HER Dress

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HER Dress Page 5

by Pat Simmons


  “Pepper’s. I would like to visit.”

  Monica seemed hesitant. “Is this for you or her?”

  “Both.” And he meant it. There were other ways to impress a woman, but he had never used church as a tactic. He thought singing to Pepper would bump him to the top of her guys-to-go-out-on-a-date-with list, but evidently not.

  “Fulfilling God’s Promises Church on Pershall Road. It has two services and more than two thousand something members. Pepper usually attends the eleven o’clock one.”

  He took a seat on a vacant bench near the food court and typed the information into his phone. “Got it.” He was about to disconnect.



  “There’s something about you that I like and it’s not because of your donation. I’m rooting for you, but don’t make me regret it.”

  Drake recognized the mild threat, but he had every intention of being nothing less than a gentleman. When she disconnected, Drake began to plot his strategy.

  On Sunday morning, Drake dressed in the new suit he purchased at the mall. He went overboard on buying new socks, shoes, and he got a fresh haircut that he didn’t need. He even dabbled into experimenting with a new minty-tasting mouthwash. After checking his appearance in the mirror three times, he headed to Pepper’s church. He briefly prayed for another chance meeting.

  Almost thirty minutes later, he steered his SUV into a procession of cars, waiting to enter the massive parking lot. Once inside the church complex, he admitted that Monica wasn’t exaggerating about the size of the congregation. He would need an aisle, row, and seat number to find Pepper.

  He didn’t know how long it would take him to spot Pepper in this crowd, but he wasn’t intimidated by the size. He had a couple of hours to find his diamond in the rough. Snagging the nearest seat, Drake made himself comfortable as he began to people watch.

  Scanning the sanctuary, Drake tapped his foot, never missing a beat with the organist. A short time later, a robust woman marched to the podium. A movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention. He whipped his head around, hoping it was Pepper, but the woman wasn’t shapely enough and her hair was too short. He was on the edge of frustration when a baby’s cry erupted in another section. As Drake searched for the object of the interruption, he spotted the hair first—shiny and silky in a stylish cut, then a side view of a face—Pepper.

  Thank God for crying babies in church. Drake stood, swiped up his Bible and with determined steps, he headed in that direction. He didn’t bother to see whether there was space for him or not. He would make room.


  Pepper blinked. No, it wasn’t a mirage. The handsome man sliding in next to her was Drake? Her heart pounded. His mesmerizing eyes, gleaming white perfect smile, and masculine features rendered her speechless. It wasn’t the suit that made him, but the man definitely filled out the suit—wow.

  He winked. “Sorry I’m late,” he said as if she was expecting him.

  Another wow. Drake was in a league Pepper was afraid to join. Although she had discouraged any further discussion with Monica about Drake, her memory wasn’t as obedient.

  Coaxing herself to breathe, Pepper moved her lips. Finally, she stuttered a whisper, “What are you doing here?”

  “The doors to the church are always open, right? Let’s talk after church. Since I’m here, I really want to hear your pastor.” He glanced at the podium, then back at her.

  “Sure.” Checkmate. Any way she looked at it, Drake flustered her. Pepper nodded and returned her attention to the pulpit. Was he going to be another guy trying to impress her with church theatrics? She hoped not.

  As if Drake sensed what she was thinking, he reached for her hand and squeezed it lightly before releasing it. “That didn’t come out right. If my words were harsh, I’m sorry. Forgive me?” Sincerity in his eyes backed up his words.

  “Yes.” Her opinion of him climbed a notch with his apology.

  Elder Hammond asked all visitors to stand. Confidently, Drake did and buttoned his jacket.

  “We welcome you today and hope you will return again. May God speak to your hearts, and just like on the day of Pentecost where men heard their native tongues and understood, God can speak different messages to different people today. There is a Word from the Lord today for you. Now, saints please give our guests a warm applause.”

  The response was thunderous as Pepper joined in.

