The Sheikh's Reunion Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs 4)

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The Sheikh's Reunion Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs 4) Page 9

by Cara Albany

  Mia saw Rafiq at her side. He rested his hands close to hers on the balustrade, not quite touching, but close enough for her to be conscious of the gesture. It was a test, and she responded by leaving her hand right where it was. It didn't feel right to move away from Rafiq, to give him the impression that she wanted to push him away.

  Rafiq grunted. "It takes a lot of work to keep it that way," he replied. "I'm not the gardener in the family. We have staff, as I'm sure you've noticed. Most of them have been with our family for years. They are part of our family, really," he said.

  "That's so wonderful. Having that tradition."

  His gaze flashed at her, and she felt emotion curl inside herself when their eyes met. The light from inside the dining room created contrasting ridges and shadows across his stunningly handsome features. The dark pools of his eyes penetrated her like a physical touch. He was suddenly very serious, deeply earnest about something her comment had touched upon.

  "I believe in tradition," he said flatly, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Mia glanced at Rafiq and saw his jaw tighten, his gaze fixed dead ahead, as if suddenly lost in thought. When he spoke his voice was calm, yet also filled with an even strength. "Traditions are what keep us from becoming barbarians, from descending into the pit and the chaos of modern life. Tradition keeps people sane and prevents them from losing themselves." He paused and she felt the silence keenly for a long moment.

  Then he continued: "I believe in all the old-fashioned virtues. The community of our people. Family. Children," he said softly. She saw his chest fill as he took in a deep, preparatory breath. Then he spoke one word which caught her completely by surprise, caused her mouth to open involuntarily. "Marriage."

  The word settled in the air between them and then all she could hear was the gentle hissing of the sprinklers and the thudding of her own heart.

  Mia saw tension settle in his shoulders, heard the conviction in his voice. Those words had come from from a place inside him where truth reigned. She was momentarily taken aback by the authority and gravity that inhabited his voice.

  Back in England, during that long summer, Rafiq had seemed almost a superficial man, devoted to his own pleasures, astride the world like a colossus seeking out his own amusement no matter what effect it had on others. There had been no hint of his deeper conviction, no suggestion that he even thought of such things.

  But, now, the man who stood by her side seemed so utterly different, so astonishingly transformed, that Mia couldn't help asking herself what had caused such a change in him. Had something forced him to reconsider his priorities? Had it been the loss of the woman to whom he had been originally promised in marriage? Was that why he had mentioned the subject to Mia?

  Mia turned away from him, wracking her brains for some sort of reply, anything that would break the sudden spell that had been cast. "And here I was thinking it was just a pretty garden," she said eager to lighten the tone, feeling a warning tug in her middle.

  Rafiq turned to Mia and smiled softly. His shoulders relaxed and he cleared his throat as if a trance had been broken. After a long pause he spoke: "I was rather too serious, wasn't I?"

  Mia cocked her head and lifted a brow. "Just a tad," she said a smile creasing the corner of her mouth.

  Rafiq laughed quietly and nodded. "You know how to bring me down to earth, don't you?"

  "Maybe it's my English upbringing," she suggested. "We don't take ourselves too seriously."

  Mia glanced back at the garden. "And we do love a good garden," she said wryly. "And this is most definitely a special place."

  Mia drew in a deep breath and turned to Rafiq. "Now, what about that tour you promised me," she said.

  Rafiq turned and gestured toward the door. "After you," he said with an expectant grin.

  He was so charming, it was almost impossible to resist him, Mia told herself. But resist him she must.

  They made their way back into the palace and embarked on what could only be described as a magical journey through a wondrous palace that seemed to belong in a fairy tale.

  Mia walked alongside Rafiq as they wandered down long marble-floored corridors, pausing every so often to allow Rafiq to explain details that she found utterly fascinating. Mia had had no idea of the extent of the luxury that lay hidden in the far corners of the palace.

