The Sheikh's Reunion Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs 4)

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The Sheikh's Reunion Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs 4) Page 6

by Cara Albany

  Mia smiled. "And your old toys?"

  Rafiq smirked. "I gave up childish things a long time ago."

  "And replaced them with other kinds of toys?" Mia teased.

  Rafiq sighed and shook his head. "What am I going to do with you?" he asked rhetorically.

  "I'm not going to answer that," Mia said giving Rafiq an admonishing look.

  "Let me show you to your room," Rafiq said leading the way toward the wide staircase.

  "Upstairs?" Mia asked.

  "Of course. That is where the best rooms are. You'll love the views. Let me help you with those," Rafiq said bending down to pick up one of Mia's cases.

  She quickly grabbed both of them. "I'll be fine carrying those myself," she said lifting them.

  Rafiq smiled politely and nodded. He started toward the staircase, and Mia followed behind.

  As they made their way up the stairs she couldn't resist watching Rafiq, seeing his tightly muscled body move like a sleekly powerful animal. There was power in that body, a predatory motion that promised so much. Rafiq had removed his jacket upon entering the palace. Now, he was dressed simply in tight fitting white shirt and dark pants. The contrasting colors of his shirt and pants merely accentuated the sheer, potent force of his being as he moved. The sound of his shoes echoed in the cavernous space. Mia's flat shoes clacked on the marble stairs matching Rafiq's steps in a curious unison.

  Mia cleared her throat, forcing her attention away from Rafiq.

  She recalled the remainder of the plane journey to Qazhar. After their meal they had chatted casually, and she had managed to rest for a while. Rafiq hadn't attempted to continue where he had left off earlier. His failed temptation of Mia had obviously given him pause to reconsider.

  Instead he had showed her a small cabin at the back of the plane. The bed in the compact space had been comfortable and Mia had been left alone to sleep in peace. At the time she hadn't been sure whether to be relieved or disappointed at that. She'd lain in bed awake for a very long, expecting a quiet knock at the door, anticipating Rafiq's entrance seeking her favor, wanting to tempt her yet again.

  But he hadn't come to her, hadn't even tried to interrupt her sleep. Mia had asked herself what she would have done if he had come to her. Would she have allowed herself to succumb to Rafiq's manifestly tempting charms.

  In spite of herself, she still felt drawn to him. He still had the ability to instantly transform how she felt. A look or a touch was all it took. And, that made things so difficult for Mia. It was a transformation she was determined to resist. The battle between professional duty and personal satisfaction would continue, no matter how hard she resisted.

  But, she realized, that war would have to be waged for the entire duration of her stay. Only when she had finally left Qazhar, her professional obligations fulfilled, would she be able to turn her back on Rafiq once and for all.

  She had slept deeply, lulled into a heavy slumber by the soft movements of the plane and had woken with the bright Qazhar sun shining in through the tiny window.

  When she had entered the main cabin of the plane she had found Rafiq seated there reading over some of the papers she had given him earlier. He had greeted her with a warm smile and made sure she was served a delicious breakfast.

  They'd landed at Qazhar airport and, given the VIP treatment, been quickly passed through to the air-conditioned comfort of Rafiq's limousine.

  All through the remainder of the journey it had seemed as if Rafiq had made a decision to maintain a polite distance from Mia. She had been initially pleased that he'd decided to respect her wishes. However, she couldn't help noticing the darkness in his eyes. Rafiq was worried. There was no doubting that. In spite of herself, Mia wondered what Rafiq was planning to do about the financial situation.

  She knew that Rafiq and his friend Sayid had a solid relationship, so she could appreciate the turmoil Rafiq was going through trying to understand just what had happened. Now that she was in Qazhar, Mia knew there were troubled times ahead.

  They made their way along a high-roofed corridor, passing many ornately decorated doors and eventually came to a halt in front of a door at the end of the corridor.

  Rafiq rested a hand on the large handle and looked at Mia. "Ready to see this?" he asked.

  Mia nodded and frowned at Rafiq. What could be so special about a room? "Sure," she said curtly.

