Twisted Knights: Angels and Demons: Twisted Knights MC Book 1

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Twisted Knights: Angels and Demons: Twisted Knights MC Book 1 Page 4

by Lauren Calhoun

  Steel never told me who was training me, all he said was that he is the best of the best. How would I know who he was, any club member could walk in here. Maybe whoever it is will get my mind of Demon. I couldn't stop thinking about the way his hands felt on my body. The way his tongue sent my body into convulsions. If this guy didn't hurry up, I might need to go home and relieve myself.

  I am twenty minutes early for our meeting. So I decided to do some warm ups, maybe that would take my mind off sex.

  Thank god that I had thought to wear shorts and a sports bra, if not I think I would die in here. It has to be at least eighty degrees in the clubhouse gym.

  I was bent over and with my hands on the floor when I heard the door open. I didn't bother to move, this felt way too good to stop. Since getting pregnant, I have had the worst back pain ever. Now the doctor has cleared me to work out, I can pick back up with my routines plus whatever this trainer gives me. Hopefully that will ease some of this pain.

  I don't want to lose the weight I have put on, because having curves makes me feel sexy, but I am all for building muscle. With the twins growing so fast, I am going to need it.

  I glanced at the wall at the clock, 5 minutes after, where the hell is this guy. Does any club member know how to be on time? It feels like I am always waiting on someone. If I need to go get formula for the twins, I have to wait for someone to take me. I understood it, I am just a tiny bit impatient.


  Thank you god for spandex shorts, I am a lucky guy Angel is running late and the brunette from the bar is working out. With no make up on and her long hair up in a messy ponytail, she has never looked sexier. I might just have to hit it again tonight, before I assume my body guard position at Angels'.

  I was hanging out over by the weight bar pretending to be setting up weights, watching her, when Steel walked in.

  “Angel, meet your trainer, Demon. He will also be moving in with you tonight, after the close call last week I think it is best if someone is with you 24/7.”

  Did he just call that brunette Angel? No fucking way, she can't be. Angel/Rebecca is blonde with blue eyes not a brunette with green eyes.

  The look on her face is a mirror of mine. Shock. Then everything hit me, the bar last week, her to need leave as soon as Clarke arrived. I'm a complete dumbass.

  If Steel ever finds out that I fucked his baby sister, I'm dead. Not to mention my life is now a living hell, I have to live with this bitch. FUCK.

  “Hi, Demon” Angel's voice was like music

  “Hey,” I nodded in her direction

  “Steel, a word brother?”

  He walked over to me and I turned my back to Angel.

  “I don't think it's a great idea for me to stay with your sister. Why not get someone that likes kids or is easy to get along with. I'm not always the friendly type.” I whispered

  “I don't want friendly I want SAFE. If he gets to her he will kill her and I will never let that happen. I'm paying you out of my own pocket and I am only trusting you to do it!” With that he walked out.

  SHIT! I just pissed off my VP, GREAT!

  “Well, this is going to be awkward” She laughed.

  God that laugh is amazing, instantly regretting that thought. I put on my best poker face, and turned towards her. Indeed, this was going to be the worst couple of months of my life.

  “We are not going to talk about what happened last week. I am here to be your trainer and your bodyguard. Nothing more, and no repeats. I want you to know that after we finish, you are going to be prepared for anything that comes your way, But the in between is going to kick your ass.” I turned cold.

  She could not see my lust for her, I did see a spark of anger in her eyes. Good, it's best to fight angry.

  “Well, it's good to see that you're still an asshole. That will make my life so much easier. By the way, I don't want a repeat. My life doesn't revolve around Demon, you better off to remember that.” There's the feisty bitch.

  “Then let's get to work and forget anything ever happened.”

  Easier said than done, but she needs to believe it or else Steel will have my dick cut off.

  After three hours of showing Angel her new workout routine, we wrapped up for the day. Both of us had to hit the showers and she was due at work. She was going to be sore tomorrow and probably for the next two weeks, but the goal was worth it. She did do good, never once did she complain. But, I could tell she had never pushed herself like this.

