Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7) Page 7

by Jaime Marks

  “We need to find a way to block Lazurys from their minds and prevent him from calling them through the essence he has polluted their bodies with. Graciously it has not yet integrated,” Cymeryn stated voicing exactly what Marcus was thinking. He turned to him suddenly. “What about your new ability? The Divine Being said something about bringing luminance to Dark souls. Do you think you could perhaps use it to rid them of the Dark Lord’s essence?”

  Marcus had been considering it, but it would be excruciating for them. It could also create an imbalance. He had no way to know the full extent of the effect. “I will not know the results until we attempt it. They are Gray and both already possess pure Light. It will hurt, inadvertently burning out their Night and hindering their abilities as well, but I’m not sure we have any other choice. He will just be able to draw on the connection he has forged with them otherwise.”

  Cymeryn nodded stiffly. “Byryn, did you hear that? Nod if you understand.”

  The boy gave a single nod and Marcus felt him in his mind urging him to hurry. He placed a hand on them both and carefully, slowly allowed the purity of the sun’s Light to flow through them. Gradually he increased the intensity.

  “Monitor it, Cymeryn. I need to focus on my control,” he ordered as Star began to stir in discomfort and Byryn grit his teeth.

  He could feel the Darkness in them and that is where he focused his Light. It felt unnatural in their systems, but still he knew if he unleashed the full force of his power within them it would tear them apart. He continued to increase the flow of his Light through them. Byryn was sweating under the strain of its intensity and Staryana was whimpering in her sleep.

  “Keep going, Marcus,” Cymeryn commanded.

  “It’s too much. I’m hurting them,” he argued.

  “Lazurys will hurt them far worse,” his twin reasoned.

  He was right. What they were enduring was nothing compared to what they would endure long term under Lazurys’ control. It was nothing compared to the mental and physical torture and manipulations that Cymeryn had withstood regularly under the Dark Lord’s tutelage.

  He increased it more quickly not wanting to draw this out unnecessarily. Byryn cursed under his breath, the sweat rolling off of him like rain now. He clutched Star tightly as she writhed against him, tears streaming down her face even in her unconscious state.

  “Almost,” Cymeryn urged.

  Marcus hesitated as Star wailed in pain and Byryn groaned.

  “Keep…going,” Byryn choked out staring him dead in the eye.

  He pushed forward increasing the intensity of the Light until is literally erupted through both of their forms almost as if they were awakening. He held it there as Cymeryn monitored the progress. Marcus could feel it burning away all the Darkness in their beings. He didn’t know if it was the right choice. In a respect they could be destroying part of who they were, throwing them into a state of imbalance equally as detrimental as Lazurys had caused by flooding them with Darkness in the first place. At least they would be free of the Dark Lord’s hold, however.

  As the last of the Darkness was purged from their souls Byryn collapsed. Marcus held the strength of his Light for a moment more before Cymeryn nodded. “Release them. It is done.”

  He could feel his twin’s Night essence filling their veins to counter some of the imbalance as he withdrew. “I hope we didn’t cause them more harm in this, Cymeryn.”

  He shook his head. “It is necessary for now. We will use my essence to fully restore their balance once they are healed enough to endure. I have stabilized them enough to counter any ill effects.”

  Marcus sighed, “We still have to get to Kyle. Are you going to retrieve Tatyna as well?”

  “If we are able to, yes, but the Dark Domain is not easily navigated. We may not be able to find her. There is no real way to know if she is still there or not, although I have not felt her essence reemerge in the realms.” Cymeryn shook his head, “We should go. The longer we wait the more difficult it will be to reach Kyle.”

  Byryn stirred and breathed out, “no,” as he looked at them.

  “I will not leave him there, Byryn! If the fact that he is now my son is not enough for you, let alone the fact that he does not deserve that fate,” Cymeryn snarled, “he is a link to the three of us. The longer he is at Lazurys’ mercy the more dangerous it is.”

  Shaking his head he muttered, “Wait…not…leave him.” He faded into unconscious again before they could question him further.

