The Threshold Child

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The Threshold Child Page 48

by Callie Kanno

  An ominous silence filled the room.

  Sa’jan broke it by walking over to the L’avan strapped on the table and untying their bond. “You can help by looking after all the prisoners we save.”

  All three of them were barely conscious, and it took a bit of effort to get them to their feet. The reality of how weak these L’avan were gave the rescuers pause. How were they going to be able to save others while trying to help these prisoners along, all the while avoiding the Shimat guards?

  Their leader surveyed them and then came to a decision.

  “E’nes, you will take these prisoners and hide them in the stables. Then meet me back here to get the next group and take them to hiding.”

  The young L’avan started to protest, but he was sternly cut off.

  “We stand a much better chance of remaining undiscovered if we split up. Also, if something should happen to me, then at least some of you will escape.”

  E’nes still shook his head stubbornly. “What about you? You cannot take on the entire Shimat army.”

  Sa’jan smiled. “That is not my intention.”

  He opened the door and glanced around, making sure that the coast was clear before stepping into the corridor. The others followed him, supporting each other.

  Then, without warning, a group of Shimat turned the corner.

  “Go!” shouted Sa’jan as he drew his sword.

  Without waiting to see what his companions would do, he charged into the midst of his enemies.


  King L’unn’s horse shifted nervously beneath him. The tension in the air was so thick that it left a bitter taste in his mouth. The L’avan army waited in the grasslands just beyond the mountain pass, and the mercenary army was closing in. It was only a matter of time until the battle would begin.

  Fear was the dominant emotion on the faces of each individual, and L’unn couldn’t blame them. They were outnumbered at least two to one, maybe more, and a good portion of the army had no training beyond what they had been given in the last few days. They all looked to him, searching for some measure of comfort, and he did his best to reassure them.

  He sat tall and proud, appearing to be confident. He rode his horse along the lines of waiting men, giving words of encouragement and grasping shoulders of friends.

  There was some consolation in knowing that the younger soldiers were acting as archers placed in the trees of the forest behind them. They would be shielded from most of the danger. L’unn was also glad to know that all the L’avan citizens were well protected in their strongholds.

  His beloved wife was safe. That much, at least, he knew. His eyes turned to his eldest son, who was also riding among the men to help abate their fears. His thoughts turned to his younger children who were many miles away, and still in grave danger. What if none of his children survived?

  L’on brought his horse alongside the king, and L’unn gave his son a grim look. “I should not have let you come.”

  L’on snorted softly. “That would have filled the people with confidence—the crown prince goes into hiding while everyone else fights the enemy.”

  “If both you and your brother die…” he couldn’t bring himself to go on.

  The prince finished the sentence in a brusque tone. “Then L’era will rule.”

  King L’unn could only shake his head. “She is with them.”

  His son reached over to put a hand on his father’s arm. “L’iam would never let any harm come to her. He probably tied her to a tree to keep her out of danger.”

  The king smiled at his son’s optimism. “You are probably right. L’iam was even more protective of L’era than your mother and I were.”

  A murmur ran through the crowd, and both sets of royal eyes were immediately fixed on what caused the stir.

  Like a black cloud rolling slowly over a plain, the mercenary army appeared at the turn of the mountain pass, heading toward them. The dull glint of their armor shone ominously in the moonlight, and the jingling of their weapons as they marched was unnerving.

  Even though they had been informed on the numbers they would be facing, the sight was enough to drive away what remained of their hope.

  In an effort to prevent this, King L’unn used his vyala to send the image of a fiery bird across the sky. It was said that the Serraf could take this form, and it served as a reminder of the gifts they had given the L’avan people.

  A heartening cheer erupted from the throats of the L’avan army.

  As if responding to a signal, the Rashad suddenly appeared at their sides. Their race had never been as numerous as the L’avan, but the added numbers seemed to make quite a difference to the defending forces.

  L’unn looked over at his friend, Rajan, and together they took a few steps forward. They wanted to be visible to all of the soldiers as they waited for their opponents to advance.

  “War was unheard of in our fathers’ time,” he said softly.

  The Rashad leader nodded his graying head. “And our grandfathers’ time.”

  “I suppose we cannot expect to lead the same lives that they did.”

  Rajan smiled sadly. “No, we cannot. The labyrinth of time progresses, and we must follow it through to the end of the age.”

  The L’avan king quickly looked over at his companion. “This is the change, then? She is the Threshold Child?”

  There was no need to specify who they were talking about. L’unn had asked Rajan about Adesina not long after she had come to Pevothem. The Rashad had been reluctant to give a definite answer until now.

  “Yes, she is the Threshold Child.”

  An unexpected warmth filled the king’s heart. “Then they will be safe.”

  Rajan gave him a questioning glance.

  “L’iam and L’era will be safe if they are with her,” King L’unn continued.

  The Rashad didn’t answer, knowing how precious hope was at a time like this. He could not bring himself to take it away from his oldest friend.

  “They will be safe,” L’unn repeated, “and our people will survive. In spite of all of this, the L’avan people will survive.”

