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SEAL's Revenge (Alpha SEALs Coronado Book 4)

Page 12

by Makenna Jameison

  They’d been texting the past few days and had only briefly spoken on the phone. He wasn’t much for long phone conversations, and Kim didn’t seem to be either. Besides, she was staying at her parents’ house temporarily, and between them and her sister hovering over her, she didn’t have much alone time.

  “Any updates on Kimberly?” Troy asked, jogging up beside him.

  “She was discharged from Walter Reed and is staying at her parents’ house for now. She’s flying out to San Diego this weekend.”

  “Sweet,” Troy said with a chuckle. “Is she staying with you?”

  “She’ll stay with Ghost and Hailey when she gets here and then might come to my place.”

  “Huh,” Troy said.

  Ethan glanced over. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.

  “I just figured she’d stay with you.”

  Ethan’s gaze shifted to the ocean, the waves crashing on the shore. They jogged so early in the morning, there weren’t many people around. Every once in a while, Jackson brought his girlfriend Taryn along. She didn’t jog with them; she just liked to walk on the beach. Today it was just him and his teammates though. Jackson was far ahead, seemingly eager to finish their workout and get home to his girl before they had to be on base. The other three were running together, and Ethan and Troy lagged slightly behind.

  “I hope she will, but I want her to feel comfortable. She hasn’t seen Hailey in months, and I know they want time to catch up. And let’s be real—Kim and I don’t know each other that well. We spent an intense couple of days in Bagram, but….”

  “No buts. You’re not texting her all the time for no reason,” Troy said with a smirk.

  “You noticed that, huh?” Ethan asked with a chuckle.

  “I’ve never seen you so into a woman before.”

  Ethan smirked but didn’t comment. He had been texting with Kim a lot. He’d text her when he woke up just to say good morning. Even with the time difference, since he was up so early for PT, it was around the time she’d been waking up.

  He knew she hadn’t slept well and still woke up frequently with nightmares. He knew she was thrilled to drink coffee every morning and sleep with her bedroom door locked.

  Hell. It killed him to know she’d locked the bedroom in her parents’ house. She’d said she felt safer that way though.

  “Are you guys still hitting up a couple of bars tonight?” Ethan asked, changing the subject.

  “Logan and I are. You weren’t interested, remember?”

  “I’m still not. Hell. I like her,” he said, the ocean air whipping around him as they pushed harder during the last stretch of their run. “I don’t need to go pick up a woman for a night. But even if I am interested in Kim, that doesn’t mean anything will come of it. We live on opposite coasts.”

  “And you live in a military town,” Troy chuckled. “Hailey got a job out here. There’s no reason Kim couldn’t, too.”

  “Yeah, let’s just jump ten steps ahead,” Ethan said. “She’s been through hell. I don’t want to rush anything.”

  Logan glanced back over his shoulder at them. “What are you two doing way back there? Can’t keep up with the rest of us?”

  “Just checking out your ass,” Troy joked.

  “The ladies don’t complain,” Logan said.

  Grayson whooped beside him, chuckling. “Hell. You haven’t had a woman with you at our last few get togethers. Who are these ladies you’re talking about?”

  “Very funny, jackass. I would say come out with us tonight, but your girl has you whipped.”

  “You’ll hear no complaints from me,” Grayson said with a grin.

  Ethan shook his head as they all reached the starting point again near Ghost’s apartment. He rolled his shoulders, stretching, and saw a woman walking her dog in the distance. For a brief moment, he had a vision of Kimberly coming down here to the beach with them. They’d walk their dog—which he didn’t have—laugh, and then head back to their place. The image was so clear it was startling.

  He might like her, but they had a hell of a lot of obstacles in their way. Frowning, he moved away from his laughing teammates. He might be looking forward to seeing Kim this weekend, but he knew what this was and what it wasn’t.

  He’d let her stay with him. They’d talk and laugh and have fun. He’d hold her in his arms if she needed him. But then he’d have to let her go back to her own life. And if it sucked that he’d never have a shot at a real relationship with her, then that was just something he’d have to deal with.


