Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2)

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Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2) Page 24

by Siera London

  “Where are you taking me?” She said a silent prayer that someone would step onto the deck and help her.

  “You will stay with me, Princess, but Janna is too old for one of my houses. She’ll take a late night swim before we sail for the coast of South America.”

  “You’re going to kill her.”

  “I would never kill your friend, Princess. That would be a poor start to our relationship.” Lina released a sigh of relief. “The sharks will kill her.” Lina’s heart stopped. “As we speak, chum is being released into the water.” He smiled at her then. “We can’t have pesky body parts floating up on the beach? This way, there’s plenty of hungry fishes at the table.”

  “Estrella is right. You are a monster.”

  Sky jerked her up suddenly bringing her face close enough to inhale his sickly sweet scent. He pulled on her hard enough to have her yelp in pain. Moon looked menacing, but Sky’s eyes held pure evil. She recognized the sweet stench of Galaxy users. The guy was addicted to his own product.

  “After a few hits of my Galaxy in your system, I’ll be your God,” he snarled. “Take her away.” Who would have guessed Moon was a safer choice than this lunatic?

  Moon grabbed the rope securing her wrist and led Lina to the open door. That’s when she noticed a card control pad mounted where a key lock should be. Moon led her through the door, then turned to close the door behind her. He pulled a digital key card over a control box concealed by a panel and she heard a lock engage. She wouldn’t be able to exit the lower cabin without a key card. She watched Moon with a wary gaze as he slid the key into his left front pocket and smiled at her. Moon pushed her against the wall, molding his bulky frame into her front.

  “You made me proud, my Lina. You are a quick study.” He grabbed her hair, pulling her closer to him.

  “Get off of me,” she bellowed. Her bound hands were between them and she pushed at his chest. The man was solid as a boulder.

  “Shh, my Lina.” His Lina? Oh my God, no. “I will never let him hurt you. You belong to me.”

  “You’re crazy,” Lina twisted and pushed at him. “I don’t belong to you.” His face darkened and menace filled his eyes.

  “Don’t ever call me crazy.” He gripped her arms hard and she groaned in pain. “I saw you,” he spat. He squeezed her arms, till his nails dug into her flesh. She bit her lip, refusing to cry out and give him pleasure from her pain. Lust shone in his eyes as he studied her.

  “I watched him climb in the bathtub with you. You would’ve screwed him if I hadn’t come that night.” His lips parted, teeth bared in rage, for a moment he looked like he would tear her throat out. Instead, Moon leaned in close, covering her mouth with his, he forced his tongue deep into her mouth. His tongue was thick and heavy in her mouth. He tasted of beer and stale spices and she had to battle her gag reflex as he probed her mouth.

  At the feel of his erection pressing into her groin, a wave of terror crashed into every cell in her body. She was going to be sick. Her knees buckled, and he tightened his hold on her. Unable to bear the pain she tore her mouth away from his bruising onslaught.

  “Ouch, you’re hurting me.”

  He stared at her as if her words confused him, but his hands loosened their grip on her arms. The instinct to survive kicked in. She needed a new approach. Her heart dropped to her feet, but she schooled her features into one of submission. “I’m sorry I upset you, Moon. I didn’t want his attention. He came after me.” Gideon please forgive me for this.

  “Apology accepted, my Lina.” Smiling he released his grip on her arm. Groaning she rolled her right shoulder as blood rushed into her abused flesh and the pain dissipated.

  He moved in closer stroking her hair, then his hand tunneled into the hairs at her nape and his hold tightened. It took every ounce of psychiatric training she’d ever received to remain still. “I have a place set up for you and me. The bedroom is decorated in purple, just the way you like it, except I added white roses, so you will think of me.” She’d maintained eye contact until he mentioned the roses. Not wanting to lose the connection, she forced her rapid beating heart to slow down.

  “I thought Sky…all the roses were a gift from you?” His face lit with pleasure.

  “Yes, I knew you liked them because you are a romantic, like me. I remember the look on your face when I sent them to your mother.” The breath froze in her chest.

