Saving Forever - Part 6: A Romantic-Medical Love Story

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Saving Forever - Part 6: A Romantic-Medical Love Story Page 1

by Lexy Timms

  Saving Forever

  Part 6


  Lexy Timms

  Copyright 2015 by Lexy Timms

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright 2015 by Lexy Timms

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  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.


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  This is Part 6 of a 6 book series

  Book 1 of this series is FREE!


  Sometimes the heart needs a different kind of saving... find out if Charity Thompson will find a way of saving forever in this hospital setting Best-Selling Romance by Lexy Timms

  Charity and Elijah have hit their stride. Now both doctors, they live a busy life but have the perfect family. Jamie Lynn is a lively two year old whom they both adore. There is also Elijah’s mother, Margaret, and Charity’s father, Dr. Scott Thompson. Who says love and passion don’t happen after sixty?

  Charity is about to learn that with life, even when you have everything; change is inevitable.

  A new position at the hospital causes her to doubt herself, and a near tragedy involving Jamie are only the start of the obstacles Elijah and Charity must overcome.

  Will love be enough to carry them through? Or will the hear need a different kind of saving?

  ** This is NOT Erotica. It's Romance and a love story. **

  * This is Part 1 of an 8 book Romance Series *


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27


  Coming Soon:

  Now Available:

  The Recruiting Trip


  The Recruiting Trip Sample

  Chapter 1

  The Recruiting Trip Sample

  Chapter 2

  The Recruiting Trip Sample

  Chapter 3

  Chapter One

  Two Years Later

  Charity lay in bed, a victim of motherhood. She had heard it from other mothers but she doubted the affliction would ever affect her. Her sleeping patterns had changed drastically between Jamie and finishing her residency. Jamie was nearly two years old. Charity no longer slept soundly. It seemed as if one ear was always awake in case her daughter needed her. She had heard the light sleeping would continue forever, even as Jamie left the nest.

  She rolled over to find Elijah sleeping soundly, his toned abdomen rose and fell in perfect rhythm. She was one lucky lady with her little angel sleeping in the next room and her masterpiece of a husband next to her.

  “You’re staring at me, Charity. I can feel your eyes upon me,” Elijah said in a low husky voice.

  It sent a thrill down to her core. Charity loved his morning voice because it made him seem so vulnerable. The authoritative doctor’s voice was fine for the hospital, but this way he was defenseless and easily ravaged.

  “You know me well, Dr. Bennet. I was going to let you sleep because you had to cover for Reynolds at the hospital. I know seventy year olds who have recovered from replacement knees faster. He has been out for two weeks. I heard through the hospital grapevine he was a horrible patient.”

  “That’s not very nice to say.” Elijah’s eyes remained closed, but the corners of his mouth rose.

  “I also heard everyone breathed a sigh of relief when he was put under. The anesthesiologist had never received a round of applause before. My only hope is that he’ll stop complaining about the pain.”

  Elijah placed his finger over Charity’s lips. “Enough shop talk, beautiful. It’s our time.” He rolled her over so her upper body pressed against his. His eyes were open, bright and gorgeous ocean blue-green as if he’d been awake for hours. He slowly and deliberately pulled Charity’s peach silk nightgown off to reveal her supple breasts. They had returned to their natural shape and size when Jamie finished breastfeeding. Elijah loved them in any size because they were a part of Charity.

  “I don’t know how you still have energy when you’ve had so little sleep.” Charity purred at his touch as he ran his surgeon’s fingers from her breasts down to her navel and beyond.

  “I can’t sleep knowing you’re next to me awake. I have to pinch myself sometimes because I can’t believe you’re mine. This is reality, not a dream, right?”

  Charity let him know it wasn’t a dream as she peeled off his boxer-briefs and straddled him with her naked body. He was ready for her, as always, and she guided him inside of her.

  One instant of bliss, the next back to rea

  “Impeccable timing, again.” Elijah groaned.

  Charity popped off Elijah and quickly pressed her lips to his before scurrying into Jamie’s room as soon as she had started to cry. “Mornin’, Peanut.”

  Jamie stood in her crib. Her soft blonde ringlets and saucer blue eyes were a work of art. Charity loved her beautiful name and called her Jamie Lynn most of the time, but she often fell back to Jamie’s prenatal nickname. “Did you have sweet dreams, darling, of princesses and ponies?”

