The Threshold Child

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The Threshold Child Page 15

by Callie Kanno

  She was in danger. She didn’t know how she knew, she just felt it to be so. Adesina tried to move, but her legs wouldn’t respond. She was rooted where she stood, no matter how hard she struggled. She tried calling for help, but the sound was lost in the abyss. Out of the corner of her eye, Adesina saw a glimmer of light. She turned to face it and saw another figure held by the darkness.

  It was the man she had kidnapped.

  He turned to her with a look of desperation in his eyes. His lips moved, but no sound escaped them. He reached out his hand, the expression on his face begging her to take it. But before she could make a decision, an invisible force started pulling them apart.

  Adesina felt herself falling backwards into an eternity of night.


  Adesina jerked awake.

  Her heart was racing and her face was covered with a fine sheen of sweat. She struggled to sit up and free herself from the tangle of her blankets.

  Ravi was still looking out the window, but it was clear that hours had passed. The purple dust of twilight had stolen across the sky. He turned around at the sound of her gasping breaths and hurried to her side.

  “What is it, Ma’eve?”

  It took her several moments to calm herself down enough to find coherent words to speak. “A Dream. My first Dream since the forest.”

  “What did this Dream show you?”

  She described it to Ravi, and a glint of understanding flashed in his eye. Adesina caught the expression and stared at him intently.

  “You know what it means.”

  Ravi cocked an eyebrow. “Why would you believe that?”

  Adesina’s eyes narrowed. “I know you, Ravi. That look in your eye says that you heard something significant. Something only you understand.”

  Ravi walked back over to the window and sat down again. “It would not be significant if I were the only one to understand. True knowledge is never for one being alone.”

  Adesina shook her head impatiently. She wasn’t in the right frame of mind to sit and listen to his little gems of wisdom. “What does it mean, Ravi?”

  He looked at her sharply. “I am not a companion of convenience, Ma’eve. You cannot choose the times you listen to me and then discard me at will. You have chosen your path in the labyrinth of destiny. Now follow it.”

  It took Adesina a moment to recall their conversation before he left. She took a deep, steadying breath. “What are you saying? Are you leaving for good?”

  Ravi frowned. “Of course not. I will not abandon my duty to you.”

  “Then what?”

  He fixed his gaze on some point on the distant horizon. “Follow your chosen path, Ma’eve. And I will follow mine.”

  Ravi’s silence now seemed determined. Adesina didn’t talk to him for the rest of the night. She tried to get some more sleep, but she was restless. She tossed and turned in bed for a while, then got up and paced around the room, then went through her Shimat belongings to organize and review, and then went back to bed to start the cycle all over again.

  By dawn she was completely exhausted. She was more affected in mind and spirit, but her body also suffered from the draining night. It wasn’t long after the sun appeared that Jelana came to check on her. Adesina had been in the middle of pacing again, and was scolded sternly by the older woman.

  “Adrie! You should not be up!”

  Adesina gave a reassuring smile. “I am fine, Jelana.”

  Her hostess would not hear it. “Get back in bed this instant.”

  “But, Jelana-”

  “Not another word! You are staying in bed until I am convinced that you have fully recovered.”

  She reluctantly climbed back into her bed. “The illness has left me, Jelana. I am still weak, but I can attend school.”

  The kindly woman was adamant. “Not today. You are going to eat and rest, and if I am satisfied, you may go to school after the weekend.”

  Adesina saved her groan until Jelana had left the room. “The weekend! How will I pass three days in bed?”

  Ravi did not look at her or answer. He appeared to be deep in thought, completely unaware of his surroundings. Adesina had never seen him so distracted.

  She sat up. “Ravi?”

  Even this did not break through to his conscious mind. He continued to stare out the window.

  Adesina wondered if he ever received visions other than in Dreams. She laid back down, considering this possibility. Perhaps that is what happened right before he had left her to seek one of his own kind. Perhaps he had received some kind of warning. It had to have been something important to take him away from her.

  Her thoughts turned to their conversation the night before. He had told her that she had chosen her path. She had finally been faced with what she had greatly desired: a choice. And, like Ravi had warned her, it had passed before she was aware of its importance.

  It had seemed like a simple matter of doing what she was told. After all, hadn’t she sworn loyalty to the Shimat Order? She wondered what would have happened if she had honored her promise to Ravi and stayed in the High City while he was gone. Her opportunity for her first mission would have been missed, but was that all?

  She was not the only Shimat in the High City. There were others who could have accomplished the mission if she had not. Her Order would not have been harmed by the decision to honor her promise to Ravi, only her ambition. That is what it all came down to: her ambition. And now she was set on a path without knowing where she was headed.

  Such thoughts made Adesina feel powerless, and she hated that feeling more than anything. She was glad when Jelana reappeared with a tray. It distracted her from the trap of her own mind.

  “Are you feeling up to having a visitor?”

  Adesina frowned in confusion. “A visitor?”

  Jelana smiled and gestured Aleron into the room. He tried to give her his usual sunny smile, but the worry lines on his forehead spoiled the effect. “How are you feeling today?”