  “What did you say?”

  “I was just a boy back then, but I knew your father.” A piercing scream filled her head. No, she didn’t want to hear anymore.

  “I am so sorry you had to lose him my Lina, but Sky doesn’t tolerate betrayal.”

  “What did you do to him?”

  “I spared him the torture Sky had planned. Lincoln was always kind to me. I returned that kindness.” Calm filled his words as fire filled her belly. He would pay, they all would.

  “Your kindness was to murder him,” she railed at him.

  “Lina, please don’t yell. We are getting to know one another. With time, you will learn that if you do what I ask, I am both generous and merciful. Even now, I am reconsidering the severity of your punishment.” Punishment? What was he talking about? He released her hair, and beefy arms surrounded her.

  “Please, don’t.” She hated the tremors in her voice, hated that this man had taken her father away. Hated that her mother was right to shield her from this ugliness.

  “You’re shivering, my Lina.” A single tear slid down her face and a sob broke when Moon wiped it away.

  “You are grieving for your loss. We share this moment together, my Lina.” She would rather die. Gideon, please come for me. You promised.

  Chapter 24

  Sky entered the cabin and stood over Lina. Refusing to cower in his presence she straightened her spine. She looked up at him. She would not fail, this was the moment of culmination when all she’d learned about taking care of herself would be needed to save her life. Because no one would keep her from Gideon. She loved him and she would see him again.

  “The look in your eyes says you’re ready for me.” He reached into his pocket and withdrew a syringe filled with clear liquid. With her eyes, Lina tracked the syringe, until Sky placed it on the bedside table next to his key card.

  Trying not to panic, at the thought of Sky touching her, Lina spouted the first thing that came to mind. “Let me clean your wound, so you don’t get blood all over me.”

  He stared at her in confusion.

  She pointed to his bloody shirt and tried again, “Give me your first aid kit and I’ll patch your wound. You’ve lost a lot of blood.”

  “This is a scratch, but I like the thought of your hands on me.” She ground her teeth together, forcing a smile to her lips.

  “I’m a big woman. You are going to need every ounce of blood you’ve got to handle me.” Lust filled his eyes. Biting her lip, she maintained eye contact knowing he would view it as a challenge.

  “A willing partner,” he crooned. “I like the thought of our first time without drugs.” He left the room and entered a capsule shaped door at the rear of the cabin.

  Alone for a minute, she shored up her courage. It was now or never for her escape.

  “Here you are, Princess.” Instead of giving Lina the full kit, Sky had retrieved antiseptic spray, topical antibiotic cream, gauze and tape. The man was no fool, because given the opportunity she’d have knocked his brains out his ear canal with the first aid box. Improvising, she extended her bound hands up to him.

  “Untie my hands, please.”

  “Not a good idea, for either of us. No need to tempt you with thoughts of escape.”

  “Escape? I thought you said you were a professional. If a psychiatric nurse can penetrate your defenses you might be batting for the minor leagues.” A muscle ticked in his jaw and she wondered if she might have pushed him too far.

  She had never been so happy to be a plus sized woman in her life. Neither Moon nor Sky had noticed the lumpy appearance to he
r waist.

  Sky studied her with narrowed eyes. Lina smiled, extending her bound hands up to him from her seated position as if he were a deity. The arrogant smile that covered his sadistic face brought bile to the back of her throat.

  “Try anything Princess and I will enjoy crushing each one of your fingers.”

  “I won’t try anything.” The time for trying had passed. She would do everything to escape.

  Sky reached behind his back and returned with a switchblade. Lina jumped at the release of the blade. She never took her eyes off Sky as the rope fell away from her skin. Her wrists ached. Visible bruises and rope burns covered her abused wrists.

  “Clean me up, then remove your shirt.” Her heart slammed into her ribs.

  “Lie down on the bed, please.” He made quick work of removing his shirt. Lina sucked in a breath. An angry red circular entry wound oozed blood from his right flank. The wound edges were jagged and swollen. Dried blood covered him from below his ribs to saturate the waistband of his trousers. She dropped to her knees, gathering the supplies in front of her on the bed.

