Twisted Knights: Angels and Demons: Twisted Knights MC Book 1

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Twisted Knights: Angels and Demons: Twisted Knights MC Book 1 Page 6

by Lauren Calhoun

  Right before we got to Steel's door I snatched the keys out of her hand.

  “If I have to go, I'm driving.” Angel stuck her tongue out and laughed. The laugh of a true angel.


  With my SUV loaded with Demon, Holly, the Twins and myself we headed out. Listening to girly country music in my cage really seemed to piss Demon and Jizz off. Which made the trip to the mall that much better.

  Three hours into our shopping experience at the mall, Demon took off with the twins to the food court. He was probably trying to pick up chicks. My kids are like babe magnets. We were left with Jizz, the prospect as our shopping detail. We were coming out of a store and I saw her. My ex best friend, she was headed right towards us. FUCK. Looking right at us. How am I going to explain this to Jizz and Holly?

  “Rebecca?” She asked once she got close enough. I couldn't lie, she would know as soon as I talked. Clarke had put a stop to our friendship right after the wedding. He didn't want to risk himself getting exposed.

  “Cyndi, hi” This was bad I'm sure she knows I have been missing. The one and only person that knows I am not a real blonde has to be in the mall at the exact time as me. FUCKING PERFECT. I mentally thanked god the kids were with Demon.

  “Where the hell have you been? Clarke is worried sick about you.” Great she knows and has talked to him.

  “Oh, I can't talk about that. I'm in a hurry, I have to get before they come after me.” I darted away with Holly and Jizz. When I glanced back, she was staring after me with a lost look on her face.

  “How the fuck could I have been so stupid. I knew this was going to end badly.” I was pacing the floor of my Apartment. He is going to find and it's going to be bad.

  “How would you have known she was there?” Demon asked

  “Does it matter now? I'm sure she told him, he has a fifty thousand dollar reward for information. I knew it was too good to be true. No one can hide from him for very long.”

  “Angel, He won't come here. If he does, it will be the last thing that sorry piece of shit does.” Demon was trying his best to calm me down. Steel on the other hand was already in motion. He was worried about the same thing I was. It's a matter of time before he shows up. The question is who is he going to show up with? Clarke is far from a stupid man.

  “If you ever run from me, you stupid bitch, I'll send a fucking army to find you. Then I’ll torture you until you're begging for death. I can't believe you actually thought going to the police was going to stop me. I have this town in my fucking pocket. No one is dumb enough to cross me. Including your waste of space brother and his little gun running gang.”


  Two weeks later

  “Steel, man I think we have a problem.” I finally got my moment alone with the man. After the drama at the mall and no word from Clarke things had finally started to settle down around the clubhouse. We went on alert after her little run in with her friend. Angel had started with her knife training and I left her and Jizz, the prospect, to practice. We were sitting along the wall of the gym watching. She was a spitfire for sure. If it wasn't for Jizz being in a complete padded suit with a mask, his ass would have died twice.

  “What is it now?”

  “Well, my contact says that he knows she is somewhere within our chapters, but doesn't know much more. Clarke isn't a stupid man I'm sure he will try something soon. The guy had told me that he killed his partner. It was deemed an accident, but my contact overheard him talking about it. He covers his tracks well.”

  “Yeah brother I know. Our job is to make sure that she doesn't find that out. She is stressed enough. Plus, this is a lot more public. We can't risk the club getting caught up in some stupid bullshit, no matter how much I love my sister. He has to die, I know that much for sure.”

  “Yeah, that's true. I'm sure in time everything will play out. Angel will be free forever. She and the twins can move on with their lives. For now, though, you should go fight your sister. She knows all my moves and Jizz looks like he needs a break.”

  Steel and I walked over to the area where Angel was fighting with Jizz. She stabbed him in the knee, pulled it out spun around and drove the knife into his chest. Damn baby girl is getting really good.

