Alpha in Chains - Cuffed by the Queen 1

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Alpha in Chains - Cuffed by the Queen 1 Page 2

by Debby Drake

  “On my way. The prisoner was combative and had to be subdued. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  “Roger that. I’ll notate that, Bravo One.”

  Yoshiri quickly got up and put carefully put her uniform back on, taking care to ensure that it appeared exactly the same way it did when she left the palace. Aristellia would definitely notice if it were disturbed. The woman was very pragmatic and took notice to the smallest details. As her consort, Yoshiri held a special place among the officers and was almost treated as royalty herself. She looked at him for a brief second in what appeared to be remorse then picked up her radio and made sure it was silenced. “Did you hear that conversation?”

  “Yes. What’s wrong, Yoshiri.”

  “Just remember that you did nothing wrong today, Hernandez. Not I apologize, but you have been very combative today. Close your eyes. I’ll make this quick. Before Rick could question her vague comments, Yoshiri pulled out her nightstick and the last thing Rick heard was the buzz and crackle of the electricity as it ran through the weapon. Yoshiri placed it against his chest and pushed a button on the side. She shook her head as he twitched a few times before falling unconscious back on the bed. She looked down at his unconscious body and said, “Humans. They are such weak creatures.”

  Yoshiri then picked up his limp body using her superior strength and walked with him only clad in his jeans, to the palace entrance. The guards, who wear at the door, looked at her with amazement and a sense of awe as they admired her strength in bringing the combative human in alone and carrying his dead weight all the way to the entrance. “Bravo One. Let us assist you. We’ll help carry the prisoner.”

  “It’s about time, isn’t it?”

  Carrying Rick’s dead weight through the door, she immediately proceeded down a long hallway entering a room using a key card. There Yoshiri and the guards placed the prisoner in bed and unlocked his wrist restraints. The man was no longer a threat and as with the majority of prisoners brought to the palace they assumed he wouldn’t be as combative when he saw his new surroundings and would be assimilated into their society for breeding stock. After punching a few buttons and listening for the distinct series of beeps, Yoshiri saluted the guards and walked quickly walked to the palace office where she found her Queen anxiously waiting.

  Chapter 4.

  Seeing her chosen one, Queen Aristellia rushed over to Yoshiri and placed her hands on her shoulders. “I was told there was a struggle. I trust you were not harmed?”

  “No ma’am.”

  Yoshiri stood with her hands behind her back, still at attention in front of both her lover and her Queen. Aristellia voice grew soft and she said, “You know I worry about you.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “At ease, Yoshiri. You’re not under any sanctions for being late. I commend you for your bravery in taking down the hostile prisoner. Now come to me.”

  Yoshiri walked to Aristellia who immediately wrapped her arms around the woman, pulling her into an embrace. Yoshiri looked into her soft blue eyes and found, not hostility nor anger, but tenderness in them. She exhaled in relief. The woman’s moods were ever changing yet today it appeared she was on her good side. The two were an excellent couple and she would have gladly stayed by Aristellia’s side for the remainder of her life… but there was something pulling her away. She had a deep yearning to break free from her life as a consort and explore the planet, possibly even having a family. This was a luxury her lifestyle had not afforded her. She had joined the royal army at a very young age and was essentially raised by some of the most powerful warriors on the planet. The older Queen had found her at a training camp when she turned of age, and from that point on had taken her under her wing, giving her not only a luxurious life, but showering her with affection and all the pleasure she could be provided with.

  Yoshiri was grateful and most certainly loved the queen, but she lacked the passion for the woman she once had in her youth. They both knew their relationship had come to a virtual standstill, and that was the reasoning for the strict scheduling of social time that now was implemented in their daily lives.

  Yoshiri pulled Aristellia further into their embrace and kissed her deeply, marveling at how the Queen still closed her eyes and smiled after the kiss ended. In that very moment everything seemed right with the world and they both seemed to remember why they fell for one another. “I apologize for my lateness, your majesty. I will strive for that not to happen again. Also, I realize this puts our meeting behind, and will cut into our social time.”