  “Mommy, I pooped.” Jamie smiled broadly to show her vast assortment of teeth. Jamie’s incisors erupted early much to Charity’s dismay. She was four months old when she first bit Charity’s nipple. Charity yelped causing Elijah to come charging to see what was the matter.

  Elijah and Charity were not like most parents, in that they actually argued over who was to change Jamie’s diaper. This time Charity got the honors as she scooped Jamie out of her crib and placed her on the changing table. It always reminded her of Elijah’s mother.

  It had been a few days since she had FaceTimed Margaret and it was something she would have to fit into her schedule. She would dress Jamie in something cute, preferably an outfit purchased by her mother-in-law. She had to remember to take into account the time difference before calling her. Charity had completed her residence and was now a full doctor and she still forgot that New Zealand was sixteen hours ahead.

  “Are you and Jamie planning your day?” Elijah walked in and made a face at the smell. He didn’t say anything, just bagged the evidence and tied it tightly shut.

  “You know us girls; it takes forever to pick out what we’re going to wear. I think Jamie’s going for the pink jumper with the tulip appliques.”

  “Does Jamie own much that isn’t pink?” Elijah smiled.

  Jamie waved her hand, like she was holding a magic wand. “Pink, pink, pink. Daddy, I pooped. Squishy poop.” The look on Jamie’s face was priceless.

  Elijah laughed. “I know, peanut. Mommy’s working on making that all better.” He came up behind Charity and placed his hands around her smooth hips. Everything on her body went back to where it was after Jamie’s birth. Charity was relieved, but Elijah said he’d be happy regardless of whether she lost the weight or not.

  “You have to get in the shower, Elijah.” She checked her watch. “I need to feed Jamie breakfast or we’ll be late.”

  He gave Charity the sultry look, which would have had her joining him for water fun, but now there was Jamie.

  Who was now clean, dry, and running for day light. She had started walking at ten months, and now Charity bet she could give Usain Bolt a run for his money. If they had cameras in every room, they would have viral videos on YouTube. Two highly educated adults being outwitted and outrun by a two year old. The house was baby proofed and the doors locked, but Jamie always managed to get into something. She headed for Charity’s crayon box, which is what Jamie called her make-up bag.

  “I got you, peanut!” Charity scooped her daughter up just before she lost her lipstick, or another eye pencil. When they said raising children was expensive, they never mentioned the cost of makeup.

  Elijah patted Charity’s derriere. “Guess we’ll resume what we started later tonight? I dread when you’re back at work full time. I’ll have to put my entertainment parts on ice.”

  Charity laughed, knowing exactly what he meant by entertainment parts. She’d grown used to his accent, but it still caught every now and again as super sexy. She watched as Elijah walked down the hallway to the bathroom. If possible, he was sexier than the day she had met him. Fatherhood had softened any rough edges he had. It wasn’t as if he gained any weight or lost any muscle. His physique was still amazing but he seemed to move differently and love deeper. There was a new layer of Elijah to enjoy.

  If I weren’t holding this bundle of joy in my arms, I’d chase him down and have my way with him right here in the hallway. “I’ll thaw ‘em out for you every chance I get!” she called out as the shower turned on.

  Chapter Two

  Elijah departed for the hospital exactly twenty minutes later. Charity felt a pang of jealousy for his devotion to his medical career now that she decided to give practicing medicine a break. She understood it more than before. She knew what it took to be a doctor, since she was one and it was no usual gig. You didn’t walk out the hospital doors and forget about the patients you’d just cut into or anticipate those to come. She couldn’t help feeling that Jamie’s new tooth was more important than Mrs. Richter’s heart valve replacement.

  When she started working for the Pinnacle Foundation, or PF as she referred to it now, perhaps she’d stop feeling so self-involved.

  “Hey, Jamie.” Charity forced a note of cheerfulness in her voice. “We’re going to get Gamma for a little FaceTime after we have something to eat. It’s late in New Zealand but she won’t be sleeping yet.”

  Jamie headed for the tablet at the same time Charity’s phone chimed. Elijah reprogrammed her ringtone every day as a sort of love note. Today Jack Johnson was singing, “Better When We’re Together”. Since Jamie came into the world, the tunes were toned down. The lyrics were sweet and not provocative. They put the nasty tunes on a playlist reserved for the bedroom, the hospital supply closet or wherever they got the opportunity to make love, or fuck. Sometimes there was a need for the latter more than the first.

  Charity tapped the screen of her phone. “Hey hot-stuff! Did you forget something?”

