When Clubs Collide

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When Clubs Collide Page 12

by Jacqueline Sinclair

  “Thank you. I want to do this right for us. After the wedding, we start looking for a house. I want our son or daughter to have a place to play and grow. I want us to be settled.” I hear Maizy sigh.

  “That’s enough changes for now, Ty. Relax. We don’t have to do it all overnight. You’ll have us in the suburbs with three kids and a minivan. One step at a time. I have to have time to adapt.” I laugh at how serious she is.

  “Babe, there is no way we are living in the suburbs or driving a minivan. We’ll get a house with a little acreage maybe close to dad and Em’s. The vehicle will be a SUV. We are way too cool for that other shit. That’s what I want for us but in our own way.” I have thought about this a lot. I am going to be a dad. It is time to take life by its balls and own that shit.

  “I guess that sounds good but can we take it one step at a time?” Maizy sounds scared. I know she is not good with a lot of changes at once.

  “Maizy, I’ll make a deal with you.” I look at her to make sure she is listening. She nods her head. “I’ll look at the big picture and set everything up. You can do the wedding. After we do that then we’ll talk about the next issue so you can adapt but babe we only have about six more months until we have a child. Right now, that sounds like a long time but it will go by fast. We live a fast-paced life so just trust me. Can you do that for me?” I look at her and she brings the palm of hand to my face and rubs my cheek.

  “Ty, I trust you more than anyone I have ever known. I can do that babe. I’ll plan the wedding and get things ready for the baby. I will trust you with the rest.” I take her hand to kiss it. My heart feels so full with all the trust she is putting in me. My lips are on hers as I give her a sweet gentle kiss. Maizy is the most precious person I have ever had in my life. We are both breathless by the end of the kiss.

  “Thank you for your trust. Let’s feed you so I can be back inside you later. I leave in the morning.” Maizy smiles her happy smile at me.

  “Grilled cheese and tomato soup.” Maizy’s favorite meal.

  “Go get cleaned up and I will fix the grilled cheese.” That makes her happy. “Love you babe.” I get up first with Maizy right behind me. I grab a pair of sweats out of my dresser as I go to the bathroom clean myself up a little. When I come out Maizy has stripped the bed and thrown the blankets in the corner. She grabs some panties and a t-shirt from her dresser. She makes her way into the bathroom. I head to the kitchen to fix some food. My mind is on the trip to meet Kidd and the Rage Ryders MC. Tomorrow the BlackPath MC collides into the lives of the Rage Ryders MC. I just hope we all come out alive on the other side.

  Chapter Four


  Things have been hectic at the clubhouse, hell with the club in general. Just when we think things are settlin’ down, something else jumps up at us. Leavin’ the clubhouse to head home to my woman is the best part of life. Sky has been through hell this past year. Losin’ her dad and then movin’ with me to start up this new chapter has been takin’ a toll on her. I aim to make things better for her. She’s confused in what she wants for her future. She’s always been creative and has always inspired to be a writer. So tonight, I have a surprise for my girl. She’s been debatin’ on if we can afford for her to take some classes to make things better for her when she begins her journey. We can afford it. So, I’ve made it possible for her to jump start her passion. I’ve paid up front for her classes and books to start her English lit classes.

  Sky and Kaci have been talkin’ about her dream. Kaci being the best damn designer in her field has offered to do her book covers. My brother’s have sure gotten lucky in the Ol’ lady department-none as lucky as me, though. Unsure of how my girl will handle my surprise, since she’s so independent, I decide to play it as an anniversary gift for her since we’ll be together six years next week. But I have to give her these papers tonight since school starts in three days. Shakin’ the nerves that’ve settled deep in my gut, I take a deep breath and go inside our home in search of my love. Walkin’ in the door I hear her singin’ in the kitchen. Promisin’ for me with her being in a good mood.

  “Beautiful” I call out to my girl who’s a sight to see in her bedtime shorts. Ones that at this very moment are riding high on her beautiful ass cheeks. Joinin’ those shorts are a tight as fuck tank top that’s showing off those nipples of hers.

