The Game

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The Game Page 69

by Kira Blakely

  She didn’t miss the look that crossed Dawson’s face, although she couldn’t quite tell what it was, other than it being a private thought and possibly something that he didn’t want to share.

  “In fact, my best friend, Laura, is actually the one that persuaded me to move from there to here. I loved helping my parents out on the farm, but with regards to actually building a career for myself, well, let’s just say that there would have been no chance if I’d stayed there.” A tender smile crossed her face that made Dawson wish that he’d known her as she was growing up. “I’m really glad that I came here though, because now I can send some decent money home to my folks to help them out. It also means that they don’t have to work quite so hard, which makes me happy.”

  “It sounds like you had a wonderful childhood, and helping your parents out now is a wonderful thing to do.” His voice could only be described as wistful, and Alexa couldn’t help but wonder why.

  She nodded her head in agreement. “I really did. I was lucky.” She looked at him curiously. “So what about you, Dawson? I know you’re a billionaire now, but what gave you the drive to ‘make it,’ or were you just born into money?” She couldn’t believe that she’d actually asked him such a personal question, and as soon as the words were out of her mouth she wished that she could take them back. “Never mind. It’s none of my business.”

  “I asked you first, so it’s only fair that you get to ask the same question of me.” He paused as he tried to find the words to describe his upbringing. “No, my family wasn’t rich. In fact, I don’t even know who my family is. All I know is that my mother was a heroin addict and I was taken away from her and placed in the foster system as soon as I was born. Well, as soon as I was well enough and big enough to leave the hospital.” He gave a wry laugh that was totally devoid of humor and Alexa could have cried for the mental picture he’d just drawn.

  “I’m so sorry, Dawson. I shouldn’t have asked.” It was obviously painful for him to talk about, and she hated to know that she’d been the one to make him remember.

  He shook his head and gave her a smile. “It’s okay, Alexa, honestly. It’s been so long since someone has genuinely cared enough to ask that it actually feels good to talk about it. Kind of cathartic in a way.” He gave a gruff cough before continuing. “Anyway, as soon as I was old enough I was fostered out to a couple, but within a few months they found out that they were expecting a child of their own, so back to the children’s home I went. And it was like that on and off for the next ten years or so. I’d go to a foster family, but they always found a reason to send me back again, until I started to realize that they weren’t the problem. I was.”

  “Don’t say that! How can a young child possibly be to blame because the adults in his life failed him? That’s just bullshit!” It wasn’t very often that Alexa felt outraged, but right now she would have loved to go and find some of the so-called ‘parents’ who had fostered Dawson and punch them in the nose.

  Dawson shook his head again. “Well, I don’t know whether it was the foster parents, myself, or the whole foster system in general that failed, but it got to the point where I just didn’t care anymore and I totally rebelled against anyone or anything in authority.” He gave another mirthless laugh. “I was expelled from so many schools for fighting and vandalism that if it hadn’t been for Ralph, the guy who ran the local boxing gym, I would have probably ended up in prison. In fact, most of the adults I came into contact with swore that that’s where I was going to end up. But Ralph taught me discipline in the right way, as well as self-control. He also let me know that it was okay to dream big and aim for the stars, because I was capable of doing anything I set my mind to.”

  “How did you meet Ralph?” Alexa was genuinely curious.

  “It’s a long story, and I won’t bore you with all of the details right now. But Ralph was an older gentleman who’d lived in our rough part of town for as long as any of us kids could remember. He had a knack for finding out which kids needed help or support, and he opened the gym so that they’d have a place to go that was safe and which kept them off the streets.” Dawson smiled as the memories of his old friend flooded back. “He never turned anyone away, and he was always ready to listen or part with a few words of wisdom – whether we wanted to hear them or not. His gym was my safe haven, and it was where I used to unload most of my anger and frustration.”

  Alexa was totally unaware of the tears that rolled unchecked down her face, and Dawson was so engrossed in telling her the unedited version of his life so far that he didn’t notice either.

  “So, I worked hard and got myself a job at Ralph’s place. After a few months, one of the regulars I had come to know had offered me an even better job working as a janitor at his corporation. When I saw how the other half lived, I was more determined than ever to do something better with my life, so I enrolled in an online college course for business management, and went from strength to strength. It took me over ten years and a lot of hard work, but I built my own company, and now I actually employ some of the very same people who’d told me that I would amount to nothing.”

  He finally looked across at Alexa, dreading seeing the look of pity or revulsion that he was sure would be on her face. But, when he saw the way she was crying, his heart almost stopped beating. “Alexa? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He quickly moved across to her seat and placed a hand on her shoulder, and her floodgates opened up even more as she broke down and openly sobbed.

  “I’m crying because no child should ever have to go through what you went through. I just don’t understand how people can be so cruel.” She was hiccupping with the force of her sobs, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. “Don’t people realize that a child is a precious thing and that they should all be nurtured, loved, and encouraged to do whatever makes them happy?” She looked up at Dawson with a fierce look in her blood-shot eyes. “I hope that you make their lives hell!”