  “Didn’t get a kiss from you and now my lips are burning,” Elijah teased. The sound of traffic let Charity know he was already on the highway.

  “We were just going to eat some eggs and toast. Then it’s Gamma-time. Not to be confused with Hamma-time.” She headed to the kitchen.

  “I have a hamma I’d like to pound you with,” Elijah joked.

  “Tonight. Right now, I’m being Mommy. What’s up?” She pulled a carton of eggs, pack of bacon and butter out of the fridge.

  “I might be late tonight. Seems we’re over-booking surgeries these days. I figured if I forgot to tell you, I’ll get distracted during a surgery and probably leave a clamp in some poor patient’s abdomen.”

  “Don’t worry. I hear that kind of thing happens quite often. The patient usually doesn’t die but malpractice implications are a bitch.” She was used to him being late. It came with the job. “Love you. Here’s the peanut, she wants to talk to you too.” Charity handed the phone to Jamie, which was not the best idea, as she tended to hurl the thing after she finished talking.

  “I love you Jamie,” Elijah cooed into the phone, which was now on speaker.

  “Love, love Dadda. Daddy home?”

  “I’ll be home later, bud. Take care of your beautiful mummy.”

  “Mommy bu-ti-ful. Eggs!” Jamie threw the phone, which Charity caught with Major League prowess.

  “Any chance you’ll be home for dinner?” Charity turned off the speaker phone and tucked it between her ear and shoulder. She lowered her voice, even though she knew Jamie wouldn’t understand what she was saying. “I’ll have Jamie down by seven. I don’t mind eating late. We can do soft music and candlelight as we did before parenthood hit us. You know, make a little music of our own.”

  Elijah laughed. “Tempting, but let’s be honest, Charity, we had take-out Thai food back in the day. Even when you were a resident.” He chuckled again. “You did save my arse from crazy-lady one time. Actually, I don’t even think we own candles.” A sympathetic sigh blew through the phone. “I have a meeting post op and then I’m supposed to meet up with Simon tonight. Do a little male bonding. Dude needs his bro.”

  “Everything cool with him on the home front?” Julie and she hadn’t done much talking since Jamie and work had overcrowded most of Charity’s day. She heard the beep of Elijah’s car in the background. He’d already pulled into the hospital and was probably jogging to the staff entrance.

  “You know him and Julie. Things get tense and then they’re fine
. I’ll be in touch throughout the day. Tell my Mum I say ‘allo. I’m about to lose you, just hopping on the elevator.” Elijah hung up.

  She pictured him in his blue scrubs leaning sideways against the elevator wall. His broad shoulders and not quite clean-shaven face providing eye-candy to a gaggle of nurses. They received a glimmer of his sparkling white teeth when he smiled and said I love you to his wife and child.

  “Oops, sorry, Mommy.” Jamie smiled after she tossed a fistful of scrambled eggs at Charity.

  Charity had to turn away so Jamie didn’t see her laughing. She didn’t want her to get in the habit of throwing food.

  “Food is for eating and not throwing. Let’s FaceTime Gamma and get her before she removes her makeup.” Margaret hated being seen without the stuff on although she didn’t need it. Margaret looked forty-five and she recently passed sixty. Add on a couple of years because she was rumored to fib about her age. She was a hot older woman. Charity didn’t blame her dad for being attracted to her.

  Charity set the iPad on the counter so Jamie had full view of her Gamma. The ring echoed through the kitchen before it connected to the other side of the world. “Margaret!”

  Jamie began shouting as she recognized the face on the screen. “GAMMA! GAMMA! GAMMMMMAAA!!!”

  “How’s my favorite grandchild?” Margaret waved and her face lit up.

  Charity loved watching both Elijah’s mom and her dad turn to mush when they were around Jamie. The stuffy Dr. Scott Thompson became unrecognizable when he was in Jamie’s presence. Come to think of it, he was pretty darn chill when Margaret was around too. Charity wanted to spread the love. She held a secret hope that Mrs. Bennet and her father would become a couple someday. Elijah didn’t agree with her matchmaking antics and he would say, ‘Put away your arrow cupid.’

  Charity set Jamie down and handed her the iPad. “Chat away, Mommy’s going to get dressed.” She watched Jamie run to the living room, her voice chatting faster than her little feet. Charity headed upstairs to let the meeting of the mutual admiration society continue. When she returned a few moments later, Margaret had started with the flashcards.


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