Sergeant at Arms: Devil's Henchmen MC, Book Three

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Sergeant at Arms: Devil's Henchmen MC, Book Three Page 12

by Samantha McCoy

  Once she had everything she needed, Rachel took a minute to look around. She would miss this place. Home. For a brief time, it was home. But now, as she looked around the room all she saw was broken hopes and shattered dreams littering the floor; and her chest tightened.

  “This is going to hurt like heck,” she whispered out loud.

  Taking a deep breath, she turned to the bedroom door and quietly opened it. Making her way down the stairs, careful not to step on the spots that creaked, Rachel headed for the back door. Again, looking around the house as she passed through rooms. She would truly miss this place.

  Pulling open the back door and silently closing it behind her, she stepped outside inhaling the smells of nature that surrounded her. As Rachel quickly made her way to the side of the house, more tears began to fall. A piece of her heart would always live here.

  Strapping her bag onto the back of her bike, Rachel took a minute to calm herself. She couldn’t ride if her vision was blurred. Taking one final deep breath, she straddled her bike and lifted the kickstand. With a quick turn of the key, it rumbled to life. She needed to hurry. Diesel would no doubt hear the noise, especially if he was awake. Shifting into gear, Rachel sped down the driveway, away from the only place and man that had ever managed to wiggle into her heart.

  Two hours later, Rachel pulled her bike into the parking lot of Tank’s Bar. She had no idea why she was here, she couldn’t even drink. But other than Viper, Tank was her closest friend. He was like a big brother, and Rachel could use a friend right now. The ride back into town had been hell. Every mile between her and Diesel felt like another piece of her heart was being ripped out.

  Entering the bar, everything was in full swing. Music pumped loudly through speakers. All around the large room people danced and drank. Tank’s Bar was one of the most popular in Dallas County. There was never a night that people weren’t being turned away at the door. But not Rachel, never Rachel. Everyone knew she was allowed in no matter how many others were inside.

  Stepping up to the bar, she took a seat at the far end and waited for Tank to make his way in her direction. It wasn’t a long wait. The moment he noticed her, he ignored everyone else and came straight over.

  “What are you doing here?” Tank said, looking around the bar. “And where is Diesel?”

  Just the sound of his name caused her eyes to fill with moisture. Quickly, Rachel looked down at her lap, hoping Tank wouldn’t notice, but apparently, luck was not on her side.

  “What the fuck happened, Rach?” Tank asked, using a finger to lift her chin. “Talk to me.”

  “I can’t. Not here,” Rachel clarified. She was not going to discuss her humiliation in a room full of drunks.

  “Joz!” Tank yelled, “Watch the bar. I’ll be back in a few.”

  “Got it, boss,” the curvy redhead yelled back.

  “Come on,” Tank said, grabbing Rachel’s hand and pulling her around the corner of the bar.

  Walking down the back hall, Tank led Rachel into his office. Together they both sat on the couch. The moment Tank put his arm around her shoulders, Rachel broke. The tears fell like someone had opened a dam.

  “Please,” Tank said softly. “Tell me what happened.”

  Rachel relayed the embarrassing situation, careful to leave out some of the more intimate details. By the time the story was finished, Rachel was emotionally exhausted. She leaned into Tank and let him support her weight.

  “Okay. Let me get this right,” Tank said. “Diesel freaked out because you’re a virgin and pushed you away?”

  “Yes,” Rachel hiccupped.

  “And you snuck off in the middle of the night. Without saying a word. Without letting him explain,” Tank added.

  “Yes,” Rachel said, sounding offended. “He rejected me because of my virginity! Why should I have listened to a word he had to say?”

  “Because maybe,” Tank began. “Just maybe, he wasn’t rejecting you because of your virginity! Maybe he freaked out because he was about to pop your cherry on a fucking boat! Maybe he freaked out because he thought your first time should be more meaningful than an evening hump on a damn boat!”

  “I dou...” Rachel sighed. “Crap!”

