No Ifs, Ands, or Bears About It

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No Ifs, Ands, or Bears About It Page 19

by Celia Kyle

  When she’d questioned her father about her rapid healing, he reminded her that she was half bear. Even if she couldn’t shift, a bit of a furball lurked inside her. Hadn’t she ever thought it was odd that she never got sick as a child and her bruises typically disappeared in hours? No, she really hadn’t. The only reason she’d taken so long to come out of her coma was due to the severity of her injuries. She’d lost a ton of blood and there had been swelling around her brain. Now that she was on the mend and eating well, her body was ready to get up and go.

  Except everyone kept urging her to stay in bed.

  “You need to rest, need time to heal and regain your strength.”

  “Aren’t you tired?”

  “Don’t you want to go back to bed for a little longer? Oh, that’s good, Mia, here I’ll help you with the covers.”

  Then whoever happened to be shoving those words down her throat would urge her toward the bed before she got halfway to the door.

  Well, she was done. She’d been sleeping next to Ty for two days—both of them fully clothed—and the man hadn’t given her more than a chaste kiss on the forehead. He’d been trying to keep his battle wounds hidden from her, but she’d caught glimpses of them nonetheless. Every time she saw one of the bright red, jagged lines, her heart ached. He’d fought so very, very hard to get Parker back and he’d wear the evidence of his struggle for the rest of his life.

  After a light brushing of his lips across her skin, he’d disappear for the morning, leaving her with her father. Don’t get her wrong, she loved her dad. She just didn’t love being kept in the dark.

  Rising shouts would come through the door now and again, snarls and growls quickly following the sounds, but her father wouldn’t let her get anywhere near the door.

  “You didn’t grow up with bears, little cub, this is how we deal with things,” he’d say.

  Uh-huh. And she had a bridge to sell.

  Then there was the fact that her only visitors were Ty, Parker, her father, and Gigi, and every one of them kept shoving her away from the door and back into bed. Oh yeah, something stank in Grayslake, and it lurked somewhere in her house.

  Mia lay on the edge of the massive king size bed while her father rested in a large chair by the bay window. He was engrossed in a paperback, attention completely focused on his book, and she knew it was her time to act.

  Feigning a moan, Mia rolled to her side and tugged on her blankets, doing her best to appear restless. In a split second, her dad tossed the book aside and the rapid thump of his feet colliding with the hardwood floors announced his approach.

  She hardly hurt anymore, her ribs only putting up a token protest to her movement and her leg was strong once again. Even the wounds on her arms were near fully healed. But she had to put on a good show.


  “Oh, you’re here.” She let her head list from side to side. “I’m so hot, Daddy. Can you help me with these covers and maybe get me a wet washcloth?”

  He paled and then went into action. “Of course, little cub.”

  Large, gentle hands tugged and pulled on the knotted blankets. Good, Phase One of Operation Free Mia was underway. Another few yanks and her legs were free.

  “There you go, sweetheart. Let me go get you that cloth.”

  In a split second, she was staring at her father’s back as he hustled his large bulk into the master bathroom. The instant he was no longer in sight, Mia leapt from the bed and bolted to the room’s door. She slinked through the open portal and carefully eased it shut behind her. It’d only be a handful of seconds before her absence was discovered. Hopefully it’d give her enough time to find out what had her Itan in knots day in and day out.

  Mia dashed down the hallway, keeping to the walls in an effort to hide in the shadows. She tiptoed over the carpet, sprinting forward and then pausing when a raucous yell from Ty’s study split the silence.

  It wasn’t until she was halfway to her destination that her father’s first call reached her. Her name was said tentatively with a hint of worry. She’d apologize later.

  She padded another few feet to the study’s closed door. A familiar cacophony of yells rolled over her. Yet again there was bellowing, growls, and snarls, all coming from within Ty’s study. Voices raised, the tones unknown to her, but that didn’t change her intention. Ty was in there, fighting and verbally battling with others within his private haven. Enough was enough.