  Rajan merely turned his golden eyes to the approaching army. It was just like he had seen in his Dreams. He wondered if his Dreams about the others at the fortress would be as accurate as this. Either way, he feared that the reality would be just as dark.


  It was raining.

  Actually, considering the torrential downpour, that seemed like an understatement. Even in the shelter of the trees, Aleron was still getting very wet. He had built a makeshift tent next to the fire and had placed L’era underneath it, but that meant that there was no room for him.

  He tucked a blanket around the unconscious princess, built a large fire, and then went to sit between the roots of the closest tree. It was only slightly more dry, but it was better than nothing.

  He found himself gazing into the shadows beyond their camp. His heart almost stopped when he thought he saw a shadow move. After several minutes of staring at that same shadow, he berated himself for letting his imagination run away with him.

  L’era started to stir, and Aleron hurried to her side. She had not moved since he had drugged her, and he was beginning to get very anxious. Her eyes fluttered and opened, resting on his with a dazed expression.

  They slowly focused and became more aware, then they also hardened when they saw his face. “You!”

  He was immediately apologetic. “Adrie made me promise to keep you here!”

  She sat up and jerked away from him. “How could you?” she raged. “After coming so far, how could you let them leave me behind now?”

  Aleron started to get angry himself. “Do you think I am happy with this arrangement? I wanted to go as well!”

  L’era wasn’t listening to him. “My whole life I have only been seen as a princess, and this was my one chance to do something great—to prove that I was something more! Now, thanks to you, that chance is gone.”

“I know!” he shouted, wounded by her accusations. “I wanted to prove myself, too!”

  She stared at him in surprise, but he was now too upset to take notice. He continued to yell, even though she had fallen silent.

  “I know I am not a warrior, but I wanted to help in some way! I wanted to help her! Not that she needs it,” he added in a tone of self-mockery. “I, a healer’s apprentice…what could I possibly offer her?”

  L’era was stunned by his words. She studied him in pity, forgetting her own frustrations. “You really care for her.”

  Aleron fixed his eyes on the fire, not wanting to admit that he was in love with someone so completely out of his reach.

  The princess tried a different direction to gain his confidence. “I feel like such a burden to this group. I followed them so I could prove myself, but I ended up just being another mouth to feed, another person to protect.”

  He nodded. “Me, too. I thought I could help.”

  “She is glad you are with us,” L’era said softly.

  Aleron snorted. “No. I am just her funny little friend from the High City who tagged along. I do not even belong here.”

  She wrapped her blanket around her shoulders more tightly and replied, “That makes two of us.”

  Their eyes met, and for a moment they said nothing. They understood each other completely, and knew that they were not alone in their personal disappointments.

  So strong was the shared empathy of this new bond that they didn’t notice the dark shadows emerging from the trees.

  Chapter Forty-nine: Loss

  Adesina led the way up the stairs to the second level. There was a small passage that led from there straight to the stables, and that was the way she wanted to make their escape.

  Me’shan ran surprisingly well on his own, with a little help from L’iam’s vyala. Ravi stayed by Adesina’s side and the L’avan prince brought up the rear. Me’shan repeated the insistent request he had made when they first left his cell.

  “We need to find Faryl.”

  Adesina had been surprised to hear the name of the High City’s woman apothecary, and had readily agreed to find her. Now she was beginning to doubt if that had been a good idea. All Me’shan had been able to tell them was that she had been taken by Shimat guards the day before. There was no way of knowing if she was even still in the fortress.

  “We will certainly help her if we can find her, but they could have taken her anywhere. She may not even be alive anymore.”

  Me’shan shook his head violently. “No, she must be alive! I promised her I would protect her!”

  Adesina didn’t get a chance to reason with her father, because her words were lost in surprise. They had reached the top of the stairs and were met by a scene that none of them could have anticipated.

  Sa’jan was in the middle of a group of Shimat, fighting furiously and losing desperately. With his vyala he was warping weapons and slowing the movements of his enemies, but even so, it was not enough against such a large number. He seemed on the verge of collapse, and there was no sign of help in sight. Where were E’nes and the L’avan they were supposed to be rescuing?

  She immediately drew her sword and rushed into the battle.

  The Shimat were surprised by the sudden arrival of these new enemies, but met them without hesitation. Adesina didn’t have to look back to know that she was not alone. In fact, she caught sight of her father grabbing a weapon and joining as well.

  She relaxed her mind and remembered the training that she had been given over the years. She moved smoothly from form to form, not pausing to see what effect she was having. Her opponents ceased to be human in her mind and became mere challenges—ones she knew she could eventually overcome.

  Her vyala came to her aid, lending strength and speed. In the back of her mind she could sense that it was anxiously waiting for her to command it to become something more tangible in her fight against the Shimat.

  The opponent before her was a skilled swordsman. He flicked his blade expertly, getting past her defenses and using her own moves against her. It took some quick reflexes for her to avoid being stabbed several times.