  “You think?” Tank said sarcastically. “Rachel, listen to me. You have to stop this. Not everyone is after something. Do not make Marcus pay for the mistakes of everyone else. He is not one of your mother’s enemies.”

  “I know,” Rachel said, standing to pace the room.

  “Do you?”


  “Really? Then why did you run in the middle of the night and end up in a dive bar?”

  “This isn’t a dive bar.”

  “Not the point.”

  “I know.”

  “Go home.”

  Rachel stood staring out the window of Tank’s office. Could she sneak in before Diesel knew she was gone? If not, how could she explain this to him without embarrassing herself even more? She needed sleep. There was no way around it. She would have to face Diesel later. Right now, she was exhausted and just wanted to sleep away the stupidity of her day.

  “Can I stay with you tonight?” Rachel asked, looking at Tank in the reflection of the window.

  “Sure,” he smiled. “Why don’t you head upstairs. Take a hot shower and you can have the guest bedroom.”

  “Thanks,” Rachel replied. Walking over to her friend, she gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “Stupid shit, that’s what,” Tank chuckled when Rachel slapped his arm.

  “Hush!” Rachel grabbed her bag and headed up the stairs to Tank’s apartment. She would take his suggestion - shower and then bed - in that order.

  Waiting until he knew Rachel was out of ear shot, Tank reached into the back pocket of his jeans and grabbed his cell phone. This town was not safe, not for her. Not until the men who were after her were caught and properly dealt with.

  Pressing a few buttons, he raised the phone to his ear and waited. The first call went unanswered, so he redialed with the same results. Connecting the call for the third time, it was finally answered by a pissed off, groggy voice.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Tank, this better be fucking good. It’s after midnight,” Diesel grumbled.

  “Well, that depends,” Tank chuckled.

  “On?” Diesel prompted.

  “On whether or not you’ve realized that you’re missing your house guest.”

  “What?” Diesel asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

  “You know, the hot chic that has been staying at your house? Medium height and curvy, with an ass like an apple,” Tank described.

  “Ass like an apple?” Diesel said, shaking his head. He really needed to wake up. He knew Tank called for a reason, but his brain didn’t want to process anything he was saying.

  “Yeah, so round and firm that you just want to take a bite out of it,” Tank replied.

  “Okay. Dude, what did you call me for?” Diesel yawned.

  “Fucker! Rachel is no longer at your house,” Tank sighed in frustration. “Jeez, how much clearer do I need to say it?”

  “What?” Diesel sat up in the bed. That finally cleared the cobwebs out. Quickly he made his way out of his room and down the hall.

  Rachel’s bedroom door was standing open and a sinking feeling filled Diesel’s gut. Turing on the light, he looked around the room and noticed none of Rachel’s stuff. No clothes neatly laid over the chair. No hair brush on the dresser. The only sign that she had ever been there was her smell and a few items still hanging in the closet.

  “When did she leave? And why?” Diesel asked.

  “She got here about an hour ago. And apparently, she left because you were a fucking dickwad over her being a virgin. Really, dude? You freaked out over getting some virgin pussy?”

  “Is that what she said?” Diesel asked, surprised.

  “Nah, I’m just making that shit up t
o add to this stimulating conversation,” Tank answered, sarcastically.

  “Fuck!” Diesel shouted. “I didn’t freak out. Not really.”

  “Not really?” Tank asked. “What does not really mean?

  “I mean,” Diesel reached up and flipped his hair out of his face. “I may have at first, but not because of the virginity thing.”

  “Then what freaked you out? Man, you aren’t making any sense.”

  “I didn’t want her first time to be on a boat.”

  “I may have already mentioned that to her.”

  “Shit! Tank, I really like her. If I am going to take her virginity, I wanted it to mean something to her. I wanted it to be special. Damn, I sound like...”

  “... like a pussy?” Tank finished.

  “Yeah,” Diesel sighed. “That woman has turned me into a fucking pussy.”

  “Every good woman has that effect on a man,” Tank said.

  “It’s a little scary,” Diesel admitted.