  Kimberly wheeled her carryon through the gate after her plane landed on Saturday. Hailey and Grayson had offered to pick her up at the airport, and with the difference in time zones, it already felt like dinnertime to her.

  She ignored the rumbling in her stomach and looked around.

  It had been a long, crazy week. She’d spent two days at Walter Reed while they ran some extra tests and made sure her body was absorbing the nutrients she needed to regain her strength. She’d briefly gone to her apartment, where she’d promptly burst into tears. Seeing all her old things had overwhelmed her, and the thought of staying there alone terrified her. Her sister had driven her to their parents’ house, and they’d all spent the next few days together, laughing and crying as Kim tried to pretend everything was okay.

  She hadn’t been back to her office yet, but since she’d been granted extended leave while she recovered and readjusted to life back in the States, she’d bought a plane ticket and flown out to San Diego. She’d still need to provide more details to the investigators, but right now, she’d just needed an escape.

  Her mom had been practically hysterical when she’d left, and Kim was thankful her sister had taken her to the airport. She was already feeling a bit overwhelmed after flying in the confined space of the airplane. It hadn’t bothered her so much when she flew home from Bagram with Ethan’s team. She’d been exhausted and thrilled to get out of there.

  Now her nerves were frayed, and the throngs of people streaming by were making her nervous. Being surrounded by strangers had never bothered her in the past, but she felt like she couldn’t trust anyone. She took a deep breath, steeling herself. It was silly to be stressed out over an airport. She flew all the time. She was an independent woman.

  A woman hustling by jostled her, and she startled. Stepping off to the side, her heart pounding, she turned her phone back on. There was a text that Ethan had sent earlier.

  Can’t wait to see you later on.

  She was looking forward to seeing him in a few hours when he came over to Grayson and Hailey’s apartment. It had been a week since they’d parted ways at Andrews AFB, and just the thought of seeing Ethan made her practically buzz with excitement. How she could feel both calmed by and attracted to him, she wasn’t totally sure. He made her feel centered though, like she could take on anything with him at her side.

  She slowly walked out to the baggage claim area, taking another deep breath. She’d only brought her carry-on, but her gaze swept through the crowds as she looked for Hailey. Suddenly she heard a shriek and then saw a flash of auburn hair as her friend raced toward her. It was only when Hailey was hugging her tightly, practically jumping up and down in excitement, that Kim realized both Grayson and Ethan were waiting for her.

  Kim’s cheeks heated, but she beamed at Ethan as warmth washed over her. She was supposed to see him in a couple of hours when they all ate dinner together, but she was thrilled he’d come with them to pick her up.

  “Hi, sweetheart,” he said, walking over to her. He looked relaxed and calm, but she could see the emotion in his dark eyes. The green shirt he had on set off his tanned skin, and he looked healthy and strong. A few women glanced his way, and her heart pounded with the knowledge that he only had eyes for her.

  “You came!” she said, throwing herself into his arms.

  Grayson chuckled beside him as Ethan caught her in his embrace, but she didn’t care. She’d missed seein
g Ethan this week. They’d talked one night on the phone, briefly, and she was embarrassed to admit his deep voice had lulled her to sleep. Most nights she woke up in a panic, but when she’d heard his soothing timbre? It was like she knew she was safe.

  Now with Ethan’s strong arms around her and his clean, masculine scent filling her nose as she buried her face in the crook of his neck, she felt safer than she had since the moment they’d parted. His hard, muscular body pressed up against hers made her feel all sorts of things she hadn’t expected.

  Ethan was virile and strong. She wasn’t ready to jump into a relationship, obviously, but wow. She loved the feeling of his arms around her, of his body holding her close. They’d texted throughout the week, and she was thrilled he’d come to the airport.

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d want me here,” he admitted, his lips at her ear.

  “What?” she asked, pulling back to look up at him as she clutched onto his forearms. “Of course, I would! Why would you think that?”