  Adesina watched him closely, all the while defending herself with all the ability she possessed. Eventually, a pattern in his attack began to present itself. As soon as she moved to exploit it, however, the Shimat broke from the form by kicking her wrists upward. Adesina’s sword flew over her head and clattered down the stairs that were behind them.

  She grabbed the Shimat’s arm as he lunged and then she whirled around to avoid his blade, bringing her elbow forcibly into his kidney. The Shimat cried out in pain, but did not stop his attacks. Adesina ducked as he swung his sword around and she aimed a powerful downward kick to his knee. It cracked sharply, and her opponent dropped to the ground.

  She rendered him unconscious with a sharp blow to the head, then her eyes glanced around in search for a new enemy. As she did so, her gaze was arrested by her father.

  Me’shan was struggling to do his best as a warrior, but his body was weak and his mind was exhausted. He could barely summon enough vyala to keep himself on his feet.

  Adesina hurried forward to help, but could not reach him in time. The Shimat he was fighting struck him across the face and then drove a dagger into his abdomen.

  Time seemed to slow down as she watched her father fall to the ground. His expression, the rush of air leaving his lungs, the clatter of his weapon as it hit the stone—all of this was burned into her memory.

  After all they had been through, after all they had sacrificed, this was how it was going to end. Her father lay dying on the stones of the Shimat fortress.

  She had sent him here.

  All around her were the bodies of the dead or dying: her friends, her family. Even the majority of the Shimat fighting them had no idea of the true nature of the order. They were giving their lives to a lie.

  She saw L’iam fighting valiantly, trying to get to where Sa’jan had fallen. His features were fierce while in the rage of battle. The glow of vyala surrounded him, and he moved with heightened energy as he drained his enemies of their life force. The Shimat’s feeble attempts to fight him in their weakened condition were met with stunning blows that left them alive, but unable to fight.

  Even in a desperate battle to the death, L’iam still refused to take a life unnecessarily. The L’avan were such good people, and they had supported her from the beginning.

  She had brought them here.

  A burning sensation welled up from the core of her being and spread throughout her body. Her hands tingled with power and her vision grew brighter by the second. In her stomach she felt the sharp pangs of sorrow and remorse, and her head whirled with the heat of fury and revenge. The icy fingers of fear wrapped themselves around her heart, and somewhere deep inside of her, something snapped.

  She would not allow any more lives to be lost because of her mistakes.

  As if this new determination gave her power, she conquered the flurry of emotion that bore her down and drew her father’s dagger from the sheath on her belt. Her vyala, which had been boiling beneath the surface, burst forth in a flurry of light that surrounded her.

  With a flying leap, Adesina sprang at the Shimat advancing on Me’shan’s crumpled form. He turned to meet her easily, but was unprepared for the strength of her attack, which was aided by her vyala. She easily twisted his arm around behind him, and threw him headfirst into the wall. She barely took the time to make sure that he was unconscious before turning away. Her senses immediately ranged out to find another opponent.

  The Shimat saw the light surrounding her and hesitated to attack. The gleam in her eyes burned coldly, sending fear into each of her enemies.


  She stopped in her tracks and turned to see who was calling her name.

  Breyen stood down the hallway where the corridor widened to a large, open area. One arm held a slight figure tightly to himself, and the other hand held a dagge
r to his prisoner’s throat.

  Adesina stared in astonishment at the face of Lanil, her childhood friend. Lanil’s expression was full of fear and shock, as if she couldn’t believe what was happening.

  Behind Breyen stood several other Shimat, all holding prisoners of their own. The face that stood out most was her brother’s. E’nes gazed back with tears in his eyes, his face heavy with remorse that he had failed her.

  Her mind was immediately racing to find a way to free them from their captors, but Breyen’s thoughts seemed to be along the same line. He smiled cruelly and shook his head.

  “You cannot save all of them.”

  Adesina considered the situation a moment more before narrowing her eyes. “What now, Shar?” She spat the last word.

  “Now,” he said slowly, “you will surrender to us and submit to the Sharifal’s judgment.”

  “Her judgment?” she asked harshly.

  “For treason,” he replied.

  Adesina clenched her jaw angrily. “And if I refuse?”

  Breyen smiled without humor. “Then we will kill you and all of your companions.”

  She hesitated as she evaluated their chances of survival, but only briefly. “You intend to kill us all anyway.”

  His head tipped slightly towards Lanil. “Not all.”

  This truly gave Adesina pause. After all, Lanil had nothing to do with any of this. She hadn’t even finished her training yet.

  Doubt tugged at the edges of Adesina’s mind. “I do not believe you,” she said quietly. “She has seen too much for you to allow her to walk away.”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “Are you certain of that?”

  She wasn’t.

  She wasn’t really certain of anything right now. Her mind was still working to find a way out of this hopeless situation, and was coming up blank. If she refused, every prisoner would be executed immediately. She wouldn’t even have a chance to save any of them. If she surrendered, they would all be imprisoned for a while and then executed as soon as the Sharifal returned. Even so, that gave them some time to try to escape, and it ensured Lanil’s safety.


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