The Sheikh's Reunion Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs 4)

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The Sheikh's Reunion Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs 4) Page 4

by Cara Albany

  Mia furrowed her brows. "I suppose I'm both, in a way," she said.

  Rafiq nodded sagely as if he'd expected her to say that. "That's an interesting position to be in," he said.

  Mia squinted at Rafiq. "Why?"

  Rafiq gestured casually. "Oh, nothing," he said.

  Mia turned and faced Rafiq. "What do you mean nothing? You must have had a reason for saying that."

  Rafiq paused for a few moments and then sighed resignedly. "If you insist. All I meant was that it confirms everything I've believed about you."

  "What!" Mia exclaimed.

  Rafiq gazed into Mia's eyes. "It explains the kind of person you are," he said.

  Rafiq paused as if considering his next words carefully. "You have the feisty spirit of an American, mingled with the reserve of an English rose," he said with a warm, deep growl. His eyes were filled with a sudden, appreciative fire.

  Mia stared at Rafiq. "What are you talking about? You don't know what I'm like. We haven't seen each other for years."

  "And I suppose you believe we have both changed since then," he suggested.

  "Of course we have," she declared. "We're older. We've gone our separate ways and found our own lives."

  Rafiq slid even closer toward Mia. She remained steadfast, even though every inch Rafiq moved closer to her made the heat in her core more insistent.

  "And how is your life, Mia. Are you satisfied? Tell me. Do you have a man in your life?" Rafiq asked bluntly.

  Mia was taken aback by the directness of the question. He had no right asking her such a thing. In any case, she was sure that even if she did have a steady partner, Rafiq would probably already know about it. He and Brad would have been sure to share family gossip like that.

  Mia glanced across at the table. "I think that food is getting cold," she said quickly.

  Rafiq's gaze followed Mia's. He nodded as if realizing that she wasn't going to respond to his question. "I suppose you're right," he said with an air of resignation.

  He stood and stretched down a hand toward Mia. Their eyes met as she rested her hand in his and stood. She felt the firm grasp of his fingers, the roughness of his skin.

  Mia looked at him quizzically. What did he want her to do? It was almost as if the last few years hadn't happened. She was right back in her parents' country home with Rafiq an insistent, unavoidable presence demanding to be noticed.

  Mia withdrew her hand slowly. Rafiq gestured toward the table and she walked over to it. Rafiq guided her to her seat and pulled the chair away from the table. With a glance at Rafiq, Mia edged her way in front of the seat. As she sat down, she felt Rafiq gently ease the seat in behind her. Rafiq rested a hand on her shoulder as she turned to politely acknowledge his assistance. There was much more than mere politeness in Rafiq's appreciative gaze.

  Mia watched his lithe, smooth movements as he took his seat across from her. His body still had an animal quality about it, a tense energy contained within that powerful muscular frame. As Rafiq reached across to hand her one of the silver platters containing food, Mia couldn't help noticing the flurry of dark hair that stretched across his upper chest. It was visible in the gap created by the loosened top buttons of his white shirt. The contrast between Rafiq's dark skin, the teasing dark hair, and the brilliance of the cotton was striking.

  The meal was delicious. Rafiq was an earnest and attentive dinner companion. He was alternately amusing and sincere. Mia could see that her initial impressions of Rafiq had been correct. He had changed; had grown up to be an intensely fascinating man, one that she had no doubt would be attractive to any woman. Mia forced herself to disguise any hint of curiosity she might have about Rafiq. She didn't want to give him the wrong impression. Even more than that. She didn't want to encourage him, because she had the distinct notion that it wouldn't take very much to embolden Rafiq.


  Best to keep a professional distance, she told herself repeatedly throughout the meal.

  The conversation ranged from casual matters of their respective professional lives to tentative queries about matters much more personal. Mia did her best to rebuff Rafiq's questions. He seemed determined to know as much as possible about her, and denying him took every bit of diplomacy Mia could summon up.

  Finally, their meal finished, they made their way back to the sofa. Rafiq brought the folder over to the table and they spent a short while going over the figures. Mia saw his previous good humor evaporate as she guided him through the labyrinth of transactions.

