Eternal Flame (Eternal Flame #1)

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Eternal Flame (Eternal Flame #1) Page 10

by Sofia Giselle

  “Upstairs knocked out in Ms. Dean’s room.”

  Kristen’s eyes stretched in disbelief. “Joy, are you serious?”

  “Yes. Damian and I looked for her earlier when we first got back and we couldn’t find her. I didn’t know she was in there and apparently neither did Ms. Dean. She went looking for her and her bedroom was the last place she checked. She went in there and Mom she was on the bed stretched out like…”

  Joy opened her arms wide, closed her eyes, and stuck her tongue out to the side of her mouth, demonstrating. Kristen giggled as Joy pantomimed snoring.


  Joy casually shrugged. “That’s my Mama. So back to Roman… Did you fuck him?”

  Kristen irritably sighed. Didn’t Joy think about anything besides sex? “Didn’t I just tell you things were weird?”

  “That doesn’t mean you can’t fuck him. Sometimes weird can translate into intense sex. Besides, I know you want to.”

  Kristen coyly looked away from her best friend, refusing to answer.

  “Are you seeing him again?” Joy asked her.

  Kristen sadly thought for a moment. “I don’t know. He hasn’t said much since we left his place. Joy, it was… I can’t even put it into words. We had these moments where we really connected and the way he looked at me sometimes… It’s like he really sees me, you know? Then before you know it, the damn wall goes back up.”

  “Well Kristen, like we talked about, he’s dealing with some stuff. Maybe it’s going to take him a while to let his guard down.”

  “Well, we’re only here one more day. He’s going to have to do it soon.”

  “Oh yeah. I called my mom earlier while Damian and I were still out and asked her about staying one more day. She said if we wanted to it was fine with her.”

  “Without her?”

  “She has to be back at work on Monday so yep. She said she’d change our flights and add an extra day to our room. I don’t know. It surprised me too. She must’ve felt bad after all but calling me a slut in front of the guys earlier.”

  “That’s awesome!”

  “So, how are you going to spend your extra day? With Roman?”

  “I don’t know. I’m supposed to see Diego tonight.”

  Joy looked at her in disbelief. “You’re still going out with Diego after all that with Roman?”

  “I said I would.”

  “I know you said you would but do you want to?”

  Kristen’s only answer was silence. She didn’t know how to answer it. She knew what she wanted. But if Roman didn’t want it, what was the point?

  Joy abruptly grabbed Kristen’s arm and squealed as Damian spotted them in the crowd and ran up to them. He immediately grabbed Joy around her tiny waist and gave her a light smack on the lips. “Hey baby! I’ve been looking everywhere for you. You want to dance?” He looked over at Kristen and flirtatiously smiled. “What’s up Kristen?”

  Kristen playfully winked at him, ignoring the look of ire from Joy. “Hi Damian.”

  “You have a good time with Ro today?”

  Kristen was not even in the mood to go through all that. She pasted a fake smile on her face and nodded. “Mm-hmm.”

  “Good. Joy? Dance?”

  Joy grinned wickedly at Kristen and stuck out her tongue. “See you later girl.”

  Kristen wistfully smiled as she stared after them. Why couldn’t shit with her be that easy? She looked over towards where Roman had been and was surprised to see him walking towards her. Her heart fluttered in her chest as his eyes connected with hers.

  He spoke into her ear, sending wild tingles surging up her spine. “Idol magazine wants to take a few more pictures of us.”


  Two of his fingers grabbed two of hers as he turned and led her back to the photo and interview booth Idol had set up. They took a few more pictures, answered more superficial questions and it was all over. Roman excused himself and left Kristen standing there alone. But not for long. Within minutes, Diego finally appeared and made his way towards her.

  A soft smile tugged the corner of her lips and his eyes twinkled with excitement as he looked at her. He pulled her in for a long, intimate hug. He kept his mouth close to her ear as he talked to her. “Hi baby.”

  She hugged his neck with her eyes closed. She was so grateful to see him. He was like a breath of fresh air. “Hi Diego.”