  “Are there any visitors who care to have a word?” the pastor asked.

  Sucking in her breath, Pepper tugged the back of Drake’s suit jacket with all her might. She didn’t want to take any chances on an embarrassing encore performance like the other week. He glanced at her with a mischievous smirk.

  “What did you do that for?”

  “You know why,” she whispered. “The serenade. Please sit down.”

  “I wanted to get your attention that night.”

  “You did. Now will you behave?”

  “Will you go out to dinner with me after church?”

  “Okay,” she said with a tight smile as she continued to urge him to sit.

  With a lift of his shoulder and a smug grin, Drake retook his seat.

  It was another setup. How did this man stampede into her life and flip the script on her like that? Lord, You said everything that happens in my life is to advance my story. All I want to know is can I read an advance copy of his script because I’m clueless about how to respond to this man.

  Her pastor instructed everyone to open their Bibles, then he began his sermon in James 1. “The Lord Jesus’ blessings are as abundant as the blades of grass. Those blessings are dispatched on whomever He wills. His goodness is not to be compared with blessings from your parents, employers, and friends. Make no mistake about it. Let’s look at verse seventeen: Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He paused, then startled Pepper when he shouted, “But we have to go through some things to get it!”

  Elder Hammond preached hard for the next hour about spiritual warfare. She briefly wondered if Drake had connected with anything so far. He nodded a couple of times, agreeing with some of the things that were said; he followed along in his Bible as the scriptures were read, but what he was thinking? She wished she knew. Was he bored? Was he tortured to be there? Her questions were endless.

  I know his heart, God reminded her. Chastened, Pepper refocused on the remainder of the service.

  Pepper gathered her things following the benediction. Drake stepped back and boldly assessed her outfit.

  “You look pretty,” he complimented her red coatdress.

  “Thank you. You look nice, too.”

  They reached for her Bible at the same time. Drake was faster as he placed it on top of his. “But you are one beautiful woman. Amazing, all these men in here and you aren’t taken.” He did a slow pivot on the heel of his shoe. “I am a blessed man. Thanks for inviting me.”

  “I didn’t,” she said with embarrassment as she bowed her head. “And I’m ashamed to admit it.”

  Drake fell in step as they headed toward the exit, nodding and greeting people along the way. “But I believe you would have once you had gotten to know me.”

  “Drake, your overconfidence is foreign to me.” She gritted her teeth, hoping it didn’t come off the wrong way.

  “Then you’ve been around the wrong men. I do believe blessings come from God, and I’m willing to fight the devil to keep it. You game?”

  “Not if you pull another stunt like you did a few weeks ago. I was totally unprepared for that. I didn’t know if your intention was playful or sudden infatuation.”

  Reaching for her hand, Drake squeezed her fingers. “My intention is serious,” he said, escorting her to her car. “Hopefully, I can help you make up your mind about me over dinner. Now, where do you want to eat?”

  When it came to food, Pepper
wasn’t shy. “How about Longhorn Steakhouse in Florissant? I’ll meet you there.”

  “Since you’re a cheesecake connoisseur, I’m surprised you didn’t say the Cheesecake Factory?”

  Her heart skipped a beat as she lowered her lashes. Drake remembered her comment from the soiree. “Well, I was trying to pick something close.”

  “Pepper, call me overconfident or determined, but I’ll drive a hundred miles to spend time with you and get to know you… I’m not exaggerating.”

  Drake was invading her emotional sanctuary, tugging on desires that she had never experienced around a man. She needed to get away from him and stay until she could clear her head. Stopping at her car, she deactivated the alarm. Drake was swift to open her door. He waited while she clicked her seatbelt, then he walked to his.

  Although Pepper wasn’t a fast driver, she needed some distance between her and Drake. Glancing in her rearview mirror, she saw that an SUV was ducking in and out of lanes and gaining speed until the driver pulled up beside her and honked. Drake. He slowed down so he could trail her.