  “Lets see how good you are when you don't know the fighter, sis”

  “As long as you don't hold back.” Angel ran over to me and handed me the knife. “Any tips Mr. Trainer?”

  “Yea, He is fast so keep your guard up at all times. Never go for the obvious move, he expects that.”

  Steel is a great fighter, but was never trained like Angel and most of the guys at the club. The fight was pretty comical, brother Vs. baby sister. He would never live it down if she whooped his ass. They were dancing around each other, Steel looking like he was afraid to make a move and Angel looks for an opening. It was Angel that made the first move. Steel thought she was going for a punch, but instead she dropped down, spun around and kicked both legs out from underneath of him. He hit the floor with a thump, but jumped up immediately.

  “Damn D, you weren't lying.” He swung at her. Miss. Angel saw an opening and took it. Left hook to the jaw. That's my girl. My phone rang, what the hell does he want? I walked out of the gym to answer the call.

  “Yeah man, what's up”

  “He knows, he is just waiting for the right time.”Roger spoke in a whispered voice

  “The fuck you mean, he knows?”

  “I mean some bitch called him and told him she was spotted with a Twisted Knight.”

  “FUCK, is he going to come here. What's the plan?” This can't be happening, we thought we had time. One more week and we would have a full plan to stage a robbery gone bad.

  “No, he's not going to come there. He is going to wait until she leaves the club house. He has eyes on the place, and is watching it like a Hawk.”

  “Where is he? Clarke told Steel that he was headed to Rio.”

  “Yes, he is actually in Rio, but has his guys watching from the outside. If she steps foot out of the gates they have orders to take her.”

  “So, as long as she doesn't leave the compound, she is good. That's great that still gives us some time.” I hung up on Roger before he could continue. The club is paying him big bucks to deliver in tel, he works for Clarke making it the perfect way to get info.


  After sparring with my brother for seems like hours, I finally got one “Kill”. The bar was going to kill me tonight and not to mention sex with Demon. Every since the night he learned about Clarke, we have spent every night in my room together. The sex is amazing. He is even bonding with my babies. And I was growing feeling for him. Damn it. I'm just going to end up hurt again. I was headed to the shower when Steel stopped me. “Sis, how about we take the kids to see Ma for a while. Maybe a couple of days or a week.”

  “That's sounds great, but how are you going to explain them. They look just like us. Are you going to say “Yeah mom, I hid a pregnancy from you”, you know that’s not going to work.”

  “Well, I was going to tell her the whole truth. Everything. It's about time she knew what was going on with you. She is worried sick. I'll explain that she can't tell Clarke anything.”

  “Steel if you think it's best then by all means go right ahead.” At that I disappeared into the locker room.

  Steel better know what he is doing because if something happens to my babies I'll kill him. Not a fake kill either I'm talking they will never find the body, kill. Where did that come from? I really must be changing.

  “Do you want kids, Rebecca?” Clarke asked

  “One day, not for a while. I want to travel and see the world before I settle down to raise babies.” Things were going great, we have been dating for about two months and now we are starting to figure out how each of us play into each others lives.

  “Well, I'm not getting any younger ya know. I want a baseball team. I have to have someone to pass down my legacy to. Plus you would look so hot carrying my children.

  “Maybe someday.” I responded sheepishly


  “Both babes are full and fast asleep.” I spoke walking into the room. I stopped in the doorway. Where the hell is Angel? “Angel, where are you?”

  “Be right out, had to use the bathroom.”

  “Okay, well, I’m going to lay down. Hurry up we only five hours of play before the twins get up” Who the hell am I? I'm putting babies to bed, that aren't even mine. Cuddling every night. What the fuck. I stripped and laid down in bed with my heads behind my head. My train of thought was interrupted when Angel stepped out of the bathroom. Oh god damn. She stood there in a black leather corset, matching thong, thigh high black tights and fuck me heels. Her hair was down and curly, the way I liked it. No makeup and a sexy she devil grin. Her tits almost spilled out of the top of her corset. This woman is trying to give a man a heart attack. I jumped off the bed and pinned her to the wall. “Damn baby girl your the hottest thing I've ever seen.”

