Every Pearl Has Its Oyster

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Every Pearl Has Its Oyster Page 2

by India Lee

  “Oh my effing God, Tyler Chase!” Kate hopped up and down, hands quickly clasping over her own mouth in embarrassment. At the sound of her screeching, Gavin, Leah and Damian emerged from the bedroom.

  “Whoa, party out here.” Gavin raised his eyebrows.

  “Omigod!” Leah squeaked when she caught sight of Tyler, who stood comically frozen as the commotion unraveled around him. Damian just laughed. It was a chaotic scene, especially as Zoe and Harper ambled upstairs after following the sounds of “a screaming banshee or something.”

  “Sorry, that was me,” Kate blushed furiously, her face redder than Gemma had ever seen it – which was saying something because Kate was a blusher. As she proceeded to confess to Harper that she was an avid follower of her blog, Leah unabashedly asked to take a picture with Tyler while Gavin made a beeline to chat up Zoe. It all happened rapidly and canceled out the need for Gemma to make the introductions that she had prepared for a few days now. She quickly realized she liked it better this way.

  “So.” Damian stuck his hands in his pockets as he stood beside her, both of them observing the scene. “Beauford finally meets Hollywood. How’s it feel?”

  Gemma shook her head as she watched. “Bizarre,” she murmured. “But good.” She looked up at Damian and laughed. It was a relief to have someone who understood how simultaneously strange and special the moment was. Kate and Harper were exchanging favorite dieting tricks, Tyler and Leah were laughing at them and Gavin and Zoe were flirting because, why not? They were both loud, notorious flirts. In a matter of seconds, the chaos had died down into standard party chitchat, which was about all that Gemma had hoped for.

  With a glance at each other, she and Damian joined the happy chatter as if the eight of them had always been the closest of friends. It felt so natural that Gemma couldn’t help but wear a big cheesy grin the whole time, overjoyed and desperately hoping that everything else to follow would be just as easy.


  By noon the next day, Hudson’s Briarcliff Manor house was clear. The tents were taken down and packed, the wood flooring removed from the lawn. Everything about the estate returned back to its pre-wedding norm – except the multiple fridges in the house, which were packed with a few dozen pounds of gourmet leftovers. Though of course, Gavin was setting the pace to clear those too.

  “Hey, Harp,” he called at Harper from the main kitchen where he was eating from several massive trays of food. “Before you go, I need to ask you a favor.”

  Harper trudged from the front door into the kitchen, where Gemma also sat with a glass of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice. Only she and Gavin were without obligations the morning after the wedding. Tyler had caught a red-eye flight back to Los Angeles the night before so he could make a morning meeting with his agent. Zoe and Damian had both slept over but left for the city by sunrise – Zoe for a photo shoot and Damian for an interview with GQ. And lastly, Harper had a brunch appointment with her mother at Pure Food and Wine in Gramercy.

  “What do you want, Gav?” she asked, leaning in the doorway.

  “When you see Zoe later, can you give her this for me?”


  Gavin winked. Gemma snorted, choking on her juice.

  “You want me to wink at Zoe for you,” Harper said wryly, knotting her hair in a bun. When Gavin nodded seriously, she paused, sighed and then turned on her heel for the door. “Later, Bee! And by the way, Gav, totally gross to eat softshell crab out of the fridge like that,” she called from the foyer.

  “Don’t worry, I stopped tasting things like, three trays ago.”

  “You worry me, cuz,” Harper shouted before shutting the front door behind her. Gemma laughed. It was kind of remarkable how everything had fallen into place in a single night. Like true relatives – albeit step-relatives – Gavin and Harper had developed a friendly rivalry, which had begun during the reception with his horror over her raw diet.

  “Don’t you get cranky eating only leaves and nuts? I mean, what are you allowed to eat?” he’d asked while stabbing a forkful of lobster salad in one hand as the other fed his mouth with pear and blue cheese toast. They all sat at the same round table in front of Mira and Hudson’s, drawing the curious fascination of everyone at the wedding, including the bride and the groom.

  Harper flicked an almond from her salad at Gavin. “I’m allowed to eat anything I want, I just choose to eat things that will only benefit my health. Not to mention prevent future disease,” she replied.