  A half hour later, they arrived at the Galleria Mall. After cruising up and down a couple of aisles, Pepper was able to snag a space. As luck would have it, a driver pulled out not far from her and Drake drove in. She got out and waited for him.

  With a teasing smile and a carefree swagger, Drake jingled his keys as he approached. “Pepper, you are absolutely stunning.”

  “Thank you again.” God, he makes me feel beautiful. Maybe the green dress had nothing to do with them meeting—maybe.

  When they walked inside, Pepper was surprised the wait for a table on a Sunday afternoon was merely thirty minutes instead of an hour.

  After Pepper was handed a square token the size of a coaster that would alert them when their table was ready, they glanced around in the waiting area. When two people vacated their seats, Drake walked fast to claim them. He allowed Pepper to rest, then offered his seat to an elderly woman who nodded her thanks. An unselfish gentleman, Pepper took note.

  During their wait, their words were few as they exchanged stares and smiles. Drake had the most expressive eyes and handsome—whew. Once her token vibrated, he helped her stand. Hand in hand, they walked up to the counter. A hostess escorted them to a booth and Drake waited until she was seated, then he sat, never taking his eyes off her.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “As a matter of fact, it is. Although I’m enjoying my view of an exquisite woman from the best seat in the house, there is enough room for you to sit next to me.”

  Pepper was amused. “Did you come out of your mother’s womb giving compliments?”

  “No, but as my mother reminds me, ‘I raised you right,’ so I’m house trained to exhibit impeccable manners and respect.” Drake paused. “Pepper, let’s get some preliminaries out of the way. I’m thirty-five years old, never been married or engaged nor do I have any children. I’m a district manager for Enterprise Leasing, and—”

  Their waitress appeared and introduced herself, then slid menus in front of them. “What can I get you two to drink?”

  Pepper frowned at the intruder’s interruption. She was enjoying Drake’s babbling tidbits that she was quickly storing away for future reference, if needed. “A glass of water with no ice and a slice of lemon and lime, please,” Pepper said.

  The woman nodded, then they both turned to Drake who still hadn’t taken his eyes off Pepper. “You, sir?” the waitress prompted.

  “How about a Sprite, or,” he lifted a brow, “would you like a Shirley Temple?”

  He remembered. Pepper’s heart danced with excitement. “Ah, not this time.”

  The waitress asked if they needed more time to decide what they wanted to order. When Pepper shook her head, Drake blinked and fumbled with his menu. He resembled a misbehaving school boy.

  “I would like the chicken sliders and a side Caesar salad with extra dressing, please.”

  Drake glanced up and frowned. “That’s it? I thought you would take me to the bank.”

  She leaned over and scrunched her nose. “I have to have room to take down the white chocolate—”

  “Macadamia nut,” he finished, then glanced at the waitress and placed his order.

  “Do you remember everything I say?” Pepper crossed her legs under the table and sat straighter.

  “Everything. This feels right,” he stated as if he knew the jumbled emotions inside of her. He slid his hands across the table, then turned them palms up. It was an invitation for her to return his affections.

  “To be honest, this whole scenario is scaring me.” Pepper shivered and rested her hands in his, then sighed. “Why me?”

  “The question you should be asking is why me?” Drake pointed to his chest. “I want a permanent spot in your life.”

  Removing her hands from the table, Pepper blinked. “How can you be so sure after what, a few hours? Ah, let’s work on being friends.”

  “Listen. Granted that hot little dress you wore a few weeks ago caught my attention, but your beauty kept it. Your soft-spoken mannerism kept me wanting more. I have never lost my mind over any woman like I have with you, so while you’re guarding your heart against disaster, who is going to protect mine? I’m being upfront with you, Pepper.” He bit his lower lip. “I have no problem waiting for your feelings to catch up with mine, but…” He grinned. “Hurry up, patience isn’t one of my virtues.”