  “Ryder! Dinner’s almost ready, handsome. Glad for once you get to make it home in time for it to be warm and not microwaved to ruin my perfection.” She teases me.

  “Finally getting to sit a table for dinner with you is better than it being fresh, beautiful.” At this proclamation, she beams at me. “Listen, after dinner I have an early anniversary gift I want to give you. It’s important and can’t wait till next week.”

  “Ryder, I don’t have yours yet. I can’t accept your gift without having yours in my hand to exchange. It won’t arrive for another two days.”

  “Don’t worry beautiful, I’ve got an idea of what you can give me tonight” I wiggle my eyes up and down at her as I sit at the table.

  “Like you weren’t going to get that, anyways. Please, anytime your dick knows I’m in the room or in his proximity he’s ready to come out and play.”

  “Damn straight, not my fault he knows what he’s got waitin’ for him. Shit I’ve got the hottest Ol’ lady this side of Texas, fuck, I take that back, I’ve got the hottest woman ever to be born. No one compares to you beautiful.”

  “Ry…stop sucking up, I already told you that you’re getting laid.” I growl at that acknowledgment.

  “Not lyin’ and I’m not sayin’ shit to get my dick wet. It’s the God’s honest truth. It’s how I feel. Don’t make light of it. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Not just as your doin’ your girlie shit either, truly looked at yourself. No woman I’ve ever met holds a candle to the beauty you have-inside and out. Don’t play me woman.”

  “Ry, I love you so much. You always know what to say or what I need to hear. You were made for me like I was for you. No one’s ever loved me or made me feel the way I do about you. You’re my forever, my everything. Thank you for choosing me to love.” She sniffles, told you she’s going through shit. My beautiful girl is doubting everything since the loss of her dad.

  “Crazy girl, don’t you know that without you I’m nothing. You’re my light in this dark world I live in. Without you, I’d fuckin’ drown in darkness. Come ‘ere.” She turns off the stove and walks over to me at our kitchen table. I take her hips and pull her into my lap. Since King died, my actions have shown her how I feel more than my words have. I make every second I have with her count. I show her with my heart, body, and soul what she means to me. For right now though, I’m going to use my mouth to show her what she means to me. Tonight, will be about fucking my girl, right now I need to show her tenderness and show her my devotion.

  I start with a slow exploration of her lips. Nipping and licking to entice her to open up for me, which she does. Moaning she gives me the opening I’m seeking to add my tongue to our kissing. Slow in my ministration I make this a delicious show of love. I take it nice and slow, this is all about loving my girl not a kiss I’d use to get her into the bedroom. I move my tongue softly in her mouth finding hers. We brush her tongues together in a sensual display of mutual love and respect. Pulling away from her mouth, I look into her eyes and softly I bite her bottom lip. She sighs and lays her head on my shoulder and wraps her arms around my middle. I return her hold immediately loving her arms around me.

  “Finish dinner babe, then I want to give you your gift.” I swat her ass playfully getting her moving. Losing her warmth from my body makes me feel a chill as soon as she dismounts her body from mine. I must fight myself from pulling her back into my lap. I remind myself after dinner and her gift, I’ll be holding her body tightly to my own. I won’t let go until the morning forces me to. Being an adult with responsibilities sucks when all I want to do is lay in bed with my girl.

  After wrapping up di
nner, I go into the living room to get the papers to present to my girl. I watch her cleaning up the kitchen and I’m both excited yet nervous at the gift I have for her. I know it’s been talked about her going back to school, but I’m unsure how well perceived my involvement will be welcomed. I watch her as she sways those sexy hips in her pursuit to make it into the living room.

  “Alright baby, give me my gift already. It’s cruel to tell a girl you got her a surprise and make her wait for an hour to get it. Gimme, gimme, gimme” she squeals. I can’t help but to laugh at her excitement.

  “You got it beautiful.” I hand her the folder with all of her papers inside. She looks confused and a little disappointment that her surprise is a bunch of paperwork.