  “You like it?”

  “No babe, I fucking love it. But there is one place it would better.”

  “Where's that?”

  “On the floor, while my cock is shoved so deep inside you the whole clubhouse will know the dirty things we do.” I pinned her arms above her head with one hand and grabbed the top of the corset with the other. I ripped the front of it down to expose those luscious tits. Sucking one nipple into my mouth I pinched the other one hard. She moaned and pushed her breasts farther into my grasp. She started to push against me, and I allowed it. Angel Shoved me on to the bed and straddled me. She bent down and licked my chest. This woman could cause a monk to break his vows. I growled and pushed my cock against her panty covered clit. Like a woman of fire she slide the thong to the side and rubbed her soaking wet pussy across my dick. Damn that felt like heaven. She lined her opening with my cock and slammed down balls deep. “FUCK” I moaned. All this fucking and she is was still as tight as a virgin. Her moans urged me to thrust. My hand grabbed her hips and started pumping her up and down on my cock. The way she rotated her hips made every thrust different.

  “Demon, I’m going to cum,” she moaned

  “Oh yeah baby, cum on this giant cock.” I could feel her pussy starting the vice on my dick. I wrapped my arms around her and flipped us over. Throwing her feet over my shoulders, I bent down to cover her mouth with my lips. I pounded that pussy until I felt the vice grip hard. I felt her squirt her juices all over my cock. My balls started to tighten. “Demon, pound my pussy. Fill me with your cum.” I let go and filled her tight cunt with my load. Letting out a growl as I did. Who knew when she said that we would be having sex every night that it wasn't a lie.


  One Week later

  Everything over the week has gone without a hitch. Training, work, babies and Demon. No word from Clarke. That part has me worried, but I was informed that the guys are working on a plan to solve that problem. About two hours into my shift my cell buzzed alerting me of a text message.

  Steel: Alyssa is going to bring the babies by before we head out to mom's. Enjoy your break.

  Holy shit, I forgot that they were taking the twins to my mothers for a couple of days. Mom is going to shit when she finds out that she has grand babies. Alyssa walked in with the stroller and headed over to a booth in the corner.

  “Rose, I'm taking a break. I'll be back in fifteen.” I took my apron off and darted over to the table.

  My babies! I reached down and picked up Rylynn and kissed her forehead. “Lyss, thank you so much for bringing them over before y’all leave.”

  “No problem chick, they are going to miss their mommy.”

  I sat down and was admiring my babies who were cooing and smiling.

  There was a commotion at the door and in walked Steel and Clarke. I sit there staring froze in place.

  “Steel, Look, Rebecca is somewhere close I can feel it. Someone called and said that they spotted her in this area. So just tell me where she is.” Clarke wasn't looking around, but I could tell he was getting a feel for the people in the room. What the fuck am I going to do my babies are in here.

  I was that woman all over again. My nerves got the best of me. I was starting to shake and tears were bubbling up in my eyes. “FUCK.” I whispered to Alyssa, who was almost as distraught as me.

  Demon was at the his normal table and all I really wanted was to run from this place with him and my babies. If Clarke takes me I may never see him or them again. I bent down and placed a nervous kiss on their heads. My sweet angels, I promise no matter what happens to me, you will never know your devil of a father. Rylynn started to fuse, so I picked to her up and cradled her to me.

  I found out something shocking this morning, and was going to discuss it with Demon tonight. Now I may never get to tell him. My life is one big cruel joke, I swear.