  Not bothering to knock or slow her stride, Mia wrenched open the door and marched into the room. She only had eyes from one man within the space and her gaze remained intent on him, on the blackness of his eyes and the dark brown fur that coated his skin. These strangers had pushed him to this, pushed him to nearly losing control.

  She inhaled deep, drawing the scents of the room into her lungs. Ty had begun teaching her about clan scent as they lay cuddled in bed. He’d told her how each long-term member held similar flavors that lurked beneath their natural aroma. These two men, old, white haired and wrinkled, did not belong to her clan.

  “Mia,” Ty growled at her and she ignored him. With luck, he’d spank her later. She’d welcome anything other than tender, sweet touches at this point. She’d relish any stroke that ended with clothes being removed so she could explore his body. She wanted to kiss and lick every wound and thank him for enduring such pain to save Parker and her.

  “Gentlemen.” She didn’t smile in welcome and didn’t care that both of them looked affronted when she didn’t bother.

  She skirted Ty’s desk and finally stopped when she stood beside him and leaned against his chair. Now that she’d managed a minor escape, fatigue pulled at her and urged her to lay the heck down. She probably should have limited her flee to freedom to the hallway.

  In moments, her father stood in the doorway, the look of fear quickly turning into annoyance. “Mia.”

  Did everyone have to growl at her?

  “So, this is the whelp,” the man sitting on the right sneered at her, curling his upper lip and exposing yellowed fangs. “The one who has held up these proceedings. The one you want to tie yourself to and destroy your line.”

  Destroy? Proceedings?

  “Mia, go back to our room. You need to rest.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she turned her head and glared at him. “I’m fine.”

  “Mia, little cub, let me get you back to bed.”

  “I’m. Fine.” This time her glare was directed at her father.

  “Good. If that’s the case, we can resolve the pending matters and return to our own clans.” The jerky man cut in. “Miss Baker—”

  Ty interrupted him. “Abrams, and you will call her Itana.”

  The guy’s face flushed a deep red. “She isn’t—”

  “You better think about what you’re getting ready to say.” Isaac’s familiar timber echoed through the room, and she turned her attention to him.

  She couldn’t have suppressed her gasp had she tried. Isaac’s face was dissected by a thick, angry line that ran from his hairline, across his nose, skirted his lip and then farther past his jaw. It continued down his neck to disappear beneath his taut shirt.

  Ty had told her, warned her, of Isaac’s wounds. He’d explained that his brother’s were similar to his own though a little more harsh, but seeing them…

  The man grimaced and then quirked his lips in a bastardized smile before returning his attention to the jerk. His expression hardened, causing the redness of his scar to flee and pale against his tanned skin. “She is Grayslake’s Itana in everything but deed and all clans should respect her as such.”

  “Regardless of the title the Grayslake clan has decided to bestow upon her, she’s still a half-breed whelp that will end your line!” The man’s face reddened until it was a deep burgundy.

  Mia hated him already. Frowning, she turned to Ty, doing her best to push away the dizziness that threatened. “What is he talking about?”

  “Sit down before you fall down.” Ty scowled at her and push
ed his seat back. In one tug, she was pulled into his lap and positioned across his legs.

  “But what—”

  “Dumb girl. Claiming you as his Itana means his sons won’t inherit. They have to be able to shift to become the Itan and with you,” he spat the word, “that won’t happen.”

  Mia looked tilted her head to the side, confusion filling her, and then looked to her father. “But I thought…”

  The guy snorted. “That’s the problem with women.”

  “Enough.” The other old dude finally spoke, and that single word shut the jerk-esque male up. “Ty’s claiming of Mia is not what we’re here to discuss. His choice of Itana is an internal matter. We remain in Grayslake to make a ruling regarding Parker and the position of Cutler Itan.”

  That got her attention. She sat up straighter and stared at what seemed to be the calmer of the two strangers. “He stays and Cutler can run off and find someone else.” She waved her hands toward the door. “There’s your answer, so shoo.”


  Mia rolled her eyes. “What is with you and name calling? My father raised me better than that, didn’t yours?”

