Amaranthine (Willow Shadows Book 1)

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Amaranthine (Willow Shadows Book 1) Page 18

by Lanie Jacobs

  Khalida had a new found freedom in the ability to leave the house on her own without a babysitter. She could always feel Luke around her as she walked down the street, but she knew that was only for his own peace of mind. Each time she walked, the distance got greater, but after a couple walks, Khalida found that running was a great release. It helped just to feel the wind against her face and the ground beneath her feet. Her legs were leaner, carrying more muscle just as the rest of her body became more defined.

  She decided to go for a run the day before her birthday, grabbing her iPod with the latest downloads of her favorite music and strolled down the driveway. Khalida knew Luke and Razi were off on some covert mission, so this run would be just her, and she found that fact comforting. Her feet pounded against the pavement with every step she took. Controlling her breathing came easy now; she didn’t get physically tired or become out of breathe as she once did before she became abnormal and her transformation started to take place. The only downside to becoming a hybrid vamp was the fact that her eyes were super sensitive to the sunlight now, and she had to wear sunglasses until her eyes adjusted. Razi assured her it would only take a few days, but after that, she would be good as new.

  Making her way down the street, she found her mind wandering over to thoughts of Luke. He had been so patient with her over the past few days, making sure he kept his distance, giving her the space that she had so badly needed, always putting her needs and wants before his own. Khalida was ashamed of how she had been so unfair to him. Khalida pushed him away, not giving into the emotions that floored her every time he was near. Her heart lingered for him when he was near, and her body wanted him close, but fighting all those urges only left her with empty feelings and a craving that only he could fulfill.

  As her iPod shuffled to the latest from My Darkest Days, Khalida realized that the sun was going down and she had scurried outside of her normal routine, running to outskirts of her old neighborhood. She slowed down and planted her feet firmly when she realized she stood only a couple blocks from what use to be her home. Khalida had not returned back to this area since her mother was killed. Emotion coiled inside her stomach as waves of nausea crashed over her. Placing her hands on her knees, she hung her head low, trying to get a grip the heart rate and emotions that poured through, causing her to feel even more nauseated, pacing her breath until the feelings had passed and she could inhale more comfortably.

  The papers proclaimed the house fire was an accident and that her mother was a victim of this terrible accident. Police tape blocked anyone from passing on the property. There was not much left, anyway; shambles of her home were broken down to ashes, and she stared in dismay at the mess that was once her home. Razi had clean up detail, going from door to door and catching people on the street, erasing their memories and replacing them with scenes of a fake accident.

  I would have never guessed that he had the ability erase and alter memories. Luke can read minds I can’t imagine what Josephine can do.

  Shaking out of her daze, she heard a soft rumble of thunder in the distance and noticed since she had begun her run, grey dark clouds had rolled in with the threat of a storm raging in the distance. The thunder grew closer as the wind picked up. Still, she stood unable to make herself move any further, not yet able to turn away. She just stared at everything that was familiar to her, knowing that nothing would be the same and everything continued to change. Hairs stood up at the base of her neck, and shivers crawled down her spine. Unable to ignore all the warning signs her body was gleaming off, she sensed someone had been following her and it wasn’t Luke. Blood rushed through her veins in response to the adrenaline being released, sending a chill of goose bumps on her arms. This was not the same feeling that came from Braedon. It was something or someone different, so she stood her ground, less willing to defend herself than she was to attack the sinister and eerie source that radiated around her.

  Khalida showed no sign of weakness, her eyes still scanning the area as she looked for the cause of her sudden discomfort. The wind blew harder and shifted in swirls, sending her hair tossing all around her while lightning flickered above her head as the thunder rumbled with a hunger only she could sense. Minutes passed before she could feel the entity pull away, leaving her with only the words of a hiss. She turned around to head back to the house and ran smack into Luke. She never heard him sneak up behind her.

  “Oh. My. God. Luke! You scared the crap out of me!” she screamed at him while slapping her hands on his chest.

  He just stood there with a smile threatening to cradle along his lips, placing his arms gently over Khalida’s shoulder, pulling her to his chest, protecting her from the presence she knew Luke could feel. When she wrapped her arms around him, the fear that once crawled over her skin disappeared as she once relaxed into the comfort of his embrace.

  “I missed you,” Luke said simply as he placed a kiss on the top of her head. She knew he was talking about the distance she put between them and tears filled her eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” That’s all she could say. There had been no explanations about why she was pulling away. The warmth of his arms told her that he knew her reasoning, and he was willing to wait until she came back to him. He was willing to give her the space she so badly needed, but inside he knew that she would come to her senses, he knew she would always come back to him. Khalida tilted her chin up to look deeply into his gentle blue eyes wanting so badly to kiss him. His eyes danced knowing that her want for him was in full force. Her body melted into his as his lips gently grazed against hers. Her kiss was hungry and demanding more, and Luke’s kiss met hers with more necessity.

  He wrapped his hands around her neck, kissing Khalida harder with a primal need that arose from within. Luke instantly pulled away as a low growl flowed from his lips.