  He shrugged. “I didn’t want to interrupt your reunion with Hailey. I know you two have been looking forward to seeing each other. But I figured you’ll have several days to catch up with her, and if you want to talk right away, I can hang with Ghost at the apartment.”

  Kim nodded as she searched his face. He was completely sincere. He’d hang out with his buddy if she needed some private girl time with Hailey. He’d just wanted to be there for her. Kim clutched onto his hand, not missing the way Hailey’s eyes widened as she and Grayson walked closer. He said hi and then grabbed her suitcase since she was holding onto Ethan. “How was your flight?” Grayson asked.

  “Would it be awful to admit it was more comfortable than the military plane?” she asked. “My parents upgraded my ticket to first class. I told them I didn’t need it, but my dad had a lot of miles, so….” She shrugged. “It was kind of weird being surrounded by a plane full of strangers though. I’m not used to being out in public or seeing lots of people yet. I was on edge the entire time.”

  “You look good!” Hailey said.

  “I don’t,” Kim protested. “I lost weight, my hair is still a mess, and I haven’t been sleeping well.”

  “Maybe we should head out,” Ethan said, and Kim realized a few people had stopped to watch them. Did they recognize her? Or were they just nosy?

  Her image had been broadcast far and wide when the media got word of her rescue. She didn’t appreciate having her photograph splashed across the evening news, but then again, she’d been thankful for the attention at first. Her story getting out could’ve been what prompted the military to speed up her rescue, and she’d never regret that.

  “We all rode in Ethan’s SUV since Grayson has a pickup truck. I could’ve driven, but I was too excited and nervous to see you,” Hailey admitted.

  “I can hardly believe I’m here,” Kim said, looking around the airport as they walked out. “The last time I saw you was in our building back in Bagram.”

  “Yeah,” Hailey said. “I went back to my room after we talked in the lobby.” She sniffled slightly, and Kim let go of Ethan’s hand, wrapping her arm around her friend’s shoulders.

  “We’re okay,” Kim said soothingly. “We’re both okay.”

  Tears streamed down Hailey’s face as she looked at her. “I know, I just feel so guilty. Why were you taken and not me? What if we’d stayed in the lobby and talked longer? Maybe we would’ve run outside together, and you would’ve been okay. I went upstairs to get something to eat. That seems so trivial and silly now.”

  “Or maybe we both would’ve been kidnapped,” Kim said gently. “It’s no more your fault than mine.”

  “I know—I’m sorry,” Hailey said, wiping away her tears. “I promised myself I wouldn’t freak out. I’m the one who should be strong here. I didn’t go through any of what you did.”

  “I’m parked in one of the garages. You want me to pull around and come pick you both up?” Ethan asked, glancing over at the women.

  “I can walk,” Kim insisted.

  “We can wait here and let the guys get the car,” Hailey said.

  Kim finally agreed and watched as Ethan and Grayson walked off. “So how are you really?” Hailey asked, turning toward her as the guys walked away.

  “Honestly? Freaking out a little. I hate being alone. I wake up throughout the night. I haven’t truly spent a night alone yet. I was in the hospital in Bagram, then on the plane with the guys, and then after Walter Reed, I stayed with my parents. I hate crowds. I’m always looking over my shoulder.”

  “Oh, hun. I’m so sorry you had to deal with all that. You can stay with us as long as you want. I know Ethan offered, too, but we really don’t mind.”

  Kim let out a breath. “We’ll see. I probably shouldn’t stay with him. That’s crazy, right? We hardly know each other. It’s just that I feel safe when I’m with him.”

  Hailey nodded. “I get it. I swear that I do. That’s just how it is with Grayson and me. I know he saved me, but it’s more. I feel calm and settled with him in a way I just didn’t when I was by myself.”

  “God. What am I doing though? Ethan and I live on opposite coasts. Even if I spend time with him out here, it’s not like something can happen.”

  “Well, it’s not like you have to marry the guy tomorrow. Just get to know him a little better while you’re in California and see what happens. If you feel happy and safe with him, that’s really all that matters right now.”