  His twin went to storm from the room but Marcus grabbed his arm. “He is trying to tell us something, brother, to warn us in some way. Byryn may have insight that will assist us. He is asking us to wait. I’m not saying we wait indefinitely but we should try to allow him a few moments to rest and hear him out before we go.”

  “I will not leave him there endlessly to suffer! We have the ability to get him out. We should not wait,” he snapped.

  “Cymeryn, you’re a master strategist. You know that going into this situation we must have every advantage possible. If Byryn has information that could assist us, it would be a fool’s folly to ignore it.”

  He watched his brother tense but nod. “You are right, but we will not wait endlessly. I promised him I would come for him and I will…with or without you Marcus. In mere hours two days will have passed and I will go for him regardless of what any of you decide. He is my son.”

  He nodded. “I understand and I agree with you, brother, but we must proceed with caution. I am not prepared to lose Kyle any more than I am you. He is mine nephew and progeny; however, acting rashly may cost both of your lives.” Motioning to the bed he suggested, “This will go faster if you assist me in healing them.”

  Cymeryn walked to the opposite side of the bed and joined his brother’s hand, resting his other on Star as Marcus did likewise with Byryn. They set about restoring their health as they mentally prepared for battle. There was nothing more that could be done until they learned what Byryn knew.

  Felycia sat in the King’s sitting room waiting for Grifyn to return with information on her brother. She fidgeted uncomfortably. It had taken a lot to admit to Byryn how she felt before he left but she’d meant every word of it.

  She wanted him here and safe, but she had no idea how to react to him now. There were so many things she needed to tell him but couldn’t and their past didn’t exactly make things easier. She still needed to figure out how to protect Bryce and if there was anyone she should be talking to about it, it was Byryn. She just didn't know how. Once he knew he would hate her.

  Devyn approached from across the room. Picking her up easily he sat back down with her in his lap. “You must not worry so much my dear girl. Marcus and Cymeryn will see to him and the rest will come in time.”

  She nodded absently. He was right, really, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t worried. Very few ever made it back from a session with the Dark Lord. Cymeryn and the High Priest were the only Shade in history she was aware of living to tell about it.

  She had to remind herself that Byryn had always been different, stronger than any of them. So far as she knew, no one had ever stood so strongly against Trevyn and survived and that was as an unawakened. She’d seen him training, seen the strength he held now. If anyone could survive this, it was Byryn.

  The suite door opened and everyone looked up to find Kato and a female she recognized from the dance entering the room. She had seen her dancing with Kyle. Was this the girl Devyn had gone to meet with Marcus and Kato about? He’d warned her there might be some sort of tension about it during dinner.

  She looked confident and self-assured, but if Felycia had to guess she would say it as a front. Something about being there made her nervous, like she was afraid of something. It wasn’t anything specific that gave her away and she figured everyone else in the room would miss it, but Felycia had mastered playing that part a long time ago.

  “Your majesties, may I present the Lady Astryn a Alyric, ward of the Lucerna Lines
,” Kato stated with a bow.

  Mythos rose to greet her. “Welcome Astryn, I am glad to see you are safe and well. I actually just received a communicae from your Father. He is concerned for you. Would you like me to send for him?”

  Astryn hesitated and glanced sideways to Kato before meeting the King’s careful gaze. It was an interesting exchange, both of them measuring the other. Felycia watched them trying to figure out what was going on. There was a tension to it she wouldn’t have expected. She’d never seen anyone so nervous and distrustful with King Mythos, well unless they were a danger to the Kingdoms and had reason to be.

  She bowed in a curtsy out of respect and rose without prompting despite her station. Felycia hid an amused smile. Females who wouldn’t take shit were few and far between in this life. She liked her already.

  “My lord, I realize that you are a close friend of my Father’s, but I would prefer that you not send for him. If it makes you feel you have abided by your responsibility to his loyalty you may let him know I am safe and well, but if he arrives…I will not see him.” Astryn’s words were formal and she bowed again humbly, but it was clear she didn’t care what the King decided. She wasn’t about to bend on this. “I apologize if this offends.”