  “You’re a bullet wound virgin,” he teased. “You’ll get used to them. Who knows, maybe you’ll get one of your own.” She refused to look at him, knowing the fear racing through her insides showed on her face. With trembling hands she cleansed and bandaged his wound.

  “You have a gentle touch, Princess. No wonder Troy, couldn’t let you go.” Lina squeezed her eyes shut. Gratitude wasn’t a reason to pretend what they shared all those years ago still existed. Storm gray eyes flashed in her mind. I love you, Gideon.

  “Thank you.” She stood only to have Sky come to a seated position.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” She pointed to the waste bin under the built-in desk unit.

  “To throw the bloody gauze in the trash.”

  She took her time crossing the room, praying for added strength. This would be her last opportunity. The vibrations from the yacht’s engines had roared to life during the wound cleanup. Gideon would be lost to her if she didn’t get off this thing. Was Janna fighting for her life, while she cleansed the blood from a killer’s skin?

  “Remove your clothes, Princess.”

  She froze.

  “You said my top.” Her voice came out shaky.

  “I changed my mind. Come and reward your patient.” She hated what she was about to do.

  He sat on the edge of the bed, with his legs spread wide. Lina stood in front of him, just out of reach. She turned her back to him.

  “Turn around. I want to see you.”

  “I’m a southerner. We like to leave something to the imagination.” Grabbing the hem of her shirt, Lina pulled the material over her head. Letting instinct reign, Lina curled her right hand around BEYAS, then pulled it free from its hiding place. She twisted her body in Sky’s direction with a raised arm. He was still smiling when the first crack sounded against his skull. She delivered blow after blow until his body fell limp at her feet.

  Quickly, she shoved her hand through BEYAS’s blood soaked lariat, securing it around her wrist. Grabbing the syringe and the key card, she stepped over an unconscious Sky.

  Lina opened the two doors in the lower cabin, calling out to Janna. God please, let me find her.

  Hitting the deck at a dead run, Lina was frantic to find the other woman.

  “Janna!” Please answer me. A Crosshill bird call sounded from the corridor in front of her. Gideon had come for her. Hope filled her lungs, then an ear piercing scream filled the night with the intensity of a summer lightning storm. Oh God, that was Janna.

  Gideon bolted across the deck in the direction of Lina’s voice. The need to protect her burned a hole in his gut.

  “Lina!” he called.

  “Gideon I’m here.” Hearing Lina’s sultry tone, he could breathe again for the first time since this ordeal started.

  “Somebody help me.” Desperation filled each syllable in the lithe voice Gideon recognized Janna’s. He picked up speed in the direction of Janna’s cry. Close to the railing, Gideon spotted Janna kicking and punching a man twice her size. Gideon charged toward the pair.

  Once he was in striking distance, Gideon delivered a staggering kick to the back of the man’s knee.

  He buckled, before collapsing to the deck, bellowing in agony.

  “Janna, get away from the railing.” Janna looked up at him, and began to run toward the yacht’s center.

  Janna yelled something, but he was having a hard time hearing her. The wind intensity increased. He strained to catch a fraction of what she said.

  “Chum lake around the boat,” she screamed. “Sharks circling.” These guys were twisted.

  In one swift move, Gideon’s legs were kicked out from under him. The impact of hitting the deck rattled his teeth in their socket. Blood coated his mouth where he bit his tongue. An unexpected blow to the side of the head had him rolling right, away from the next punch.

  “That was for touching my Lina.” What the hell? Gideon shook off the after affects of the head blow.

  “You’ll never have her,” Gideon stated bluntly. Rage covered Moon’s face before his roar filled the air.

  “I’m going to enjoy killing you. Lina will forget all about you after one night with me.”