  Dawson let out a chuckle at how adorable she looked with her snotty, red nose, blotchy face, and watery eyes. “Whose lives should I make hell?”

  “The ones that work for you that were supposed to look after you when you were a little boy!” Her waterworks had started anew as she thought about how small and defenseless he must have been and how much suffering he must have gone through. “It’s not fair, Dawson!”

  Wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her into his chest, he smoothed back her long hair as he tried to calm her down.

  “Shhh. It’s okay. I had the last laugh, didn’t I? Look where I am right this minute. I’m being chauffeured around in a limo on my way to a charity gala with a beautiful woman. Life doesn’t get much better than this.”

  He was shocked to realize that he was actually speaking the truth. Life didn’t get much better than this, and for the first time in his life, he had a woman to thank for that fact.


  “COME ON NOW. Dry those beautiful eyes for me. No more crying, okay?” He used his thumb to wipe away an errant tear, and as she looked up at him with sad eyes, he found himself unable to resist and dipped his head slowly toward hers, giving her plenty of time to pull away before his lips claimed hers in a kiss that was both tender and genuinely caring.

  Alexa wasn’t sure why she didn’t pull away. She’d been determined that nothing sexual was ever going to happen between them. But as she looked up at him and watched his mouth descend toward hers, she tilted her head and raised herself up slightly, letting him wordlessly know that she wanted him to kiss her.

  Dawson paused for what felt like an interminable length of time until Alexa couldn’t stand the wait any longer. Her hand crept up around his neck and she gave a gentle tug, pulling his face even closer to hers until she could feel the warmth of his breath against her lips. A split second later, it was his lips against hers that she was feeling as they met in a kiss that was as tender as it was passionate, and as erotic as it was tentative. They kissed in such a way that it was as though
their mouths were learning from each other, and as his tongue came out to run lightly across her bottom lip, she couldn’t help the almost silent moan of lust that escaped her.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in closer, turning his own body so that he could get to her easier as the kiss deepened even further. Their tongues came together and they explored each other’s mouths as her hand tangled in his thick hair, and one of his hands gently stroked up and down her back, sending shivers of awareness trickling down her spine.

  “We can stop at any time. You know that, right?” Dawson had pulled away just enough to utter the reassuring words, but Alexa was in no mood to stop now, and she pulled his head back down to hers for another kiss.

  Dear God, he tastes wonderful, she thought to herself almost incoherently. It was a mixture of whiskey and something else that she couldn’t quite put her finger on – and she couldn’t get enough of it. She felt Dawson change his position again and he effortlessly lifted her and placed her on his lap so that her legs straddled him on the seat and her body was cradled in his arms. Their mouths remained locked together even as he moved her, and as she settled into his lap she could feel the distinct bulge of his arousal pressing into her bottom.

  Dawson groaned at the contact her body made against his, and he had to fight the urge to rip her clothes off and ravish her. She’s not that kind of woman, so control yourself, he reminded himself, as she moved slightly and another groan was torn from him. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her away, especially when they were in the back of a moving vehicle and she had nowhere to run. He might have the reputation of being a total asshole, but he did have enough morals to instinctively know that Alexa was a lady and not just his usual type of lay. And you’d better remember that and treat her right, the inner voice of his conscience piped up.

  “We really shouldn’t be doing this.” Alexa’s voice was a breathless, husky whisper that sent another lightning bolt of lust to the ever-growing bulge between his legs. “I never do this. Not ever.” It was as though she was trying to reassure him that she wasn’t a slut and that she didn’t sleep around, but he already knew that about her on a deeper level than he’d ever experienced before. And the knowledge both thrilled and terrified him.

  His lips grazed hers in another kiss before he raised his head to look at her. “Alexa, you only have to say the word and we can stop.” It would be a near impossible task, but he would make sure he did it. “I promise you that I won’t think badly of you either way.”

  He’d been half expecting her to pull away from him and put a stop to whatever this was that was going on between them right now. So when she wrapped both arms around his neck and tugged on his hair to pull his face back down to hers, he was elated. Taking his cue from her, he whispered something unintelligible against her mouth, and then took control of the kiss from her.

  It was a kiss that left Alexa’s head spinning as he nibbled and licked, using his tongue to thrust and invade her mouth until her body was shuddering and her bones were weak. With his arms supporting her, her head fell back against the seat as heat pulsated throughout her body. Between her thighs, a fire raged almost out of control. She could hear herself whimpering with need, but she was totally oblivious to their surroundings. She knew that she had never been kissed so thoroughly before, and she was in no rush for him to end it.

  Dawson eventually relented, pulling back just a little and smiling as Alexa’s mouth immediately sought his again. He was eager to satisfy the need that they had for each other, and while he was enjoying kissing her more than he had ever enjoyed kissing a woman before, he knew that they both needed and craved more. He knew that she was relatively inexperienced and that he would have to make the next move, but he wanted her to feel as though she had the final say and control over how things went from here.

  “Touch me, please.” The deep, husky timber of his voice as he spoke the request had her eyes opening wide as another bolt of desire shot through her. Even in the dim interior of the car, she could see the almost desperate need in his eyes and she knew that it mirrored her own expression. She hesitated as she looked at him, not sure if she had the guts to do as he’d asked, but wanting desperately to be brave enough. “Please, Alexa.”