  She tried to take in the riot of sights and colors that assaulted her senses; the artfully curved archways and windows; the delicate mosaics that adorned every wall, the mullioned windows; tall pillars crowned with carvings that illustrated moments in the history of Qazhar. Mia's favorites were the carvings of animals. The delicate reliefs of lions, tigers and elephants simply captivated Mia. Everywhere she looked in the palace she saw cream or gold colored surfaces. It was as if Mia had entered another realm of existence, a domain at once enchanting and completely mesmerizing.

  The sheer sense of space was utterly alien to her. Corridors seemed to stretch interminably ahead of her, and every once in while Rafiq paused their long walk and took her into some astonishing room that displayed yet more opulence and grandeur the likes of which she had never seen before.

  Mia took a pleasure in seeing the obvious delight displayed by Rafiq. It was clear just how much it meant to him to be given the opportunity to share this wondrous place with Mia. He spoke excitedly, spilling the beans on childhood fights with his brothers, secret places to hide and every place where he had fallen down as a child.

  From time to time Mia and Rafiq literally collided with one another, bumping shoulders or crashing against each other as they craned their heads to gaze upwards at some wonder high up above. Each of these occasions caused them both to act like awkward children, unaccustomed to physical contact. In a way it was appropriate, Mia thought, because after an hour of wandering throughout the palace she had begun to feel just like a child, overtaken by the wonder of it all.

  The evening wound on and Mia started to feel a little tired. As usual, Rafiq was instantly responsive to her and offered to accompany Mia back to her room. It was late in the evening as they eventually arrived at the front door to Mia's suite.

  Rafiq pushed open the door and held it, awaiting Mia's movement past him. Mia paused before entering the room. She was mere inches away from Rafiq and she could see the residue of excitement on his face. The last hour had meant a great deal to Rafiq. She could see that. But, she knew that if the evening wasn't to end in disaster, she would have to make a graceful entrance and close the door firmly behind her.

  "Thank you. Rafiq. That was wonderful."

  Rafiq leaned against the door, holding it open. There was a sheen of sweat at his throat and down to the open collar of his white shirt. The curls of dark chest hair were beaded with moisture. The exertions of the last hour were plain to see on Rafiq's exquisitely muscled body. Mia wondered momentarily what she herself looked like. Could he see the delight on her own face? Because she had truly enjoyed being with Rafiq, this completely different Rafiq than the one she had kept at bay during their first encounter.

  "It was a pleasure, Mia. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing my humble home," he joked. A wolfish smile creased his lips. He looked so handsome when he smiled, she thought. He didn't smile nearly as often as he should, because when he did there was a warmth and ease about him that Mia found strangely compelling.

  Mia responded to his jest with an ironic lift of a brow and no more than that. As she started to move toward the door she saw Rafiq stiffen slightly and ease toward her. When Rafiq spoke he was hesitant at first, but then more firmness took hold of his voice. He glanced into her suite. "I hope can forgive me," he said quietly.

  Mia frowned. "What's there to forgive?"

  Rafiq seemed to be searching for the right words and Mia wondered just what he was about to say. His gaze locked upon her, holding her bound. "I've been too harsh with you. I realize that now."

  Mia started to wave a dismissive hand but Rafiq shook his head and she froze, looking expectantly a
t him.

  "No. Let me finish," he said firmly. "I know we got off on the wrong foot the first time we met. But things were different back then. We were both different."

  "I don't think I've changed that much," Mia said defensively.

  Rafiq's gaze drifted slowly down the length of Mia's body. There was nothing inappropriate about that look, she told herself. Nothing wrong about being admired by a man like Rafiq. Because that was what was written on his features during the brief few moments it took for his eyes to take in the sight of her body.


  Rafiq's gaze shot back up to her. "I think you've changed a whole lot, Mia," he replied. "And I think you know that."

  Mia felt herself stiffen in response to Rafiq's not so gentle insistence. Her throat tightened slightly, and she felt a tug of emotion. Just being so close to Rafiq was enough to trigger that in her, and she felt a mild, sudden resentment. Why couldn't he just let her go into her room? Apart from anything else, she didn't trust those sensations that were starting to pull at her. She feared where they could lead. No. She knew where they must lead, and that couldn't happen.