  “No one touches my wife.” Lina was his. And he’d fight to keep her until his last breath. Gideon rolled to his side, coming to his feet. Moon was bulky, but Gideon had reach. Standing in a wide based stance, Gideon threw a punch at Moon’s face. He drove his fist down, angling for the thin flat bone between the eye and the nose. Gideon felt the bone shatter under the skin. Howling in pain, Moon staggered backward. Gideon saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He braced himself for impact. Lina materialized and jumped into his arms. She showered kisses on his face.

  “You came for me.” Lina threw herself at Gideon.

  “You’re mine. I’ll always come for you.”

  “I love you, Gideon.”

  “Love you more, sweetness.” He panted.

  “Hey. Seabiscuit and female jockey, let’s get off this boat,” Janna yelled.

  “Princess,” came a male voice in a singsong tone. “I’m going to kill you.” Lina stiffened in his arms.

  “Oh, God, it’s Sky. We have to move now.” Lina tugged on him.

  Gideon stared in horror at a bloody Bluton Faraday, he held a Sig Sauer trained on Lina’s back. Bluton was the head of an organized crime ring?

  Gideon pulled Lina close, turning them, so his back was to Sky. He heard the round, spring load into the chamber, before the trigger pull.

  The heated metal tore through the flesh of his left upper arm, the force of impact knocked the wind out of his lungs.

  “Gideon.” A hailstorm of bullets started to rain down in their direction. The shots were coming closer. Janna low crawled toward them. Janna screamed, pleading with Lina to run. Gideon yelled for Janna to stay back. He shielded Lina’s body with his own. Images of Sergeant Julianna Torres, her chest covered in blood as she died in his arms, bombarded his mind. He squeezed his eyes tight as the memories assaulted him one after the other. They were behind the fence in Afghanistan, on Marine Corps soil, she shouldn’t have needed her Kevlar vest. He’d been close, but not close enough to save her. He would save Lina. Her broken body wouldn’t go lifeless in his arms. Tremors racked Lina’s body. A river of tears covered his chest. He pressed her tighter to his chest. She was in shock.

  “No, Sky!” Moon bellowed. Gideon angled his head in time to see Moon running at break neck speed across the deck, straight for Sky’s position. So focused was he on Lina, that Sky didn’t notice the other man closing in on his position. Maybe, Moon was the distraction he needed to save Lina. He was losing blood fast. Lina was too terrified to move, but they were seconds away from certain death. Gauging the distance to the life preserver storage box, Gideon pivoted them. The searing pain of hot metal sizzled at the back of his right thigh. He grunted as his leg gave way. A small
whimper escaped Lina. Agony registered through his entire body. He would die, but Lina would live.

  “I love you more than life,” he gasped out. “Trust me.” Lina’s spine went rigid. He felt her arms squeeze tight around his waist before he threw them overboard. The whoosh of helicopter blades and Lina’s screams were the last sounds he heard before the water swallowed them.

  Oily, foul tasting water spilled over Gideon like a faucet on full blast. The impact of hitting the water felt like a steel pole driving the hot metal deeper into his flesh. He felt the push of water displacement like a building had been tossed in the water. Murkiness surrounded them, but Lina’s arms were sure at his waist. Gideon was disoriented and struggled to maintain consciousness. A spotlight above the water shone bright as a beacon. Gideon kicked with as much force as he could muster for the surface. Suddenly, Gideon felt Lina’s hold on his waist slip away.

  The water roiled around him as the helicopter blades disturbed the surface water. Gideon felt his strength waning. He breached the surface. Spinning he searched for Lina. Where was she? Taking in a large gulp of air he dove under the water. At the sight of Lina struggling to free her ankle from Moon’s grip, he damn near inhaled.

  Arms flailing, Lina fought the water, each stroke pulling her deeper under the water.

  With one arm useless at his side, he propelled his body through the water, desperate to reach her before all was lost. He wanted to rail at her, scream for her to calm down and use the water for buoyancy. The glint of metal in Moon’s hand had Gideon increasing his stroke length. The blade made contact, and blood swirled in the water surrounding Lina’s legs.

  Lina seemed to surrender, her body drifted closer to Moon. The other man’s arms closed around her, like a lover’s embrace.


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