When Clubs Collide

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by Jacqueline Sinclair

  When Clubs Collide

  An MC Crossover Anthology

  Harley McRide and Carson Mackenzie

  Geri Glenn and Kathleen Kelly

  GM Scherbert and B.B. Blaque

  Erin M Trejo and AJ Downey

  Ariel Marie and Jacqueline M Sinclair

  Liberty Parker Author and Vera Quinn

  Kathryn Kelly and Emma James

  Shelly Morgan and Avelyn Paige

  With eight stories, bringing sixteen clubs together, you know there’s going to be some unstoppable action and sexy drama when these Clubs Collide.

  When Clubs Collide

  Copyright © 2017 Harley McRide, Carson Mackenzie, Geri Glenn, Kathleen Kelly, GM Scherbert, B.B. Blaque, Erin M Trejo, AJ Downey, Ariel Marie, Jacqueline M Sinclair, Liberty Parker Author, Vera Quinn, Kathryn Kelly, Emma James, Shelly Morgan, Avelyn Paige

  All rights resereved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, businesses, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Blood for Blood

  Bound by Moon

  Collision Course

  Friend or Foe

  Korrupted Angels

  Pain and Pleasure

  Past the Vapor

  The Enforcers' Revenge

  Blood for Blood

  Avelyn Paige


  Shelly Morgan

  Chapter One

  Kane – Devil’s Crew MC

  She’s gone.

  The girl I’ve known and loved my whole life, the girl I swore to protect is gone. My baby sister has been kidnapped and I have to get her back, but I may need some help.

  I’m a member of the Devil’s Crew MC. I’ve been a patched member for a few months now, and my president knows my loyalty runs deep. I’d lay my life down for my family and my club.

  I prospected with Ice Man, our new president. He was promoted to the position after our old president didn’t follow through on his end of a deal with a club we work for. We were friends before we both decided to join, so he knows how much my sister means to me. And though he’s never met her, she’s my family, which makes her his family too.

  “Prez, I need to talk to you,” I say in a rush, the anger coming out clear in my voice.

  He follows me into the chapel and closes the doors. “What’s goin’ on?”

  “My sister, Prez. She’s been taken.”

  Ice Man drops down into his seat and rubs his eyes. Without looking up at me, he asks in a hard voice, “You know who took her?”

  “No, but she was in California when she was taken. That should help us narrow it down.”

  My parents are never around, nor were they when we were growing up. So instead of spending time with my sister on her eighteenth birthday, they thought it would be a good idea to send her and some of her friends to California for a few weeks. I didn’t like that idea, but once my sister heard the plan, there was no talking her out of it. I even offered to go with her, but she wouldn’t allow it.

  Everything was going fine, though, until one of her friends called about an hour ago, telling me she’d been taken from the bar they were hanging out at.

  The cops aren’t doing anything, and my parents are preparing for a news broadcast where they’ll cry their fake tears and offer money for her safe return. That shit won’t get my sister back, so that’s where me and my club come in.

  “Call everyone in here. We’re meeting in ten,” Ice Man says. As he picks up his phone, I turn and walk out of the chapel, closing the doors behind me.

  I do his bidding, calling in all my brothers. I don’t tell them exactly what’s up, but they know by the tone of my voice that it’s life or death.

  I hate taking the time to talk this out. I’d rather be out there, looking for her, but I know this is the best way to go about doing things. My brothers are the only ones that can help me, and if I go rogue, it could mean losing her forever. Who knows how long it would take to figure out where she’s at on my own.

  The things that could be happening to my sister right now has me tasting bile. She could have been taken because of me or my club, or someone thinking she was an easy target. Or she could have been taken to be sold as a sex slave on the black market. Thinking about any of these possibilities makes me want to murder every one of those sick fucks and anyone who stands in my way. But, no matter who it was that took her and for whatever reason, they’re dead. I’ll take great pleasure in ending anyone’s life who touches her, from the moment she was taken to the moment I get her back. I’ll skin them alive and do it with a smile on my face, knowing they’re paying for taking my baby sister.

  Sooner than I thought possible, more brothers come storming into the clubhouse with the same murderous looks in their eyes as I have.

  That’s one of the things I love about being a member of this club; they don’t need to know the shit that’s going down. All they need to know is that when a brother is in trouble, they fall in line with him, ready to back him up at whatever cost. They don’t care who did it, just that someone wronged a brother or someone a brother cares about. That’s all it takes. I don’t think I’ve ever been as grateful as I am right now for that fact.

  When I know everyone is here, I lead the way into the chapel, just as Ice Man hangs up his phone.

  “Everyone’s here, Prez,” I tell him as I take my seat and wait for my brothers to follow suit.

  Once everyone is seated and all eyes are on Ice Man, he says, “We’ve got a problem. One of our own has been taken in California. I’ve made a few calls, and along with the information I’ve gotten from Kane, I’m pretty sure I know who took her—Rex.”