  Rafiq leaned closer and Mia found her feet rooted to the spot. There was a sudden hunger in Rafiq's gaze. It was undeniably present, visible and so very unsettling.

  "What do you want from me, Rafiq?" Mia demanded abruptly.

  Rafiq's eyes widened. "Want?" he replied.

  Mia sighed lowering her gaze and immediately regretted doing that because her vision was instantly filled with the sight of Rafiq's body, his sleek, firmly muscled torso a sudden tempting delight. His long legs were planted defiantly apart and it was clear he wasn't about to surrender his position any time soon.

  Mia swallowed and tore her gaze away from that enticing prospect. She didn't dare allow herself the luxury of that kind of thought.

  But, it didn't help her cause when she saw the look on Rafiq's face, when she allowed herself to peer into his suddenly darkening eyes. His brows had furrowed into a deep ridge and she could see the tightness in his jaw. Her heart started to thud and her pulse began a relentless, taunting race.

  Rafiq lifted a hand and started to stretch it toward Mia. His hand halted mid-air in response to her suddenly rigid body. His eyes widened and his lips opened as if he were about to utter some demand for explanation.

  Rafiq's arm lowered and Mia clutched at her middle with an involuntary, protective movement. She saw Rafiq's gaze drift down to her hand, an appreciative curl appearing at the corner of his mouth.

  Rafiq drew in a sharp, staccato breath. Perhaps the realization of the importance of what might happen next had begun to edge into his mind. It was the only thing that filled Mia's mind.

  During the last few moments the air had sparked with temptation, replete with unspoken desire on his part and reluctant refusal on Mia's part.

  "I think I need to get inside," Mia forced herself to say. The words came out in a cracked voice that sounded unconvincing and hesitant. To Mia the words seemed to have been spoken by someone other than herself. Her voice echoed in the empty corridor and she was seized by the thought of someone, anyone seeing her and Rafiq like this at the door to her private chamber. What would they think?

  Mia moved inside the room, intensely aware of the sudden distance between her and Rafiq. She took a few more steps, the sound of her shoes clacking within the vacant space. Still her back was to Rafiq, so she had no idea how he had responded to her abrupt movement. The room seemed larger than before.

  She glanced through the door at her empty bed. The very large empty bed that now seemed both welcoming and very intimidating all at the same time.

  Mia whirled, opening her mouth, ready to bid Rafiq goodnight, prepared to put on a brave front, regain the previous amicability that had characterized the rest of the evening. But, as she turned, her hand still resting protectively across her midriff, she was startled by his sudden presence, his unbelievable proximity. She realized that while she'd had her back to him, he had closed the space between them like a flash, his movements hurried, yet controlled.

  His features were set, determined and filled with a fierce desire. His lithe body moved, panther-like and before she knew it, he had swept her into his arms and drawn her hard against him with a merciless force.

  Mia's body folded into his, every startled muscle relenting. His lips crashed down upon her open mouth, silencing her, blocking all avenues of resistance. Her breasts crushed hard against his firm chest and she felt his feral strength take possession of her. His powerful body claimed her as his arms encircled, entwining her.

  His mouth consumed hers with a raw force, his tongue a sudden probing pressure driving her to instant ecstasy.

  Mia tried to gasp, but found that even that simple response was denied her as Rafiq took ownership of her.

  Rafiq slid a hand down to her lower back and drew her hips hard against him. She felt his firmness, insistent and powerful. Instinct took over and she pushed against him, savoring the hardness and the sensations that ignited in her middle. Rafiq reacted with a savage jerk and his kiss became suddenly even more urgent, viscerally demanding.

  Mia's mind cried out that all of this was madness, that it must stop. But every cell of her treacherous body rebelled against the futile attempt at common sense. The betrayal was complete as Mia submitted to the pleasure that coursed through her body. Every muscle in her body softened and the flame that had ignited in her middle was an all-consuming blaze that threatened to burn them both alive.