  His expression became more and more grim as the reality of what had happened seemed to sink in to his mind. Did he believe what she had found? She couldn't really tell, because Rafiq was so difficult to read. There had been a time when she was sure they had shared a rare connection, an empathy that was real and very unique. Especially during those balmy summer days. Had the years caused that connection to whither?

  "I still find this hard to understand," Rafiq admitted. "I can't believe Sayid would have done such a thing."

  He ran his hand through his dark hair and sank back on the sofa, stretching his long legs out. Sitting so close to him, Mia felt something catch at her upon seeing the sheer length of his body, the obvious strength contained in that powerful frame. His shirt fit neatly around his torso and she could see the taut muscles of his stomach through the fabric. Mia swallowed, trying to recall just how much champagne she had consumed.

  Rafiq sighed and glanced at Mia. Had he noticed how she had been looking at him?

  "What are we going to do?" he demanded suddenly.

  Mia felt suddenly startled, as if dragged out of a dream. "What?" she blurted out.

  Rafiq pointed at the papers lying on the table. "About this?" he said.

  "Oh, that," Mia exclaimed feeling the color rise to her cheeks.

  Rafiq twisted and leaned toward Mia. His body moved like fluid, hypnotizing her with an easy, effortless quality. Mia could see the pent up force contained in that body. She shifted in her place, conscious of him coming nearer to her.

  "I think we need to get Brad's advice on this," Mia said hurriedly. She glanced at Rafiq. He sat up and slid closer to Mia, almost touching her. She felt every nerve in her body tingle, a frisson of anticipation, now that he was so close to her.

  She had to get out of here, she told herself urgently. It was too dangerous to be here with Rafiq. Especially with the effect he was having on her treacherous body. Her mind screamed at her to remain cold, aloof and calm; hollered at her to show him just how professional she could be.

  Mia glanced into Rafiq's eyes and saw the desire there. It was visible, all too plain to see. He wasn't hiding it any more, wasn't even trying to pretend what he was thinking, what he was intending to do.

  Mia stiffened and thrust her hands into her lap, but that gesture merely seemed to encourage Rafiq even more.

  Rafiq leaned his elbow against the sofa behind Mia and she was sure she could feel his hand edging closer to her neck. She knew that if he touched her, knew that if his fingers caressed the skin behind her ear that she couldn't trust herself. And if he dared move his head closer to her neck, his lips tasting her flesh, then she knew the betrayal of her own body might be total.

  Mia did the only thing she could think of in that moment. She scooted a few inches away from Rafiq, hoping that the gesture would communicate all that had to be said.

  "What's wrong, Mia?" Rafiq growled.

  She tucked her chin and drew in a sharp breath. "Nothing," she replied curtly. Still, she refused to turn her head, not trusting her own reaction to the desire she knew she would see in Rafiq's gaze.

  Mia heard the sound of Rafiq edging closer. This time she felt the heat of his body against her own, and she knew he was as close as he had been to her all evening.

  Mia turned her head slightly, shifting her eyes so that she could see him. Then she felt his finger beneath her chin, and he was turning her face toward him. She opened her mouth to object, but before she could say anything Raf
iq's lips were upon her own.

  Mia gasped and raised a fisted hand to Rafiq's chest, feeling the warmth of his body beneath the tissue thin fabric of his shirt. His kiss was tender, his lips moist and firm. His tongue started to probe and she felt the quivering of her nerves, sensed a shuddering within herself that was both a welcome and a weak resistance.

  Mia pressed hard against Rafiq's chest, her fingernails curling against the firmness of his body, but that only seemed to spur him on, his mouth claiming her lips with a more insistent tenderness.

  Sensation raced throughout her body, lighting up long dormant nerves. She curled her toes inside her suddenly too tight shoes. She tried to resist but the treachery of her body was total. An alien force seemed to have taken possession of her, pulling her closer to Rafiq, even as a voice screamed at her to withdraw, restore the barrier that kept her safe.

  Mia heard Rafiq's breathing quicken, felt his touch begin to explore, searching for ways to tempt her into the submission she both wanted and resisted.

  Heat flamed in her core and she suddenly knew she had to end this madness.