  Rafiq pushed open the door and it slid heavily with the soft sigh of the massive hinges. Mia tried to hold in the gasp that leaped to her throat. She completely failed.

  Her eyes feasted on the wondrous interior.

  Rafiq gestured for Mia to enter and she stepped into a brightly lit, luxuriously furnished version of paradise.

  The room was huge. Twin sofas were placed around a massive circular table in the main living space. Through double doors she saw a huge king-size bed. She restrained a sudden gulp.

  Thick, exquisitely patterned rugs were laid out around the floor. At the far end of the room, French doors opened out onto a wide terrace on which was another table with chairs, no doubt a place for breakfasts and evening meals, she told herself.

  The entire room had an airy, lightness. Cream colored walls were adorned with large paintings depicting traditional scenes of the desert. Overhead fans circled lazily and she could feel the soft brush of cool air against her face. Mia inhaled the sweet scent of the colorful array of flowers which were placed in multiple vases around the room.

  It was a riot for the senses.

  Mia saw Rafiq glance at her, searching for her response. "What do you think?" he asked eagerly.

  Mia dropped her bags on the rug and gazed around. "It's wonderful. Amazing, really." She turned to Rafiq. "But, it's really too much. I mean for one person."

  Rafiq shook his head and grinned. "This is the smallest room on the palace," he joked.

  "The smallest? You're kidding me, right?"

  Rafiq shook his head and laughed "No. I'm not joking. But, it is also one of the nicest rooms." He moved a step closer to her and she was suddenly aware of just how much taller he was than her. She looked up into his eyes, seeing the simple pleasure he was deriving from her thrilled reaction. "I wanted to make sure you'd feel at home," he said.

  Mia stiffened slightly and paused. Why did he have to look at her like that? Couldn't he see her reaction to his proximity? Of course he could see, she told herself. Perhaps he needed reminding of just why she was here. "I won't be here that long. You do know that, don't you?"

  Rafiq's eyes widened and for a moment she felt as if she could fall into the deep abyss of those chocolate brown pools. "I haven't forgotten why you're here." Rafiq said with the merest hint of disappointment in his voice. Then his eyes seemed to darken and he gazed at her firmly, once more that familiar determination flickering into existence. "But, even if you're only going to be here a short while, I insist on being allowed to make you feel welcome. Completely at home. This is my family residence, after all," he said with a sweep of his hand.

  "I appreciate your generosity," Mia said trying to sound grateful and polite all at the same time.

  "I hope you enjoy your stay here, Mia," he said softly. "There is much that we can explore. Perhaps you'll let me show you how I grew up here." Rafiq grinned and Mia felt something tumble in her middle at the sight of that wonderful smile. "I have some secrets," he added mischievously.

  Mia raised her brows and nodded. "Secrets? That sounds intriguing," she said.

  Rafiq nodded. "Perhaps, once you've settled in I can have the pleasure of giving you a tour of our home."

  How could she resist such an invitation. "That sounds...lovely," she said hesitantly, wondering what kinds of things he would show her.

  Mia heard Rafiq draw in a satisfied breath and his shoulders relaxed. "I'll send one of the servants up to help you unpack."

  "There's no need to do that. I can take care of that myself."

  Rafiq shook his head sharply. "No. It's best that we do things the Qazhar
way, Mia. The servants are expected to attend to all guests." Rafiq said firmly. His gaze settled on Mia's features. "Especially guests as welcome as you," he added.

  Rafiq turned and faced the bedroom door. "I trust you will find the bed comfortable. It is large," he said in a matter of fact tone. "For one person," he added with a sigh.

  Then he ran his gaze slowly up and down the length of her body. "I'm sure your...perfect body will feel right at home. Plenty of room to stretch your legs out." She saw his features darken with desire and saw just how much he had enjoyed that brief moment of appreciation. There was that feral look again, she told herself.

  He looked suddenly ravenous as if the combination of seeing Mia and the bed had triggered something elemental inside his body, something over which he had hardly any control. Rafiq's nostrils flared and one brow quirked, his gaze making her feel rooted to the spot. Heat flamed in her middle, a sudden surprise. There had been nothing she could have done to prevent it, even if she had been inclined to do so.