  Hearing the almost desperate plea in his voice was her undoing, and she slid a hand down between their bodies until her palm grazed across the steely hardness of his manhood. Dawson’s breath left his body in a hiss at the touch, and his own hand came down on top of hers, pressing down against the material of his jeans and leaving her in no doubt as to just how turned on he was.

  “See what you do to me? Just kissing you has me on the brink of cumming, Alexa.”

  She knew exactly what he meant, because she could feel the wetness between her own thighs and her body ached and throbbed with desire. She’d never felt this kind of desperate need before, and right at this moment in time she would have done absolutely anything he’d asked of her without giving a second thought.

  “I feel the same way.” Her voice was a husky whisper – almost unrecognizable even to her. “I want…” Her voice trailed off in embarrassment as she realized what she’d been about to say.

  “What do you want, baby? Tell me.” He’d have given her the moon on a stick if that’s what she’d asked for.

  She could feel herself blushing, and was once again grateful for how dark it was inside the limo. Oh my God! There were in a limo, with a driver! What if he could see what they were doing? She shot a nervous glance at the glass partition that separated them. Dawson interpreted the look and was quick to reassure her.

  “It’s okay. He can’t see or hear anything back here. I promise.” He smiled at her sigh of relief. “Now, tell me what you want.”

  “I want to feel you touching me.” She stammered just a little, but felt proud of herself for being able to get the words out.

  Dawson’s cock gave another, almost painful twitch as he heard her say the words. “I want that, too. So very badly.” He moved her off his lap and lay her down on the longest seat of the limo, bending to plant another steamy kiss on her lips. She held her breath as his lips left her mouth, and he kissed along her jawline before moving his attention lower to her collarbone. He raised his head to look at her, wanting to gauge her reaction as he asked her once more if she was absolutely sure. When she nodded her head shyly in agreement, his fingers started to undo the small buttons of her blouse.

  It was Alexa’s turn to watch him as he concentrated on his task, and she was mesmerized by the intent expression on his ruggedly handsome face. As the last button was undone, he parted the cotton material, and she held her breath as he looked down at her exposed upper body. She had never been so grateful for having the foresight to wear a lacy, white bra and matching panties, rather than her normal, plain underwear. She heard him groan as he looked at her full breasts in their lace confines, her hardened nipples jutting at the delicate material almost as though they were begging to be released.

  His hands came up to cup her tits and his thumbs grazed over her pebbled buds. “I want to go slowly with you and do things to you for hours that will leave you trembling and incoherent with pleasure.” His voice was a gruff whisper. “But I’m not sure that I have the patience or the willpower this first time, and the close confines of a car don’t leave me with much room to maneuver.”

  Alexa shocked herself with the words that came out of her mouth. “I don’t want you to go slowly. I don’t want you to be gentle. I want you, Dawson.” As soon as the words left her mouth she wished that she could snatch them back and pretend she’d never said anything.

  But Dawson had no intention of ignoring what she’d said, and he quickly unsnapped the front fastening of her bra and lowered his mouth to suck a throbbing nipple between his lips. As his tongue flicked over the top of her sensitized flesh, his thumb and forefinger of his other hand pinched and teased at her other nipple, making her gasp in pleasure. Without thinking about it, her hand tangled in his hair
, holding his head to her breast as he suckled and tormented her delightfully.

  “That feels so good.” She wasn’t sure if she’d said the words out loud, but as he gave an appreciative moan against her skin, she knew that he’d heard her. “I want to feel you inside me. Please, Dawson.”

  He didn’t say anything as he moved away from her, just far enough so that he could undo his jeans and push them and his boxers down over his hips. She was in awe as she watched his massive cock spring free, and then he was reaching forward, pushing her skirt upwards as he took hold of her lace panties and pulled them down her legs and off her ankles.

  “Sweetheart, this seat isn’t big enough for me to be on top of you, so I’m afraid that it’s going to have to be the other way around.”

  “That sounds good to me.” The couple of times that she’d had sex in the past had never involved her being on top, and it had always been something that she’d wondered about.

  Dawson didn’t need to be told twice, and in one swift movement, his arms wrapped around her body, and he lifted her up as he turned and sat down on the leather upholstery. Facing him with her legs straddling his, Alexa could feel his cock pressing against her entrance and, for the first time, she felt nervous at how large he felt.

  There’s no way that’s going to fit inside me, she thought nervously. But as he reached down between their bodies and took hold of himself with one hand, her nerves disappeared. She knew that he wasn’t going to do anything that would hurt her, and he was obviously experienced enough to know what he was doing.

  “Kiss me.” She bobbed her head forward and their mouths melded together, and as she got lost in the taste of his lips, he slowly slid his cock into her pussy. Alexa forgot to breathe as he slowly pushed upwards; his hands on her hips held her in place. He pulled out and then shoved upwards again, going in a little further as she lowered herself onto him until her warm wetness sheathed him completely. “You feel so tight.”


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