  Adesina gave a brief smile in return. “Much better.”

  Jelana discreetly slipped out of the room and Aleron moved to sit on the foot of Adesina’s bed. “Gainor, Deasa and Rina said they would come visit you after school today.”

  She wasn’t sure what sort of response this statement merited. She settled on a nod as she turned her attention to the food on the tray in front of her.

  Aleron studied her thoughtfully. “How does your tribe in the north handle illness? Did your friends not visit you?”

  Adesina shook her head. “No. Those who fell ill were left to heal, and then they rejoined society when they were healthy again.”

  This was actually a description of student illness in the Shimat fortress. Illness meant time lost from training, and no student would lose time of their own to visit a sick classmate. Most students learned to work through their illnesses. Only the more severe cases went to the medical wing.

  Aleron nodded slowly. “Well, I just wanted to see how you were feeling. Is there anything I can do for you?”

  She shrugged. “I really feel much better.”

  He got to his feet. “Then I will leave you to rest. I need to get to school, so I will talk to you later.”

  Aleron was out the door before Adesina could respond. She frowned after him, not understanding why he came to visit at all if he was going to leave in such a hurry.

  “He cares for you very much.”

  Adesina jumped at the sound of Ravi’s voice. She had not noticed that he was watching the exchange.

  “We are friends. I suppose his concern is natural.”

  The soft smile that appeared on Ravi’s face brought an unexpected feeling of relief to Adesina. Ravi must have forgiven her for her broken promise.

  “He sees you as more than a friend, I think.”

  Adesina stiffened, her thoughts immediately flying to Kendan. “What makes you say that?”

  Ravi’s smile widened. “I have eyes, Ma’eve. I can see how he looks at you.”

  She felt her stomach drop. She had never considered Aleron anything more than a friend, and the thought of him harboring hopes for something more marred that friendship beyond repair.

  Ravi could see that the idea disturbed her and changed the subject, but Adesina could not put it out of her head.

  Between that, questioning her decision to break her promise to Ravi, and her Dream, Adesina could find no peace of mind. The day was almost unendurably long. Jelana kept her in bed, where there was nothing for her to do but think, which inevitably turned back to all the things Adesina was trying to keep out of her thoughts. By evening Adesina was pleading with Jelana to let her go downstairs. It was only when she promised to sit quietly by the fire that Jelana allowed it.

  Adesina settled into the rocking chair, bundled up far more than what was needed for the time of year. Ravi laid down between the chair and the fire, resting his head on his giant paws. Jelana had been teaching Adesina the finer points of needlework, and she was learning quickly. She now took up the square of cloth she had been working on and let the sounds of the evening household bustle wash over her: the crackling fire, the sound of Jelana’s brisk footsteps over the wooden floorboards, the clink of cookware, the soft pattering of rain on the windowpanes, Ravi’s deep and steady breath. Adesina closed her eyes and took in not just the sounds, but the feeling of the house. It was a content sort of feeling—the feeling of a home.

  Jelana was preparing supper and Fia followed her around, humming a happy little song. Hass was not home yet, which was unusual, but no one seemed concerned. A hurried knock at the door broke the quiet atmosphere. Jelana pursed her lips as she went to answer it.

  It was Gainor, Deasa and Rina. They were drenched from the rain, and shivering from both cold and excitement.

  “May we see Adrie, Mistress Jelana?”

  Jelana ushered them inside. “Girls, you will catch your deaths being out in such weather!”

  They spotted Adesina and rushed to her side, each talking over the other.

  “How are you feeling, Adrie?”

  “We are sorry we took so long to come visit you!”

  “We meant to come much earlier.”

  “We have such exciting news!”

  Adesina turned her attention to Gainor, who didn’t seem too lost on formalities. “What news?”

  Gainor was interrupted by the entrance of Hass. He was also dripping from the rain, with a grim expression on his face. He looked around the room and seemed to guess what was going on. In his sternest voice he said, “Fia, go to your room. I will come and get you when supper is ready.”

  His tone brooked no refusal. Fia scurried up the stairs, looking fearfully over her shoulder as she went. Jelana stared at her husband in shock.

  “What is it, Hass?”

  He had turned his gaze to the group of girls huddled by the fire. “I think it is time for you girls to be getting home.”

  They all shot Adesina apologetic glances before hurrying out the door. Hass waited until they were alone before turning to his wife.

  “A man is missing. An Outsider.”

  Chapter Sixteen: Rumors

  Jelana, who had been going on with her supper preparations, stopped in her tracks. “Missing?”

  Hass nodded. “He was admitted through the gate in the morning, but he never left again. The whole city has been searched, and there is no sign of him.”

  She frowned. “Who saw him last?”

  “Some of the merchants think they may have seen him, but the last one to speak to him was Master Lorcan.”

  “The blacksmith?”

  Hass nodded again, clearly holding something back. Jelana searched her husband’s face. “What else?”

  “The man is a magic user.”

  Jelana paled visibly. She had to hold on to the edge of the table to steady herself. “There is a magic user loose in the city?” she asked faintly.