  Mia saw his gaze ease down the length of her legs all the way to her petite feet. She shifted awkwardly for a moment. That broke the tension between them and Rafiq turned away from her. He took a few steps toward the door and paused. He looked back at Mia and she could see emotion on his features, the same emotion she had seen burning in his gaze mere moments before.

  "It's good to have you here, Mia. I hope your stay is pleasant."

  "I've got work to do, Rafiq. You know that."

  He nodded. "About that. We can pick up where we left off," he said and she briefly wondered to what he was actually referring. Was he talking about the distant past that now seemed like it belonged in another universe? Especially, as Mia was standing in this fairy-tale palace trying to withstand the hot gaze of Rafiq's burning desire for her. Because that was what written on Rafiq's even features; a fierce, feral passion that made Mia feel as if she could be claimed at any moment. Possessed by her own irrational, furious desire that was trying to drag her into Rafiq's arms.

  But, she knew she had to resist, had to fight the impulses and urges that threatened to overtake her. She knew she was strong enough to keep Rafiq at bay, but did she really want to keep a lid on her own tempting urges?

  Get the job done and leave, she told herself firmly. Remember why you're here.

  Rafiq nodded to Mia and strode quickly out the room.

  Suddenly alone, Mia twisted around and gazed at the sight of the exquisite room. Now that Rafiq was gone, Mia felt strangely empty. Could it be that this man who had once tormented her, had once played her like just another casual fling, was now finding a route into her heart?

  Mia sighed and folded her arms around herself. She could not allow that to happen. No matter what the temptation, no matter the pleasures that awaited her in Rafiq's strong arms, she knew she couldn't succumb, should not submit.

  There was a job to do, and that was going to be her sole focus. Once she had done that, she would leave Rafiq once and for all.


  Rafiq strode down the corridor away from Mia's room. His heart was racing and he could feel the blood coursing through his veins. Every nerve in his body was aflame, tingling with frustration. His body was quivering with desire, his steps faltering as his muscles tried to regain their poise and balance.

  Mia had unhinged Rafiq. It was that simple.

  Just seeing Mia standing there in the middle of the room had driven him into a sharp, almost manic delirium. He had wanted to engulf her in his embrace, hold her tight against him and crash his lips down onto her sweet mouth.

  Rafiq sighed heavily, the sound of it echoing in the corridor.

  It had taken every ounce of his self-restraint to hold back the torrent of desire that had threatened to sweep over him. The bed had been so inviting, almost as alluring as the expression on Mia's face when he had gazed deep into her eyes. How he would have loved to lift her up and stride across to the huge bed, lay her down on her back and claim the pleasure he knew awaited him, driving her to heights of passion.

  Rafiq swallowed at the thought of Mia beneath him, moaning with ecstasy, clutching at his shoulders, pulling Rafiq closer to her.

  Mia was simply beautiful. Just beautiful.

  There was no other way to describe her. He'd known it in London, had been truly surprised by it, even shocked. But here, in his own domain, in the place that he called home, Mia seemed possessed of a beauty that transcended all description. There was a purity about her, a delicacy that tempted Rafiq to engulf her in the most tender embrace. He wanted to care for her; felt a burning need to protect her, make sure she was safe.

  Where had those urges come from? Had he been harboring those impulses since the day he'd walked away from her on the last day of that magical summer in England? Had he been trying to hide from the truth all this time? That Mia was the one for him. Her return had dealt him a body blow that had his emotions raging out of control.

  Rafiq frowned. He couldn't figure it out. Not right now when his pulse was racing fast and his impassioned blood was coursing through his veins. Mia's sudden appearance in his life had ignited something in Rafiq, and he was still reeling from the shock of the effect she had on him.

  He could see Mia was stunned at the intensity of Rafiq's abrupt and voracious hunger for her. Rafiq had never felt this about anyone else. All the other women in his life had suddenly become pale shadows compared to Mia.

