Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7) Page 40

by Jaime Marks

Star laughed, “I’m really not that bad. It’s these two you need to worry about.”

  Steph smiled brightly. “Damned straight.” She clicked Felycia’s glass. “Congratulations on passing your Advanced Studies and getting accepted to the Securine Academy.”

  “Thanks,” Felycia took a sip of her drink, “but really it was kind of a given. I mean, my mate is head of the Academy and my Grandsire is Praefect.”

  Star shook her head. “Everyone knows how strong you are, Felycia. Don’t down play it. You’re badass, own it.” She blushed and looked away but didn’t comment and the others seemed content to let her go.

  The servant finished her nails and Astryn turned her attention to the female as she rose to move to the couch. “Thank you.”

  The female bowed. “You are quite welcome, Princess Astryn.”

  Slightly shocked she froze in place. She knew that being Kyle’s mate meant she would be a Princess once they bound, but she wasn’t aware that any Fae even knew about her yet. It didn’t bother her. She was just caught off guard.

  Star hooked her arm and guided her to the couch talking quietly so only she could hear her. “Shh, I know it’s a shock the first time they call you that, but you don’t let them see how surprised you are. They assume you’re like, born for the role or something, and we let them believe it. You’ll get used to it.”

  She sighed, “I’d feel a lot better about it if Kyle would talk to me.”

  “He will. The two of you are made for each other and he’ll get over this. It isn’t anything you’ve done, Astryn. He’s just gotta get out of his head. Byryn’s spending time with him tonight.”

  “If he doesn’t get over it soon I’m going to be completely lost. I don’t really have a life here without him,” she admitted.

  Honestly she was scared that Talerys had made a claim against her honor, or that maybe the rumors had caught up with her. If either occurred, she wouldn’t be able to stay here. She’d be ostracized and maybe even forced into accepting Talerys. Even the idea of it scared her to death.

  Star laced her fingers with hers and pulled her close. It was comforting in a way. There was a closeness between them that she didn’t understand completely, but she suspected it was because she was her mate’s sister. There was a lot about all of this that she still had questions about. Questions that she only felt comfortable asking Kyle.

  “You do have a life here, Astryn, with us, and we’ll figure it out together. I know that everything’s new and different but I promise, Byryn and I aren’t going to just leave you high and dry because my brother’s being an idiot.”

  She smiled genuinely and rested her head on her shoulder. “Thanks, it just feels so weird being away from him. I know that’s silly. It’s only been a couple days, but…”

  “It’s not silly. He’s your mate. You’re bonding and not only are you bonding but you’re Sacred Borne. It’s pretty intense and once that connection sweeps you up, trust me, you’re never the same when you’re mate’s not at your side.”

  “See that’s what I mean. I don’t even understand what Sacred Borne means.”

  Star sighed scratching her head. “Ummm, I’m not really sure I’m the one to explain it. To me it’s more of a feeling and you heard what Alysse said about it. You literally share a piece of Kyle’s heart. Really my Mom’s who you should talk to. She explains it a lot better. I’m learning, but it’s still hard for me to find the right words for this stuff.”

  She nodded. “I get it. I don’t think that I could put what I feel or what it’s like to be with Kyle into words.”

  Steph came bounding over and plopped onto the couch beside them. “Everything alright?”

  “Yeah, I was just feeling…homesick.” She justified, not really wanting to explain to the future Queen that her mate refused to see her. “Star cheered me up.”

  She meant it. She felt a lot better knowing that Star understood how she was feeling and that she wouldn’t be alone in this. Still, she was scared. What would they all think if they knew the truth about what Talerys had done? If they were holding him in the dungeon she couldn’t believe that he’d kept quiet. Even if not, eventually the rumors would catch up with her.

  The thought of losing not only Kyle but this entire family scared her. She didn’t care about the prestige or the power that mating Kyle granted her. She’d be just as happy if they were on the colonies on Earth with no interaction with the world of the Fae. It was the connection that she felt to Byryn and Star, the way Kato and Cymeryn treated her like she was worth something, like what she wanted mattered. It was the way they valued what she thought and cared enough to know if she was alright. She hadn’t felt anything like she felt with these Fae at home or anywhere since she was a little girl. If she had to go back to the way things were before she had no idea what she would do.

  The music sang out a little louder and Steph took each of them by the hand pulling them to their feet. She shook off her maudlin thoughts and tried to tell herself that everything would be fine. She was worrying for nothing. At least for this eve she was going to enjoy herself as Star suggested. She could worry about the rest of it as it came. Really she was at the mercy of fate. She couldn’t control what any other Fae decided to do and she wouldn’t drive herself mad trying to figure out what would happen. The only thing she was sure of was that Kyle was her mate and even though it had been such a short time, she already loved him.

  Star watched Astryn swayed and twirl as she got lost in the rhythm of the song shaking off thoughts she shouldn’t have. At least she was starting to relax and have fun. Kyle had been avoiding her all day and she knew she was scared that someone had done something to make him deny her.