  She laughed. “You are such a contradiction, Mr. Logan. You should learn to have the patience of Job.”

  Drake shook his head. “I tried that. It doesn’t work.”


  Drake couldn’t stop himself from flirting overkill as he cataloged Pepper’s features. Her teeth were white and even, protected by luscious lips. He didn’t mean to make her uncomfortable, but he was smitten. Even when their server arrived, he couldn’t pull himself away from staring at Pepper. He didn’t know where their relationship—if she gave him a chance—would take them, but he had to find out.

  “So tell me about Miss Trudeau.” He folded his hands as if he was an obedient student ready to learn the teacher’s lesson.

  “I love Jesus. I’m thirty-one. The Lord saved me about seventeen years ago—”

  “When you were fourteen?” he interjected.

  “Yes. I’m the baby. I have two brothers and one sister.”

  “Are they married?” Drake asked.

  “My oldest brother, Jamal, is, but the other two aren’t yet.”

  “And you are available.”

  Pepper lowered her lashes and took a deep breath, then looked at him with an unreadable expression. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t see you and me as a good match romantically—I mean in a relationship.” She held her breath as if she was waiting for his response, but that was delayed when their food arrived.

  With the fireworks that are ready to be lit between us, I’m seeing us in a very romantic relationship, he thought, but he dared not voice that. Drake glanced from his plate to hers. “Should I bless our food in silence, or can I have the honor of saying grace over our food?”

  Pepper reached across the table and laid a soft hand on top of his. “I’d be honored for you to bless our meal.”

  When she tried to remove her hand, Drake trapped it with his other one and bowed his head. “Jesus, only You know how grateful I am to be with this incredibly beautiful creature made by Your hands. For that, I thank You. Now, for the food, please bless the hands that prepared it and purify it…”

  “In Jesus’ name. Amen,” they said together.

  Drake picked up his fork and knife, cut off a piece of his filet mignon and chewed. He chuckled as Pepper loaded her miniature bun with horseradish sauce. Although Pepper’s mannerism was dainty, she ate nonstop.

  “Pepper, what do you know or don’t know about me that gives you the opinion that a relationship between us wouldn’t work?”

  Her expression appeared thoughtful. She met his stare, t
hen looked away. “Drake,” she stuttered. “I live in a box and I don’t venture outside of that because I refuse to sleep with a man until that man is my husband. Now, I know that sounds antiquated, but I’m a Christian for a reason and that is to please God. He says sex outside marriage is a sin and so I take that at face value.”

  “In other words, you think I want you for sex,” he said in a controlled tone. Most of the time sex had been part of the relationship in the past. But he wanted something more with Pepper, so he was put off by her assumption.

  “No, no,” she quickly corrected. “I don’t know, but I just date brothers within the church who are concerned about their salvation. To me that’s sexy.” After taking a sip of her water, she rested the glass on the table and used her straw to stir the lemon and lime wedges inside. “You’re the type of man who could make any woman lose control.”

  “Really? And you think any man can look at you and not lose control? Think again, Miss Trudeau, because you’re looking at one, and I’m trying my best to meet your requirements. Whether you admit it or not, the attraction is here. But are we soul mates, too?”

  When she didn’t say anything, Drake realized he had gone overboard. “I apologize if my honesty offended you. It’s my overbearing personality getting in the way again.”

  Pepper smiled and tilted her head, squinting. “You are definitely outside my box.”

  When she laughed and shook her head, Drake relaxed and joined her. He wasn’t sure if he had passed a test, but it definitely broke the ice.

  “So, what are your hobbies and passions?” he asked as he stabbed at his vegetables, changing the subject.

  “My hobbies depend on the time of year. My passion, on the other hand, comes alive in the summer because I love carnivals and not just the big amusement parks like Six Flags, but neighborhood carnivals or church- or school-sponsored festivals. Maybe it’s the excitement I remember as a child when it was an all-day excursion. I just love the carefree atmosphere.”


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