  Rafiq reached the top of the staircase and gazed down at the entrance hall far below. He was slightly out of breath so he paused, eager to collect his thoughts, gather the loose tendrils of desire into himself so that he could regain some semblance of composure.

  Rafiq held onto the banister at the top of the stairs and wondered how he was possibly going to be able to cope with the frustrated desire that threatened his very sanity. He'd only been back in Mia's company less than two days and she was already making him feel crazed.

  The time on the plane hadn't been easy, either. He'd seen how she had reacted to him before the meal, and had made the decision to respect her obvious need to keep things business-like between them both. He'd reined in his desire to maintain whatever sense of honor or integrity was left to him after his recent behavior toward Mia.

  So, he had buttoned down his passion. Promised himself that, no matter what he would retain his dignity. Behave himself.

  At least that had been the plan.

  Until now.

  Until he'd seen her standing there looking so unbelievably gorgeous. Seeing Mia in the confines of the palace had triggered something inside Rafiq; something surprising and perplexing all at the same. She looked so at home, as if she belonged in this place. He had felt himself firm with desire as he had watched the casual way she had stood there, the eagerness and excitement written on her face as she scanned the interior of her suite.

  Rafiq dragged a breath into his tight lungs.

  He needed to get away. Needed to put some distance between him and Mia. For his good and, especially for her benefit. She must already be feeling as if she'd entered a strange new world filled with extraordinary sights, new sensations.

  The last thing she needed was to be subjected to Rafiq's uncontrollable desires. It was a thin line between satisfying unrequited affection and making a nuisance of himself. Rafiq had been taught to treat all women with the utmost respect. That lesson had been drummed into him by his parents. He wasn't about to turn his back on decency. Particularly with Mia now a guest in the family palace.

  Rafiq knew that he needed activity to distract him, take his mind off the incredible woman now inhabiting the bedroom back down the corridor.

  He heard a noise from downstairs, and it drew his attention back to the moment. Rafiq heard familiar voices and saw the front door open. In stepped both of his brothers, chatting excitedly, a noisy invasion of the palace, but one that caused sudden relief to sweep through Rafiq.

  From his vantage point atop the stairs, Rafiq saw Tazim and Malik stride into the
hallway. Their laughter filled the cavernous space, reaching all the way up to where Rafiq was standing.

  Tazim paused as Malik closed the door behind them.

  Rafiq called out to his brothers. "What are you both up to, you rascals!" he roared starting to make his way quickly down the stairs.

  Both men looked up at Rafiq and grinned.

  "We were just wondering what all the mystery is about," Tazim replied. "And where you had gotten to. That's right, isn't it?" he added turning to Malik.

  Rafiq laughed. "I'm here aren't I? Don't know what you're talking about. Mystery?"

  "You flew off to London without any explanation," Malik said.

  Rafiq made it to the bottom of the steps and went to his brothers. All three embraced, and they exchanged playful, and painful, punches on shoulders.

  "Business called," Rafiq explained curtly. He saw his brothers frown, seeking more information. Being the oldest brother Rafiq had a natural authority over his siblings. They understood that, even if they didn't always appreciate his innately superior manner.

  "How was London?" Malik asked.

  "Raining, as usual," Rafiq said with a groan.

  Rafiq had told his brothers he'd be returning and would need some time on his own. He hadn't mentioned to them that he'd be bringing a guest, although he had told his parents. Obviously, since it was their home, they'd have a right to know who was a guest in their home.

  Rafiq faced the prospect of a delightful, and much needed, distraction with his beloved brothers.

  Rafiq suddenly wondered what Mia was doing right now. Now, why had he asked himself that question?

  Tazim must have noticed the changed expression on Rafiq's face, because he asked loudly: "What's on your mind, Rafiq?"

  He glanced toward the sitting room entrance. "Let's go there," he said pointing. His gaze flickered back up to the top of the staircase. "We can talk in there."

  Malik frowned, his gaze following Rafiq's toward the staircase. Malik opened his mouth and was about to say something when Rafiq cut him off. "You can tell me what's been happening in my absence," Rafiq said.


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