  I’ve heard about this Rex guy before and know he’s bad news. It doesn’t matter that most of the stories about him are from thousands of miles away. When a man is as evil as Rex, word travels far and wide. He’s built a reputation as a man who sells women to the highest fucking bidder, not caring who she is or what sick and brutal fate awaits her.

  “With that being said, I also know she won’t be there for long. Rex has holding warehouses all over the state where he keeps the girls before auction day, which he’ll hold soon, since he doesn’t want to be caught with the girls. We’ll need to move fast. Otherwise, she’ll be harder to find once she’s sold.”

  “Do we know where she’d most likely be held?” Our VP, Rack, asks.

  “From what I hear, he has a main holding warehouse in Upland, CA. If I had to guess, that’s where she’ll be. But, it’s only a guess,” Ice Man adds, looking at me so I understand. I do, and I’m willing to take the risk. It’s the only lead we have right now, so I’m going to roll with it.

  “I say we take some men and head out. One group can camp close enough that when we need them, they’re there, but far enough away not to draw attention. As for the other group, take a look around. We can say we’re just scoping the place out, that we’re thinking of branching out with a new chapter. Then, when we have more info, we can call for reinforcements and make our move. We’ll have to be careful. I know there are a few clubs in the area that won�
��t take too kindly to our presence.” This comes from Reefer, our Sergeant-at-Arms.

  “Agreed. Keep a low profile. We aren’t looking for a club war, but it may come down to that since we have no idea who’s on Rex’s payroll,” Ice Man says, making sure we all understand to use caution, and be ready for anything. “Sims and Cornroll, you’ll stay here with a few prospects to hold down the fort. The rest of us leave in thirty minutes. We’ll split up when we get closer.”

  Everyone nods their heads in agreement.

  Ice Man turns his attention to me. “Kane, tell us what your sister looks like. I want to call in all the favors we have and put feelers out. But, only to those we trust with our lives. We don’t need this getting out, that we’re looking for her. They’ll take her and run, then we’ll never find her.”

  Taking a deep breath, I try to tell them what she looks like, but my throat catches. Clearing it, I try again. “Her name is Mikayla. She’s eighteen, with dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes. She’s a swimmer, so she’s tan as fuck. She stands at about five foot four, and weighs around a hundred twenty pounds. She has a scar on her left eyebrow she got when she was two. It’s lighter than the rest of her skin, so it’ll be noticeable. She got a tattoo of a dream catcher on her birthday, which was two weeks ago. It’s located on her right shoulder blade. It’s huge, so it’ll be hard to miss,” I say. Taking out my phone, I pull up a few recent pics and pass it around.

  “There are a few pictures of her and the tattoo on there. Study them, memorize them. This is my baby sister, and she doesn’t deserve this. Hell, nobody does, so let’s get our shit together and find her, fast.” I stand up to walk out of the room. I can’t answer any more questions, not yet.

  A few minutes later, my brothers come walking out, each going off to gather the supplies they’ll need. Ice Man makes his way over to me and clasps my shoulder. “We’ll find her, brother. I promise you that. And when we do, we’ll rain hellfire over every motherfucker that had a hand in taking her.”

  Chapter Two

  Thor – Heaven’s Rejects MC

  “Hey, Thor,” the bartender calls out over the microphone firmly attached to my ear. “Phone call for you.”

  A grunt is all I return in reply. Whoever is on the line better have a good fucking reason for calling me at my job. Passing by my security guards, I give them a nod, letting them know I’m stepping away from my post. The women on the stage gyrate their nearly-naked bodies to the music, as pathetic men drool over them. Half these guys are married, and with the exclusiveness of the club, the rest are either politicians or rock stars. The lack of morals isn’t exactly a problem for me, as long as they behave themselves. But, when the drinks start flowing and the inhibitions begin to fade, that’s when I have to step in and defuse the situation. That’s the fun part of this job.

  Barbie, the bartender, flashes me one of her come-fuck-me smiles as she extends the receiver of the phone toward me.

  “Sounds important, honey,” she coos. “You take care of business on that phone, then I’ll let you handle some business for me.”

  “You know that’s not going to happen, doll face. I don’t fuck where I work,” I declare, while snatching the phone away from her.

  “Too bad,” she pouts. “I think my pussy would like clenching around your dick.” She smiles at me again before quickly returning her attention and flirtations back to the men gaping at her from the bar top. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a pretty bitch, but she’s the club bicycle for the guys on staff. I’d rather not stick my dick into the cesspool that is her pussy.

  “Thor,” I grunt into the phone.

  “Hey, man,” Hero, our VP, says. “Need you at the clubhouse in the next hour or so. Shit’s goin’ down.”

  “I’ll let Chester know I need to head out. We under lockdown?”

  “Not yet, but be prepared. There are coyotes in our henhouse,” he replies before hanging up.

  It doesn’t take a genius to know that we have unexpected, and unwanted company. While most would be pissed at the intrusion, I see it as an opportunity to have a little fun. The quietness of the past year has made things a little monotonous for me. I may not have been able to play a part during the last few club wars, but I’m sure as fuck ready to fight whatever is coming now.