  I was watching Angel play with the twins and I noticed the change in her before I saw what was wrong. I heard the voices and turned to see what was going on. He just had to pick the one fucking time that the kids are in a bar. Why would Steel lead him here of all places. Probably trying to show we have nothing to hide. I stood up and headed to the table where Angel was. “Slide over” when she looked up at me, I could see the fear in her eyes, after a minute of thinking she finally slides over. I sat down next to her and put my arm over her shoulder. Alyssa was nervous too

  “Demon, what are we going to do? We can't get up and leave, it will draw eyes to the twins.” I knew she was right.

  “That's why we are going to act like a couple, right sweet cheeks” I looked at Angel who was giving me a nervous grin. Since the same woman left the last time he was here, he might start to suspect something. To make this believable, I am going to have to hold one of the babies. The little girl was already in Angel's arm, so I reached down to pick up the boy. I heard Angel trying to soothe the baby girl and stop her from crying. Once I had him is in my arms I glanced over at Steel and Clarke. Where they were sitting I was blocking Angel, Good. I was also hearing their conversation.

  “Clarke, If she was in this area I would know. Trust me.”

  “I can't trust you, I know she is here.” Clarke is clearly pissed

  “Why the fuck would I keep my sister from her husband?”

  “You have never liked me, it was clear that you didn't want me to marry your sister. You even tried to get her to leave me many times since.”

  “That's because you beat her and tried to cover it up. She told me you know. She told me that you think you own her. No matter what I said to her, she wouldn't leave, so why does it matter? She loved you too much to walk away, now look what that got her. She is being held somewhere and we have no clue how she is being treated.”

  “Bull shit, I never hit her. Is that what she told you that lying bitch!” Within seconds Steel had him pinned to the ground. I turned to look at the girls

  “Get the kids out of here. Go straight to the Apartment and lock the door. Don't answer the door unless it's me or Steel.” I handed the baby to Alyssa.

  “Now wait until his back is turned the go thru the back door.” I jumped up and headed to the brawl. Clarke's bodyguard had jumped on Steel's back and was trying to put him in a headlock. I grabbed him and punched him in the gut. In the midst of the chaos, I saw the girls dart of the back door that lead thru the apartments. Good, at least now they are out of here. Apparently Clarke had prepared for a fight, Four more guys came in through the front door. Damn it, I really didn't want to get bloody today. I landed a punch to one guy's face. I heard the crack before I saw the blood, Broken nose.

  I will not loose Angel, I already lost one love I will not give this up for nothing. That's right, I love her and was planning on talking to Steel and telling him. If it meant my life, so fucking be it. She is what completes me, her and those amazing babies of hers. Now just to finish these assholes, then no more running or hiding for MY Angel.


  Running down
the hallway, I knew we were being followed. I heard the boots and I was about to stop to see if it was Demon, but I knew better. I caught a glimpse of the guy, it was one of Clarke's guys. Damn, what was I going to do now. I couldn't let him catch me with the twins “Alyssa, take the kids in the apartment and lock the door. I am going to lead that guy away.” she is nodded, she took Rylynn and I shoved them in the door. Once I heard the three clicks of the locks I turned to run. Someone grabbed me, I tried to scream, but a hand covered my mouth. He was dragging me back to the bar. I went limp if he wanted me he was going to have to carry me. “You scream, I'll kill you.” He removed his hands from my mouth and threw me over his shoulder. Did he know who I really was? I highly doubt that, I've never seen this man before, so there is no way he could have.

  He dropped me on the floor of the bar. What was the game plan here. There was no way the Knights were going to let him walk out with me. I looked around at the number of fights that were going on. Steel and Clarke were going at it. Demon and some other guy squared off. A few other members we are fighting the other guys. They both froze momentarily when he saw me sitting on the floor. FUCK. Clarke looked over at me and smiled his demented grin. I heard a click from behind me. Looking over my shoulder I realized it was a gun. DOUBLE FUCK! Steel and Demon stood up and released the men with a shove.

  It was Clarke who spoke first, “Well, well, well. Hello Rebecca.”


  “Steel, it looks like you have been lying to me. If anybody moves I kill her.” He pointed at me as he spoke.



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