  “Don’t you worry about that Yoshiri. I went ahead and digitized all the information you needed for today’s notes on a flash drive for you to review in your quarters at your convenience. I also initialed on the sign off sheets on your behalf. We are in good shape and there are no urgent matters of state to attend to.”

  “Thank you so much, I do appreciate that, your majesty.”

  “I suggest you go ahead and get changed for our social call, I shall be doing the same. Of course, it’s a picnic, so wear proper footwear, my dear.”

  “Ah yes… the ravine. I have been looking forward to this occasion all week. Thank you for still allowing me to go even though I didn’t get enough work completed today.”

  “Paperwork can wait until tomorrow, my darling, now don’t fret. We are going to enjoy ourselves. I know I personally could use the time to soak up some additional sun. These old bones, are beginning to tire easily anymore it seems.”

  Yoshiri gave her a sly smile and wink at that remark. “You’re definitely not as old as you think when it comes to certain things.”

  “That’s because you keep me young. Now go. Otherwise we may miss the sunset. Then I really will be upset.”

  As Yoshiri turned to walk out of the room, Aristellia gave her a playful smack on the bottom and smiled.

  Yoshiri walked into their shared bedroom and began to strip off her uniform once more. She took off her boots and cracked her toes, closing her eyes and enjoying the sensation of her bare feet on the plush carpet. Being upper class did have its perks and she did relish having the finer things in their society. She could hear the Queen in the next room, getting ready for their date. She had made an adjustment to the palace after realizing that both of them needed additional spaces to get ready for their day since both women did enjoy the luxury of extra-long showers or baths. After the morning and afternoon she had, Yoshiri decided a hot shower would be far better. She did have to after all, wash the scent of the human off her body before Aristellia noticed the husky scent of Hernandez’s sweat on her skin, not to mention the dank smell of the remnants of his seed on her lips.

  Turning the water to its near hottest setting, Yoshiri got in the shower letting the spray soothe all of her aching muscles. She then tilted her neck back, soaking her long hair and relishing the relief and comfort the warmth provided. She got the Queen’s favorite shampoo from the top shelf and lathered it thickly in her strands, knowing its scent would drive her wild. She enjoyed it when Aristellia would breathe in her scent while kissing her neck and comment on how it made her feel euphoric. Even with their lengthy history, she enjoyed those little moments. Even with thoughts of the Queen in her head, as she soaped up her body in a rich lavender body wash, she couldn’t shake the image of Hernandez’s warm brown eyes and rippled chest muscles from her mind. She found him to be one of the finest of his species and she was absolutely delighted when Aristellia agreed to allow him into the palace. She didn’t know why, but she felt an odd kinship with the man she barely knew and the heat between them was easy. If she weren’t attached to Aristellia and had the freedom to explore her other options she may have petitioned to be allowed to mate with the man. She knew, however, barring a rebellion or even an affair that was not to be. And if she did mate with a man without Aristellia permission, death would be the price to pay. That law was unforgivable and unchangeable.

  Chapter 5.

  Rick opened his eyes and
groaned. He felt as if he’d been hit by a bus. His head throbbed and he squinted as the light hurt his eyes. He rubbed them a few times then tried to sit up feeling instantly nauseous. After fighting off the initial wave of dizziness he came to realize he was actually in the palace, recalling the events that took place before his world went black. He was thankful that his accommodations seemed far nicer than in the prison camp. He had his own personal lavatory and there was a shower as well as a sink. There had been a tray sat to the side of his bed with food and water. Opening a small bureau beside the bed he even found clean clothes, a toothbrush, soaps, hand lotion, and some pain killers.

  He gingerly stood up and on shaky legs walked to the sink and filled a small glass with water quickly downing it with the pain killers. He knew that he was too sick to his stomach to think about food, but at the same time, a full meal was something he didn’t think he’d see again. He went to the door and pulled on the handle. Of course it was locked, but he had to at least make an attempt to exit. Turning to the left side of his bed, he saw a tiny window. It appeared that he wasn’t alone on the floor, he could actually see into the room adjacent to him. A large man with greying hair was sitting on his bed with his head lowered, appearing to read a book. He pressed a button next to a speaker and a buzz echoed throughout his room and into the man’s.