  It was ridiculous. Her brother loved Astryn. Nothing anyone could say would make him turn her away. His past on the other hand was another story. It wasn’t that he didn’t love her or even want her. Kyle’s head was just all twisted up and for some reason he felt like he had to protect her from who he was. Hopefully Byryn would wake the idiot up because they were Sacred Borne mates. They needed each other and being separated could only hurt them.

  The music changed to one of those sultry, seductive beats that Steph enjoyed so much and Star’s breath hitched as she watched the way Astryn’s hips swayed. Shaking her head she looked away. The two of them shared this odd connection and she wasn’t exactly sure what it meant. If she could just find words to describe what she felt she’d talk to Byryn and see if he could help her make sense out of it, but she wouldn’t even know where to start.

  Instead she just let loose and lost herself to the music dancing with Astryn, Steph, and Felycia. She needed this, a chance to just let go and let her hair down. Everything had been too intense and crazy. Sometimes you just need a chance to have fun and forget about it for a while.

  After a few songs she and Astryn danced over to the couch and tumbled down beside each other. She smiled. “I know that Kyle’s the reason I’m here but thank you.”

  Star’s brow furrowed as she studied her. “My brother’s not the only reason you’re here, but what are you thanking me for now?”

  “I haven’t ever had as much fun as I do when we just hang out. I love the time I spend with your brother and I would never trade it, but you make me smile and laugh, Star. When we

  spend time together I just…have fun,” she shrugged.

  Smiling softly Star reached up and brushed the hair from Astryn’s face hooking it behind her ear. “Good because you deserve it.” She was beautiful and so damned sweet. Shaking her herself slightly she sighed and pulled her gaze away taking a sip of her wine. “I know our lives are dangerous but these are the moments we hang on to. The times we get to spend together we make the most out of and cherish.”

  “Yeah, I get that.”

  She nodded watching Steph and Felycia dancing. It was the first time any of them had really seen Byryn’s sister relax without Devyn attached to her hip. It was a good sign. She’d been doing a lot better since her awakening and
finding her mate. After John had abducted her with plans of returning her to the Brood they’d been worried that she would run, but now it looked like she’d actually settled in and started building a life here.

  Steph was another story. She’d be leaving in a few days for the Realm of Light. Really she could mist over and visit her whenever she wanted, as long as she took the necessary safety precautions, but she was still leaving. Star couldn’t really be mad though. Her best friend had never been so happy and even though Star hadn’t known her Uncle Mythos long she knew he seemed more relaxed and at peace than she’d ever seen him.

  Everything seemed to be settling down. Right now things seemed pretty good. It still felt surreal, all this normal. Images rolled through her head threatening to shatter her but Byryn’s essence wrapped around her.

  “Baby girl, you need to stop thinking about that. I know it’s hard but we’re all safe now and I’m going to keep us that way,” he soothed through her mind.

  “I know, but it’s all just crazy. It’s like everything normal one minute and the next we’re fighting for our lives. I feel like I’m always waiting for the next attack.”

  “I know, baby, but we just need to keep going forward. Like your brother says, we fake normal until it is normal again.” He sighed. “Now I really want you to enjoy yourself tonight but if you need me, I’m always here. Do you want me to come get you out of there? I’ll make sure they don’t know what’s going on.”

  “No Daddy, I’ll be ok. Besides I don’t want to leave Astryn. She’s really worried about everything with Kyle. I’m not sure what but she’s hiding something and I don’t like the idea of her going through this on her own.” She released a breath and tried to block the unsettling feelings she had about Astryn. Sooner or later they’d need to discuss them but there were more important things to deal with right now. “How is he?”

  She could hear Byryn’s deep breath, feel it on her neck and his arms around her waist even though he wasn’t in the room. It soothed her like nothing else could. “He’ll be fine. It’s not his fault, baby. He’s struggling every bit as much as we are and to top it off he just ran through his entire history. His Mother’s death, years of abuse, everything he went through before awakening, he had to relive all of it. I’m sure it doesn’t help that the shit with Lazurys is still fresh in his mind, either. Right now he feels like the only thing he has to offer Astryn is pain. I’ll get through to him but…it might take a day or two. In the meantime we’ll support him and Astryn and help them both as best we can. I know how much you care about them, baby girl. I care about them, too. I’m going to make sure we take care of them and keep both of them safe.”

  She nodded to herself. There really wasn’t anything else they could do. If Kyle needed time they needed to give it to him. Eventually their bonds would be too strong to ignore and he’d get over it. It just sucked because she knew what her brother needed most was Astryn.

  “Is everything ok? You were doing that mind connection thing, right?”

  “Yeah, everything’s fine,” Star smiled apologetically. “Byryn was just checking in.”

  “Is Kyle alright?”

  She sighed knowing she couldn’t lie to her. “No, he’s struggling to deal some issues from his past. My brother’s been through a lot and when he met with our uncle he faced most of it. He’ll be fine. He just needs to work through some things. Byryn’s with him now.”

  Astryn frowned. “Why wouldn’t he see me though?”

  “He just needs time.” She pulled her close wrapping her protectively in her arms and wished she could shield her from her pain and fears. “I promise, all of this is going to work itself out. Try not to worry about it tonight. Let’s just dance and have fun. Then tomorrow we’ll give my brother a swift kick in the ass if need be.”