  Mythos studied her closely and sighed. “I will abide by your wishes, but you must understand that your Father is a member of the Council and will be head of the Hall of Scholar’s that is being constructed. I cannot deny him access to the realm.”

  “I would never presume to impede in my Father’s duties, but I will not grant him an audience.”

  Felycia rose a brow as Mythos paced. Astryn’s decision appeared to upset him, but if she was under the protection of the Lucerna Lines instead of with her family there had to be a reason.

  He paused by the mantle seeming to consider his words carefully. “We will protect you, Astryn, and it is your choice if you see him, but you must understand that you are have yet to awaken. If your Father wishes he can petition for your return to his care. I know he is greatly concerned with how the choices you are making will affect your future.”

  She stiffened and her façade dropped slightly as her voice took on a harder edge as the formality fell away. “Lord Mythos, you’re my King and have always treated me like family. I’ll abide by your rule, as always, but if you return me to my Father I promise you, I will leave again. I’m well aware of the risks and everything this decision will cost me but I’m not going to change my mind. I won’t allow him to dictate my life and I won’t allow him to keep me away from Prince Kyle. I refuse to be bound to Talerys and if you hear his decree I’ll accept dishonor before I ever betray my mate.”

  Felycia took it all in. Mythos’ face hardened, Steph visibly shifted, and Kato stepped closer to Astryn as if he meant to support her. Not that she really needed, the girl seemed vulnerable underneath it all but something told her that Astryn could hold her own if she needed to. It was clear she’d all but go to war over this if she had to and that was something Felycia could respect.

  No one shouldn’t be forced into a Bonding with someone they didn’t want to be with. It was ridiculous but it happened all too often in their world. Considering what she knew about Steph’s past she would think Mythos would understand that forcing any female into anything was wrong. Then again this was probably more about Kyle than Astryn refusing to bond to Talerys.

  “You do not know Prince Kyle, Astryn. Your Father is right to be concerned about your interest in him. I know you are acting with your heart as you have felt a connection to him but you have spent very little time with him. That male will neither respect nor honor you. I beg you, do not make any rash decisions that you may…”

  Devyn cleared his throat interrupting him. “My lord, were you not the Fae who insisted, despite your responsibility to the race, you would only take a mate to whom you had bonded? If Prince Kyle is truly her mate it is neither your place nor her Father’s to interfere. You of all Fae know this.”

  Mythos grunted, “It has yet to be proven that Kyle is her mate. This situation is quite different from my own. That boy is a proven risk and you know it.”

  “No, Mythos, I do not.” Devyn stood resting Felycia back in the chair before approaching the King. “You keep saying Redemption wipes the slate clean. If Byryn were here he would remind you of that. Kyle was awoken Gray by not only one member of the Lucerna Lines, but three. Even if Marcus were swayed by his brother, Byryn was every bit as skeptical of the boy as you. If he had not seen something in him, if he suspected for even a moment that Kyle was a danger to either Stephynia or Staryana, he would have allowed him to die. He would never have intervened for one he felt unworthy of these lines. You have asked me to give Cymeryn, a grown Fae who turned willingly to Darkness and wreaked havoc on the realms for a century, my faith and trust now that he has been Redeemed, and I do, albeit cautiously. However you must see the irony that Kyle is but a boy, born into circumstances that he had no control over, and you condemn him for taking the same actions that we all know Cymeryn was guilty of. The same actions, mind you, that you have forgiven Byryn of enough so that you entrust him not only with prestige and influence within your Kingdom, but also with your niece.”

  Felycia cringe as Devyn referenced her assault. The fact that it was all but common knowledge sickened her. It was one of the reasons she didn’t think they could ever accept Bryce.