  “Since she spent the past four years completely annihilating her liver,” Zoe said. When Leah and Kate gasped, Zoe waved a merry hand in the air. “Oh, it’s okay!” she giggled. “She’s been out of rehab long enough for me to make that joke. Right, Harpie?”

  “Whatev.” Harper shrugged with true indifference. “I’m just looking forward to when this guy stops playing basketball and all the weight catches up to him,” she grinned wickedly, nodding towards Gavin.

  “Yeah, not gonna happen though,” Leah said, raising a few curious eyebrows across the table. But then she continued. “Because he’s total a benchwarmer – he doesn’t actually play basketball.”

  As Damian and Tyler “ooh-ed” and prodded Gavin for a response, Harper rubbed her chin. She gazed at Leah before smiling. “I like you,” she decided placidly. Everyone laughed.

  “Well, I’m glad everyone bonded over being haters yesterday,” Gavin said as he and Gemma recalled the prior night. He downed the rest of her grapefruit juice and flashed a big smile. “I’ve always had a talent for bringing people together,” he said.

  Gemma snorted. “Mm-hm. Speaking of ‘people’ and ‘together,’ what happened with you and Zoe last night?” she asked, cocking her head innocently.

  “Nice transition. You’ve been waiting to ask that one, haven’t you?”

  “No.” Gemma paused. “Yes.”

  Zoe had left for the city before Gemma had gotten the chance to ask her about disappearing into the house with Gavin around midnight. At that point, Leah was on the dance floor with some British boy band member while Harper and Kate continued to chat at the table. After seeing off Tyler’s car to the airport, Gemma was able to just sit back and watch her friends have fun together, sharing the occasional laugh with Damian over everything, especially the fact that Zoe and Gavin had taken their flirtation indoors. She had consumed enough alcohol at that point for it to not be disturbing.

  “It was just a drunken hook-up,” Gavin shrugged, twiddling his fingers. “Just a drunken hook-up with a really hot celebrity,” he added, quieter now. “Who seemed like one of the funniest chicks I’ve met in my life. No big deal.”

  “Totally no big deal. I’m sure that’s why you came up with the random idea to rent a beach house next week and invite Zoe.”

  “Hey, I invited everyone! They all want to go!” Gavin protested. He chewed his last bite of crab and swallowed. “But yeah, it’s mostly so I can hang out with Zoe. She’s really hot,” he said seriously. When Gemma laughed, he ruffled her hair. “But it’s also for you to get one last week of relaxation before you start planning for your tour or whatever.”

  In less than two weeks, Gemma was set to resume work in the spotlight. She was both nervous and excited to return to the normal swing of things, to be Queen Bee again – even if promoting her tour also meant facing the press, who by now were starved for information. Gemma only hoped that their curiosity would be tempered after her primetime sit-down with the hard-nosed journalist, Frances Browning, with whom she’d agreed to speak about Elizabeth. She wasn’t looking forward to the day, but she knew it was necessary. After all, she had to acknowledge the story eventually in order to go on with her career.

  “Though I know you didn’t have me in mind at all, Gavin, that’s very sweet,” Gemma laughed. “And I’m actually really looking forward to the beach house. I’m going to need a last hurrah before I deal with the media again.”

  “You really will. It’s gonna be rough for you, dude.”

“Yeah. Thanks for the comforting words, Gavin.”

  He grinned. “Anytime.”

  Chapter 2


  The Pop Source

  May 20th

  Carbine, the much-anticipated drama by Oscar-winner Sidney Willis, has almost everything a blockbuster movie needs – wild stunts, feisty romance, a veteran star in Liam Brody and a bankable male lead in teen idol, Tyler Chase. There’s only one thing missing.

  A female lead.

  Director and screenwriter Willis made it known this week that he is conducting auditions of hundreds of actresses for the role of Dakota, the equally daredevil girlfriend of Chase’s bad boy character, Colby Hawkins. With the cast helmed by a serious actor in Brody and blockbuster name in Chase, Willis is now looking to round it off with an unknown.

  “They’re looking for a fresh face who can really capture the unique aura of Dakota – someone who can be as much a delicate flower as she is a spitfire,” a source close to the set reports. “Dakota’s character is the love of Colby’s life as well as his partner-in-crime. She’s an important person in the film whom Sidney wants to discover an entirely new talent for. He knows exactly what he wants for her character, and he’s not going to settle for anything less than his exact vision.”