  “What’s this?”

  “Open it up beautiful, the surprise is what’s in those papers-not the papers themselves goofy.”

  “Shut it” she tells me while she laughs at me.

  I watch her as she opens up the folder and begins to read.

  “Shut. The. Front. Door! Oh, my god Ryder! You didn’t! Oh, god you did!” with the shock of her words I’m not quite sure if the oh my gods are a good sign or bad. Her eyes are opened wide and she hasn’t looked up to me from the papers in her hand yet for me to get a good read on the situation. Fuck, I hate not knowing if I’m in trouble with my girl or not.

  “Beautiful, is this shock a good thing or bad thing? Don’t leave me hangin’ here.”

  “Ryder this is the best gift I’ve ever received. I’m so in awe that I don’t know the right words or right way to respond to show you my gratitude. You knew I would debate this to death before making a decision. You pushing me to follow my dreams is one of the reasons I love you so much. You know what I need and instead of letting me wallow you take charge. I don’t even know what to say to show you what this incredible gift means to me.”

  “You just did beautiful, you just did.”

  “Holy shit! I have to call my girls and tell them what an amazing man I have.” She leans over giving me a quick kiss before running off to call the others. Not even two minutes later I hear squealing and can’t help but smile to myself, I did good. Thank you for small favors, my girl being in a good mood probably played a big part in how she reacted to my interference.

  As I sit on the couch patting myself on the back my phone rings. Motherfucker, it’s Kid, he’s probably calling to give me a hard time about being pussy whipped when it comes to his sister. I’ll never admit it to him or my brothers, but my girls got me by the balls…period.


  “Ry, we’ve got an important phone call at 1pm sharp with BlackPath. Need you here before that so we can narrow down the possible prospects. Don’t ask me why, but I have a feeling we’re gonna need as many inductions as possible. Have your ass here no later than 11, fucker.”

  “You got it, asswipe.” I laugh as I mentally make fun of my President.

  “Hey, I’m still your president.” Oh well, I’m his VP so he can kiss my ass with that comment.

  “Semitics, to me you’ll always be my pesky friend.” And then some.

  “Fuck off.”

  “Nah, but if you get off the phone I was fixin’ to go fuck your sister.” I know this will get to him.

  “Motherfucker! We had an agreement Ry. You tell me nothin’ about ya’ll sex life and I don’t beat your fuckin’ ass”

  “You could try.” I laugh at his ass as I sit and think of the night ahead.

  “I will.”

  “Sure, you will, see ya tomorrow, cockblocker.” As if he could keep me from getting mine.

  “Fuckin shit!”

  I hang up laughing knowing I got the last word in. he should know better than to fuck with me when it comes to my time with my Ol’ lady. Now, to get her off the phone and on my cock. That is the name of the game.

  Chapter Five


  I sit in my office and think about all the shit I have on my plate. I never thought I would be one of those men that is starting a new family at over forty years old. I think back to when I first took over as President of the BlackPath MC. It seems like a life time ago. I thought I had my life mapped out for me. Little did I know that there would be a lot of bumps, hell mountains, of change in my road of life. Em and the boys have given my life some change but only in the best ways. Hell, I’m a grandpa and I’m going to have at least one child younger than my grandkids. If I had my way I would keep Em knocked up all the time. I never thought after Cheryl I would ever commit to just one woman again but Em and I just fit. Our relationship takes no work, it’s easier than breathing. that is what I am trying to protect going after the assholes that have caused enough havoc in our family. One way or another, THC Hempcan Inc. is going down even if the BlackPath MC is forced to cross the line between right and wrong. I’m brought out of my thoughts by a tap on my office door. “Enter.” I look up and there is Tazer. Right on time.

  “Are we ready to roll?” Tazer looks at me. Waiting for me to answer. I feel for our club when Tazer finally takes over. He has no patience. “I left Maizy still in our bed but there’s a prospect outside the apartment. She’ll be at the clubhouse later to help Em.”