  “If a woman doesn’t scare you at least a little bit, then she isn’t the one,” Tank advised.

  “How would you know that?” Diesel asked.

  “Been there, done that. Fucked it up enough that not only did I lose the t-shirt, but I lost the house, too.”

  “Seriously? I didn’t know that there was ever a woman in your life, let alone that you were once married.” How had Diesel missed that?

  “It was a long time ago, kid,” Tank offered. “Now, get your ass over here and come get your woman out of my apartment. Right now, she is standing naked in my shower covered in bubbles.” Diesel was about to respond when Tank ended the call.

  Quickly, Diesel rushed to his room and changed clothes. Jogging downstairs, he grabbed his bike key off of the hook as he made his way out the door. He should probably take his truck and leave her bike at the bar so she couldn’t pull this shit again, but Diesel knew that wasn’t a battle he wanted to have with Rachel.

  “One war at a time,” he told himself as he crossed the yard and mounted his own bike.

  The bar was just closing up for the night when Diesel arrived. Walking through the front door, he spotted Tank behind the bar, drying glasses. The man earned his nickname and it fit him well. Tank was a huge mother fucker. Just as Diesel approached the bar, Tank turned in his direction.

  “She’s upstairs,” he said. “If you go into my office, there’s a private entry.”

  “Thanks, man,” Diesel said, making his way down the back hallway.

  He had no idea what he was going to say to Rachel. He wanted to just throw her over his shoulder and carry her out of there; spank her ass and tell her to never pull a stunt like that again. But Diesel knew that wouldn’t work. Rachel might be submissive, but she still had a fire in her soul. It was one of the many things he loved about her.

  Love, he wondered, standing frozen outside the entry door to Tank’s apartment. Where the hell had that come from?

  Silently, Diesel opened the door and made his way into the apartment. He didn’t see Rachel in the living room, but he could hear her muffled voice coming from down the hall. As he got closer to her, he could tell she was on the phone.

  “Yeah, mom. I know this already.”

  “I know. It was a stupid move.”


  “I know he is.”

  The conversation continued as he stood outside the door. He wanted to give her privacy, but at the same time, he wanted, no needed to see that she was okay. Slowly pushing the door open, Diesel found Rachel sitting on the bed with her back to him. Leaning against the door jam, he waited.

  “It was so stupid. I overreacted, I guess.”

  “Yeah, I do. A lot, I think.”

  Only hearing one side of the conversation was annoying for Diesel. He knew it had something to do with what happened between them, but he wished he could hear what Ginx was saying. After another ten minutes, Diesel gave up waiting and tapped his knuckles against the door.

  “Jeez!” Rachel jumped. “You scared me.”

  “Sorry,” Diesel smiled.

  “Mom, I have to go,” Rachel said into the phone, staring directly into Diesel’s eyes.

  “No. Everything is fine. Marcus is here. Yeah. Okay.” She quickly said good bye and ended the call.

  “How long have you been there?” Rachel asked after she set the phone down on the nightstand.

  “About twenty minutes,” Diesel replied.

  “Why didn’t you knock sooner?”

  “You were talking to your mother,” Diesel said. “I didn’t want to interrupt.”



  They both stared at each other, neither saying a word. Diesel would have let it continue but honestly, he really wanted to touch her. To pull her to his chest and make her promise to never leave him again.

  “Listen,” Diesel said, clearing his throat. “About what happened...”

  “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.” Rachel said quickly.

  “No. Just listen,” Diesel requested. “I need you to understand this. I didn’t freak out because you’re a virgin. I freaked out because... Well...”

  This was a lot harder than Diesel thought it would be. The entire ride over, he thought about what he would say. But standing here in front of her, nothing seemed to convey his words the way they should.

  “I was upset because I let things go too far. You deserve to have a first time that is memorable. Not just a quick fuck on a boat before Viper shows up.”

  “I get it,” Rachel smiled. “I really do.”

  Diesel watched as Rachel stood from the bed and walked over to him. He was momentarily surprised when she continued to get closer and then wrapped her arms around his neck. The moment her body pressed against his, Diesel sighed. This is where Rachel Moore should always be. Right here, in his arms.