  The man growled, and Ty returned the sound, his overriding the older man’s with ease. It bounced off the walls, echoing in the small space. “You will stop.”

  “Don’t you understand what you’re doing to your line with that-that—?”

  Mia had enough. She leaned forward and clutched the desk for balance. “You know what, you’re an idiot and an ass—”


  “How did you get so old without knowing that if there’s love between two people, if there’s a true connection, then the couple can have children who shift?” Mia was done playing nice. She’d been polite through every ordeal, but this guy took the cake. “Are you ignorant on purpose or are you just prejudiced against anyone who’s not full bear?”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about, little girl.”

  Fatigue or not, this guy was pissing her off. “Oh, hell no.”


  She turned a bit of her anger on her father. “Really, Daddy? Really? He’s being a penis head.” Her dad’s lips twitched as he fought a smile. Long ago they’d compromised on a few curses.

  “Malcolm. That’s enough.” The nicer guy spoke, silencing the jerk-o-saurus rex. “The Itana is correct.”


  “You live in a town that frowns on such unions, so you believe what you believe. Those of us who see beyond our own territories—and have our clans’ best interests ruling our actions—know the truth. Even full humans and bears can produce shifting children. It’s just a matter of finding your other half.”

  “Ha!” She pointed at the annoying guy. “Take that!”

  “Mia,” Ty groaned and she allowed him to tug her back against his chest.

  “He’s a jerk. I can’t help it.”

  “He is a jerk.” The man’s lips twitched. “And I’m Terrence Jensen, Southeast Itan.” He rose and extended his hand in welcome.

  Mia placed her palm in his, shaking it gently. “What town?”

  Terrence shrugged. “Just the Southeast.”

  Ty whispered in her ear. “All of them.”

  “Whoa.” She opened her eyes wide in shock.

  “Quite. Itana, we were waiting for you to recover so we could discuss our plans for Cutler. Due to the multiple deaths in the family, Parker is the only remaining male of that line.” His voice was grave and serious.

  “He’s staying,” she blurted the words before she could think better of them. Yelling at old guys was one thing, yelling at the freakin’ Southeast Itan was another and she waited for him to blow up at her.

  “Yes, he is.” He tilted his head in acknowledgement. Whew, no growlies. “At least until his twenty-fifth birthday when he’s old enough to claim the position. However, that leaves the clan without a leader for twenty-one years.”

  Mia snorted. “Considering who they had, they’re better off with no one at all.”

  Ty groaned, “Mia.”

  “Point taken. Which is why I’ve decided to appoint a guardian for the town.”

  “You can’t have the Abrams brothers!”

  Ty slapped his hand over her mouth and pulled until she was forced to lay her head against his shoulder. “I love you, but shut up.”

  She loved him too, damn it, but that wasn’t how she was going to tell him. Instead of melting, she glared at him.

  Slowly the light dawned in his eyes, realizing what he’d said. “Mia…”

  She glared at him more, and he leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “We’ll talk about it, but I do. More than anything, I do.” He pressed a kiss to her temple and then turned his attention back to the men. “Apologies, Terrence. Please continue.”

  Terrence chuckled and shook his head. “Young love. I remember it well. My Itana,” the man turned and looked to Malcolm, “my human Itana who bore me three shifting cubs, is the same way.”

  She really wished Ty would move his hand so she could stick out her tongue at Malcolm. Sadly, he did not.

  “As for Cutler, it’s been decided that Thomas Baker will be the guardian. He’s expected to arrive in—”

  Mia let loose a scream of denial, muffled by Ty’s hand over her mouth.

  “Shh…” Ty held her close. She shot an accusing glare at him, and he sighed. “Yes, I suspected, but Mia…”

  “It’s a good thing, Mia.” Isaac interrupted his brother. “I’ll go with him, and keep an eye on things while he puts the clan in order. We have no idea what he’s walking into. I’m not just a pretty face,” he grimaced. “I may not be the clan’s enforcer or keeper, but I can destroy others just as well as I can heal them.”