  He pulled away and gave her a big, dimpled smile. “I missed you today.”


  “I did. I couldn’t wait for you to get finished with him so I could spend some time with you.”


  “I looked forward to seeing you again too,” she honestly admitted.

  “I want to dance with you,” he said with a wide grin as he lured her to the makeshift dance floor in the middle of the huge living-area. “Dance with me?”’

  “Of course.”

  Someone must’ve put a bug in the DJ’s ear because the music had changed drastically. A slow R&B song was playing and it couldn’t have been more convenient. Diego pulled her in close and put both hands around her waist while Kristen let hers rest around his neck. She laid her head against his chest and allowed herself to be swept away by the beautiful melody and Diego’s strong arms. Everything around her disappeared and ceased to exist. This was the most relaxed she had been all day. She needed this moment. It wasn't with the one she wanted it with but it was a close second.

  They danced through the next three songs, still holding the same position. Diego smelled so good and he held her so close. His arms felt possessive. She felt safe in his arms; taken care of. At that moment there wasn’t anywhere in the world she would rather be. At one point, Diego pulled back from her to stare into her eyes. His eyes held so much emotion and desire for her it was almost crippling. She liked it and found herself being drawn back in to it. Her eyes unabashedly held his as she moved in perfect rhythm with him. Her heart danced in her chest. It was such a relief and so comforting being around someone who obviously knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to show it. Diego was not about playing games and had been pretty much straight-forward with her from their first hello. Dancing in his arms, she felt like she could return it. Like she could feel something for him stronger than just attraction if given the chance. Opportunity was right in front of her to have something intimate and real. She just had to take it.

  Just then, they were interrupted by a sharp finger pointing in her shoulder. She looked over to see an intoxicated Nick standing beside them. He was holding a liquor glass that was filled to capacity in his right hand. One of his eyes was lower than the other and he seemed to be rocking slightly on his feet so she could tell he was about six shades in the wind.

  “Kristen,” he slurred.

  “Yes Nick,” Kristen patiently said, still dancing close with Diego. She hoped and prayed he wasn’t going to act like an ass. She and Diego warily eyed Nick as he continued to speak.

  “I don’t think it’s going to work out between us,” he continued in his intoxicated slur. He talked louder over the music. “I’ve met someone else, and I… I… I… I like her verrrrry much.”


  “I jus wanted you to knowwww thaaaaaat.”

  “Okay Nick, that’s fine.”

  “And my brother, he’s moved on too. If you can look over there and see that.”

  “I saw earlier. I don’t need to look, thank you.”

  “K.” He shuffled on his feet and almost keeled over. Diego helped him back up and Nick all but shoved him off. “Hands off Braxton. And you…” He pointed a slender finger in Diego’s face. “You-you-you take care of my girl. She’s speciallll…”

  “Yeah Nick,” Diego replied, holding back laughter. “I will. Look, you be careful going home okay? Get someone to drive you or sleep in one of the guest rooms.”

  “I don’t think I need to do either bro.” He leaned in to Diego, practically knocking Kristen over. Diego held his breath as Nic
k’s intoxicated liquor breath tickled his face. “See that chick- that chick over there that I was dancinnnn with… She-she-she’s going to take me home with her. She’s going to let me fuck herrrrrrrrr….”

  “Okay buddy,” Diego said, holding Nick by his arms and turning him in the direction of the blonde floozy standing off to the side. “You guys go ahead and be safe. Make sure she’s sober before you leave.”

  “See-see-see Kristen wasn’t going to let me fuck herrrrrr cause she-she-she’s a virgin-“

  Kristen looked shocked at Nick as Diego grabbed him by the collar and all but dragged him over to where the whore-in-waiting was standing. He whispered something in the girl’s ear and reached her some money. Then he pushed both of them in the direction of the door. Kristen stood there laughing lightly as Diego walked back over to her, shaking his head and rolling his eyes at the clown show that had just taken place.