  I sit the receiver on the bar top and head through the staff entrances and up the stairs, toward the main office. Stepping through the open door, I find Chester, watching the crowd from behind the two-way mirrors, with a lowball glass of scotch in his hand.

  “Club called,” I bark. “I need to head out. You got things covered?”

  Chester turns to face me. His face has weathered over the past few years I’ve worked at Daddy’s Dollhouse, but he’s still the same guy underneath the graying hair.

  “Depends,” he replies hoarsely. “You going to be off long?”

  “Not sure, but I’ll call in a few extra guys if it’ll be more than a couple days.”

  “Sounds good,” he says, and returns his focus to the dance floor. “Just let the guys on the floor know they need to watch your areas. I’ll have Barbie handle your scheduling until you get back.”

  “Thanks, Chester. I owe you one, man. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” I turn on my heels and exit his office. Even though he and the Heaven’s Rejects MC have an agreement for me being here as his head of security, I couldn’t ask for a better boss. Daddy’s Dollhouse is the premiere gentlemen’s club in LA, and he needed a guy with my particular set of skills to care for his high-profile clientele that fills the seats here every night.

  After making it back down to the main floor of the club, I give the other guys working security tonight their marching orders before I head out of the back, toward my bike. The chrome shimmers with the street lights in the employee parking lot. Most people would think I’m batshit crazy for leaving my bike parked outside of a downtown club, but I’m not most people. The club has enough security to make sure my bike stays parked right where I leave it.

  Sliding my leg over the cool metal, I flip on the ignition and let it idle while I strap on the helmet the local laws force me to wear. It’s a bitch to get it over my long hair, but I’d rather spare myself the ticket. Popping the kickstand, I head out of the parking lot and toward the club.

  About an hour later, with the easy traffic, I find myself seated in our meeting room. Raze’s grim expression tells me that shit’s about to go south. He takes his seat at the head of the table and the room quiets down around us.

  “I know it’s late, but this shit couldn’t wait until morning. One of our old pals is back in town.”

  “I thought all our enemies were dead or missing by now, Prez,” Voodoo declares, with a hint of a smile on his lips.

  “The majority of them are, but a ghost from my past has breached his agreement. When I took over this club, I made a deal with a local skin trader named Rex. He provided the means for our club to end my father’s debts, in exchange for free passage of his pussy through Upland.”

  “Free pussy, huh?” Tyson quips.

  “Trust me, man. You don’t want to touch this shit,” Raze replies. “I got word tonight that Rex somehow worked under our radar and setup a new shipment storage warehouse in the foothills.”

  “And that’s our problem how, Prez?” I ask. “Seems to me the local LEOs could take care of this for us.”

  “The warehouse is only the start of our problems, Thor. Red called me about an hour ago to report that there’s an unknown MC sniffing around his bar, asking questions about girls. He’s never seen this club before, so I can only assume they’re working with Rex.”

  “Ah, well. That is a problem. What’s the plan, Prez? Are we going to firebomb the place and torch the bodies later?” I retort. Sick as it sounds, it might be fun to throw a few punches and clean up some club business. My trigger finger has been far too itchy since the club’s peace declaration after the Mexican cartel deal, but I have a feeling I might be in the minority on that one.

  “Get me names and surveillance footage, and I can work my computer wizardry, Prez. I bet I can have their names, social security numbers, and their porn internet histories before sunup,” Voodoo happily declares, with a sick gleam in his eyes. The guy is good with computers, but he kind of freaks me out with how much he can find out about someone so quickly. I’d hate to see what the bastard has on me. Which reminds me, I need to delete my browser history again.

  “That’s exactly what I want you to do, Voodoo. We need intel before we make our move. If we can end this quietly, it’ll be better for us all.”

  “No shit,” Hero pipes up. “Lockdowns and my wife aren’t exactly on my to-do list. She’s pissy as it is, between the twins and being pregnant again. I kind of like my balls where they are.”

  I stifle a laugh. Between Hero and Raze, they’re both seemingly pussy-whipped. Granted, if I had a woman like Darcy or Dani, I doubt I’d mind that title myself, but I’m not exactly the settling down kind of guy. Not many women could handle my kind of life, and I sure as fuck don’t want to deal with one nagging about the club either. It’s just easier to have fuck and dump one-night stands.

  “I know I’m new to this chapter, but I’m ready for whatever you need me to do, Prez,” I say, hoping to be volunteered for something a bit more fun than deskwork.

  “Yeah,” Voodoo chimes in. “Send Thor over to see Rex. Just one look at this big motherfucker, they might just throw in the towel.”

  The club erupts into laughter. I’ve hated my road name since the day my original chapter burdened me with it. I was happy going with Maddox, but one party, with a few of the club girls, and my old president’s old lady branded me Thor. Had the pussy that night not been good, I’d have rebelled just a little bit more. But, even then, I learned to pick my battles. You win some and you lose some.


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