  Hass moved to her side and put his arms around her. “He may not even be in the city. It is possible that he left without informing the guards. The Governors have ordered that the city be searched again, and in the meantime they have doubled the guards on duty.”

  Jelana still didn’t look very reassured. “I do not want the girls walking to school alone!”

  Hass continued to soothe his wife, and Adesina hid her expression by bending over her needlework. She knew that the man was nowhere near the High City by now.

  The entire city was buzzing with rumors of the missing Outsider. Gainor, Deasa, and Rina came to visit Adesina early the next morning, filled to the brim with gossip. They sat in Adesina’s room, looking out the window and letting their imaginations run wild.

  “Do you think he is handsome?”

  Deasa and Rina looked shocked at Gainor’s question. “Gainor!”

  “A magic user?”

  Gainor tossed her hair. “It is not impossible for magic users to be handsome.”

  Adesina could practically see the visions of romantic abductions dancing in Gainor’s eyes.

  Deasa looked supremely scornful as she rolled her eyes. “I think there are bigger concerns than what the Outsider looks like.”

  “Like what?” Adesina asked casually.

  “Like if this is going to be the start of a war.”

  Rina wore an expression of confusion. “I thought we were already at war.”

  Deasa gave Rina a patronizing look. “The silent war does not count. I mean actual fighting instead of political maneuvering.”

  The room went silent. Adesina looked between the girls. “Why would there be a war?”

  Gainor was the one who answered. “Another magic user came to the High City and went to speak with the Governors. He said that something must have happened to the missing man and asked for assistance in finding him.”

  Adesina frowned. “So?”

  “Well, an argument broke out between the magic user and Governor Wadell…”

  The other girls piped in. “The magic user was angry that he did not get the degree of cooperation that he demanded.”

  “Apparently the missing man is one of their leaders.”

  “The magic user left the High City and rode north at top speed.”

  “The Governors are worried that he is going to come back with an army!”

  Ravi’s tail twitched slightly at this last statement. Adesina looked over at him, but received no other sign that he was even paying attention.

  She turned back to her friends. “What will the High City do if he does come back with an army?”

  All three girls looked nervous. Deasa shifted in her seat uncomfortably. “Well…we do not have an army of our own, and the city guard would not be enough to face them.”

  Adesina waited for her to continue, but she fell silent. The young Shimat knew her chances of getting information would be best if she aimed her questions at Gainor. “What, then?”

  The flippant girl tried to shrug it off as if it didn’t matter. “We have allies with armies. I am sure they would come to our aid.”

  Adesina couldn’t believe her ears. “Are you saying that the High City has no means of protecting itself?”

  “The High City has always been neutral. We believe that there are better ways to resolve conflict than fighting,” Rina explained.

  The young Shimat thought it best to let the subject drop. It was obvious that her companions didn’t like talking about it and that they had very little information of relevance.

  It wasn’t hard to find something new to talk about. Rina’s parents had decided that she had enough schooling, and it was time for her to settle down and start her own family. They had already started their search for her husband. Gainor was giddy with wedding ideas, and Deasa was doing her best to shield Rina from the full force of Gainor’s schemes.

  Adesina tried to not show the strength of her disapproval. “I cannot believe that you have no say in the matter.”

  She didn’t mention the fact that Rina was too young or that giving up her ed
ucation was ridiculous.

  Rina gave a halfhearted smile. “I trust my parents. Father will make sure that my husband will be able to support me, and Mother will see that he is a good and honorable man.”

  In Adesina’s opinion, it had nothing to do with trust. Rina was used to being told what to do. “Are all marriages arranged in the High City?”

  Deasa shrugged carelessly. “Not necessarily. My parents said I may marry whomever I wish.”

  Gainor’s expression was full of self-importance. “My mother says that my marriage is too significant to leave to chance. The Governor of the High City cannot be connected to just anyone! She and father have been searching for a husband for my sister for months and they still have not found anyone suitable.”

  Deasa and Adesina exchanged exasperated glances and moved on. “Who are the prospective grooms?”

  Rina hesitated before answering. “I do not know. Father and Mother will not tell me until the decision is final.”

  Gainor forgot what she had been talking about before and leaned forward, almost bouncing in her seat. “I have heard rumors of who some of them are!”

  This was news to all of them. Deasa measured Rina’s expression before asking, “Who are they?”

  “Sable, Rina’s father’s apprentice; Master Degan, assistant to Master Ardley the tailor; and Master Quinlan, the blacksmith.”

  Deasa nodded slowly. “A merchant, a tailor, and a blacksmith. All honorable professions.”

  Gainor wasn’t interested in Deasa’s opinion. “Which do you want to marry, Rina?”

  Rina looked as if she was afraid to answer. “Well, I do not know Master Degan or Master Quinlan very well. Sable is closest to my age…and he is very handsome…”

  Gainor immediately shook her head. “Oh, you do not want to marry him, Rina! He is an absolute beast! Terrible temper. He would only want to marry you because it would guarantee him your father’s business when he retires.”

  “Gainor,” Deasa reprimanded.

  The damage was already done and Rina looked as if she was on the verge of tears. “What if Father chooses someone who will not love me?”


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