door brought the conversation to a halt.

  “Sweetness, you ready to go?” She’d recognize her country boy in a saloon full of rowdy cowboys. Lina responded to his call without a second thought.

  “Give me fifteen minutes.” Lina looked up to find six pairs of eyes trained on her.

  “When did you become sweetness to Gideon Rice?” Ava questioned.

  “He’s helping me sort out some personal stuff.” Lina would not make Ava’s day worse by mentioning she had a stalker.

  “What kind of stuff is going on with you that requires Gideon to be at your side frequently enough that your name is now synonymous with powdered sugar?” Janna asked in a low tone, her eyes serious.

  Leave it to Janna to ask the pivotal question. Lina looked to her mother for guidance. The sadness in her mother’s eyes was beyond disturbing. It made her heart ache. She could tell her friends about the break-in or she could do her part to save the day. Ava’s day.

  “It’s nice to have a man’s assistance with some things.” Lina said, with a coy smile.

  “Lina Independent Woman James is allowing a man to help her. You never let us help you, but by some miracle, Gideon gets the honor.” Ava gave her an incredulous look. “Who are you? And what have you done with my best friend?”

  Ava’s statement was an uncomfortable truth. A fist tightened around Lina’s heart and she swallowed the lump that formed in her throat. She needed to stay in control of her emotions and refocus on what they were dealing with at this moment. Ava and Logan. Sh
e glanced around the room to find all eyes on her. She schooled her features in a mask of composure.

  “I don’t ask for help, because I can take care of myself,” Lina stated. “Besides, I didn’t ask Gideon for anything. He won’t take no for an answer.” She prayed a lightning bolt did not strike her down, because the truth was she had grown accustomed to him being there for her.

  “Nice save, Lina, but you better get going. Gideon is probably missing his sweetness by now,” came Janna’s voice. The room erupted in laughter, Lina felt anything, but joyful. She’d begun to depend on Gideon. What would she do if he decided to walk away?

  Chapter 11

  She still wasn’t dating Gideon. The connection they shared was beyond dating. It was a deeper connection, more intense, all-consuming. The clinic day ended for the rest of the staff two hours ago. Her SCMC process improvement meeting took her away from the clinic for the better part of the afternoon. She managed to restructure the clinic appointment templates to expand availability during the morning hours. Freeing up an hour in the afternoon for each provider left time in their schedules to document patient encounters, make in-patient rounds on their recent admissions and leave the hospital at five o’clock each evening. She however, hadn’t faired as well in the deal.

  Lina wanted to get home, soak in a verbena scented whirlpool bath, and eat whatever Gideon or Estrella prepared for dinner. She couldn’t remember a time in her life when she felt more cared for.

  Gideon’s door opened and the man she saw walking away from a neutral faced Gideon nearly brought her to her knees.

  She must have made a sound of distress, because both men looked down at her. Now she saw an equal measure of shock register in wide stretched chestnut colored eyes. He was the first to speak.

  “Lina?” God, the tears started flowing unbridled down her face. He shouldn’t be here. This couldn’t be happening. But he was real, because she felt his arms curl around her back, pulling her into his comforting embrace.


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