  “At any rate,” Kato interjected. “It is not a matter that needs to be debated at the moment. Marcus and Cymeryn have stated that it has been decreed by the Divine that Astryn be protected. It does not matter whether Prince Kyle is accepted as her mate or not, nor what the issues are with her accepting him. The Lady Astryn is currently under the protection of these lines and will remain that way. If she does not wish to see her Father, she will not see him. As the Divine Being himself has made the decree she cannot be forced to return to his care.” He turned to Astryn. “Please my lady, make yourself comfortable. I must apologize for the tense reception but everyfae is a bit uptight this eve. Meal will be served shortly.”

  She nodded as she took a seat on the small loveseat that had been added to afford more room. “Thank you High Councilman.”

  He nodded. “Kato, please, there is no need for such formality. You have met Mythos and the Queen in waiting…” He motioned to Steph.

  “Hi Astryn, I apologize for being quiet but Kato’s right, things are intense tonight. I’m glad to have you with us and if you need anything just ask, alright?”

  “Thank you, my lady.”

  Kato turned, “And this is the Lady Felycia a Grifyn and Commander Devyn a Devyion.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Astryn.” Felycia nodded politely.

  She was still uncomfortable in most social settings, but she found it was getting easier with Devyn at her side. Astryn’s small smile told her she might be more used to this than she was but she was just as uncomfortable with it. Considering what had just happened she understood completely.

  They all turned as Grifyn and Trina entered the room holding Kylion. The poor kid rarely left their arms. She looked to Grifyn and reached for him as he rested Kylion in her lap. He immediately curled into her arms.

  “Hi sissy,” he whispered sadly.

  “Hey Kyl, how are you?”

  “I miss Mama and Daddy.” His voice was so quiet she could barely hear him over Kato as he continued with introductions. As strong as the boy had always been, something that happened during the abduction had shaken him badly causing him to revert to almost infant like behavior. Byryn and Star’s disappearance didn’t help either.

  Felycia took a deep breathe. “You know what? I miss them too, but I bet that we’ll be able to see them really soon. We just need to hold on a little longer.”

  He only nodded as she gently stroked his back trying to ease his pain. It was ironic really, considering she couldn’t even ease her own. Holding him like this caused an ache in her chest making her long for things she knew she could never have. Dev
yn clasped her shoulder allowing his essence to flow through her, comforting her. It was odd sometimes how well he read her. She would swear he could read her mind but she’d tested that theory and she never could get a reaction from him. She had to admit it was nice having someone care for her so deeply that they noticed all the little things that no one really ever saw.

  She turned her attention to Grifyn as he began speaking. “Byryn and Star are in their quarters. Marcus and Cymeryn were able to purge the Darkness from their systems, so they should be safe, but they were already pretty weak and the process was strenuous on them both. They are both unconscious and the twins are working on healing them. They said it could be a couple of hours before they know what happened but it seems as though Kyle told Byryn to leave him so he could get Star to safety and protect Astryn. For some reason he wasn’t able to reach Kyle and neither of them wanted to risk waiting to get Star out of there.”

  Felycia cringed. Kyle might have a past but most who were born Shade did, herself included. No one deserved to bear the direct attention of the Dark Lord. Few survived a direct audience let alone captivity at his hands. There were legends passed among the Shade of the horrors endured in Lord Lazurys’ domain.

  Astryn’s voice quivered slightly, “They’re still going to attempt to rescue him though, right?”

  Grifyn offered her a weak smile. “Of course they will, Astryn. He’s Cymeryn’s son and Marcus and Byryn’s progeny. They would never leave him to that fate. They’ll be leaving as soon as Byryn regains consciousness. He implied he had some information they might need but was not yet well enough to relay it.”

  The discussion fell silent as Haylia entered and began setting up their meal. They all seemed to be waiting for something. Whether that was word on Byryn and Star’s condition or the results of the mission to save Kyle, Felycia wasn’t sure.

  They all fell into a companionable silence. At some point Demytria joined them, but the weight of those who were still missing from the room left a foul taste in their mouths, although no one spoke of it. She wondered where the Queen was. No one had mentioned if she was with the Kings of Balance or hold up in what they referred to as the grove. Maybe it was for the best. Sometimes these walls felt like they had ears.


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