  After realizing that Angel was well Angel, I let myself think back to the scars on her breasts and thighs. What the hell had he done to her. Maybe one day I will find out what happened. Self, you shouldn't be worried about it. She is Steel's sister, not your hot piece of ass, Get that into your head, NOW.

  Working out with Angel proved to be harder than I thought. She was unlike anyone I have ever known. She was like a sponge, as soon as I taught her a new move or workout she got it. I never had to repeat a movement.

  The only problem is that later tonight I will be moving into her place. I have never really been around kids. I have no clue what to expect.

  “Oh my god, that was intense.” Angel spoke on the way to her apartment.

  “You're just getting started. Don't tell me your ready to quit already.”

  “You don't know shit about me, so let me explain something to you, jackass. I have one motive in this and that is to save my kids and me. I don't want you here anymore then you want to be here, so I think we need some ground rules.”


  She placed her water bottle down on the counter and turned to look at me,

  “Whatever happened last week is in the past. I need to worry about getting my life back on track. You are not going to happen again, yes it was fun and I enjoyed it. Let's clear the air now.”

  “You are a forbidden fruit, and you just let me fuck you. Do you understand that Steel has an order that if anyone touches you it's their death? I'm sorry, but I am not dying for a piece of ass.”

  “Yes, I understand that, and get something straight right now, keep up that fucking tone and I will end you myself with a pair of rusty scissors.” She took off to her room, leaving me standing in the kitchen.

  That woman makes me want to bend her over and fuck the sass right out of her. That mouth is going to get her in some major trouble, and it looks like I am going to be the first in line for that spanking.

  Angel might even be worse than Meg, which scares me. I can't allow myself to fall for this woman. This assignment is going to take all of my self control.


  Demon brings out the worst and best in me. I mean he pisses me off and excites me all in the same breath. As I laid in bed, I couldn't help but think back to our night together. The way his dick felt inside of me. He filled me so perfectly. His demeanor that night, him slapping my ass and pinning me to the wall. I liked a guy to take charge sometimes, not too over the top, but enough to know that my pleasure is important to him. In the right hands the orgasms and pleasure can be electrify. That's what we had that night and that is what I thought about as I started to play with myself. Rubbing my clit in rough motions.

  I thought of the perfect sex with Demon. He would take me on a long bike ride to some secluded place, maybe a mountain with a view. I would strip off my clothes and climb up on his lap, as he straddled his bike. He would suck hard on my neck, leaving his mark and making me wet with pleasure. Taking my breasts into his large calloused hands and kneads them like dough. I would fling his belt and fly open, exposing that magnificent cock. Slowly stroking him until he grabs my hips, lifts me to align with him and shoves his rigid cock deep inside me. I scream in orgasm, literally. I was brought out of my fantasy by the actual pleasure and the noises I am making. Damn him, he doesn't even have to be here to bring me the best damn pleasure of my life.

  I hopped off the bed and went into my bathroom. I need a quick shower before Alyssa drops off the Twins. Flipping on the radio, I started the
shower. I need all the strength I can muster to make it through this without trying to fuck him, again.

  My 21st birthday party with the girls is going amazing. I am dressed to kill, along with my friends. We are on our third bar tonight. There was this sexy man that kept staring at me from across the bar. He was tall, blonde hair with blue eyes. He couldn't be more the twenty-nine. The suit had to be custom, it fit like a glove.

  “This is from the man at the end of the bar.” The bartender walked up and gave me a strawberry margarita. I looked over and he was smiling, I smiled back and lipped thank you. He was pretty much eye fucking me as I sipped my drink.

  The girls and I headed to the dance floor, and started to dance. It was a few songs before he walked over and asked me to dance. The way we moved together is magical, it was like I am meant for his body. After our fifth dance, we walked over to my table. My feet are killing me and I am feeling a little tipsy.