  “We went ahead and brought the boys to stayed here last night.” There’s another knock on the door. “Enter.” Driller, ZMan and Trigger walk in and I look back to Tazer. “Does she understand what is expected of her?”

  “My woman understands. She won’t take any chances and she’ll help Em. She’s going to get the rest of the ol’ ladies to help her plan our wedding for when this is over or at least contained.” Tazer has a big smile on his face. Pussy whipped fucker doesn’t even know his woman has him by the balls yet. Maizy is a good girl and she keeps Tazer on his toes. I’m glad he has her but I have no room to talk. Em is the same with me. I just don’t smile about it as much. No reason to let everyone know.

  “Good. We will need something to celebrate after this. Glad my grandchild is going to have our last name when it is born. Let’s get down to business. We have a few things to discuss.” I pick up my phone and text Brains to join us. “There’s been a few changes. We are waiting on a phone call today from the Rage Ryders.” I hear the tap on the door. I guess that Brains had been on the way. “Enter.” Brains walks in carrying his laptop. “Set up there.” I point across from me.

  “The Rage Ryders MC not cooperating?” ZMan asks.

  “They are open to a discussion. At this point, that is a positive. I don’t want to start off on the wrong foot with them. I am optimistic we’ll be able to get their cooperation and then maybe in the future we can do some positive things with them. It never hurts to have a friendly club closer to us. Sarge’s club will be closer to them but maybe we can forge an alliance that will be beneficial for all of us. They’ve had a bit of trouble but they are a strong club. Kid, the President, is young but the club is in his blood. The information we have on the whole club is looking good. They are expanding and they are ready to fight for what is theirs just like we are. They are mostly family men and they don’t want the damn drugs around their families any more than we do ours.” I know the BlackPath MC has been closed off from most of the other clubs around us but most of the ones Whiskey had ties to were outlaw clubs. I pulled the BlackPath MC away from the wrong side of the law. We still protect our own but we don’t deal with drugs, illegal weapons or human trafficking. The Rage Ryders are on the same page with that.

  “Then why the change of plans?” Trigger asks.

  “Not so much a complete change of plans, just going to change a few details.” I think on how to ease everyone into this. “Trigger, I want you with us. You being ex law enforcement may help us smooth the way if we encounter any badges trying to get this done quietly. We are going to be staying at the army bunker that Sarge has purchased. The Rebellions 4 Blood MC is busy moving and recruiting but Shield and Stealth are going to meet us there. Brains came across some information last night about involving explosives and the possibility
of taking out a club that is too close for comfort. We all know that they like using explosives so they don’t have to get too close. Trigger, that is something else that you have experience with as well as Shield and Stealth. ZMan make sure that there are explosive sweeps every day, vehicles and clubhouse. I am putting in more cameras for our security system. I want them watched around the clock. No one gets past those gates if they are not family. That means no deliveries, no people, no exceptions without prior authorization. Two patched brothers on the front gate, at all times. Perimeter checks hourly. If we need more men, then I will contact Bourbon and Rye. Brains, did you get anything else?”

  “They know we are watching them and digging for information. I was able to get in a back door and piggy back just to get the explosives order that Sage put in. Sage is their IT man. Whoever put in their hacker guards, is very good. When I knew I was found I out, I put in a virus. Then I put in a virus in an email and sent it everyone on their mailing list. I may not have done a lot of damage but enough that it will slow them down a little bit. It’ll give them assholes a real headache for a while.” Brain has a hard look on his face. He doesn’t like being beat. I have full confidence he will find a way.

  “Get Tito to work with you. I will text Devil about it.” I take my phone and send Devil a quick text. “You two worked good together the last time.” It’s only a few minutes later and I have my answer from Devil. He’s on board plus said he will send us back-up if we need it even if it is just to help Driller and ZMan out here at the clubhouse. “It’s a go from Devil, Brains. If you need him here let me or Driller know and he’ll be here.”

  “Why the change in where we are staying?” Tazer asks. I was wondering when one of them would ask that question.


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