  Mia wrenched her lips away from Rafiq's eager mouth. Eyes wide, breathing fast, Mia glared at Rafiq. "What are you doing?" she demanded.

  Rafiq's brows rose in surprise, but he said nothing. His gaze was feral, desperate and alluring.

  Mia stood up quickly. "I can't be doing this," she stated emphatically. "Not again." She straightened her skirt and glared down at Rafiq.

  Rafiq sighed heavily but he seemed completely unrepentant. Still he didn't reply, merely gazing up at Mia, a look that still contained a hint of the animal desire he had just displayed. There was no apology in that gaze, not even a flicker of remorse.

  Mia bent down and scooped up the papers, thrusting them into the folder. "I have to go."

  Rafiq stood and gently took her arm. "No," he ordered.

  Mia stared at him in disbelief. She peered down at his hand. "You're trying to stop me?"

  Rafiq's eyes flashed with an understanding and he released her arm. He watched her as she secured the folder and strode around the table, heading toward the door.

  Mia grabbed the handle and tugged the door open. In an instant Rafiq was beside her. There was a ferocity, a determination, in his gaze, something she had never seen in him before.

  "I'm not going to apologize," he declared. "Not for doing something I should have done years ago."

  Mia squinted at him. "I don't need your apologies, Rafiq. It's just that I expected better of you."

  Mia pulled on the door, but Rafiq held the edge of it firm for a moment, preventing it from opening.

  Mia glowered at Rafiq.

  His eyes locked on Mia. "I'm not the man you think I am, Mia," Rafiq said.

  Mia frowned and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't care what you think you are, Rafiq. We're history. That's all there is to it."

  Mia glanced down at the folder in her hand. She thrust it hard against Rafiq's torso. She felt him shift at the force behind her gesture.

  "I'll leave these with you," she ejaculated. "Let me know what you want to do about it." She fixed him with a defiant look. "You know where to find me," she added.

  Mia wrenched the door free of Rafiq's grasp and strode out into the corridor.

  He didn't follow her, and when she glanced back at the door, before she stepped into the elevator, expecting to see him watching her, she was surprised to see that he had already closed the door.


  What was he going to do with such a woman?

  Rafiq lay in bed, feeling the aching emptiness next to him. This was where Mia should have been tonight, he told himself; by his side, being driven to ecstasy by Rafiq's love-making, submitting to the desire he knew lurked inside her exquisite frame.

  He'd seen it in her eyes; felt it in her every movement as he'd kissed her. She couldn't hide the fact that somewhere within her being, there was a part which ached for him, needed him.

  Rafiq sighed and stretched his body, aware of the need still raging through his body.

  Making love with Mia.

  The images that thought conjured up in his mind made him firm with desire, with an unrequited, frustrated longing. It was a longing he had been harboring for a very long time. One that he had hoped to satisfy tonight.

  How surprising, he told himself. After all these years, she could still affect him like that. She belonged by his side. He knew that already, with a suddenness which startled him. Rafiq should have been holding Mia in his arms, driving her to peaks of ecstasy she could barely stand.

  Instead he was here, alone and forlorn, knowing that he had misjudged Mia. Perhaps they were such different people after all. Maybe there was nothing between them. The way she had ran out on him had shocked Rafiq. The look in her eyes had burned deep into his soul and he realized there was more to Mia that he could ever have thought possible.

  He hadn't planned to seduce Mia. Far from it. Throughout the evening he had tried to maintain the professional courtesy Mia so obviously desired between them. The meal had gone well, and their discussion about the problem with Sayid had been positive.

  Then he had gone and ruined it all by succumbing to a fierce desire the likes of which he hadn't felt for a woman in a very long time.

  Mia's presence had driven Rafiq to a brutal self betrayal, and now he was ashamed of himself.

  Mia deserved better than that, he berated himself. He groaned and considered the prospect of trying to repair the damage he'd done. Would she forgive him? In fact, would she even agree to work with Rafiq, given what he had done? What would Brad, his friend and advisor think about it all?

  The phone rang. Rafiq stretched across to the table by the side of the bed, lifting the receiver.

  "Hello?" he said.