  “My name is Rebecca. What's yours?”

  “Well, Rebecca you have to be the prettiest lady I have ever laid eyes on. I would love to take you out sometime, when we are both sober. As a matter of fact, I would love it if it was this weekend.” I blush at his comment. This man is really sexy and he is interested in me, hell yeah. Play it cool Rebecca, don't scare him off.

  “Well, sir, I could consider it. That is if you tell me your name.” I am flirting my ass off, even throwing in a hair toss.

  “My name is Clarke Murphy.”He took my hand into his and kissed the back of it.


  Two weeks later

  Angel was really getting the hang of the hand to hand combat. She was learning techniques to take down opponents bigger than her. So far today she has landed me on my ass twice, each time I heard that amazing laugh of hers.

  I had to think of something completely repulsive to get my dick to calm down, the damn thing has a mind of his own here lately. If Angel even grazed him, he stood at high Alert. What is it about this woman?

  Once I called it for the day, we headed toward the showers to wash up before her shift. In in the shower, I was thinking about her, she was not only beautiful but smart and witty.

  Before I realized what I was doing, I was stroking my erection, the only thing on my mind as I came was Angel. I finished in the shower and threw on my clothes.

  Meeting her in the hall, we had developed a routine in the last few weeks.

  “You did really good today Angel”

  I finally spoke as we were about to enter the bar. She looked up at me and smiled, god that smile was going to get me in trouble.

  “Thanks, I'm not sore anymore, I'm not going to lie this is the hardest thing I have ever done, including labor. So hearing you say that means I might have a chance.” She said with a smile.

  “I mean it Angel, most guys would have quit by now. I know its hard working out with me for three hours a day, half shifts here and the twins, but you make it look easy.” Her face lit up.

  We didn't normally talk like this not because I didn't want to, but because there was too much sexual attraction and things are getting a little too personal. After our blow up the first night, things have ran smoothly. Sometimes I would rub up against her in passing, her reactions always amuse me. Somewhere between a whine and moan would escape her lips before she could stop it. I loved fucking with her, even though it was getting hard to ignore my growing feeling for her.

  I have seen her smile it a lot over the past weeks. Most of the time it was because of the twins, but now it was because of me. That made my cock hard. She jumped into my arms, I barely caught her, when she kissed me. The passion behind the kiss is what got me. I kissed her back. I have waited three weeks for a kiss from this woman and I be damned, she didn't disappoint.

  After a few minutes I let her down. She whispered “I know you can't fuck me right now, but one day after all this shit we will! Just to thank you for being a good teacher.”

  She turned and walked away, leaving me with a major hard on. Damn her.

  Once I sat down at my usual table, I noticed Chloe headed my way. For the past two weeks that woman has tried to get me to pay attention to her. She doesn't know who Angel really was and why I was with here all the time, but she noticed that we were together all the time. I guess that she was jealous, just like I knew most of the guys were jealous that I got to spend pretty much every moment with the woman. She was definitely talked about, when Steel wasn't around that is.

  “When are you going to ditch Ms. Fat ass for a real woman?” Chloe pressed against me whispering in my ear. “You know I am the only one here that can actually please you.”

  Little did she know, I have been doing nothing but self pleasing for the past two weeks. The only time I got a hard on was thinking about Angel. I really can't help it, the walls in the apartment are paper thin, late at night all I hear is Angel's hushed moans. Mr. mind of his own gets hard every time. Damn him.

  “Chloe all I want from you is a burger and a beer. Leave Angel the fuck out of this, She is more of a woman then you will ever be.”

  That really pissed her off, she headed off to the bar.

  Hopefully, she understands that Angel is not a bitch to fuck with, she has been trained by me for fuck sakes. The only difference is she can actually hit women, something I won't do.

  I looked over at Angel and knew that look on her face, the one that lets me know she is pissed. Chloe has been harassing her for two weeks, today she is done. I can't wait to watch this play out.