  He pulled Kristen back in his arms and resumed dancing with her. “Sorry about that.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “As you can see, my man moves on fast. If he feels he doesn’t have a chance and he’s wasting his time, he’s on to the next one.”

  “I don’t blame him for that and I honestly don’t care but he’s the one who asked me out. I wasn’t chasing him.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t. I wouldn’t have liked that too much.”

  “Oh no?”

  “No. Unlike Nick, I don’t give up easily. If I see something I want, I go for it.”

  “Well, that’s an admirable trait to have.”

  Diego stared intently into her eyes. “And hopefully one that will pay off.”

  Kristen didn’t say anything in return. She just gave him a light-hearted smile and laid her head back on his chest, closing her eyes as another slow song began to play. Diego’s arms tightened around her and she melted. She honestly could stay like this all night. But then… She felt it.

  A pull. It was stronger than any wave current in a hurricane wind. She literally felt her hair stand up on the back of her neck. Her pussy pulsated uncontrollably; her nipples hardened and strained against the fabric of her dress. Haltingly, she pulled back from Diego’s neck and hesitantly looked up. They had an audience. Standing on the second floor at the landing that overlooked the living-room was Roman. His eyes were heated and unflinching as he watched her swaying in Diego’s arms. He was biting his bottom lip hard and gripping the railing so tight she could see the veins flexing in his hands.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she saw him standing there. Her heart drummed at a relentless pace. Her tongue wet her dry lips. She saw his eyes narrow as they focused on her tongue. Kristen swallowed a cry forming in her throat. Fuck! There was nothing she could do to stop her feelings for this man. No one who could distract her body from the lust that was prickling her skin like fingers. She wanted him. She wanted him so bad she could taste it. If only it could be that simple.

  She watched him and he watched her as she continued to dance with Diego, holding eye contact that was so intense if it were liquid fire it would burn the whole house down with everyone in it. After a while she couldn’t take it anymore and asked Diego if they could go outside. He took her hand and led her out. Kristen looked over her shoulder and up to find Roman still standing upstairs, watching them. Their eyes held as the door closed behind her and Diego.

  The night air was cool and damp. It felt and looked like it might rain. She and Diego walked to the bottom of the porch and lingered on the stone-paved walkway.

  “So,” he casually began, sticking his hands deep in his pockets. He shook off a chill and continued. “How was your date with Roman?”

  Kristen weighed her response over in her mind before answering him. “It was nice. We had a good time.”

  “What’d you do?”

  “We went out to eat. Then we uh… He took me to his apartment. To show me where he stayed.”

  Diego’s eyebrow rose at that but he didn’t say anything in response, which surprised her.

  She wanted to keep to herself what she and Roman had talked about; not only to protect Roman’s privacy but to protect the bond she felt had formed between them. A bond that was rudely interrupted when Roman all but threw her out of his apartment. The attraction for Diego was still there but it wasn’t the same, especially after sharing that long held eye contact with Roman while they were dancing. She was relieved her attraction to Diego had abated. Lord knows she couldn’t see her way through the crazy mess Joy was dealing with.

  Diego changed the subject and started talking about miscellaneous things but Kristen barely paid attention to him. She kept looking back towards the house, wondering where Roman was; secretly hoping he would come outside and find her.

  “So” Diego huskily began, standing close to her and rubbing his hands up and down her bare arms, “what would you like to do tonight? Are you hungry? There’s food inside but I thought maybe you’d like to go somewhere private and eat.”

  Kristen tore her eyes away from the house and looked at Diego. “That sounds nice.”

  “There’s a great spot in the city I’d like to take you to. It’s a buffet. They serve all types of delicious food from Chinese to Italian to Soul-Food-“

  “Sounds delicious.”

  “And the entire restaurant is bathed in candlelight. That’s what I like the most.”

  “That sounds great Diego. I’d love to go there.” Did she sound as robotic as she sounded?

  “Good. Maybe afterwards we can go down to the Charles River and walk around a little…”

  Was it all in her mind or were his head and lips inching dangerously close to hers?

  “Hang out there for a while, then maybe go somewhere else and chill alone…”

  “Like where?”