  Her smile was weak but she nodded and let Star guide her back onto the floor with Steph and Felycia. If this was what she needed tonight to keep her mind off things she’d give it to her. It would help her keep her mind off things, too. She really had been enjoying herself before she got all up in her head.

  “Good girl, baby,” Byryn whispered through her mind and it felt like he kissed her temple. “Have a good time and I’ll see you, later.”

  Just his presence in her mind made her feel safe. Letting herself relax again she lost herself in the music knowing her Daddy would keep an eye on her and protect her if need be. He was always there for her and he always would be. As long as she had him everything would be fine.

  They danced and laughed the rest of the night. Each of them letting go of whatever was weighing them down. It was what they needed, to stop worrying about the world outside and just enjoy each other’s company. They had to hold onto these moments for as long as they could. Their lives weren’t always easy but they had each other and really that was all that mattered. Together they’d find a way to get past everything that came their way.

  Thank you for reading Dynamics, book seven in the Mists of the Fae Series.

  For information about upcoming books, teasers and quotes from the series, follow along at:



  Here’s a Sneak Peak of book eight, Bound in Blood

  Coming May 2016

  Kyle sat on his bed ignoring his sire’s summons. Byryn, Marcus, and his…Cymeryn, he corrected himself. They’d been relentless, hell bent on pulling him out of his room for the last week. It didn’t matter. He wouldn’t let his Darkness taint those he cared about.

  Being forced to relive every mistake and every reminder of what you are and what it had cost those you’d once loved had a way of putting things into perspective. He didn’t deserve what he’d been given. He wasn’t even supposed to exist technically.

  His Mother had been a mistake. The product of an affair that the Fae condemned so much that it would have meant death for his Grandmother just because she was Queen of the Fae. Instead of being a Princess his Mother had lived alone for a century only to be raped and put through hell to protect him from his sperm-donor.

  He was just another mistake. The product of a Fae and Shade mixing when the essences were never supposed to be able to mix. He didn’t belong here, living the life of a Prince, the life his Mother should have lived. He didn’t deserve any of this.

  Once he knew Talerys had been locked up and wouldn’t be able to harass Astryn anymore he’d isolated himself to deal with his head. He needed to attempt to objectively decide what the right thing to do was for everyone else. Anyone who had ever gotten close to him had died for his love. His Mother, his step Father, even that girl at school he’d liked in ninth grade. He wouldn’t let anyone else he cared about pay the penance of his existence.

  He’d tried to plan how to leave the realm but Byryn had put a stop to that pretty quick. It was as if he was always in his head anymore. There really wasn’t an easy way to block one another, at least not one he’d figured out. They were equally skilled at mental manipulation and tended to know how to get around one another’s defenses.

  Byryn suddenly popped into his room not bothering to knock and sat on the bed next to him. “Astryn wants to see you. She’s been flipping out all morning,” he stated plainly.

  “No. The more she’s around me the stronger the bond is. It’s better for her if I keep my distance,” he replied not bothering to look at him.

  They both knew it was killing him to stay away from her. Just hearing her name was torture but he wanted to know that she was alright. Byryn had thankfully taken it upon himself to look after her. It helped to keep Kyle sane knowing he was keeping her safe and comforting her. It also allowed him to keep an eye on her without getting close.

  “Her Father saw her this morning.”

  That got his attention. He didn’t want anyone trying to force her into anything she didn’t want. Alyric’s main goal was to have her mated and under Talerys’ thumb. “Why? I thought she didn’t want to see him. I didn’t pick
up on that from you.”

  “I just found out. He brought another suitor to meet her. Said he heard you’ve denied her,” Byryn shrugged. “If he makes the claim and you’re not there to protect her I don’t know what will happen. You need to talk to your Dad.”

  He sighed rubbing his face. They just didn’t get it. He was dangerous for her. “Her Father’s right. I’m not good for her, Byryn. Maybe she should meet him. Who knows, maybe she’ll even like him.” Just suggesting it ripped a hole in his heart but he could take it if she had a shot in hell at happiness.

  Mist of the Fae Series


  Secrets Past

  Shades of Redemption

  Protectors and Kings




  Bound in Blood (Coming May 2016)

  About the Author

  Jaime Marks lives in Eastern Pennsylvania but truth be told she rather be somewhere like Florida where it’s warm most of the year round. She enjoys the calm and serenity of the woods and mountains that surround her but the beach lives in her heart.

  Writing and art are her passions. She writes because she loves watching new worlds and characters come to life on the page, straight out of the visions in her mind. She creates art because it gives image to her soul. Ceramic sculpture and painting are her outlets for love, passion, rage, sorrow, anything and everything that erupts from her heart.

  Her children and husband are her heart and foundation. They make up her whole world and give her the strength and faith to believe. Children are the innocence in the world that keeps it shiny and new. They see the magic, the beauty, and the promise when the rest of us are lost in the stress and pain that life often heaps on us. They keep us going.

  Feel free to contact Jaime Marks or follow the series via the links below:

  Email: [email protected]


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