  The man sighed and turned to the speaker he looked at Rick and smiled broadly running a hand through his short grey hair before pressing the speaker button and responding, “What do ya want, kid? Can’t ya see I’m busy here?!”

  “You can hear me?”

  “Yes, and I can see you. Now what’s on your mind?”

  “Are we in the palace?”

  “Yes. Oh and kid, give it half an hour or so before you try to eat anything. That jolt, I’m telling you it’s some powerful stuff. You’ll be up to speed in a bit though. My suggestion is you lay your ass back down and get some sleep.”

  “Who are you?”

  “Geez…what’s with the twenty questions… you wanna date me or something? The name’s Marius if you’re terribly concerned and I’ve been here now for oh I don’t know … maybe a decade or something…who knows at this point.”

  “A decade…that’s impossible.”

  “It’s a shame… I think the ol’ stick must’ve fried some of your brain cells. Did you really think you were the first captain from the USSA to land on this planet? Hell no. My boys and I we tried to do a conquest and got our asses handed to us by these warrior broads. Now…here I sit. End of story.”

  “You mean the government knew that you landed here before and didn’t send a rescue party?!”

  “Ha! Oh boy… maybe you’re just naturally delusional. Would you? Think about it kid. Would it really be worth it for a few space cowboys? Nah. They cut their losses and moved on. They’ll do the same with you and your crew… unless a daring escape mission is what you had in mind… then I’m all ears.”

  Before Rick could continue their conversation he looked down and saw a red stain on his chest. His nose had started gushing blood and he was feeling faint. Noticing the man’s predicament, the older man said, “Calm down kid. Stop the nosebleed then lay down. I don’t say these things just to hear myself talk. Your body’s still in shock but it will acclimate with rest. What’s your name, rookie?”

  “Hernandez. Captain Rick Hernandez.”

  “Ah Captain. I was a Captain once too. I’ll never forget the day I got my wings. Hah! That was the best moment of my life. Now lay down… that’s an order Captain. Consider me your new Admiral.”

  Rick saluted the veteran, but then did heed his advice. He stopped the bleeding from his nostrils and then put on a clean white t-shirt and lay back down on his comfortable bed, nestling in the pillow and blanket, thankful that his body could finally recover from some of its previous ailments.

  Chapter 6.

  The ravine was a sight to behold with its thick trees and twisting vines which seemed to stretch on for eons. Aristellia always loved this spot. When they discovered the ravine during a commodities scout, she immediately declared it a national monument akin to a state park. There would be no resource gathering, nor would there be any structures built on the site. She wanted it left completely untouched or unclaimed. Aristellia and Yoshiri sat hand in hand on the edge of a slope and together they watched a Chevallion take a mouthful of Jocasta berries and scurry up a tall tree. They looked at one another smiled, while Yoshiri then rested her head on Aristellia shoulder. “Did you see that my Queen?”

  “Mhm. They are getting ready for their mid-season hibernation which includes preparing the nests for their young before they fall into their slumber for their season.”

  “It’s kind of cruel don’t you think?”

  “What my dear?”

  “I just feel it’s cruel of nature to make the young endure their first winter season alone while the parents hibernate.”

  “Maybe. I honestly haven’t given it much thought, but I do know that it obviously pushes the young to be strong and independent. It leaves only the strongest to survive.”