  Rafiq had transformed into a ravenous wild-man, and Mia realized the ferocity of what he had been holding back these last two days.

  His hand snaked down her side to her hip and then thrust upwards to her breasts, ruffling the thin fabric of her dress. Her nipples had pebbled hard. She gasped when his fingertips traced across her nipples. Shivers of pleasure rippled through her.

  All through this his mouth continued to feast on her, his tongue pushing her higher towards an ever-nearing peak.

  She staggered and gasped out loud and Rafiq's mouth left hers, his breathing harsh against her lips. He stared at her, apparently eager to ensure she was alright. Once again he wrapped both arms around her, steadying her, making her safe.

  She arched her back and gazed up at the ceiling as his head dipped, descending upon her breasts. His lips found her nipples through the dress and she was sent into spasms of ecstasy, her groan echoing around the room. The sound merely drove Rafiq to subject Mia to even more forceful attentions.

  Rafiq raised his head, sucked in a feral breath and pulled her hard against him, the force of his desire an insistent, unrelenting energy of persuasion. Mia savored the hard feel of his undeniable presence. It was as if he was hell bent on consuming her, driving her to a place she'd never been.

  Mia's body vibrated with every movement of Rafiq's unrelenting presence.

  Once again the war between her thoughts and her feelings was declared, and the brutal battle for sanity commenced. Between her harsh, juddering breaths, with every peak of pleasure that subsided, her mind seized the opportunity to scream at her, implore her to stop. She knew this couldn't continue. Even if Rafiq had won her over; even if she had discovered a sheikh who was nothing like the man who had been her former tormentor.

  This could not continue.

  But it felt so good. It felt somehow right.

  Mia gasped and Rafiq seemed emboldened, becoming more insistent, his touches skilled and expert.

  She took a few steps backward and realized they were heading toward the bedroom. It was a trajectory that promised pleasure and threatened disaster. She knew that, understood it in the depths of her core.

  As they stumbled through the bedroom door he pressed his lips onto hers, as if trying to distract her from the their impending tumble down onto the huge bed. When they did both finally fall into the abyss that was the bed, Mia let out a startled, desperate cry of barely disguised delight. Rafiq came down on top of her taking his weight with his elbows
. The feeling of his body on top of hers, pressing down upon her, his hardness now even more obvious and urgent, sent Mia into paroxysms of pleasure.

  Rafiq edged Mia's legs apart with a gentle nudge and she felt him settle at her core. Even through the material of her dress and his pants there was no mistaking the strength of Rafiq's ardor.

  Rafiq crashed his lips down upon Mia's. Once again that probing, desiring tongue drove her back toward the peak, on in search of a moment she knew shouldn't happen. Couldn't happen.

  But it felt so good. So right to be in Rafiq's arms, the focus of his world, being wanted, being needed like this.

  Rafiq groaned and raised his head. She felt the sudden wrench of their separation. His eyes were aflame, bright with desire and also a questioning, searching look that sought something vital, something crucial.

  Mia smiled up at Rafiq and nodded. The corner of his mouth curled with a wolfish smile. He understood what she had just communicated to him, the unspoken consent.

  She raked her fingers through his dark hair all the way to the back of his head. She fisted the heavy locks on her hand and tugged on them causing Rafiq's body to jerk and stiffen as if he'd received an electric shock.

  Rafiq dragged in a noisy breath, his chest expanding, the muscles suddenly apparent through the thin fabric of his shirt. Mia felt her heart thudding even more aggressively. She'd never felt more alive than she felt right now.

  She released his hair and grasped the front of Rafiq's shirt and tugged hard. She heard a ripping sound and the front of Rafiq's white shirt was wrenched open wide exposing the delights beneath. Gloriously developed chest muscles. Rippling waves of abdominals. A mat of dark chest hair.

  Mia gasped at the sight of Rafiq's perfect torso. How could she possibly resist this? What woman in her right mind could refuse what that body promised?


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