  "Rafiq?" came a weak sounding voice from the other end of the line.

  "Brad? Is that you?" Rafiq asked.

  There was a loud coughing and Rafiq heard his friend and advisor gasping.

  "You sound terrible," Rafiq said.

  The coughing subsided. When he spoke again, Brad's voice was wheezy and harsh. "It's nothing. Flu. Damn thing crept up on me."

  Rafiq smiled. "You need to spend some time in bed."

  Rafiq heard Brad's weak attempt at laughter. "I'm already there," Brad said. He laughed. "And, that's rich coming from you, given all the girlfriends you've had."

  "Let's not talk about that," Rafiq replied, eager to change the subject. Especially after what had happened with Mia. How was Rafiq going to be able to broach the subject? "What's the call about?" Rafiq asked.

  Brad cleared his throat. "I heard from Mia."

  Rafiq felt a sudden stab of emotion at the mere mention of her name. "You did?" he said trying to sound casual.

  "Seems you don't believe what she showed you."

  "How could this have happened, Brad? Even if it is the way it looks, I still don't understand why Sayid would do such a thing. What's in it for him."

  "The thing is, it happened just after his wedding to Naima," Brad said.

  Rafiq held the silence for a few moments, intent on keeping the subject of his former fiance out of the conversation, but Brad had brought up the issue of Naima. There would be no sense pretending how he felt about things. However, right now probably wasn't the best time to go into the whole subject of Naima.

  "You still there?" Brad asked, reacting to the long silence.

  "I'm just thinking," Rafiq said.

  "About what?" Brad replied.

  "What I can do about this. I mean, I have to know the truth."

  "Maybe there's a solution," Brad said.


  Brad coughed again. "I'd go with you to Qazhar and try to sort things out. But, you can hear how bad I am. It's going to take a while before I'm fit to travel. I don't think you're willing to wait."

  Rafiq grunted. "That's putting it mildly."

  "So why doesn't Mia go to Qazhar," Brad suggested and coughed yet again. />
  Rafiq paused, letting Brad finish the convulsive coughing. Now, there was an idea. Rafiq allowed himself a wolfish smile. It would be delightful taking Mia all the way to his kingdom. It would give Rafiq a chance to have the one thing he now realized he desired above all else; to have Mia all to himself and show her just how much he still felt for her. He'd seen how she had reacted to his touch; felt the heat of her body next to him; saw the look in her eyes. Rafiq knew that Mia still felt something for him. He was convinced that Mia was holding back, trying to hide the truth of what she felt about him.

  Brad stopped coughing. "What do you think?"

  Rafiq tried to sound casual. No sense in making his enthusiasm too obvious. "I think it's an interesting idea," he said casually.

  "You've got documents over there that we don't have immediate access to," Brad explained. "I think Mia could sort this whole thing out pretty quickly. I'm sure there's been some kind of misunderstanding."

  "You may be right," Rafiq replied. "But, what about Mia? Do you think she'll want to go?"

  "She's eager to make her mark. And she's good at her job."

  "I've noticed," Rafiq said.

  Brad laughed weakly. "She's tough and good at what she does," he said.

  "Some things don't change," Rafiq said. "I'd forgotten just how feisty she could be."

  "Really?" Brad said sounding interested in learning more.

  Rafiq changed the subject quickly. "You need to get some rest, Brad. Once you're recovered, we can talk some more."

  "In the meantime, I'll tell Mia that she's to get ready for a trip to Qazhar," Brad said.

  Rafiq grinned and suppressed a sigh of satisfaction. That sounded just sweet, he told himself.

  He ended the call with Brad and leapt out of bed. It wasn't going to take him long to get himself ready for the flight back to Qazhar. As he got dressed, he thought about how Mia would react to the news. He was pretty sure she wouldn't be completely thrilled about the idea. But, Rafiq knew she took her professional responsibilities seriously. She'd go along with the proposition, even if she was worried about spending time alone with Rafiq.

  Rafiq went into the bathroom and started to get ready for a shower. He glanced at himself in the mirror. Mia would just have to get used to the idea that she and Rafiq were about to spend some quality time in very close proximity.


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