  “I think you are trying to drive me crazy, Toot,” his desire was instantly replaced with an arrogant calmness, refusing to let her have the upper hand so quickly.

  Khalida couldn’t help but smile at his cool demeanor as she intertwined her fingers with his. Pulling her to him and wrapping one arm around her shoulders, they started walking back to the house, content to let the silence deafen them. There were no words passed, just the sound of their hearts racing. Half way home, Luke finally spoke, “You want to tell me what happened back there before I showed up?”

  She fiddled with the right words to speak, but the truth was she had no idea what happened, “I can’t say for sure,” Khalida managed to say.

  “Whatever it was apparently wasn’t happy that I showed up,” his face was hard, showing no emotion.

  Khalida knew he was right. She wasn’t sure what was out in the woods but whatever it was, hate motivated it. And it was coming for her.


  Walking up the driveway, Luke quickly placed his hands over her face, blocking her view from seeing anything. Grabbing his hands she tried to move them, but he whispered in her ear, “Happy Birthday, Khally I hope you like it.”

  She shuffled forward as he steered her in the direction he wanted her to go, walking for what seemed like minutes until they came to a halt. Light drizzle fell upon her face as rain began to pour down. Luke removed his hands from her eyes to reveal a sleek black Range Rover Evogue with a huge crimson bow fastened to the hood of the vehicle. Shock rocked over her face and for the first time, Khalida was completely speechless.

  Josephine strolled from behind the fabulous, unexpected birthday gift with a sneaky smile resting on her lips. “I think the cat got her tongue, son,” she laughed softly.

  “I do believe your right, Mother. It’s a first for her. She is completely shell shocked,” he winked as Khalida’s gaze fell upon his enlightened stare.

  “I can’t believe this. It’s way too much,” she spoke in disbelief.

  “Nothing is too much when it comes to you. You have to take it. You have no choice. The title is in your name and y
ou’ll soon see that it’s not really my style,” Luke spoke with pride and a glint in his eyes with the same dancing twinkle that always seemed to mesmerize and take all her senses. He could sense her unease at such a gift. “Go check it out, okay? Mom and me just wanted to make this birthday as special as we could, plus you could use a new car,” he playfully demanded.

  Khalida suspected he was worried that she would not like it, but how could she not? She ran her fingertips across the hood, letting them slide over to the door. Opening the door, she climbed in, clapping her hands in excitement like a little kid at Christmas. Luke leaned against the door, propping one arm on top of the door, resting his forehead in the crook of his bent arm. “You ready to take me for a drive?” his amusement replaced with his all too enduring restless confidence. “I had them install me an ‘Oh, shit handle’ on the passenger’s side,” he said, taking a cheap shot at Khalida’s driving.

  “Hey, Vampire! I got mad driving skills. Just because I don’t drive around like you, that doesn’t make me a bad driver. As matter of fact, I’m a lot better driver than you. I go the speed limit, and I’ve only had three accidents, and those were not my fault. I’ve never ran into a truck or a house, unlike someone I know, Jerkface. ”

  “You make a good points, but Toot, my love, I’ve never ran a car off the cliff. You’re a magnet for disaster,” he chuckled under his breath as he walked around the car and slid next to her, instantly sending butterflies scattering through her stomach. “I had them customize the inside for you. Do you like it?” he flashed a halfcocked smile waiting for Khalida’s reply.

  Khalida couldn’t believe her eyes. The interior was black with a hot pink accent color on the side doors and the seat. “You had them add the hot pink didn’t you?” she softly asked. Thinking back, she remembered one of their first conversations when she was new to this school. He wanted to know her favorite color.

  “I remember everything about you,” he said slyly.

  There was no doubt he had poured himself in the detail of the car, adding a GPS and DVD player and making sure even the lighting to the digital gauges was hot pink. Wetness threatened to pour down her face as she was overcome with happiness.

  “I love it! I can’t believe you went all out like this for me,” she said as sadness peeked through her voice.

  “Please don’t cry,” Luke grumbled while he gently scooted closer.

  Overwhelming emotion of happiness and sadness swept through her mind. She was happy that Luke was so thoroughly thoughtful with her birthday and overwhelmed with sadness knowing that her mom wouldn’t be here for her birthday.

  Brushing her cheek with his fingertips, he cupped her chin in his hand as he pulled her in for a kiss, tenderly placing his arm around her sagging shoulders, “Khally, we can just go in and go for a drive later when you feel up to it,” he softly murmured in her ear.

  Sighing loudly, not willing to give in to her defeat, she placed her hand on his cheek with a playful slap, “Not a chance, Baby. I want to watch you squeeze that ‘oh, shit handle’!” she said, laughing harshly as a look of despair washed over his face before he burst into laughter as she put the truck in drive rolled down the driveway and into the street.