  Sounds like the lucky lady chosen will be embarking on the role of a lifetime!

  With Tyler booked for a week of screen tests, Gemma found herself packing for the beach house alone. While he stayed asleep in bed that morning, she mulled around her walk-in closet, tossing bikinis and sundresses out the door and hopefully in the general vicinity of the open suitcase in the middle of their bedroom floor.

  Though Tyler couldn’t go, Gemma found herself still giddily excited for the trip. Besides, they had spent every waking moment since the incident together, whether it was by choice or for legal obligations, like the court hearings. It was probably time to start doing things individually again, and the beach retreat was a good start. She and Gavin had found a six-bedroom, oceanfront estate to rent in the very private Malibu Colony. With the abundance of large, plush couches, it would be more than enough space for them as well as Zoe, Harper, Leah, Kate, Damian, Nicki, and Josh, Damian’s Warriors teammate. It would be like a big party filled with only her favorite people.

  “Babe?” Tyler’s yawning voice came from the bed. Gemma stepped out of the walk-in closet to see him propping himself up against the headboard. She let herself lean against the closet doorframe as he rubbed his bleary eyes, her own admiring his adorable morning hair – and, of course, his shirtless body.

  “I’m sorry if I woke you,” Gemma finally said, walking over to his bedside and giving him a kiss on the lips. “I just wanted to get packing done so I could make us some breakfast before leaving.”

  “Mm,” Tyler let out a low rumble as he pulled Gemma into bed with him. She giggled, letting him roll on top of her and plant groggy kisses along her neck and shoulders. “Forget breakfast. And packing. I’m not gonna see you for a week.”

  “Yes, and?”

  Tyler frowned as he pulled down the strap of her tank top. “And this bed is going feel really empty for a long time,” he said. “So we need to spend as much time as we can in it before you leave.”

  “But I’m packing,” Gemma protested, waving the swimsuit she’d been holding in the air. As she tried to wiggle away, Tyler held her in place with one strong arm.

  “Hold on a second,” he laughed, plucking the bikini top from her fingers. He dangled it in the air, squinting at the tiny black triangles. “What is this?”

  “A thing called a swimsuit?” Gemma answered. “You’ve seen it before. I wore it when we were in Turks and Caicos.”

  Tyler cocked his head as he tried to recall. When he did, a smile spread across his lips. “I remember. You looked amazing in it,” he murmured, pulling her in to plant a kiss on the top of her head. But quickly, he frowned again. “There are going to be other guys at this trip though.”

  Gemma gave him a look. “Yeah, my brother,” she snorted. “And Damian and the security guys. People you know.”

  Tyler persisted with his frown. “What?” Gemma groaned. She suspected his concern was with Damian, but she wasn’t sure if she should legitimize the concern by addressing it. Dumb tabloids, she thought bitterly. It was their fault. They wouldn’t stop running stories that pitted Tyler against Damian for the prize of her affections. It was hard to ignore them even when from the beginning, they were all trained to pretend the tabloids didn’t exist.

  But they did and Gemma had a feeling that Tyler was finally letting them get to him. “Well. Damian’s bringing Nicki,” she pretended to offer randomly.

  “Okay,” Tyler said. He paused. “Why are you telling me about Damian?” he asked. Gemma groaned inwardly. Because I know you’re thinking about him, she wanted to answer, but didn’t. After a brief silence, Tyler cleared his throat. “Anyway, I was thinking of sending Mike down there with you,” he said casually, referring to his bodyguard of over four years. “To help Andro keep an eye on things.”

  Gemma narrowed her eyes. Mike’s relationship to Tyler was like that of a brother. When Gemma first met him, he’d been going against Tyler’s management by helping him escape his own film premiere. They were beyond best friends at this point – they had each other’s backs and more importantly, told each other everything. Gemma could only assume why Tyler might want Mike at her vacation.

  “I don’t need your security guy keeping an eye on me, Tyler, I’ve got my own keeping an eye on me. Unfortunately.”