  “I know. I’m probably worrying about nothing. Maybe I’ll spend some time with him, and he’ll end up being totally awful or something.”

  Hailey smiled. “He’s not awful. We spent time alone together when I was being harassed. I don’t know if the guys told you about it yet. It’s a long story. He’s really protective. I told Ethan about you then, and he just really listens, you know? He’s intense, but in a good way. I actually think you two are perfect for each other.”

  “Is that them?” Kim asked. “He would have a monstrous black SUV that seats eight.”

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing,” Kim said with a laugh. “I just always envisioned having a big family someday, and I’ll never get a minivan. But I’m nowhere near ready for that yet—not a relationship, not a family.”

  “Speaking of families…I’ve got a secret,” Hailey said, her face beaming.

  Kim looked over at her friend, her eyes widening. “What? No!”

  Hailey nodded. “It’s early. I missed my period and took a pregnancy test this morning. I’m going to tell Grayson tonight.”

  “Wait—he doesn’t know yet?” Kim practically squealed.

  Hailey shook her head. “Don’t tell him. We’ve been planning on getting engaged soon. We looked at rings, and we live together. Plus, we stopped using birth control. I never thought it would happen so quickly.”

  “Wow. I can’t even imagine. I’m…kind of in shock. But congratulations! I can’t believe you just told me right now. I’m going to have to keep it a secret the entire car ride!”

  “Sorry,” Hailey said, not looking the least bit sorry.

  Kim bit her lip, trying not to smile. Ethan would instantly know something was up.

  Ethan pulled up to the curb and jumped out, grabbing Kimberly’s hand after he’d rounded the vehicle and guiding her to the passenger seat. “It’s only about twenty minutes to their apartment. We’ll get you settled, and if you want to spend time with Hailey, that’s cool with me. I can hang out with Ghost for a bit, and then we’ll order some dinner. Or go out somewhere if you’re feeling up to it.”

  “I just can’t believe you’re here,” she said, looking up at Ethan. It was the most casual she’d ever seen him; she was used to his fatigues. He had on jeans and tee shirt today, but they hung perfectly from his muscular frame. His dark eyes sparked with interest as he looked down at her.

  “How could I stay away?” he asked, his voice husky. He ducked down and quickly brushed his lips across her forehead, s
ending sparks of heat through her entire body. They were more than friends. That much was certainly clear. But it’s not like she’d be making out with him on the sofa tonight or something. Or going to bed with the man. She didn’t know when she’d feel comfortable being intimate again.

  He didn’t seem concerned though, just casually reached out and helped her into his SUV as Grayson slammed the back hatch shut. She glanced over to see he’d already taken care of her suitcase, so she fastened her seatbelt as Ethan shut the door.

  “You look happy,” Grayson said to Hailey as he helped her inside.

  “Yep. It’s a good day,” she admitted.

  Kim saw Ethan looking at her curiously, but he didn’t comment. She flushed as she wondered if he knew they’d been talking about him. That was silly though. She was a grown woman. She could talk to her friend about the guys if she wanted.

  They ended up hitting some traffic along the way, but forty-five minutes later, they were pulling into Grayson and Hailey’s apartment complex. “Wow, you’re so close to the beach!” Kim said excitedly. Although she knew it was too cold for swimming this time of year, she hoped they could go walk on it. After being held in the mountains, she was looking forward to a complete change of scenery. The sunshine, ocean air, and sandy beaches would do her a world of good.

  “Yep. The place I originally was supposed to rent was much farther away. I ended up moving in with Grayson and love it here.”

  “How long have you two lived together?” Kim asked as she climbed out of the SUV.

  “Well, pretty much as soon as I moved here. It’s a long story,” Hailey admitted.

  Kim nodded, feeling slightly dazed. Although she knew they’d moved in together, she felt like she’d missed so much of life. And to know Hailey would be engaged soon? Would have a family?

  She didn’t know if she’d ever get to that point now. Not after the terrifying time she’d spent alone in the mountains with her kidnappers. How could she have a normal relationship or life?


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