  Mia whimpered. They were taking things away from her. She’d just found a family, someone to love her, and now they were disappearing.

  “Aw, Itana,” Isaac winced. “It really is a good thing. I’ll watch your dad’s back and I won’t have to deal with anyone’s pity. No one will know the old me.” He rubbed his finger over his nose, tracing the jagged scar.

  She whimpered again, but ceased her struggling and leaned into Ty.

  “You okay?” He murmured, and she nodded. “All right. Terrence your decision has been handed down and witnessed by my Itana. We thank you for your visit. I’ll have Gigi pack up your belongings and prepare Thomas for—”

  “Wait a minute.” Mia’s father broke in. “I know you love my daughter, and your clan has welcomed her as its Itana, but there’s one detail that hasn’t been handled. I’m not dragging my ass to Cutler and dealing with those backwards idiots without making sure she’s taken care of.”

  Mia tugged Ty’s hand from her mouth. “Daddy, I can take care of myself.”

  “Uh-huh.” He raised an eyebrow. “This is a father’s prerogative.” He turned his attention to Ty. “I’ve been lenient because she’s been healing, but I’m not leaving this house until you and your bear have claimed her.”

  “Fuck.” The word popped from her mouth before she could call it back.


  Chapter Eighteen

  Two days later, Ty eased into bed beside still unclaimed Mia, curling his body around her, sheltering and protecting her. The bear demanded the closeness, urged him to cover her with their scent. It also urged him to tie them together, sink his cock and fangs into her and claim her for all to see.

  The moment their skin touched, his dick hardened and lengthened, filling his soft shorts. When she’d first awoken from her coma, he was careful to keep his still raw wounds covered, but now he’d succumbed to her wheedling and went to bed shirtless. Because, apparently she slept better if she could reach his skin. Right. He’d still worn boxers or sleep pants to bed, unable to face the temptation of his bare shaft coming into contact with her body. If he felt the silken caress of his flesh against hers, he’d take her, strip her bare and then sink into her welcoming heat.

sighed and relaxed further. His touch always soothed his fretful Itana. From the moment the Southeast Itan had made his pronouncement, she’d been on edge. Then again, so had he, but for an entirely different reason.

  She wanted him and he wanted her, but he couldn’t take advantage of her. Two days ago, after Terrence had made his declaration, Mia had practically fainted in his lap. Without waiting for the man’s permission, he’d spirited his Itana away and back to his bedroom. Dealing with clan politics and Malcolm’s venom had obviously been too much for her. Now he wouldn’t make the mistake of stressing her again. He’d keep her calm while she continued to heal.

  Making love—claiming her—definitely didn’t fall into the “calm” category.

  Mia wiggled her ass, pressing her plump globes against his cock. After almost a week post-coma, she’d regained a lot of the curves she’d lost and in all the right places. Her breasts were large and lush once again, her butt nicely rounded, and her hips had filled out. His love had returned to her curvaceous glory.

  And she knew it. The last week and a half had been a battle day in and day out. His brother Van had fetched the remainder of her belongings from her grandfather’s house. Now she had an abundance of clothing that hugged each and every curve.

  “Mia.” He gripped her hip, stilling her action. “Quit it.”

  “Ty,” she sighed and wiggled away from him, turning over until they could gaze at one another. “The non-natives are getting restless.” Which was true. Terrence, Malcolm, Thomas and Isaac were ready to get on their way. “And so am I. There’s no reason we have to delay any longer.”

  She poked out her lower lip, and he ached to nip the tiny bit of flesh. He hadn’t even granted himself that temptation since the fight with Griss. His lips had never strayed toward hers, and every kiss landed on her temple or cheek.

  “I refuse—”

  “To take advantage of me in my weakened state while I’m healing and blah, blah. I’ll be honest, I tune you out when you start in with that. You sorta turn into the Charlie Brown teacher in my head.” Mia wiggled closer until they were chest to chest. “Wah, wah-wah, wah-wah…”


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