  “I just figure the safer the better.” Tyler shrugged. Off Gemma’s dry look, he relented. “Alright,” he laughed. “Then just keep me posted. Call me when you’re there. Let me know that there aren’t any shady characters getting too close to you.”

  “I’d shake their hands if they could get past my security these days, because that would be impressive,” Gemma snorted. “And then I’d run.”

  Tyler didn’t respond. Gemma peered at his stone face. She should know by now not to joke about anything stalker-related – he never seemed to find the topic funny. He’d always just fall silent while his expression grew cloudy, his honey brown eyes occupied with thought. Seeing him so serious would be kind of hot if it weren’t for the fact that he was essentially thinking about Elizabeth.

  “Anyway,” Gemma said, putting a hand over his and shaking a little to wake him from his thoughts. She bit her lip back and ran a fingertip down the deep line that stretched between his abs. “I have an hour before I have to leave,” she said. Tyler’s gaze followed her hands before fluttering up to Gemma’s coquettish face. He recognized the look in her eye and in an instant, seemed to forget what they’d been talking about, or that they were even talking at all. It’s just too easy, Gemma giggled inwardly as his hand slipped beneath her tank top while hers located the elastic band of his boxers. Within seconds, it was a familiar scene in their bedroom with articles of clothing strewn about the bed and the sheets tangled into a mess. They’d forgotten to shut the door, but Gemma was sure that Andro had escaped to the furthest room possible by now. He knew the drill by now.


  “Ugh, chili lime Cheetos are the best,” Gemma groaned to no one in particular as she plucked a bag off the shelf and then another.

  There was something hugely satisfying about stopping at a gas station on the way to the beach house just to buy a few snacks. If the tomboyish girl behind the counter recognized Gemma, she didn’t let on to it. If anything, she seemed more distracted by three-hundred-pound Andro, who stood stonily behind Gemma the entire time. He was back from his vacation and sterner than ever, which was saying something.

  Had it not been for him, the convenience store perusing would’ve been even better. Gemma wore a light sundress, flip flops, Ray-Bans and her hair in a messy bun. No one recognized her or Tyler’s old black Mercedes in which she and Andro were driving. It practically made her want to just han
g out in there and flip through magazines while snacking on Cheetos and Twix bars. After months of being indoors, preparing for court hearings and being trained on how to speak to the media again, it was nice to finally be out and just doing nothing.

  By the time Gemma arrived at the beach house, everyone else was already out on the terrace and drinking beers around the fire pit. It was a scene that made her smile – Leah already flirting with Damian’s teammate, Josh, while Kate giggled with Harper, whose lap Zoe was lying across while playing cribbage with Gavin against Damian and Nicki. Empty beer bottles lined the floor in heart formations, which Gemma guessed Kate was responsible for.

  “Bee’s here!” Zoe squealed when Gemma stepped onto the terrace. She flew up from her seat to greet her, knocking over all the cribbage pieces as her tie-dyed dress flew colorfully behind her. Gemma smiled as she watched Gavin’s googly eyes follow her as if spellbound, though he narrowed them and made an ugly face at Gemma when he spotted her watching. “Time to bust out the hard alcohol!” Zoe declared, kicking off the day of relaxing in the sun with pitchers of grapefruit margaritas and white sangria. Though the boys were initially hesitant of what Gavin called “painfully girly” drinks, they soon overcame their fears. Damian even gulped down two full glasses of the cocktails after a grueling game of one-on-two against Gavin and Josh – which he won.

  “Rematch!” Gavin shouted. “Should be an even playing field since you’re all drunk now.”

  Damian laughed, pulling up his Warriors t-shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow. The girls all looked skywards in order to not stare in front of Nicki. “No, I’m picking a teammate this time around,” he said, lifting an eyebrow at Nicki, who shook her head “no” but quickly changed her mind when Damian then asked Gemma to play.

  “Awkward,” Zoe sang under her breath. She and Gemma watched Nicki trot off to follow Damian, but only to give a few seconds of effort on the court before dragging her feet and essentially forcing him to play one-on-two again. She eventually opted to sit on the sidelines and watch, taking the occasional photo of Damian with her Nikon camera. “So, I see that girl’s still clingy as ever,” Zoe said, popping a slice of wine-drenched peach into her mouth.


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