  “Angel, I need a beer and can you put in an order for a burger, medium with everything.” Chloe leaned over the bar and smiled.

  I knew that Demon's table was in her section and she was trying to get me worked up. She knew how to put in her own orders, she just wants to make sure I know that she is serving him.

  Apparently she thought I was trying to be his old lady or something. She didn't know why we were together and I wasn't bound to try and explain it.

  “Sure thing. Who all is working tonight, you know that the club meets tonight, so it's going packed.” trying to act unfazed.

  “Rose, Jenny, and you are bartending. Heather, Anna and I are on the floor. Oh yeah, and a new girl is starting tonight, I think her name is Holly.”

  I handed her the beer after I opened it. There was something about that woman that really make me sick.

  “You know I doubt you can handle Demon, there is a reason that is his name. I bet he is only with you to make me jealous. Well, honey, know that I've had him before and I will have him again. Your loose pussy is not a comparison.”

  Something in me snapped and I was boiling mad.

  “Chloe, You're spitting out words you don't understand. In no way, shape or form could my pussy be compared to yours. That would be a downgrade for me. Not to mention that if he wanted you, and it's clear he doesn't, he would have you. You should hear the “rumors” going around about you, I do believe the term is “club cum dumpster” is it, because every member of this club has came in that nasty ass mouth of yours. Now, unless you have the ass to back up the talk, get the fuck out of my face.”

  I could hear Demon laughing and I stood there letting that sink in. She went to say something else and I cut her off. This time I was a little loud,

  “Seriously, you stupid bitch the only reason you have a job is because your easy. You have to know that, Right? I mean when the guys only call you so they can sink their cock into your mouth. No way in hell is any member ever going to want to make you an old lady. Demon and all the other guys are so much better without you in their lives. Please do yourself a favor and walk away.” Her jaw dropped, she was stunned.

  You could have heard a pin drop, everyone was watching us. I caught the movement out of the corner of my eye. I caught her hand right before she connected with my face. I shoved her back, she fell to the floor. Walking around the bar towards her, I looked over to Demon who was smiling at me. He was beaming, like I was making him proud. Once I got to wh
ere she was, I offered a hand up, she grabbed my hand she yanked me to the floor. Landing with a thud, she crawled on top of me and tried to punch me. Deflecting the punch, like Demon showed me to how to do, I held her forearm with my left hand while I decked her with my right.

  Demon always said I have a mean right, now I know why. She flew backwards and her hands went to cover her face. I set up and I saw the blood, I made the bitch bleed hot damn! Chloe licked her lip and I saw it, she had a big gash on her lip. When I spoke I couldn't help up laugh a little,

  “See, I fucking told you to walk away.” I looked at Demon and asked “Do you want anything from this slut?”

  “Fuck no”

  I turned back to Chloe

  “See bitch, I told you.” I don't know why I kept going, probably the fact that she has been harassing me for two weeks about this. I couldn't help myself, I was pissed and my shoulder hurt. Stupid hardwood floor.

  “Remember that tonight and every night for the foreseeable future, his dick will be deep inside of me.”

  I walked over to Demon and straddled his lap. I pulled his face to me and kissed him with everything I had. He wrapped his arms around me growled into my mouth. Hearing Chloe's heels click towards the door I broke the kiss and yelled,

  “Hey Chloe” when she turned to look at me, I smiled at her and said,

  “That might need some stitches.”

  Then I sealed my lips back to Demon's. Once the door closed behind her the bar erupted into applause. I leaned back and looked around at all the members.

  “Baby girl, I am so proud right now. That bitch has had it coming for a long time.” He was smiling up at me.

  Everyone in the bar knew that Chloe hated me, but I have let her push me around for a long time.

  “That's not the only thing you are,” I said, looking down at his cock that was now pressed hard against me.

  “Well, what did you expect when you say that I get to fuck you every night and then kiss me like that. Even if it's not the truth, doesn't mean I can't dream.”


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