  A few shops and hours later, Luke and Khalida were on their way home after a seemingly peaceful afternoon. Pulling up to the house and getting out of the car, she ran around and jumped into Luke just as planted his feet firmly on the ground before she bounced on him like a kangaroo. He twirled her through the air before both of them tumbled forward, landing on the ground. Luke positioned himself on top of Khalida, as she buried herself underneath his body, stealing a quick kiss and leaving lingering thoughts of the kiss flashing over her face before he jumped to his feet.

  “We should really work on your clumsiness, girl,” Luke said as he held his arm out to help her up.

  Grabbing his arm, she let him effortlessly wisp her to her feet and into his arms, “I love you,” she quietly said before burying her face deep within chest, inhaling his sexy scent and letting it warm over her body, making her desire him even more.

  Like that is even possible.

  Luke exhaled; the chuckle bellowing from him only confirmed the knowledge that he was in her head, again. “I really need to work on blocking you out, again,” she said playfully with a failed attempt of pouting her lips.

  “Don’t do that. It makes you look like a duck,” he snickered as he grabbed her hand, pulling her into the house, “Ducks are made for hunting.”


  Khalida jumped back at the sudden noise that boomed from in front of her. Everyone that she loved and a few that she didn’t know were standing in the living room, staring at her, waiting impatiently for her shocked response.

  “You threw me a surprise party?” she asked in complete and utter shock while looking around the room to see many of the wait staff and guards, her best friend Vega, Razi, Josephine, Luke’s brothers and little sister. Khalida had a somber realization as her eyes made their way around the room, noticing a big hole where her mother would be standing next to Josephine if she were still here. As sadness welled in her chest, she could feel Luke bend down to whisper something in her ear.

  “You may not see her, but she is here,” he murmured.

  “I know,” she replied almost on cue, “thank you all so much. I love this,” streams of wetness threatened to flow down her face, but before Khalida could wipe them away, the tears started falling as soon as Vega ran up to her, grabbing Khalida in the tightest hug she could and just left her arms around her best friend.

  At that moment, she realized that even though she lost someone she loved dearly, one who was the most important person in her life; she still had people surrounding her that loved her. Khalida thought about these people that she loved and those that she had neglected and pushed away in the moment when she needed them the most….when they needed her the most.


  Khalida sat back and watched everyone at the party. She watched her best friend and new love, Razi, smiling at each other and laughing, causing Khalida’s heart to ache at the seemingly innocent gestures on the outside, but on the inside, she could tell that the two of them were just bidding their time until they could be alone. She missed having moments like that with Luke. Khalida withdrew from all those around her, and now more than ever, she wanted the closeness with Luke. She wanted his arms around her making her feel safe. She wanted his kisses and the playful way his eyes danced when he wanted more. She wanted more, and seeing him across the room wasn’t enough.

  Luke entertained the guests, all while keeping a watchful eye upon Khalida. He could hear the pull of her heart racing and sensed the need that seemed to radiate from her. Not that he wanted to punish her for being so distant, but he lingered longer than he should have.

  Khalida tore her eyes from Luke. She knew by the current coursing through her blood he was aware of her wants. She focused on the faces in the room, most of whom she recognized and were comfortable with but there were a few she didn’t. The vampire society was different then the world she was used to. They were secretive and most of them kept to themselves; however, on this night, it was apparent not all had come out to celebrate the birthday of the “Marked One”. They stared with their eyes ogling out of their heads as they walked by her. Khalida heard many of them whispering under their breaths.

  There she is.

  She isn’t what I expected.

  And of course the shrewd remarks of more than a few Luke hopefuls.

  That’s the one he has chosen, and to think he passed me over for that thing.

  Fidgeting with her hands, Khalida tried to ignore the awkward stares and jealous comments. She tried to focus on laughing and carrying a conversation about anything but it was hard with all the noise and excitement all around her. She found herself wanting to hide in a corner, but with her friend quickly approaching,
she knew that wasn’t an option. Vega wasn’t the type to let Khalida shy away and hide from prying eyes. Grabbing Khalida’s hand, Vega pulled her to her side, but she almost felt nonexistent standing next to her. She was as beautiful as she was graceful, as she flowed across the room, dragging Khalida unwillingly towards where Razi and Luke stood. Khalida slowly lifted her eyes from the ground until she met Luke’s glistening steel eyes. At that moment, all the doubts that circled her head dissipated, and she could actually feel herself relaxing. He placed his arm around her shoulders pulling her to him as he softly placed a kiss on the top of her head. Shudders fluttered around her stomach, and she smiled when she realized the butterflies were back in full swing. Her skin twitched with the excitement of his touch as he glided his hands up her back and then softly to her neck, gently massaging some of the tension out. Khalida could feel the stares from the others in the room watching the two of them together. Nervousness ran thick as she tried to ignore all the glares and snickering.

  Whispering in her ear, “Have I told you how beautiful you look, tonight?” his thick voice instantly distracting her thoughts.

  Khalida smiled softly. Just the sound of his voice made her forget those around.

  “No, I do not believe you have. You’re starting to slack on your boyfriend duties,” she challenged him.

  “I will have to see about making that up to you, lady,” his lowered voice was more of a harsh whisper.


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