  With that statement rolling through her brain, Yoshiri looked into her Queen’s eyes, which had turned a darker blue. The gaze held hers for what seemed like an eternity. Yoshiri knew that she was at the point where she couldn’t contain her desire any longer. She pulled her lover to her in a passionate kiss and their tongues danced together before Yoshiri gently pushed her back against the soft grass of the slope. Her hair fell in cascades around Aristellia, almost protecting her from the elements and Yoshiri made quick work of undressing both of them. “My Queen. “

  She began to trail soft kisses down the older woman’s neck until the woman’s breathing quickened below her. She didn’t question the action, nor did she attempt to push Yoshiri off of her to regain control. She relaxed even more against the soft grass and allowed Yoshiri to take her time licking and nipping at the soft tissue, enjoying the pleasure flowing with the blood through her veins. She arched her back and Yoshiri took a nipple into her mouth, rolling it around her tongue until it hardened, then she sucked on it gently, making Aristellia gasp and moan slightly. "Tell me what you want my Queen. Let me worship your body. Please… I need you.”

  “I want you to shut up and fuck me. Hard.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Yoshiri pinned Aristellia arms above her head and began kissing her way down the queen’s body. She paused to trace patterns along the queen’s most sensitive spots, caused her to gasp and moan as she struggled to position her body so that she could gain contact on she spot she wanted it most. “What’s wrong my Queen?”

  “Mmm. You always tease me so deliciously well.”

  “You trained me well, my Queen.”

  She then moved back up Aristellia body and kissed her full on the lips once more, while making a deft motion and spreading her legs wide. While Aristellia gasped at the sudden motion, Yoshiri dropped her hand to the woman’s dripping wet pussy and inserted two fingers, making the queen cry out in shock and pleasure. She then went to work, removing her mouth from Aristellia lips and lowering it over her opening. While continuing to move her fingers inside the woman, fast then slow, hard, then soft, she then found the woman’s clitoris and began to assault it with her tongue.

  She licked it hard and fast, swirling her tongue at varying speeds and directions until she felt Aristellia orgasm build below her. Even with the woman moaning she couldn’t handle anymore, Yoshiri knew far differently. She pushed into the woman even hard and sucked her clit until the woman screamed in ecstasy and her muscles constricted. She waited for the woman to slow her breathing and stop twitching before she whispered in her ear, “Was that satisfactory my Queen?”

  They both then sat up in that moment and Aristellia wrapped her arms around Yoshiri and planted a chaste kiss on her forehead as they embraced looking at the dazzling sunset over the ravine. “It was soul quenching as always, my Yoshiri. You have my gratitude.”
  “No gratitude is necessary, my Queen. I’ll always be at your service.”

  “You comfort me every single time you say that. I am becoming an old woman and I fear that soon you will seek attention and give your loyalty to another.”

  “Not a chance. I’m bound to you for life.”

  “Well come then, Yoshiri. Let’s go back to the palace and prepare for bed. Tomorrow will be a busy day for both of us with the start of the trials. I think you have done well this year with the selection of the participants and the prisoners, though. I feel it will be fruitful for our society. We haven’t had much success in bringing new ones into our lineage recently. Despite what you may think, I do plan on you inheriting my reign once my lifespan has ended.”

  “I guess we’ll just have to see what luck this new season has in store for us.”

  The following morning, Rick rose early and sat up in his bed. The ringing in his ears and the pounding in his head had finally subsided. He walked to his small sink and looked into the mirror, running a hand through his black, curly hair. He looked much older than he remembered, but his eyes still had a youthful glow and his deep dimples and chiseled jawline made him a favorite of the prison guards. He savored the small luxury of brushing his teeth and then splashed some cold water on his face to wake himself up. He saw that a breakfast tray had been set beside him and he found himself suddenly starving. Rick couldn’t remember the last time he had a full meal he could feed himself and relished the opportunity to not only take his time eating, but also enjoyed the fact he could eat as much of the plate as he wanted. He consumed the entire plate of bacon and eggs. He also made quick work of the pancakes and Jocasta berry sauce that sat in a separate cup for dipping. Seeing the mug next to the tray he smiled and had to blink so his emotions wouldn’t betray him. There was actual coffee, still warm waiting for him. He took a few sips and smiled gratefully. It had been what felt like eons since he had one of his favorite beverages and he was suddenly beside himself with gratitude.


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