  “You know, I want to be angry because you left. Because you put yourself in danger. Because you never gave me the option to explain. But right now, I am just glad you’re okay. If anything had happened to you...” he trailed off, hugging her tighter.

  “I’m sorry,” Rachel offered. “I should have let you talk and I definitely should have never left.”

  Diesel buried his face into the crook of Rachel’s neck. Her scent enveloping him, he felt his worry slowly recede.

  “Can we go home?” Rachel asked.

  “It’s kind of late,” Diesel replied. “It would be best to spend the night here and head home in the morning.”

  “Okay.” Rachel stepped away from him and began to shimmy out of her shorts.

  “What are you doing?” Diesel asked.

  “Getting ready for bed. I can’t sleep in all these clothes.”

  Oh. Well I’ll head out to the living room,” Diesel said quickly.

  “Why?” Rachel asked. “The bed is plenty big enough for us both.”

  Fuck! How was he supposed to sleep next to her when she’s nearly naked, he thought?

  “Seriously, Marcus. We can share the bed.” Rachel said as she pulled her shirt off over her head.

  “Okay.” If this was the game Rachel wanted to play, then Diesel would play.

  Pulling his own shirt off, he laid it on top of the dresser. Seconds later, he unsnapped the button of his jeans and slid the zipper down. Bending down, he unlaced his boots and kicked them off, one by one. Standing to his full height, his mouth almost hit the floor when he saw Rachel standing on the other side of the bed - completely naked. In one smooth motion, Diesel dropped his jeans and boxers to the floor and stepped out of them.

  At the sound of his wallet’s chain hitting the floor, Rachel’s eyes landed on him. Diesel felt a moment of satisfaction when her eyes grew as round as silver dollars. He almost laughed out loud as he watched her quickly pull the cover and sheet back and climb into bed. He could tell she was trying to act as normal as possible, but she was failing miserably.

  “Are you sure it’s okay for both of us to sleep in here together?” He ask

  “Yes!” Rachel said quickly. Clearing her throat, she said more calmly, “Yes. We’ll be fine.”

  Diesel pulled the sheet back to climb into the bed; the first thing to come into his view was Rachel’s bare ass.

  He groaned out loud.

  “What’s wrong?” Rachel asked.

  “Think I’ll sleep on the couch,” Diesel replied, reaching for his pants.

  He couldn’t do this. He thought he could play her game, but honestly - he couldn’t. Seeing Rachel, knowing she was inches away from him - naked, Diesel knew it was game over - She won.

  “Oh, stop it! Just get in the bed.” Rachel answered. “We are two grown adults. If we don’t want anything to happen, then it won’t.”

  Says the virgin, Diesel thought to himself. Okay, you can do this. It’s just sleep.

  Taking a deep breath, Diesel pulled the sheet back again and climbed into bed, fixing it around his waist. For a long while, he only stared at the ceiling, but just as his body finally started to relax, he felt a shift in the bed. Rachel turned over to face his direction, the soft sound of her sleep reaching his ears. Diesel smiled at the innocence that took over Rachel in her sleep. However, that same smile vanished when she continued to move, seeking out his heat. As Rachel’s body made contact with his, Diesel knew he was in trouble.

  Rachel shifted again, her breasts rested against his side and her hand landed on Diesel’s lower abdomen, causing him to tense. Absently, Rachel’s fingers rubbed over the thin happy trail, each stroke making Diesel’s heart skip a beat. Each stroke got closer to his cock.

  “Rachel,” Diesel whispered into the darkness. She needed to wake up.

  The soft touch of her hand against the sensitive head of Diesel’s dick caused the air to rush from his lungs. Instantly, he was tenting the sheet.

  “Fuck!” he said out loud.

  “Rachel!” He needed her to wake up. Now. “Rachel, wake up!”

  “Hmmm,” Rachel mumbled, still asleep.

  “Rachel,” Diesel repeated. “Wake up.”


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