  “We could go to your hotel. Or my place. It isn’t far from there…”

  Was there anyone who wasn’t trying to get in her panties tonight? Anyone but a certain someone that she wanted to get in her panties but he kept acting like he didn’t?

  Kristen struggled to quiet the noise of Roman in her mind. “Okay.”


  Kristen’s heart stilled and her breath hitched as Diego leaned in to her mouth… Was he going to kiss her? Should she kiss him back? Did she want to kiss him back?

  The front door slammed hard, breaking their reverie. Kristen and Diego jumped and turned around, startled. Kristen worriedly gazed at Roman as he stood on the porch watching them. He stood there for a moment; then slowly walked down the stairs and over to them, keeping his eyes on Kristen.

  “Hey Braxton. You mind if I talk to Kristen for a second?”

  Diego looked back and forth between the two of them, looking puzzled. “Sure,” he said in a confused tone.

  Roman soberly looked at him and gave him a hug. Diego hugged him back, completely taken off guard. He looked over at Kristen. She cluelessly looked back at him and held up her hands in question.

  Roman pulled away from Diego to give him their special brotherhood handshake and Diego compliantly returned it. “Thank you man,” Roman earnestly told him. “For everything.”

  “Always.” Diego gave him a genuine smile.

  Roman returned his smile and looked over at Kristen, not smiling. He placed his hand to her wrist and pulled her away from Diego. He walked all the way to the end of the sidewalk to the driveway before he turned and addressed her.

  “I’m getting ready to get out of here,” he softly said.

  Kristen’s stomach sunk with sadness. “Oh? Okay.” She hugged her arms, looking down at the ground.

  He touched her arm and she vulnerably looked back up at him. “I apologized to my family. I apologized for earlier today and for leaving tonight. I was trying to relax, be in the moment, and have a good time, but… I’m just not feeling it. Thankfully they understood. We kind of had an emotional moment in there for a minute. It was a little uncomfortable but it was worth it.” His eyes were sincere as they probed hers. “Th
ank you.”

  “Me? I didn’t have anything to do with that.”

  “Believe me, you did.”

  Their eyes held one another with feeling.

  “I guess I’ll see you later,” he said with a half-smile. “Thanks for sharing my birthday with me. You and Diego have fun.”

  He turned and made his way to his Hummer. Kristen felt like her heart was twisting in her chest as she watched him walking away. Feeling anxious, she jogged over to him. “Roman wait!”

  He turned to her, his eyes somber.

  “You want me to go with you?”

  His eyes briefly brightened then dulled as he glanced over at Diego. He shook his head. “No. I’ll see you later.”

  “I don’t want you to be alone. I mean, you look like you don’t want to be alone.”

  He slightly shrugged. “I don’t. But I’ll be fine.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “Are you sure?”

  Roman looked taken aback by the tears in her eyes. Then, his gaze softened and filled with a look Kristen had had the pleasure of witnessing more than once that day. He walked back over to her, stood almost nose to nose with her, put his hand against her face and tenderly touched her. His fingers stroked her soft flesh; his thumb breaking rank to inch closer to her mouth. Kristen’s eyes widened slightly as his thumb began sensuously caressing her bottom lip.

  She struggled to breath. Her body was on fire. He was touching her and it felt so good. So damn good. Better than she could’ve ever imagined. She had wanted this all day. And the way he was looking at her…

  Slowly, Kristen turned her face into his hand. She opened her mouth to his finger and his eyes narrowed hungrily. His heavy-lidded eyes watched hers. Her hurried breaths matched his. She saw him visibly inhale and exhale again, his mouth gripping into a thin line. He was fighting something. Whatever it was, he was struggling to keep it at bay. But she didn’t want him to. She didn’t want him to fight.

  Roman glanced back up at Diego and abruptly pulled away from her, yanking his hand away from her face like he’d been burned. “I’m sorry,” he huskily replied, his eyes regretful as he looked at her.

  She moved towards him with a dull ache in her belly. “Wait-“


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